2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Maysieta Onibala

AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman masyarakat desa Tolok mengenai perkataan Yesus tentang perceraian yang digambarkan dalam Matius 19:1-12. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode tafsiran kritik historis dan hasilnya akan  diimplementasikan pada masyarakat desa Tolok kecamatan Tompaso.            Data yang dikumpulkan melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Dari hasil penelitian kepustakaan ditemukan, ketika Yesus bersama dengan murid-muridNya tiba di Yudea orang-orang Farisi datang untuk mencobaiNya dengan pertanyaan soal perceraian apakah bisa seseorang dapat menceraikan pasangannya dengan alasan apa saja. Kemudian Yesus menjelaskan bahwa sepasang suami istri yang sudah menikah telah mengucapkan janji untuk sehidup semati dan juga telah menjadi satu daging. Yesus menegaskan kembali karena apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah tidak dapat diceraikan oleh manusia. Perdebatan tentang perceraian ini muncul karena adanya perbedaan pandangan dari para pengikut rabi Syammai dan rabi Hilel yang berpandangan laki-laki boleh menceraikan istrinya apabila istrinya berbuat zinah sedangkan menurut pengikut rabi Hilel suami boleh menceraikan istrinya apabila tidak senang atau suka lagi dengan istrinya itu.            Dari hasil temuan tersebut maka direkomendasikan untuk dapat memahami maksud perkataan Yesus tentang perceraian menurut Matius 19:1-12, menjaga dan mempertahankan keutuhan rumah tangga dalam kehidupan masyarakat desa Tolok kecamatan Tompaso.Keywords: Perkataan, Yesus, Perceraian.      Abstract The purpose of this research is to find out the understanding of the Tolok villagers regarding Jesus' words about divorce as described in Matthew 19: 1-12. This research is a qualitative research with historical criticism interpretation method and the results will be implemented in the community of Tolok village, Tompaso district.Data collected through library research and field research. From the results of the literature research it was found, when Jesus and His disciples arrived in Judea the Pharisees came to tempt Him with the question of divorce, whether someone could divorce his partner for any reason. Then Jesus explained that a married couple had made a promise to live and become one flesh. Jesus reiterated because what God has joined together cannot be divorced by humans. The debate about divorce arises because of the different views of the followers of the Shammai rabbis and Hilel's rabbis who view that men can divorce their wives when their wives commit adultery, whereas according to followers of rabbinic Hilel, husbands can divorce their wives if they are not happy or like their wives anymore.From these findings, it is recommended to be able to understand the meaning of Jesus' words about divorce according to Matthew 19: 1-12, to maintain and maintain the integrity of the household in the life of the community in Tolok village, Tompaso district.Key words: Words, Jesus, Divorce.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-50
Makrum Makrum

This paper is discusion the polygamy is still a controversial problem, although much discussed and examined. The difference of opinion among scholars make this problem continues to potentially raises the agree and disagree. Even though it has been regulated in Act Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage and the compilation of Islamic law (KHI), this does not necessarily make the problem of polygamy is complete. Not a few perpetrators of polygamy choose married under the hand or by sirri. This research uses qualitative approach by implementing thematic interpretation method (maudhu'i) to obtain a comprehensive understanding about polygamy in the Qur'an. The Data obtained through the study of a library research by sharing the data that comes from the various verse of the Qur'an, hadith, book fiqh, research results, books and the news in various media outlets in order to complete the interpretation of the verses of polygamy. Based on the results of this research it is known that the verses of the Qur'an gives a very tight restrictions for those who want to in polygamy. Justice that the conditions of polygamy is not only were quantitative but also qualitative research. In the context of historical-socio, the command of polygamy is intended as a form of the solution to avoid injustice to orphans women. Even if polygamy still want to do, should the husband marrying the widows who have lighten the orphan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-53
Hengki Pernanda

Service is a very important task that must be found from the figure of the government apparatus as a servant of the community, namely that the community must carry out its duties that always serve the interests of the community and meet every need of the community in accordance with applicable regulations. Serving and protecting the community is the main function of every government apparatus in carrying out government duties. The services provided by the government apparatus to the community must be in accordance with their authority. The reality that occurs until now there are still complaints from the community such as the unknown requirements, convoluted and also uncertainty in the administration of administration and the attitude of government officials who are less responsive to what is the needs of each community. In carrying out public services there is a tendency for injustice to exist in public services where people classified as poor will find it difficult to obtain services. To find out howcapacity of the state civil apparatus on the effectiveness of public services in the Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Sungai Penuh. The approach used in this study is a qualitative study, because it determines and reports the existing situation according to its reality and by measuring it. Typical qualitative research to find out attitudes, opinions, opinions, information, domography, circumstances and procedures. The informants in this study were 8 people. This study uses data collection techniques namely field research, library research, and interviews. From the interviews conducted by the researchers concluded that the services carried out by the Sungai Penuh village office staff were done well and in accordance with public service procedures.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Randi Rian Putra

<p><em>PSB is one of the administrative processes that will be used by prospective students every year. Acceptance of prospective students is based on the criteria obtained when graduating from SMP / MA, Prospective students referred to are new students who will register at the SMK / SMA level. The problem is that prospective students from outside the area also find it difficult to register because they have to go to school first, where it is very time-consuming and requires a lot of money. In research and system testing, it is carried out with several methods, namely field research, library research and laboratory research. Field research was carried out by direct observation to SMK / SMA Yapim Taruna Marelan, so that the working mechanism of the existing system was known. Literature research is done by studying books that can add to the study of science for this system and research. Whereas laboratory research is carried out by creating a web-based PSB. The benefits of this research can improve the quality of SMK / SMA Yapim Taruna Marelan in the admission of new students and the increasing number of students each year.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> acceptance of new students, psb</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-132
Markus Sakke Pauranan ◽  
Jermia Limbongan

Abstract: Imanuel Botang congregation had resources both human resources and natural resources that were quite abundant, but had not been managed optimally. Seeing these conditions, researchers were interested in researching the role of church assemblies in the economic empowerment of congregations by focusing research on economic empowerment activities in the field of horticultural agriculture and chicken and pig farming. This research was designed according to qualitative research. Qualitative research aims to find out the role of church assemblies in the economic empowerment of congregations. Data collection techniques were carried out through library research and field research through observation and interview. The study was conducted at the Congregation of Emmanuel Botang from September to November 2020. The results showed the role of the Church Assembly in empowerment is as a consultant and empowerment but this is still not realized because it does not fully understand the duties and vocations as a church assembly, the lack of skills / skills of the church assembly in the field of horticultural agriculture and local village pig and chicken farming, lack of free time and lack of good cooperation.   Keywords:  Economic Empowerment,  Role of the Church Assembly, Toraja Church of Imanuel Botang Congregation  Abstrak: Jemaat Imanuel Botang memiliki sumber daya baik Sumber Daya Manusia maupun sumber daya alamnya yang cukup melimpah, namun belum dikelola secara maksimal. Melihat kondisi tersebut peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian peran majelis gereja dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi jemaat dengan memfokuskan penelitian pada kegiatan pemberdayaan ekonomi di bidang pertanian hortikultura dan peternakan ayam dan babi. Penelitian ini didesain menurut penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran majelis gereja dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi jemaat. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelitian pustaka dan penelitian lapangan melalui pengamatan (observasi) dan wawancara (interview). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Jemaat Imanuel Botang dari bulan September sampai bulan November 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peranan Majelis Gereja dalam pemberdayaan adalah sebagai konsultan dan pemberdaya namun hal ini masih belum terealisasi oleh karena belum memahami secara utuh tugas dan panggilan sebagai majelis gereja, minimnya skill/ keterampilan majelis gereja pada bidang pertanian hortikultura dan peternakan babi dan ayam kampung lokal, kurangnya waktu luang dan kurangnya kerja sama yang baik. Kata-kata Kunci: Gereja Toraja Jemaat Imanuel Botang, Pemberdayaan Ekonomi, Peran Majelis Gereja,

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Muhammad Iqbal Mas'ud Harahap

The purpose of this research is to know the regulation of criminal law in corruption crime by using position; the juridical analysis of corruption crime by using position with decision no. 3296 / Pid.B / 2010 / PN.Mdn. This type of thesis research uses qualitative research, using normative juridical research. The research method used, namely library research (library research) and field study (field research) with the location of research at the Medan District Court. Data collection techniques used are secondary data, consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The legal basis for the eradication of criminal acts of corruption is contained in Law No. 20 of 2001 on Amendment to Law Number 31 Year 1999 on the Eradication of Corruption. The consideration of the Panel of Judges of the Medan District Court in deciding the case has used juridical judgment based on juridical facts. Which have been revealed in the hearing and by the Law stipulated as matters which must be contained in the decision such as the indictment of the prosecutor, the statement of the defendant, witness testimony, Evidence items, and articles in criminal law. Based on the Medan District Court Ruling. 3296 / Pid.B / 2010 / PN.Mdn, proves that the defendant is not proven to abuse the authority, opportunity or means available to him / her because of his / her position or position as the person in charge of the team which aims to benefit yourself, others or as a corporation.

Muslem Abdullah

Home Safe is a temporary residence that is used to provide protection against victims in accordance with the prescribed standards. Safe house strongly is needed immediately to be built in accordance with the provisions of the law because the victim can tell and feel safe in the safe house. Integrated service center women and Children Empowerment have the task and function to prevent and handle domestic violence that the victims suffer. The problem formulation in this research is that it has not fulfilled the protection of domestic Violence as it has not been formed a safe house in Aceh province. In the discussion of researchers use the type of normative administrative research that is library Research (library) and field research (field) and use qualitative method of data derived from interviews, report notes, documents and others. Based on the research can be obtained the following results: the form of domestic violence that is the cause is economic factors in the family, factors of infidelity, drug factors, the innate factors of the perpetration itself, and Relationship between a married couple who is not balanced. While the P2TP2A effort in reducing domestic violence is to do socialization to Gampong-Gampong to the public about the laws of PKDRT law so that people know about the realm of law that occurs over violence Women. It can be concluded that domestic violence has decreased with the socialization and other performance of the P2TP2A institutions and is advised to immediately build safe houses for victims of domestic violence.Key words: Safe House, Domestic Violence Victims, Aceh

Desi Purnama Sari

<p>This research aims to reveal how women are involved in politics in South Aceh, factors influencing Ulama’s opinions about the women involvement in politics, and also their perceptions about the involvement. Method used in this research was qualitative (field research), through interviews and observations, then literature research (library research). Dataobtained in the field were interpreted through descriptive analysis. The results show several things. Firstly, the women involvement in South Aceh politic had developed, such as serving as a member of Parliament, candidates, secretary, and chief of the committee. Secondly, ulama’s perceptions about the involvement of women in politics are that some Ulama allow women participated in politics. Nevertheless, women must maintain their identity as a Muslim. On the other hand, some ulama reject women involvement in politics because many obstacles would be faced by women who are less firm in the leadership and decision making. Thirdly, a fewfactors that cause the differences in ulama’s perception of women’s involvement in South Aceh politics are due to differentinterpretations of al-Qur’an verses and hadith. Other reasons are that some Ulamado not know about politics, and some are related to their educational level and their knowledge.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Naufal Allam Gumelar ◽  
Rullyani Kuncoro Putri ◽  
Silvia Nita Nur Aryanti ◽  
Chafit Ulya

This study aims to explain the form of language error in rhetorical journal entitled "Innovation of Indonesian Language Learning through Process Approach" in syntax level, as well as describe the cause of the error. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection using techniques in the form of observation of the writings of an article from the journal Rhetoric. Data in the study is divided into two scopes, namely literature research and field research Analysis techniques used include, collecting data in the form of errors in terms of syntax, identifying errors, explaining errors, and evaluating errors. The results of this study are descriptions of the form of language errors include: (1) the unity of ideas, (2) word frugality, (3) logic, and (4) word carefulness.

Hawa Rumatiga ◽  
Panji Adam Agus Putra

Abstarct. As technology develops, there are various business opportunities that require online-based services, two of which are Gojek and Grab. Both of these applications are known to only be used to provide passenger shuttle services, food, and etc. But lately many drivers are using their idle accounts for resale, even though the account is not entirely theirs and there is an agreement that has been agreed by the online motorcycle taxi partners / drivers with Gojek and Grab companies. This causes the occurrence of uncertainty and can pose a risk to the buyer, or can be said to contain Gharar so that it causes non-fulfillment of conditions in the sale and purchase transaction.The purpose of this study was to determine the form of gharar according to Islamic law, the practice of buying and selling online ojek accounts, and a review of Islamic law on the buying and selling practices of Gojek and Grab online ojek accounts.This research is a qualitative research. Data obtained from field data sources and library research sources were analyzed and compiled by descriptive analysis.The results showed that, the requirements in buying and selling transactions are things that must be fulfilled in Islamic law, the sale and purchase of an online motorcycle taxi account should not be done because it will pose a risk to the seller and the buyer. Keywords: Islamic Law, Buying and Selling, Ojek Accounts Online. Abstrak. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi munculah berbagai peluang bisnis yang memerlukan layanan berbasis online, dua diantaranya yaitu Gojek dan Grab. Kedua aplikasi ini diketahui hanya digunakan untuk memberikan layanan jasa antar jemput penumpang, makanan, dan sejenisnya. Namun belakangan ini banyak driver yang memanfaatkan akun mereka yang menganggur untuk dijual kembali, padahal akun tersebut bukan sepenuhnya milik mereka dan adanya perjanjian yang telah disepakati oleh mitra/driver ojol ini dengan perusahaan Gojek maupun Grab. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya ketidak jelasan dan dapat memberikan resiko kepada pembeli, atau dapat dikatakan mengandung Gharar sehingga menyebabkan tidak terpenuhinya syarat dalam transaksi jual beli. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk gharar menurut hukum Islam, praktek jual beli akun ojek online, dan tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap praktek jual beli akun ojek online Gojek dan Grab. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh dari sumber data lapangan (field research) dan sumber data kepustakaan (Library research) dianalisis dan disusun secara deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa,       syarat dalam transaksi jual beli  merupakan hal yang wajib dipenuhi dalam hukum Islam, jual beli akun ojek online sebaiknya tidak dilakukan karena akan menimbulkan risiko kepada pejual maupun pembeli. Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Jual Beli, Akun Ojek Online.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-60
Fajar Syarif

This article will discuss the learning method of Nahwu at Majelis Taklim al Amanah. It shows a method that is applied by KH. Muhammad Zein in Nahwu  learning by combining some methods in Nahwu learning. Poligamy that is applied by KH. Muhammad Zein can help students to get the language skill.  The writer has chosen this object research at Majelis Taklim al Amanah due to it uses Nahwu as a prime lesson and obligatory material for students, so the Nahwu position is so important and it is intensively learned. For the sources of this  research are from collaboration of library research and field research. It uses etnografy method (descriptive qualitative research) which focuses on Nahwu learning process at the Majlis Taklim. Learning with the poligamy system is a role model of learning for other educational institutions, so the learning purpose of Nahwu can be reached.

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