scholarly journals English Skills Learning Authority Dimension in History Learning

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-39
M. Suganya

India Service of Instruction in light of the want of a dynamic and extraordinary in impacting the world forever an obligatory pass subject in constrain in 2013, is an acknowledgment to the legacy and fortunes of the country in keeping up the true realities and data to the age without bounds. In the audit of parts of the position of authority of educators in applying the exploration of history is incorporated on the Rationality of Training Instructors, which upgrade the instructing calling to maintain moral instructor grand, dynamic and logical disapproved, willing to maintain the desires of the nation and commended the nation’s social legacy, guarantee the improvement of the individual and keep up a group that is joined together, fair, dynamic and restrained, bear the part of instructors as specialists of progress and initiative in training that started of the classroom through formal or casual training process stretches out past the school, group and nation. The concentration of this paper is an exchange on the part of educator authority impacts the adequacy of instructing and learning in the history classroom atmosphere that prompt instructors’ recognitions about the part of instructor administration, initiative lessons, part of instructor authority and the position of authority of the successful instructor. There are discourses to underscore the parts of the variables that influence the atmosphere of the classroom, molding the plan classroom, execution strategies for powerful classroom, learning atmosphere appropriate for history, and additionally the obstructions and difficulties infers the adequacy of educators in the instructing and learning process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (86) ◽  
Natalja Kočergina ◽  
Algirdas Čepulėnas ◽  
Aurelijus Zuoza

Research background and hypothesis. Modern training trend for biathletes is the increasing intensity of the training process in competition activities. Competition activities of elite biathletes while preparing for the main competition of the season have received little attention by researchers. Research hypotheses: The number of starts and sports results in the competitions before the main competition of the season for elite biathletes are related to sports results in the main competition of the season. Research  aim  was  to  analyse  the  interaction  of  biathletes’  sports  results  and  the  number  of  starts,  and  to establish the relation of this interaction between the results achieved in World Cup competitions and World Biathlon Championship.Research methods. The data have been retrieved from the documents of the International Biathlon Union (IBU): protocols of the World Biathlon Championship of 2011 and World Biathlon Cup competition. We analysed the sports results of female biathletes who took the 1 st –10 th  places in the World Biathlon Championship in individual events. Research results. World elite biathletes participated in E.ON and IBU category competitions 16.2 ± 3.74 times before the World Biathlon Championship. The number of starts correlates with the places taken by biathletes in the general account of the World Biathlon Cup before the world championship (r = –0.83). In the individual races in the World Championship, all medals were won by eight skiers, and five of them were among the first ten skiers in the general standing of World Cup competitions before the world championship.Discussion and conclusion. The preparation of elite biathletes for the most important competition of the season  – World Biathlon Championship is grounded on the repeated participation in the World Biathlon Cup competitions. Biathletes, taking the 1 st –10 th  places in the general account of the World Biathlon Cup, are real applicants for medals in the World Biathlon Championship.Keywords: number of starts, taken places, correlation, sprint, pursuit, mass start, individual start.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Jimi Ronald ◽  
Vivina Eprillison ◽  
Mona Amelia ◽  
Dio Fernando

Currently there are a variety of new innovations in the world of education, especially in the learning process. One such innovation is constructivism. The choice of approach is more so that learning makes students enthusiastic about existing problems so they want to try to solve the problem. Classroom learning that uses constructivism, will make students empowered by the knowledge within them. They share strategies and solutions, debate one another, think critically about the best way to solve each problem. In this case Edmodo provides an environment where teaching and learning can produce student excitement that will make students more independent without forgetting the standards for measuring student success. It is undeniable that students will like learning through this platform, and when students feel comfortable, their desire to be able to understand new material, and the spirit of overcoming difficulties will increase in the learning process. Edmodo is one of the ways to build student enthusiasm for learning. Edmodo can help teachers build a virtual classroom based on the division of real classes in schools, where in the class there are assignments, quizzes, and grading at the end of each learning. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Yadi Sumyadi ◽  
Umasih Umasih ◽  
Abdul Syukur

Learning outcomes have an important role in the learning process. This is because learning outcomes can be used as a benchmark to find out how far the students have changed after receiving their learning experiences, observed and measured in the form of knowledge, attitudes and skills. Learning outcomes are often used as a measure to determine how far a person has mastered the material that has been taught. So, learning outcomes are abilities that students achieve after going through the learning process to determine mastery of the material that has been taught. The problem in this study is that most students still consider history lessons to be limited to memorizing so that they are less interested in history lessons. This can be a measure of the level of understanding of students towards certain materials that have been given. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the teaching skills of teachers have on student learning outcomes. The research method used in this research is ex post facto, which means after the fact, by taking survey data. The population and sample in this study were students at SMA Perguruan Rakyat 2 East Jakarta.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 25
Turiyah Turiyah

Success in the subject of fiqh is one component that measures the success of the learning process, in addition to achieving academic achievement but has a major influence on the growth and development of student character. So by motivating students is one form of encouragement that comes from outside the individual or from within the individual to influence every activity of students in participating in learning activities. Based on the phenomena that arises there are still many students who follow the lessons have not been effective so that the value obtained is still under standard. This needs an innovation in the form of a learning approach so that classroom learning is not monotonous.Keywords. Effort, motivation, results

CCIT Journal ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-115
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Khanna Tiara ◽  
Ray Indra Taufik Wijaya

Education is an important factor in human life. According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, education is a civilizing process that a business gives high values ??to the new generation in a society that is not only maintenance but also with a view to promote and develop the culture of the nobility toward human life. Education is a human investment that can be used now and in the future. One other important factor in supporting human life in addition to education, which is technology. In this globalization era, technology has touched every joint of human life. The combination of these two factors will be a new innovation in the world of education. The innovation has been implemented by Raharja College, namely the use of the method iLearning (Integrated Learning) in the learning process. Where such learning has been online based. ILearning method consists of TPI (Ten Pillars of IT iLearning). Rinfo is one of the ten pillars, where it became an official email used by the whole community’s in Raharja College to communicate with each other. Rinfo is Gmail, which is adapted from the Google platform with typical as its domain. This Rinfo is a medium of communication, as well as a tool to support the learning process in Raharja College. Because in addition to integrated with TPi, this Rinfo was connected also support with other learning tools, such as Docs, Drive, Sites, and other supporting tools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-130
Coline Covington

The Berlin Wall came down on 9 November 1989 and marked the end of the Cold War. As old antagonisms thawed a new landscape emerged of unification and tolerance. Censorship was no longer the principal means of ensuring group solidarity. The crumbling bricks brought not only freedom of movement but freedom of thought. Now, nearly thirty years later, globalisation has created a new balance of power, disrupting borders and economies across the world. The groups that thought they were in power no longer have much of a say and are anxious about their future. As protest grows, we are beginning to see that the old antagonisms have not disappeared but are, in fact, resurfacing. This article will start by looking at the dissembling of a marriage in which the wall that had peacefully maintained coexistence disintegrates and leads to a psychic development that uncannily mirrors that of populism today. The individual vignette leads to a broader psychological understanding of the totalitarian dynamic that underlies populism and threatens once again to imprison us within its walls.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Didi C. Chalil

One indicator of the success ofeducation in the level of classroom learning is when a lecturer is able to build student learning achievement and will be more successful if this achievement can be increased if their attendance is above 80% (minimum 10 times attendance from 12 meetings). If the students can be grown discipline and provided a decent campus facilities, then as difficult as any lecture material or learning process that followed by they undoubtedly will live with feelings of joy, even they will feel sad if that day lecturer could not come because there is a need outside campus.There are four stages of appraisal that apply to each student for each course taken include (1) attendance of 10% (2) Task 20% (3) 30% Semester Exam (UTS) and (4) Final Exam Semester. (UAS) 40%. The writer as a lecturer tries to cultivate motivation to learn from the beginning, in addition to always communicate actively with students who follow the lecture also monitor attendance and assignment, each completed college is always given the practice / tasks are directly given the value, usually given the task quite easily so they can get a value of 100, even if there is a miscalculation, they are still given the opportunity to fix the error so that eventually get a value of 100. With the value of this 100, their motivation to grow and even grow in such a way that spur them to diligent lectures.The difficulty level of the task is balanced with the lecture, the longer it is raised so as to reach the maximum average level of student ability at the end of the lecture meeting...This research reveals that there is no a significant correlation between student achievement to discipline presence of student/mahasiswa with campus facilities. The analyzing was taken from an answer of 55 students who were randomly selected as respondents by filling out the Questionaire that was distributed to them. Key words : achievement, attendance, discipline, campus facility

Emma Simone

Virginia Woolf and Being-in-the-world: A Heideggerian Study explores Woolf’s treatment of the relationship between self and world from a phenomenological-existential perspective. This study presents a timely and compelling interpretation of Virginia Woolf’s textual treatment of the relationship between self and world from the perspective of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Drawing on Woolf’s novels, essays, reviews, letters, diary entries, short stories, and memoirs, the book explores the political and the ontological, as the individual’s connection to the world comes to be defined by an involvement and engagement that is always already situated within a particular physical, societal, and historical context. Emma Simone argues that at the heart of what it means to be an individual making his or her way in the world, the perspectives of Woolf and Heidegger are founded upon certain shared concerns, including the sustained critique of Cartesian dualism, particularly the resultant binary oppositions of subject and object, and self and Other; the understanding that the individual is a temporal being; an emphasis upon intersubjective relations insofar as Being-in-the-world is defined by Being-with-Others; and a consistent emphasis upon average everydayness as both determinative and representative of the individual’s relationship to and with the world.

Moreana ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (Number 209) (1) ◽  
pp. 79-93
Marie-Claire Phélippeau

This paper shows how solidarity is one of the founding principles in Thomas More's Utopia (1516). In the fictional republic of Utopia described in Book II, solidarity has a political and a moral function. The principle is at the center of the communal organization of Utopian society, exemplified in a number of practices such as the sharing of farm work, the management of surplus crops, or the democratic elections of the governor and the priests. Not only does solidarity benefit the individual Utopian, but it is a prerequisite to ensure the prosperity of the island of Utopia and its moral preeminence over its neighboring countries. However, a limit to this principle is drawn when the republic of Utopia faces specific social difficulties, and also deals with the rest of the world. In order for the principle of solidarity to function perfectly, it is necessary to apply it exclusively within the island or the republic would be at risk. War is not out of the question then, and compassion does not apply to all human beings. This conception of solidarity, summed up as “Utopia first!,” could be dubbed a Machiavellian strategy, devised to ensure the durability of the republic. We will show how some of the recommendations of Realpolitik made by Machiavelli in The Prince (1532) correspond to the Utopian policy enforced to protect their commonwealth.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-54 ◽  
Zsófia Demjén

This paper demonstrates how a range of linguistic methods can be harnessed in pursuit of a deeper understanding of the ‘lived experience’ of psychological disorders. It argues that such methods should be applied more in medical contexts, especially in medical humanities. Key extracts from The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath are examined, as a case study of the experience of depression. Combinations of qualitative and quantitative linguistic methods, and inter- and intra-textual comparisons are used to consider distinctive patterns in the use of metaphor, personal pronouns and (the semantics of) verbs, as well as other relevant aspects of language. Qualitative techniques provide in-depth insights, while quantitative corpus methods make the analyses more robust and ensure the breadth necessary to gain insights into the individual experience. Depression emerges as a highly complex and sometimes potentially contradictory experience for Plath, involving both a sense of apathy and inner turmoil. It involves a sense of a split self, trapped in a state that one cannot overcome, and intense self-focus, a turning in on oneself and a view of the world that is both more negative and more polarized than the norm. It is argued that a linguistic approach is useful beyond this specific case.

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