scholarly journals Evaluasi Pendidikan Menuju Insan Kamil Perspektif Filsafat Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-76
Saiful Anwar

This article aims to learn how to conduct an adequate evaluation using approaches based on Islamic philosophy. Because inconsistencies in the implementation of educational assessments can lead to less than optimal results after inspection, this requires appropriate methods for the full review. The author made this article with a library approach, collecting materials from library books, research reports, newspapers, books, research reports, theses, dissertations, and scientific journals in print and non-print media. In Islamic education, the purpose of the evaluation is to make al-Insan al-Kamil human or a complete human person. Likewise, the purpose of education is to educate students to have faith, be pious, develop a religious mentality, master science, and apply what has been learned in school to adapt to the life of the wider community. Evaluation can also provide feedback to students about their achievements and the extent of their perspectives and knowledge during the learning process. Philosophy also educates people to think, have insight, and reason broadly to view an event or problem from various perspectives, with the result being the correct answer.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-133
Achmad Fageh

Islamic education is one field of Islamic studies who received a lot of attention from scientists. This is because in addition to a very strategic role in order to enhance human resources, as well as in Islamic education there are a variety of complex problems. Ibn Taymiyyah for example, he was known as a scholar, thinker and politician. The thinking in the field of education is a response to the various problems facing the Islamic society that demands split logically through education. Philosophy of education, he said, should be built on the foundation of monotheism, the belief in the oneness of God. Monotheism which is the basis of education include; rububiyah monotheism, monotheism asthma wa uluhiyah and nature. Based on the insights of faith is then Ibn Taymiyyah describes the purpose of education, students, teachers, curriculum and so on.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Sari Wulandari ◽  
Amaliyah Amaliyah ◽  
Andy Hadiyanto

This study aims to describe: 1) the objectives of Islamic Education according to Ibn Khaldun, 2) the concept of contextual learning according to Ibn Khaldun, 3) the relevance of Ibn Khaldun's educational thought to modern contextual learning. The research method used in this study is library research. While the analytical method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that, 1) the purpose of Ibn Khaldun's contextual learning is to form a perfect human person, while at the same time forming a human personality to be able to live in society, 2) the concept of contextual learning according to Ibnu Khaldun is practically realistic, namely the concept of learning oriented to experience and realistic towards the needs of human life, 3) Ibn Khaldun's educational thought is relevant to modern contextual learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Muslina Muslina ◽  
Rini Rahman

This study aims to discuss and examine the thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas about Islamic education. The method used is a literature study, which uses library data as a source. The results of the study reveal that there are 5 (five) important points of Sheikh Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas' thoughts related to education, namely: First, the purpose of education, namely to instill goodness or justice in humans as human beings and personal self which focuses on the formation of individual personalities and expects the formation of an ideal society, Second, Educational Methods, The method he mostly uses is Tawhid, Metaphors and Stories, Third, Educational Curriculum, is divided into Fardhu 'ain and fardhu kifayah, Fourth Educators, according to Al-attas Educators must have personality and manners Fifth, students, according to Al-Attas, students are required to develop perfect etiquette in science

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-128
Isma'il Ismail

The continuous development of problems in the field of education and religion demands the formulation of new paradigms, new theories, and new methods of operationalization that are able to solve new problems that are more complex, on the basis of which it is necessary to update thinking, study and research on Islamic education to reconstruct aspects of theological, philosophical, substantive, methodological, and learning systems in the hope that the implementation of religious education will be effective effectively. This paper is based on the aim of formulating an area of ??systematic and prudent approach in Islamic education for children in early school. From the results of the discussion concluded: 1) According to the Islamic view, education must prioritize faith education. History proves that education will produce education who lack moral character; 2) The historical reconstruction of Islamic philosophy as wisdom certainly indicates a thorough integration of modes of thinking and speaking which is the philosophy of philosophy into larger and speaking mode of thinking which is constitutive of historical Muslim society; 3) the critical area of ??Islamic education for children is the transmission of facts and information about Islam to the personality and character of Kaaffah, the curriculum must be relevant paradigm shift must be effective and relevant to the communities in which they live.

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 157
Erwin Yudi Prahara

Abstract: It is asserted that method in education is one determinant of success. In Islamic education, there is a popular method called Targhib wa tarhib, but unfortunately it is less popular in a last few decades because many Islamic educators prefer western educational concept which tends to disregard the affective aspect which can eliminate the purpose of education that is simultaneously to form intelligent human intellectually andspiritually. Besides, this method comes from al-Quran and al-Hadith that is certainly true because according to human development both from the aspect of spiritual or physical. In accord to this, the application of Targhib wa tarhib in contemporary times is very important in both formal and non-formal education with contextually relevant designs. Hence, the religious and psychological values of Tarhib wa targhib method can be established. بيغترلا« ةقيرط ةيملاسلإا ةيبترلا فيو .ةيبترلا حانج في ةيساسلأا رصانعلا دحأ ةيبترلا ةقيرط رايتخا ناك تايرظنلا نم ةيبترلا عون لىإ نولييم ينسردلما نم يرثك ةيرخلأا ةنولآا في فسلأا ّ نكلو ،ةروهشم يهو »بيهترلاو ةفقثلما ةيصخشلا نيوكت ( ةيبترلا نم ةيساسلأا فادهلأا عايض في رثؤلما يكرحسفنلا بناجلل ةلمهلما ةيبرغلا لاو – ةنسلاو نآرقلا لىإ ةدنتسم ةقيرطلا هذه تناك كلذ بنابجو .)ءاوس ّ دح ىلع اضيأ ةنّ يدتم يهو ايفرعم قيبطت ّ مهي اذهب .ينامسلجا بنالجاو يحورلا بنالجا في ناسنلإا رّ وطت نارياسي امهنأو – قح امهنأ في بير .يسفنلا بنالجا وأ يحورلا نييدلا بنالجا في ناكأ ءاوس « بيهترلاو بيغترلا « بولسأ

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Agustinus Supriyadi

The first and primary educator for the child is the parents. As first and foremost educators, parents reveal the fundamental authority to educate their children. Educate children they should do, because they are parents. The task and the call of parents in educating their children is a task and a call that should not be replaced by anyone. No matter how great the other party in educating but will not be able to channel life to the child fully and intrinsically. They are unlikely to be able to fill the heart and soul of the child in building a complete relationship between the child and the parent and vice versa. The education that is the responsibility of the parent is an education that reflects a purpose. The purpose of education is essentially: the fostering of the human person as a whole, as both personal and social beings, within the framework of his final destiny. By looking at the purpose of education, it is not enough for parents to only form a child to be smart/clever, but also need to form a child's person to be a whole person. Laws that require parents to educate children, need to get support from the government well so that parents are able to carry out these obligations well too.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 408-424
Dwy Purwaningsih

Pragmatic education thought-instrumental is a philosophic point of view that blends with the religious viewpoint of abstract speculation in outlining the education. One of renewing Islamic education is Fazlur Rahman. According to him, the goal of Islamic education are as renewal which is the initial step in the Islamization for all aspects of human life. The study of library (library research) i.e. research sourced from material libraries using a qualitative approach. In this case, the author does exploration of a number of primary data as well as secondary data. The author does an analysis of the concept of Islamic education prespective Fazlur Rahman and relevance against the modern world. The concept of educational thought Fazlur Rahman i.e. the Qur'an as a guide in resolving every problem and the answer and make the human person that are creative, have moral values in accordance with the Qur'an. Whereas, education as an alternative to the secular science by receiving updates and tried to enter it with Islamic concepts as for Islamic education renewal effort started from the educational objectives, educational system, learners, educators and the means of education. The relevance of educational thought on modern world Fazlur Rahman now is integration between religion and discrimination through public education, omission of religion and public education, this has been done wrong by the College namely IAIN with try to follow the thinking of education Fazlur Rahman dare change the State Islamic University (UIN).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 159
Roikhatul Janah ◽  
Dhiya Ayu Tsamrotul Ihtiari

<p><em>Counselor competence is the ability (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that must be possessed by someone to help others who have problems, so that the problems faced are resolved. It becomes very important if a prospective class teacher in MI / SD must be able to have this competency. This research focuses on the study of increasing counselor competence for prospective class teachers in MI and Elementary Schools in the era of the industrial revolution era 4.0 which is carried out by universities that carry out basic education programs. This study uses a literature-based research method, which is conducted by studying and exploring various theories and practices through literature ranging from scientific journals, books, as well as various data and facts. The results of this study indicate that the Directorate of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion has presented all competencies that must be achieved by prospective class teachers. Managerial competence and general skills that must be possessed by prospective teachers in MI / SD classes are in accordance with the needs of a teacher in the era of the industrial revolution era 4.0, namely counselor competence, so that prospective teachers of MI / SD classes from Islamic tertiary institutions can be said to be able to become suitable class teachers with the industrial revolution era 4.0.</em></p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
As'aril Muhajir

<p><em>Al-Quran as a guidance to life for Muslims does not give details about the ins and outs of education. However, there are several terms related to educational issues in this holy books. This article tries to get a complete sketch of the nature and purpose of education in Islam by discussing the meaning of these terms according to the language experts and education thinkers, so that the opinions of mutual support among them will be used as the basis to draw the conclusion. This paper comes to the conclusion that the terms</em><em> tarbiyah, ta ’lim, ta ’dib, tazkiyah and tahdhib give the message about the nature of education and its aims. The purpose of education in the perspective of the Qur’an is focused in three points. First, to achieve complete human being in the pillars of his life. Second, to build a comprehensive human dimension of religion, culture, and science. Third, to make human beings resposible of their function as servants of God and inheritors of the Prophet. The very nature of some of these goals is to achieve a true Muslim characterized with the notion of rah<sub>}</sub>matan li al-’a<sup>&gt;</sup> lami<sup>&gt;</sup>n. Thus, the purpose of Islamic education in the Qur’an is not merely the transfer of knowledge, but is also the the transfer process of value. This purpose is also related to effort to establish the h<sub>}</sub>abl min Alla<sup>&gt;</sup>h, h<sub>}</sub>abl min al-na<sup>&gt;</sup>s, and h}abl min al- ’a<sup>&gt;</sup> lam, that is the good relation with God, mankind, and the nature.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Zahira Irhamni Arrovia ◽  

Ikhwan Al-Safa merupakan organisasi yang menekuni bidang kajian filsafat pendidikan, khususnya dalam pendidikan Islam. Adapun salah satu hasil pemikirannya terhadap tujuan pendidikan adalah moral dan dilandaskan pada aliran filsafat religius-rasional. Pendidikan Islam tidak hanya berkembang di wilayah yang berbasis agama Islam, melainkan juga terdapat di beberapa negara seperti Indonesia. Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia mulai mengalami pembaruan pada masa pergerakan atau abad ke-20 Masehi. Banyak organisasi Islam yang memberikan perhatiannya terhadap kondisi pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, seperti Adabiyah school, Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan pemaparan tersebut maka penulisan dalam artikel ini hendak mengkaji perbandingan dari tujuan pendidikan berdasarkan pemikiran Ikhwan Al Safa dengan tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia pada masa pergerakan nasional. Metode penelitian menggunakan jenis kualitatif deskriptif, sumber data berupa sumber tertulis relevan, dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan content analysis. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh antara tujuan pendidikan Islam Ikhwan Al Safa dengan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia masa pergerakan memiliki persamaan yaitu mencetak generasi yang berlandaskan pada ajaran Islam dan berintelektual. Namun, antara keduanya tentunya memiliki perbedaan dimana organisasi Islam di Indonesia dalam merumuskan tujuan pendidikannya tergantung dari aliran filsafat yang mereka tekuni.   Kata Kunci: Ikhwan Al-Safa, Pendidikan Islam, Pergerakan Nasional Abstract Ikhwan Al-Safa is an organization that is engaged in the study of educational philosophy, especially in Islamic education. One of the results of his thoughts on the purpose of education is moral and it is based on a religious-rational philosophy. Islamic education is not only developing in areas based on Islam, but also in several countries such as Indonesia. Islamic education in Indonesia began to experience renewal during the movement or the 20th century AD. Many Islamic organizations pay attention to the condition of Islamic education in Indonesia, such as the Adabiyah school, Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, and so on. Based on this explanation, the writing in this article intends to examine the comparison of educational goals based on the thoughts of Ikhwan Al Safa with the goals of education in Indonesia during the national movement. The research method uses descriptive qualitative type, the data source is the form of relevant written sources, and the data analysis technique used is content analysis. Based on the results obtained, the objectives of Ikhwan Al Safa's Islamic education and Islamic education in Indonesia during the movement have the same thing, namely creating a generation that is based on Islamic teachings and intellectuals. However, there are differences between the two of course, where Islamic organizations in Indonesia in formulating their educational goals depend on the philosophical stream which they are engaged in.

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