scholarly journals мodern trends the use of hemp products

И.В. Кабунина

Конопля содержит огромный потенциал в виде экологичного природного ресурса и активно становится частью нашей повседневной жизни. Законодательно разрешенные к культивированию в России сорта посевной конопли отличаются отсутствием наркотически значимых концентраций активных соединений и улучшенными биологическими характеристиками, позволяющими использовать семена, стебли и зеленую часть растения в различных сферах народного хозяйства. Конопля посевная востребована в пищевой и легкой промышленности, строительной индустрии, агропромышленном комплексе и многих других отраслях производства. Произведенные из конопли продукты экологически безопасны, легко разлагаются микроорганизмами. Благодаря огромному народно-хозяйственному значению, распространению экологических трендов, а также повышению ценности легковозобновляемых сырьевых ресурсов конопля посевная является перспективной сельскохозяйственной культурой. Cannabis contains a huge potential in the form of an eco-friendly natural resource and is actively becoming a part of our daily life. Legally permitted for cultivation in Russia, varieties of seeded cannabis are distinguished by the absence of narcotic concentrations of active compounds and improved biological characteristics that allow the use of seeds, stems and the green part of the plant in various spheres of the national economy. Seed hemp is in demand in the food and light industry, the construction industry, the agro-industrial complex and many other industries. Products made from hemp are environmentally safe, easily decomposed by microorganisms. Due to the huge national economic significance, the spread of environmental trends, as well as the increase in the value of easily renewable raw materials, seed hemp is a promising agricultural crop.

И.В. Кабунина

Конопля содержит огромный потенциал в виде экологичного природного ресурса и активно становится частью нашей повседневной жизни. Законодательно разрешенные к культивированию в России сорта посевной конопли отличаются отсутствием наркотически значимых концентраций активных соединений и улучшенными биологическими характеристиками, позволяющими использовать семена, стебли и зеленую часть растения в различных сферах народного хозяйства. Конопля посевная востребована в пищевой и легкой промышленности, строительной индустрии, агропромышленном комплексе и многих других отраслях производства. Произведенные из конопли продукты экологически безопасны, легко разлагаются микроорганизмами. Благодаря огромному народно-хозяйственному значению, распространению экологических трендов, а также повышению ценности легковозобновляемых сырьевых ресурсов конопля посевная является перспективной сельскохозяйственной культурой. Cannabis contains a huge potential in the form of an eco-friendly natural resource and is actively becoming a part of our daily life. Legally permitted for cultivation in Russia, varieties of seeded cannabis are distinguished by the absence of narcotic concentrations of active compounds and improved biological characteristics that allow the use of seeds, stems and the green part of the plant in various spheres of the national economy. Seed hemp is in demand in the food and light industry, the construction industry, the agro-industrial complex and many other industries. Products made from hemp are environmentally safe, easily decomposed by microorganisms. Due to the huge national economic significance, the spread of environmental trends, as well as the increase in the value of easily renewable raw materials, seed hemp is a promising agricultural crop.

2020 ◽  
pp. 119-129
А.В. Яшин ◽  
Ю.В. Полывяный

Главной задачей молочного скотоводства является дальнейшее увеличение темпов производства молока на основе увеличения молочной репродуктивности коров. Важнейшим резервом роста молочной продуктивности является применение доильного оборудования наиболее полно отвечающего физиологии животных, а также его правильный подбор и эксплуатация. Анализ конструкций существующих доильных аппаратов показал, что одним из главных недостатков является их крайне жесткое воздействие на рецепторы соска и, соответственно, торможения рефлекса молокоотдачи, что приводит к снижению разового удоя и интенсивности выдаивания коровы, тем самым снижению удоя. Одним из пунктов Госпрограммы РФ «Развитие сельского хозяйства и регулирование рынков сельскохозяйственной продукции, сырья и продовольствия на 2013-2020 годы» является техническая и технологическая модернизация АПК, без которой, при использующемся оборудовании, невозможно в полной мере обеспечить импортозамещение конкурентоспособной продукцией и повысить экономическую безопасность страны. Поэтому разработка доильного аппарата со ступенчатыми сосковыми трубками, способствующего повышению интенсивности выдаивания, является актуальной и имеет важное народнохозяйственное значение. The main task of dairy cattle breeding is to further increase the rate of milk production based on an increase in the milk yield of cows. The most important reserve for the growth of milk productivity is the use of milking equipment that best meets the physiology of animals, as well as its correct selection and operation. An analysis of the designs of existing milking machines showed that one of the main disadvantages is their extremely severe effect on the teat receptors and, accordingly, inhibition of the milk flow reflex, which leads to a decrease in one-time milk yield and intensity of milking of a cow, thereby reducing milk yield. One of the points of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020” is the technical and technological modernization of the agro-industrial complex, without which, it is impossible to fully ensure import substitution with competitive products and increase the economic security of the country. Therefore, the development of a milking machine with stepped teat tubes, which contributes to an increase in the intensity of milking, is relevant and has an important national economic significance.

Larisa V. Kazantseva ◽  
Oleg N. Shirokov

The issue of accelerated USSR modernization at the regional level is understudied in the historical science. The evolvement of the industrial complex of the textile industry in Chuvashia is reinterpreted taking into account archival documents that are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The article deals with the evolvement of the industrial complex of the textile industry in Chuvashia in 1929–1934. The purpose of the article is to provide insight into the problems connected with the evolvement of ChASSR textile industry enterprises within the framework of industrialization. The author analyzes the development of light industry enterprises of national standing in the region and the formation of regular labor force, textile production and the main problems faced by the regional leadership during forced modernization. The documents of the State historical archive of the Chuvash Republic were used as a source base. The period from1929 to 1932 is marked by transition to the planned management of the ChASSR textile industry and implementation of all standards for the delivery of agricultural raw materials. In 1932–1934 the People’s Commissariat of light industry of the ChASSR together with the Nizhny Novgorod region launched linen-scutching plants of national standing, which could become a technical basis with qualified specialists for the modernization of the regional textile industry. The article concludes that accelerated transformations in the textile industry took place without taking into account local characteristics. In the region there were no large enterprises of the textile industry, on the basis of which the leadership of the region could carry out forced modernization with minimal financial costs.

Б.С. Мухан ◽  
А.М. Есиркепова ◽  
А.С. Тулеметова ◽  
B. Mukhan ◽  
A. Yessirkepova ◽  

Мақалада тежеуші факторларды ескере отырып, жеңіл өнеркәсіптің отандық нарығын дамытудың басым бағыттары қарастырылған. Елдің экономикалық және стратегиялық қауіпсіздігі негізінде жеңіл өнеркәсіптің дамуын зерттеген ғалымдардың еңбектеріне басты назар аударылған.Статистикалық деректерді талдау барысында жеңіл өнеркәсіп құрылымындағы ең үлкен үлес салмақты тоқыма саласының өнімдері алып отырғаны, ал киім өндірісі соңғы жылдары өз орнын жоғалтқаны анықталды. Жеңіл өнеркәсіп кәсіпорындары Қазақстан Республикасының барлық өңірлерінде орналасқан, өйткені олар көптеген сабақтас салалармен байланысты және бүкіл халық шаруашылығы кешеніне қызмет көрсетеді.Авторлардың пікірінше, жеңіл өнеркәсіп нарығында саланы дамытудың негізгі жүйелі мәселелері бар: жеңіл өнеркәсіптің технологиялық артта қалуы; ішкі нарықтағы отандық тауарлардың бәсекеге қабілеттілігінің төмендігі; электрондық сауда нарығының дамымауы; импорттық шикізатқа тәуелділік; саланың инновациялық қызметінің төмен деңгейі; тауарлар сапасының сатып алушылардың қажеттіліктеріне сәйкес келмеуі.Мақала авторлары Қазақстан Республикасының жеңіл өнеркәсіп нарығын одан әрі дамыту бойынша нақты ұсыныстар берген: жаңа технологиялар мен инновацияларға ақша салу; тауарларды жылжыту және тұтынушылардың қалауын анықтау үшін әлеуметтік желілерді пайдалану; тауарларды өткізу үшін электрондық бизнес модельдерін қолдану. The article considers the priority directions of development of the domestic light industry market, taking into account the constraints. The main attention is paid to the works of scientists who consider the development of light industry in the context of economic and strategic security of the country. The analysis of statistical data revealed that the largest share in the structure of light industry is occupied by textile products and clothing production has lost its position in recent years. Light industry enterprises are located in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as they are connected with many related industries and serve the entire national economic complex. According to the authors, the light industry market has the main systemic problems in the development of the industry: technological backwardness of light industry; weak competitiveness of domestic goods in the domestic market; underdevelopment of the e-Commerce market; dependence on imported raw materials; low level of innovation in the industry; discrepancy in the quality of goods to the needs of customers. The authors of the article give specific recommendations for the further development of the light industry market of the Republic of Kazakhstan: to invest money in new technologies and innovations; to use social networks to promote products and find out consumer preferences of buyers; to apply e-business models for the sale of goods.

2020 ◽  
pp. 48-55
M.E. Sharanda ◽  
E.A. Bondarenko ◽  

Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are important representatives of polyols. On an industrial scale, they are obtained from petrochemical raw materials. Within a decade, significant efforts were made for the producing of polyols from biologically renewable raw materials - carbohydrates. The general trend for carbohydrate hydrogenolysis includes application of liquid-phase process with the use of modified metal-oxide catalysts, at 120-120 ° C and pressure of 3MPa or above. So high pressure is used for the reason to increase hydrogen solubility, and also due to the high partial pressure of low boiling solvents. We supposed that usage of high boiling solvents could allow hydrogenolysis to be performed at the lower pressure. Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are of particular interest as such kind of solvent since they are both the main products of glucose hydrogenolysis. In this work, the process of hydrogenolysis of glucose and fructose over Cu / MgO-ZrO2 catalyst have been studied at temperature range of 160-200 °C and a pressure of 0.1-0.3 MPa in a flow reactor. The solvents were simultaneously the target products of the reaction - ethylene glycol and / or propylene glycol. Gas chromatography and 13C NMR were used for the reaction products identification. It was found that the solubility of glucose in propylene glycol is 21 % by weight, and in ethylene glycol 62% by weight. It was pointed out that the process of hydrogenolysis can take place at a pressure close to atmospheric. Under these conditions, the conversion of hexoses reaches 96-100 %. The reaction products are preferably propylene glycol and ethylene glycol. The total selectivity for C3-2 polyols is 90-94 %, that is higher than in the hydrogenolysis of glucose in aqueous solution.

Lyubomyr Sozanskyy

The light industry is an important inter-sectoral segment and a chain of individual production areas. The purpose of the article is to carry out a comparative assessment of the cross-sectoral linkages of light industry of Ukraine with some EU countries and to prepare relevant analytical conclusions. The research revealed that the largest consumers of light industry products in 2013-2017 in Ukraine were the industries that belonged to this type of industrial activity (textile, clothing, leather and other materials), as well as the trade, furniture industry, public administration, and defense. The key problem for the functioning of the Ukrainian light industry is its high import dependence. In particular, the share of imports in intermediate consumption of light industry of Ukraine in 2017 was almost 60%. The share of imports in the expenditures of the Ukrainian light industry was almost 49%. The production activities of light industry in Ukraine use products of many ECs, but the main suppliers of raw materials and components are: textile production, production of clothing, leather, and other materials; production of chemicals and chemical products; wholesale and retail trade; supply of electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning. In 2017, these four sectors totaled 70.74%. The following types of industrial activity in Ukraine have a significant potential for increasing output: production of rubber and plastic products; production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers; production of other vehicles; public administration and defense; compulsory social security; health care and social assistance. The further development and improvement of the technological level of Ukrainian light industry products requires greater integration of the latter with the trade sector. However, the trade sector in Ukraine requires a thorough “unshadowing”, i.e. legalization of all operations.

This article presents the results of studying the impact of housing and feeding conditions on broiler chickens of Hubbard RedBro cross, as well as the quality of products obtained when using floor and cage content, in a farm. It established that when receiving a mixed feed of own production using feed raw materials grown on a farm without the use of pesticides, a statistically significant decrease in potentially dangerous substances for animal health is recorded. Compared with factory feed, it has reduced the content of pesticides by 14 times, and mercury and arsenic by 24 times, cadmium by five times, and lead by ten times. The results of the study of economic indicators of growing Hubbard RedBro cross broiler chickens, as well as the chemical composition and quality of carcasses, indicated that there was no significant difference between the floor and cell conditions of keeping. Still, the use of a diet based on eco-feeds contributed to a statistically significant decrease in the concentration of toxic metals in the muscles of the poultry of the experimental groups. As a result, it found that the use of the studied compound feed in the diets of broiler chickens increased the indicators of Biosafety and ensured the production of environmentally safe ("organic") poultry meat products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Sherien M. M. Atalla ◽  
Mokhtar M. Abdel-Kader ◽  
Nadia G. El-Gamal ◽  
Nehal S. El-Mougy

Abstract Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most economic crops in Egypt. Production of amylase from the waste of maize is the most economic and cheap renewable and most abundant raw materials present in environment. Biosynthesis of Cu-chitosan nanoparticles for amylase production by co-culturing between Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens at different ratios compared to free conditions was the main purpose of this study. The optimum ratio 8:2, recorded between P. fluorescens: T. harzianum, was the most promising for production of amylase produce 22.47 and 28.60 U/ml for free and nano, respectively. The UV visible spectral analysis Cu-chitosan NPs was 220 nm, while the mean diameter, using transmission electron microscopy was 0.5 μm. Application of fermented maize wastes by co-cultivation of P. fluorescence and T. harzianum, as a grain dressing before sowing declared the reduction in both root and foliar diseases during the maize growing season, starting from germination up to 70 days of its vegetative growth under field conditions. A promising approach is the creation and use of environmentally safe products, whose protective effect is based on the induction of hydrolase inhibitors in plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 1037
Se-Jin Choi ◽  
Ji-Hwan Kim ◽  
Sung-Ho Bae ◽  
Tae-Gue Oh

In recent years, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have continued worldwide. In the construction industry, a large amount of CO2 is generated during the production of Portland cement, and various studies are being conducted to reduce the amount of cement and enable the use of cement substitutes. Ferronickel slag is a by-product generated by melting materials such as nickel ore and bituminous coal, which are used as raw materials to produce ferronickel at high temperatures. In this study, we investigated the fluidity, microhydration heat, compressive strength, drying shrinkage, and carbonation characteristics of a ternary cement mortar including ferronickel-slag powder and fly ash. According to the test results, the microhydration heat of the FA20FN00 sample was slightly higher than that of the FA00FN20 sample. The 28-day compressive strength of the FA20FN00 mix was approximately 39.6 MPa, which was higher than that of the other samples, whereas the compressive strength of the FA05FN15 mix including 15% of ferronickel-slag powder was approximately 11.6% lower than that of the FA20FN00 mix. The drying shrinkage of the FA20FN00 sample without ferronickel-slag powder was the highest after 56 days, whereas the FA00FN20 sample without fly ash showed the lowest shrinkage compared to the other mixes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 08031
Evgeniy Velichko ◽  
Edward Tshovrebov ◽  
Ural Niyazgulov

The article deals with issues of monitoring, planning, organizational and technical support, economic regulation and improving the efficiency of the infrastructure for processing, recycling and disposal of waste, resource conservation and management of secondary resources, their use as secondary raw materials for production, services, work and power generation. The Russian Federation has significant potential for economic growth due to the efficient use of secondary resources from billions of tons of generated production and consumption waste annually. These ecologically unsafe anthropogenic objects can be characterized as a source of valuable renewable raw materials, material and fuel and energy resources. However, the scale and level of use of various types of secondary resources are characterized by considerable unevenness and depend on the demand for secondary raw materials, the resource value of the waste, the environmental situation arising from treating them as environmental polluters, on the real economic conditions that determine the profitability of each specific type. economic activities that use secondary resources for the manufacture of products, works, services, energy production. The methods of monitoring the industry for the treatment, disposal and disposal of waste are: information-analytical, information-statistical, sociological, geo-information. The legal status of the monitoring system of the industry for the treatment, disposal and disposal of waste is determined by the limitations of its functionality within the framework of the goals and objectives facing it.

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