scholarly journals Dual naming as a mechanism to recognize multiple identities; Casablanca or Ad-Dār al-Bayḍā

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Malak Alasli ◽  
Gábor Gercsák

Abstract. The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguish geographical entities. The Moroccan linguistic situation allows for a bilingual presentation of place names, with an Arabized version and a French counterpart that differs phonetically. On the other hand, Casablanca has dual naming, a colonial name, and an Arabic variant, which is not simply a translation that happened as a result of Arabization policies introduced after the country's independence. This study relies mainly on questionnaires, in addition to interviews, in an attempt to address the following aspects: The attitude towards the standardization of only one variant, variants and the city's cultural heritage and significance, standardization of only one variant and the accurate representation of the place, dual naming as a reminder of the multiple place histories vs. dual naming as a mere case of the language difference, and Moroccans and the etymology of the variants. The findings indicate that Casablanca shifts from a mere marker of the colonial period to an active maker of the city's heritage. Its meaning is disconnected from its historical anchorage and converted into an instrument of identity and means of historical memory. Moreover, the choice of one variant is perceived as a loss of toponymic identity, which will serve as a hindrance against the population and their relation to their past.

Osward Chanda ◽  
Peeter Päll

Names constitute a key component of the cultural heritage of any region. Though geographically, culturally and linguistically apart, Estonia and Zambia share some elements and motivations in naming. Zambia’s British colonial experience and Estonia’s Danish, German, Polish, Swedish and Russian/ Soviet influence in the past made significant changes to personal and place names in both regions. Following independence, both states made strides in the indigenisation of names for promoting local heritage and national identity. Zambia predominantly focused on changing the names of some towns, and of the country (from Northern Rhodesia to Zambia). On the other hand, the Estonian onomastic experience has been more comprehensive – regulating both personal and place names, enacting corresponding laws and maintaining the Institute of the Estonian Language to oversee language and name planning, among other responsibilities. Kokkuvõte. Osward Chanda ja Peeter Päll: Nimekorraldus Sambias ja Eestis: võrdlev analüüs. Artikkel vaatleb Sambia ja Eesti nimesituatsiooni erinevusi ja sarnasusi. Sambia on mitmekeelne maa, ametikeel on inglise; Eesti on ametlikult ükskeelne maa, praktikas käibivad eesti keele kõrval ka vene ja inglise keel. Sambia isikunimedes on perekonnanimed valdavalt kohalikku päritolu, eesnimed enamjaolt euroopalikud; kohanimed on valdavalt ühekordsed. Sambias ei ole erinevalt Eestist nimeseadusi isiku- ja kohanimede reguleerimiseks. Ühine on mõlema maa puhul asjaolu, et ajaloos on varem domineerinud võõrvõimud, mis on jätnud jälje nimepilti. Kui proovida sõnastada universaalseid nimekorralduspõhimõtteid, siis võiksid need olla 1) nimede kui kultuuripärandi kaitse; 2) kohalike nimekujude eelistamine; 3) nimede keeleline korrektsus, 4) oma kultuuriidentiteedi hoidmine, 5) nimede pragmaatiliste aspektide (eristatavus, nimeinfo kättesaadavus jm) arvestamine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Budi Gustaman

Adu domba sangat populer di Priangan, khususnya di wilayah Garut. Popularitas adu domba (Garut) tidak bisa dilepaskan dari historisitasnya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mempertanyakan kemunculan domba Garut serta pertunjukan adu domba pada awal perkembangannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah, dengan memanfaatkan sumber berupa buku dan koran yang diproduksi pada masa kolonial. Temuan utama penelitian ini ialah kemunculan jenis domba Garut dilatarbelakangi impor domba yang diinisiasi oleh K.F. Holle untuk tujuan budidaya wol. Kawin silang domba impor dan domba lokal menghasilkan jenis domba petarung yang lazim disebut domba Garut. Pertunjukan adu domba muncul dari kebiasaan masyarakat pribumi dalam mengadu binatang, hingga berkembang menjadi hiburan yang sering diselenggarakan pada setiap event besar. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah sebagai domba petarung, domba Garut muncul dari ‘ketidaksengajaan’ hingga menjadi populer sejak akhir abad ke-19, dengan diiringi berbagai kecaman dari perspektif orang Eropa perihal esensi permainannya.      Fighting sheep is very popular in Priangan, especially in the Garut region. The popularity of fighting sheep can't be separated from the history that lies behind it. This research is intended to answer the questions about the emergence of Garut sheep and sheep fighting show at the beginning of its development. The method used in this research is the historical method by utilizing sources of books and newspapers produced during the colonial period. The main finding of this study is that the emergence of the Garut sheep breed was motivated by the import of sheep initiated by K.F. Holle for wool cultivation purposes. The crossbreeding of imported sheep and local sheep has resulted in the type of fighting sheep which is now commonly referred to as Garut sheep. The fighting sheep show itself emerged from the indigenous people's habit of fighting animals which later developed into an entertainment that was often held at every major event. The conclusion of this study is that Garut sheep as fighting sheep emerged from an 'accidental habits' and then became popular since the late 19th century. On the other hand, it has also drawn criticism from the perspective of Europeans who are concerned about the essence of the fighting sheep.

Lia Milanesio

This article aims at analysing René Maran’s five animal novels. In these texts, Maran criticizes the colonial system not only for its cruelty to the native population, but also for its ecological violence against the bush and its non-human inhabitants. In particular, this research will be focusing on the author’s ability to abandon a human (and colonial) point of view in order to adopt an animal one. On the one hand, this new subjectivity – as well as Maran’s comprehension of indigenous naturalist society – allows the writer to condemn the colonial period from an ecocritical perspective. On the other hand, it provides evidence of the existence of culture among the beasts of his novels. Finally, this article will also prove that it is thanks to their culture that Maran’s animals will try to resist the colonial-centred environment and ideology.

Focaal ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 2004 (44) ◽  
pp. 72-86 ◽  
Paola Filippucci

In France, the classic produit du terroir, the local product that with its mix of skill and raw materials embodies the distinctive tie between people and their terroir (soil), is cheese. Thus, when inhabitants of the Argonne say that it “does not even have a cheese”, they imply that it lacks a patrimoine (cultural heritage). On the other hand, they do make passionate claims about 'being Argonnais', conveying a marked recognition of, and attachment to, a named place in relation to which they identify themselves and others. Focusing on this paradox, this article will highlight certain assumptions regarding the definition of cultural heritage found in public policy.

Józsa István

The figure and story of Faustus is part of the European cultural heritage, and as it usually, even inevitably happens with legends, it lives further in the adaptations of later periods and authors . It is mainly linked to Goethe’s name, his figure became well known and immortal in his works. Ever since Goethe, all authors – who respect themselves – in German literature must write a new Faustus, while in other nation’s literatures newer and newer paraphrases were born, which on their turn gave rise to further adaptations, and the scientific, aesthetic etc. literature also has gotten richer. However the canonized, more precisely, classicisized framework of interpretation is not transgressed by any of the newer writers and poets of the past centuries, moreover it is only the form of the legend that is rewritten – naturally with the aim of modernization. All of that as part of the literary heritage. As far as the problem of original sources is concerned: what can be regarded as a source and what is adaptation, which are the works that motivated writers, are just a matter of the preliminary work of the interpretation. On the other hand the problem that within the ancient, mythical tradition there is an original, ancient Faustus legend, does not raise any attention as that is “mere raw material”. The truth is ... that the beginning that has been preliminarily, yet directly definitory for centuries, is that original force that is given in the topic and thus it is difficult to bring it to the surface, preferably independently from the heritage that was built upon it. As far as the time dimension is concerned, we are searching in an undefineable, open past, moreover it is most probable that the legend itself is not entirely original, so to say, but it is the adaptation of a more ancient idea or topic. And by this its symbolism and hidden semantics lose their European characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Bekhzodjon I. Zokirov ◽  

This article examines the problems of classification of toponymy of the Uzbek people in the research conducted in the 60s of the XX century to the beginning of the XXI century and the role of ethnotoponyms as a separate classification unit. We know that toponyms also include place names formed based on the names of people, nation, tribe, ethnic group, tribe. The field of scientific and practical study of these names is called ethnotoponymy. Ethnotoponyms, on the other hand, are the name of an ethnos, that is, they are the result of the interaction of an ethnonym and a system of toponyms. In this regard, the study of ethnotoponyms as a separate form of classification unit is extremely relevant

Oleksandr Kyrylchuk

In Ukrainian romantic literature of the 1830s and 1840s, the authors turned their attention to folk art and historical themes. This aesthetic orientation of writing allowed the creation of texts that revealed aspects of the national life of Ukrainians. Romantic poets sought to artistically comprehend the Ukrainian past, to bring it out of oblivion, which was to help restore the historical memory of society and form a model of national self-identity. The ethnocultural identity, articulated in the texts of the Romantics, challenged the Russian imperial narrative, which sought to marginalize the Ukrainian value system by assimilating it with metropolitan axiology. Romantic literature of the first half of the nineteenth century created a powerful counterdiscursive strategy, which later transformed from the sphere of culture into the socio-political plane. The anti-colonial tendency introduces military symbols into romantic literature, as the appeal to the Cossack heritage actualizes in the Ukrainian cultural code markers of knightly victory and armed defence of the homeland. Romantic poets of the 1830s and 1840s transferred folklore and baroque chronicle imagery to written literature, in which the figures of the Cossacks were often heroized and glorified. Cossack military images allow Ukrainian authors to praise the pre-colonial period and poetize their military might, which, although in literary projection, opposes the oppressor. In the conditions of the Russian imperial discourse, the Ukrainian romantics resorted to the latent challenge to the metropolis, in the image of the enemy depicting the Poles, traditional opponents of the Cossacks. Such a strategy allows us to oppose the imperial narrative not directly, but through intermediaries, which are the Poles. At the same time, along with the military theme, the poetry of the Romantics includes the rhetoric of cruelty, which formats the Ukrainian world, dividing it into “Friends” and “Foes”. In general, the atmosphere of violence that often accompanies the image of the Other in romantic poetry allows us to represent the colonial trauma of the Ukrainian community, as acts of violence are interpreted as “just revenge” on enemies. At the same time, the glorification of one’s cruelty is an attempt to imitate the power of imperial discourse, which always labels such actions as a forced measure to subdue savages or preserve the achievements of civilization. The Ukrainian counterdiscursive strategy in the literature of Romanticism appears as an attempt to oppose and at the same time imitate metropolitan models.

Fausto Alberto Viscaino Naranjo ◽  
Jorge Bladimir Rubio Peñaherrera ◽  
Freddy Patricio Baño Naranjo

The Isidro Ayora School located in the Latacunga Canton, between Quijano / Ordóñez and Tarqui streets, has a museum that is open to the citizens without any age difference, projecting during the tour in a traditional, monotonous and unconventional way all their art, By this factor the influx of public is very sporadic, which does not allow the development and recognition of the Museum. For the development of the research was applied the hypothetical-deductive method and the analytical, on the other hand was applied the methodology of application development for Smartphones Mobile-D; Through the collection of information that involves eld research, it was veri ed that the Museum does not have technological alternatives that allow the dissemination of the historical-cultural heritage, thus demonstrating that the creation of the virtual guide through mobile technology is the technological solution to improve The user’s experience in visiting and disseminating museums; So is the search for the use of new technologies helping to turn a forgotten environment into an interactive and friendly environment. With the implementation of Mobile Technology in the Museum of the Isidro Ayora School, visitors will be able to interact with the art articles displayed and visualize their information on any Android device through a multimedia library by simply scanning the QR code that each contains and In consequence it will allow the innovation, difusion and recognition of the Museum.

2009 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Muhammad Iqbal

The Sunni doctrine plays an important role in the government. Its accommodative characteristic is something important that makes Sunni doctrine to be a device of the legitimation of the authority. The Muslim thinkers of classical Sunni such as al-Mawardi (975-1058 M), al-Ghazali (1058-1111 M) and lbn Taimiyah(1263-1329 M) have a great role in formulating the political doctrine of Sunni. In spite of the different nuance, all of these three classical Sunni thinkers develop the moderate political doctrine of Sunni. On the one hand, it is, of course, significant in situating the harmonious relation between the ruler and community. Therefore, the social and political stabilities will be well-maintained On the other hand, such a thought for a certain extent evokes stagnancy. Because there is no radical thought which is critical and opposite against the authority, the Sunni idea is frequently made use for the instantaneous interests of power. On evenlttally, the mutual interrelationship between the Sunni ulama and the ruler often happens. While ulama feel obtaining the patronage from the authority, the ruler gains religious justification from ulama. In this context, Indonesia as the country with the majority of Sunni Muslims, as a matter of fact, applies the political doctrine of Sunni. It is because Sunni has had a long and establishei root since. the period of Islamic kingdoms in the archipelago, before Dutch-Colonial period. The archipelago ulama also formulated the harmonious relation between Islam and authority as formulated by the ulama of classical Sunni. The polotical tradition of Sunni was becoming stronger in line with the great influence of ulama in the archipelago kingdoms. This article tries to elaborate the relation between the Sunni ulama with the power of the kings in the archipelago and the patronage of the archipelago rulers toward them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (18) ◽  
pp. 16-30
B.V. Markov ◽  
A.M. Sergeev ◽  

The Philosophical Dialogue is dedicated to the analysis of the historical development of Russian philosophy over the past half century. The authors investigated the attitude of ideas and people in the conditions of historical turning point in the late 20th and early 21st century. Philosophy in a borderline situation allows us to compare and evaluate the past and the present. On the one hand, archetypes, attitudes, moods and experiences, formed as a reception of the collective experience of the past era, have been preserved in the minds of thinkers of the post-war generation – in the consciousness, and may be in the neural networks of the brain. On the other hand, the new social reality – cognitive capitalism – radically changes the self-description of society. It is not to say that modernity satisfies people. Despite the talk about the production of cultural, social, human capital, they feel not happy, but lonely and defenseless in a rapidly changing world. Not only philosophical criticism, but also the wave of protests, which also engulfed the "welfare society", makes one wonder whether it is worth following the recipes of the modern Western economy. On the one hand, closure poses a threat to stagnation, the fate of the country of the outland outing. On the other hand, openness, and, moreover, the attempt to lead the construction of a networked society is nothing but self-sacrifice. Russia has already been the leader of the World International, aiming to defeat communism around the world. But there was another superpower that developed the potential of capitalism. Their struggle involved similarities, which consisted in the desire for technical conquest of the world. The authors attempted to reflect on the position of a country that would not give up the competition, but used new technologies to live better. To determine the criteria, it is useful to use the historical memory of the older generation to assess modernity. Conversely, get rid of repeating the mistakes of the past in designing a better future.

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