2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-218
Marta Simanjuntak

The outpatient registration place is the place where patients first met with the officer, ideally the average waiting time for record services is 10 minutes. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine patient satisfaction with the waiting time for the provision of medical records in RSU Imelda Workers Indonesia Medan. Methodology This research uses descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. The tools used were questionnaire and Likert scale. The population in this study were all outpatients. The sample size was 30 patients and the medical record file. Data analysis uses univariate analysis. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. This research was conducted at the Imelda Indonesian Workers Hospital in Medan. From this study the results obtained by the time required by officers to provide medical record files are 11 medical record files (36.7%) right and 19 medical record files (63.3%) incorrect. The level of outpatient satisfaction based on 5 dimensions, namely the Responsiveness dimension, said 12 patients were satisfied (40%), the Reability dimension stated 19 patients were dissatisfied (63.3%), the Assurance dimension was satisfied as many as 15 patients (50%), the Emphaty dimension stated as many as 14 patients (46.7%), and Tangible dimensions stated that they were quite satisfied as many as 17 patients (56.7%). Conclusion, The level of patient satisfaction is mostly stated quite satisfied. Suggestions, It is necessary to improve the performance of health services from the Reability dimension through work culture efforts, such as the formation of a compact working group because they have received training in accordance with technological developments and community expectations, so that health care workers are responsive, timely and accurate in serving patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Depi Yulyanti ◽  
Sintya Devi ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin

Background : Patient satisfaction is a major problem that occurs in hospitals. Waled allegedly complained about the hospital concerning concern in providing services to BPJS patients, and there were differences in BPJS patient visits in inpatient services in 2014 to 2015 as many as 720 patients, then sought an increase Back in 2016 as many as 255 patients. However, this increase was not significant at the time of the decline in 2015. Aims: This study analyzes the indicators of BPJS patient satisfaction in the inpatient services of the Waled Hospital in 2018. Methods: This type of research was quantitative with descriptive research methods. The research population was 178, obtained as many as 123 samples, sampling using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used univariate analysis. Results: The results of the study were 84.85% of patients satisfied with the service, as many as 78.8% of patients were satisfied with the doctor's service, as much as 78.2% of patients were satisfied with the care of nurses, as many as 94.3% of patients were satisfied with the patient's meal service, as many as 86 0% of patients were satisfied with medical facilities, as many as 85.9% of patients were satisfied with medication services, as many as 60.6% of patients were satisfied with the condition of hospital facilities, as many as 47.0% of patients were satisfied with the condition of the treatment room facilities, as many as 97 0% of patients are satisfied with outgoing administration services. Conclusion: Hospitals can find out indicators of patient satisfaction that are still low, it is recommended that the hospital should make SPO complaints about damaged facilities so that the hospital knows and immediately fixes it. So that patient satisfaction can continue to increase.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-113
Ali Sabela Hasibuan

ABSTRAK   Unit rekam medis merupakan bagian yang penting dalam suatu rumah sakit, karena rekam medis memuat kegiatan mulai dari penerimaan pasien, pencatatan, pengelolaan data rekam medis pasien, penyimpanan dan pengembalian berkas rekam medis.Selain itu, unit rekam medis harus mampu melayani permintaan informasi yang berkaitan dengan data rekam medis dengan cepat, tepat dan akurat pada waktu yang dibutuhkan.Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh dalam kecepatan pemberian pelayanan kepada pasien adalah ketepatan waktu pengembalian berkas rekam medis ke unit rekam medis.Tujuan umum dari peneliti ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor keterlambatan pengembalian berkas rekam medis rawat inap di UPT Rumah Sakit Khusus Paru Medan.Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif.Populasi dalam penelitian petugas yang berkaitan dengan pengisian rekam medis diRS Khusus Paru yang berjumlah 15 orang, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel adalah total sampling yaitu berjumlah 15 orang.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan  peneliti bahwa faktor yang paling mempengaruhi keterlambatan adalah menjalankan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan dan ketidaklengkapan  dalam pengisian dokumen rekam medis baik dalam identitas pasien dan ketepatan dalam pengisian diagnosis juga mempengaruhi keterlambatan dalam pengembalian berkas rekam medis dan menjalankan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan di rumah sakit pengembalian berkas rekam medis paling lama 1x24 jam, apabila pengembalian berkas rekam medis mengalami keterlambatan maka akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap assembling,analisis,coding,indixing,filling dan laporan. Kata Kunci                 : Pengembalian Rekam Medis. ABSTRACT   Medical record unit is an important part in a hospital, because medical records contain activities ranging from receiving patients, recording, managing patient medical record data, storing and returning medical record files. In addition, medical record units must be able to service requests for information relating with medical record data quickly, precisely and accurately at the time required. One of the factors that influence the speed of service delivery to patients is the timeliness of returning medical record files to the medical record unit. inpatient medical record at UPT Medan Special Lung Hospital. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive research methods. Population in the study of officers relating to filling medical records in the Special Lung RSR totaling 15 people, with the sampling technique is the total sampling which amounted to 15 people . Brilliant The results of research that have been conducted by researchers that the factors that most influence the delay are carrying out established procedures and incompleteness in filling medical record documents both in the patient's identity and accuracy in filling out the diagnosis also affect the delay in returning the medical record file and carry out the procedures specified in the hospital returns the medical record file for a maximum of 1x24 hours, if the return of the medical record file is delayed it will greatly affect the assembling, analysis, coding, indixing, filling and reporting.   Keywords: Returning Medical Records.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Desi Desi ◽  
Dary Dary ◽  
Fetty Yublika Pasole

Kepuasan kerja menjadi masalah yang cukup menarik dan penting, karena terbukti memiliki pengaruh yang besar bagi individu maupun perusahan. Kepuasan kerja merupakan suatu sikap seseorang terhadap pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan situasi kerja, kerja sama antara karyawan, imbalan yang diterima dalam kerja, dan hal-hal yang menyangkut fisik dan psikologis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kepuasan kerja perawat di bangsal medikal bedah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Adapun teknik analisa data dalam penelitian ini dengan analisa univariat untuk mendeskripsikan karekteristik dari variabel yang ada. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan penyebaran kuesioner kepada perawat yang bekerja di rumah sakit tertentu di Kabupaten Timur Tengah Selatan dan Kota Kupang, sampel yang di ambil berjumlah 89 sampel. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini rata-rata kepuasan kerja perawat berada pada kategori netral yang artinya perawat merasa apa yang sudah diterima sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang sudah mereka lakukan hal ini dilihat dari Sembilan kategori yang di telliti yaitu gaji, supervisi, tunjangan tambahan, penghargaan, kondisi kerja, promosi, sifat kerja dan komunikasi kecuali rekan kerja. Saran untuk peneiliti kedepannya agar dapat menggunakan variabel yang lain seperti well-being terhadap kepuasan kerja perawat yang bekerja di rumah sakit.   Kata kunci : kepuasan kerja, perawat   IDENTIFICATION OF NURSE WORK SATISFACTION THAT WORKED IN THE MEDICAL SURGERY OF SURGERY   ABSTRACT Job satisfaction is a problem that is quite interesting and important, because it has proven to have a great influence for individuals and for companies. Job satisfaction is a person's attitude towards work related to work situations, cooperation between employees, rewards received in work, and matters relating to physical and psychological. The purpose of this study was to identify job satisfaction of nurses in the surgical medical ward. This study uses a quantitative approach with a type of descriptive research. The data analysis techniques in this study were carried out by univariate analysis to describe the characteristics of the variables. The sampling technique used questionnaires to nurses who worked in certain hospitals in South Middle East District and Kupang City, the samples taken were 89 samples. . The results obtained from this study mean that the average job satisfaction of certain hospital nurses in East Tengah Selatan District and Kupang City is in the neutral category, which means nurses feel that what they have received is in accordance with the work they have done. telliti namely salary, supervision, additional benefits, rewards, working conditions, promotions, nature of work and communication except coworkers. Suggestions for future researchers to be able to use other variables such as well-being towards job satisfaction for nurses working in hospitals.   Keywords:  job satisfaction, nurse  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
Erika Gustira ◽  
Fathra Annis Nauli ◽  
Yufitriana Amir

<pre>Schizophrenia is a disease that affects the brain and causes strange, disturbing thoughts, perceptions, emotions, movements and behavior. Recurrence is a term that relatively reflects the worsening of symptoms or behaviors that endangers patients and or their environment. This study aims to analyse the characteristics of schizophrenia patients with recurrence at the Tampan Mental Hospital of Pekanbaru With quantitative descriptive research design. The research sample were 167 respondents taken based on inclusion criteria by using purposive sampling technique. The analysis method used is univariate analysis. The results showed clinical characteristics of 167 respondents, received the majority of the respondents lived with the family 85 respondents (50.9%). Medical diagnosis of most schizophrenia paranoid 121 respondents (72.5%). Diagnosed for 1-5 years 82 respondents (49.1). Based on the most recurrence factor caused by treatment 120 respondents (71.9%). Based on the most predisposition factor caused by genetic 74 respondents (44.3%). while the precipitation factors resulting from family and socioeconomic 51 respondents (30.5%). Based on the results of this study can be concluded that the recurrence in schizophrenia patients is caused by a variety of conditions, so that it takes appropriate treatment and according to the characteristics Patients.</pre>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-108
Evi Soviyati ◽  
Toto Sutarto Gani Utari ◽  
Tri Hardini

The first 1000 days of life or 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) is a period starting from the beginning of pregnancy until the baby is 2 years old. Knowledge of 1000 HPK is very important for midwifery students as a benchmark for health workers in serving clients in the future. About 6 in 10 students still do not understand and know about the First 1000 Days of Life. The purpose of this study was to describe the level of knowledge of midwifery students about the first 1000 days of life based on media sources at the Kuningan College of Health in 2020. Descriptive research method with observational design, population of midwifery students of level II as many as 40 people, using a total sampling technique. Direct data collection (primary data) using a questionnaire. Data analysis using univariate analysis. The results showed that most midwifery students level II had less knowledge of 20 respondents (50%), most of the media sources for obtaining information about HPK were mostly audio-visual 32 (80%), and the level of knowledge of midwifery students level II about 1000 HPK based on media sources. as many as 17 (42.5%) had less knowledge. It is recommended that level II midwifery students get information about 1000 HPK not only through the media but can seek information from various sources, for the Midwifery Study Program to be used as evaluation material, as input for developing an additional curriculum related to 1000 HPK in the Midwifery Care course so that it can increase student knowledge.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 62
Susiana Sariyati ◽  
Sundari Mulyaningsih ◽  
Hamam Hadi

<p>Family planning is part of the needs of the community, todays, by the government has given to the community. This condition was used by BKKBN as a trigger to improve toward independence. Yogyakarta Province (DIY) as the one province in Indonesia which has high number of active acceptors. In 2012, active acceptors has reached 34.373 (73.29%) of 47 339 couples of productive age (BKKBN 2012). This research aimed to know representation of KB independence in couples of childbearing age (EFA) in Yogyakarta 2013. This is a descriptive research with descriptive survey approach. The population of study was an active family planning participants with a sample size of 521. Sampling techniques was done by Probability Proportional to Size (PPS), while respondents were determined with random sampling technique. Data was analyzed using univariate analysis. In this study, contraception was widely obtained by couple of childbearing age with fully paying and health insurance total of 143 (52.2%) with the reason of having KB independence was because of economic factors at 128 respondents (46.7%). In conclusion, Independence KB in Yogyakarta can be represented that mostly KB is provided through paying full as the majority have a health insurance.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-60
Eko Mardiyaningsih ◽  
Heni Purwaningsih ◽  
Gipta Galih Widodo

The one factor that causes mothers to stop breastfeeding is low self- efficacy. The lowest breastfeeding self-efficacy causing the mother to stop breastfeeding too quickly even at the beginning after giving birth to the mother breastfeeding her baby. The goal of this study is to determine the scale of Breastfeeding Self Efficacy in mothers with cesarean childbirth. Descriptive research type, sampling technique with purposive sampling with criteria mothers who give birth with cesarean section, do not experience complications after childbirth and are eager to become respondents. This type of research was descriptive with a purposive sampling technique, the criteria were mothers who gave birth by cesarean section, did not experience postpartum complications, and willing to be respondents. The sample in this study was 52. The study used the Breastfeeding Self Efficacy Scale to explore breastfeeding self-efficacy. Data analysis used univariate analysis in the form of frequency and proportion distributions. The results indicated that most respondents who had a high BSE score were the high-risk age group (56.3%), worker (54.2%), tertiary education (62.5%), breastfeeding experience (51.6%), multipara (53.3%). To increase BSE score, it is necessary to promote breastfeeding so that it is hoped that it will increase the duration of exclusive breastfeeding

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-194
Reka Lagora Marsofely

Motor skills children need to be developed for the child's body has not been a lot of skills that will collide with the newly learned skills. ECD is a development effort that is aimed at children from birth up to the age of six years, which is done through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development. Based on data from the Department of Health Rejang Lebong in 2015, only (13.2%) were followed early childhood. The purpose of research to know knowledgeable picture fine motor development of children who attend early childhood education in the District Curup. The study design used is descriptive research design, sampling technique is purposive sampling, data collection is done by using a tool such as assessment sheets DDST II, research was conducted in March and April 2016. Place in early childhood studies conducted in the District Curup. The results obtained by univariate analysis study conducted by researchers of the 52 respondents in the working area of ​​the District toddlers Curup 2016 found that 49 (94.23%) of the children passed the test fine motor development DDST II, 3 (5.77%) children failed during the tests DDST II fine motor development. It is expected to parents to educate children at an early age so that the child's fine motor development is not compromised.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-80
Annisa dwi kartika Annisa dwi kartika

The most frequent activity to attract the attention of Instagram users is to do selfies for teenagers or adults. This is related to narcissistic behavior that is where someone loves themselves excessively, the more often they upload photos or videos, added with lots positive comments, it will increase the individual's desire. The objective of this research is to determine the description of Instagram social media users on the risk of narcissistic behavior in students. The study was conducted at Riau Islamic University Pekanbaru. This research used descriptive research design with simple random sampling technique, the sample in this study were 100 respondents. Analysis used univariate analysis. The results showed that 46 (46%) were at risk and that were not at risk as much as 54 (54%), felt themselves the greatest were 18 (31.1%), were filled with fantasies, found 27 (58.7%), had confidence that they were special obtained 24 (52.2%), excess need to be admired was 35 (76.1%), big name was obtained 32 (39.6%), interpersonal exploitation was obtained 24 (52.2%), lack of empathy was obtained 37 (80.4%), envy of others was 26 (56.5%), showed arrogant attitudes obtained 33 (71.7%). The results of the analysis are expected to the development of nursing science to be able to provide information such as counseling to students who are narcissistic. Keywords: Instagram, Narcissistic, Behavior  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 142-145
Wasis Sapto Putro ◽  
Sodikin Sodikin

Fast and accurate services are essential in the Emergency Departement (ED). Services in the emergency room will be hampered if it is are full of patients. If this is not managed well, the right services cannot be implemented. In turn, it will have a bad effect on patient satisfaction. To analyze the correlation between response time and waiting time with patient satisfaction during service at the Emergency Department of the Banyumas Regional General Hospital.This research is quantitative research. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling of 96 respondents. The statistical test used is the chi square test.Most respondents percieved the responding time in ER is fast; most of them also rated that the waiting time in ER is short. Most of them are also satisfied with ER services. The chi square test results in p value of <0.05 for each variable. It means there is a relationship between response time and waiting time with patient satisfaction during service at the Emergency Department of Banyumas Regional General Hospital.Response time and waiting time are related to patient satisfaction during service at the Emergency Department of Banyumas Regional General Hospital.

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