2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-33
Yevhenii Alimpiiev ◽  
Stanislav Dubikovsky ◽  
Volodymyr Tokar

We analyze social-economic models of countries with developed information econ¬omies using group method of data handling. We identified the determinants of optimal model for social and economic development of countries with developed information societies. The experience of countries with developed information economy show that their success and high level of competitiveness rely on adequate determination of prospective development direc¬tions and effective implementation of innovations in production. Countries-leaders by IT-in¬dustry, show higher indicators of competitiveness and living standards. The high employment rates guarantee the dynamic economy and civil society. Implementing strategies for social and economic development of countries with developed information economy maximally ensure the protection of national economic interests. Therefore, the models for sustainable social and economic development objectively form the basis of economic security.

Иванцова ◽  
N. Ivantsova

The article analyzes the early works of famous Professor V.G. Tyukavkin. In particular, it reveals issues of research methodology, presents the conceptual vision of the problems of social and economic development of Siberian village of the early twentieth century. V.G. Tyukavkin was a supporter of the theory of a sufficiently high level of development of productive forces in agriculture of Siberia. Analyzing the questions of land tenure, land use, farming systems, cooperation, differentiation of the Siberian peasantry, he within the dominant methodology concludes that the region ripe for revolution. The article at the same time shows impartiality of the researcher, who, despite existing views, studied a vast array of dataand showed that Siberia had been turned into a granary of Russia demonstrating high performance and European quality (and oftensurpassed it, i.e. in oil production). The author for the first time in Soviet historiography raised the question of new forms of the organization of peasant production in Siberia – cooperation.

Lesya Sheludko

Actuality of the research topic. A number of global trends affects food supply and consumption, as well as food security in the world. The main one is the growth of the world population primarily in emerging countries and urbanization of the population. Accordingly, the topic of food security in the context of urbanization becomes highly relevant. Problem statement. It should be noted, that urbanization changes the quantity and structure of food products, increases the demand for quality products, impacts on food security and economic security of the country in general. Review of recent research and publications. Urbanization is a very complex subject; so many well-known foreign and domestic scientists from different fields of science have studied various aspects of urbanization. At the same time, the vast majority of publications are mostly theoretical and cover the demographic and geographical aspects of urban processes, while the issues of economic analysis and the impact of urbanization on food security remain inadequately studied. Task statement, research methods. The article aims to study the process of urbanization in the world and in Ukraine, as well as to identify the impact of urban processes on the economic development of countries and food security in order to develop recommendations on prospects and opportunities for Ukraine. Presentation of the main material (results of work). The paper describes the main processes of urbanization, which take place in different countries and in the world as a whole, as well as in Ukraine. The influence of urbanization processes on the economic development of the countries is determined, namely, that the countries with high level of urbanization have high economic development and accordingly the high Gross National Product per capita. It has been discovered, that urbanization also affects the food security of countries, as the number of urban population increases, the structure of consumer products changes, and the demand for food increases as well. Summary. Urbanization represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the development of agriculture, as well as food security. Urbanization provides opportunities for Ukraine in the face of growing demand for food, to improve its export potential.

Yuliia Romanovska ◽  
Lily Strapachuk

The article considers the approaches to the interpretation of the category "shadow economy", which causes a variety of approaches to assessing the impact of the shadow economy on the socio-economic development of Ukraine. The spread of the pandemic and the complication of economic conditions, formed as a result of the introduction of forced restrictive measures, have led to the growth of the shadow economy in Ukraine. The index of shadowing of the economic sphere in relation to the inflation index and the level of the state budget deficit has been studied. The factors that led to the shadowing of the economy and caused the growth of the share of the shadow sector in the economy of Ukraine are highlighted. The main components of shadow employment are identified. Business entities operating in the shadow sector have significantly more competitive advantages and much higher efficiency than legally operating businesses. As a result, such enterprises are an obstacle to the flow of funds to the budgets of all levels of the country, and as a consequence, have a negative impact on socio-economic development in general. In recent years, state budget expenditures have been growing too slowly, which indicates a high level of shadowing of the economy in conditions of high inflation and, consequently, negatively affects the socio-economic security of society. Budget expenditures are closely linked to public policy, which allows the state to curb the level of economic shadowing through measures to reform relevant areas. It is investigated that the State budget expenditures grow too slowly, which indicates a high level of shadowing of the economy in conditions of high inflation. The paper substantiates the reasons for the growth of the shadow economy and identifies the main measures to reduce shadow employment, the manifestations of which are the deformation of social and economic institutions of the state. The de-shadowing of the economy provides citizens with the right to social protection, in the form of social guarantees in case of unemployment, temporary incapacity for work, accidents or occupational diseases during official work, pensions, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-97
N. V. Yakovenko ◽  
R. V. Ten ◽  
I. V. Komov ◽  
О. V. Didenko

Aim. The aim is to assess the sustainability of the social and economic development of the municipalities in the Voronezh Region.Material and Methods. A systematic approach to an integrated, structured and dynamic study of the level of social and economic sustainability of municipalities in the region. This approach uses the classification method, which defines and restricts existing conceptual approaches to the interpretation of conflict as an economic category, and the comparative analysis method, which compares the selected approaches with each other. The statistical database covers the period from 2014 to 2018. The integral index of social and economic sustainability of the municipalities in the region has been calculated.Discussion. The results of calculations of the integral sustainability index allowed us to identify 5 groups of municipalities, characterized by a certain degree of social and economic sustainability: a group with a high level of socio‐economic sustainability, a group with an above‐average level of socio‐economic sustainability, a group with an average level of socio‐economic sustainability, a group with a low level of socio‐economic sustainability and a group with a crisis level of socio‐economic sustainability. A crisis situation in a number of municipalities necessitates the development of certain anti‐crisis recommendations that contribute to the effective use of existing potential and directly develop the internal resources of the municipalities.Conclusion. The work resolves an actual practice‐oriented issue in the field of socio‐economic and geographical research ‐ the calculation of the sustainability of the social and economic development of municipalities in the region. Assessment of the sustainability indicators of the regional municipalities made it possible to comprehensively and adequately reveal the "strengths and weaknesses" of the regional social and economic system of the Voronezh Region and to identify the principal strategic tasks in moving towards a single strategic aim – improving the population level and life quality. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 446-459 ◽  
A. A. Korableva ◽  
O. G. Sheveleva

Introduction.The article is devoted to the revealing of the tendencies of social and economic development and to economic security of the territories. The research summarizes the concept of economic security of the territory and the ways of its evaluation, also presents the author’s methodology for determining the trends in the development of municipal areas by the context of economic security on the example of Omsk region.Materials and methods.Indices of economic security in the economic, social and financial spheres and an integrated index are calculated, basing on the data of the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for Omsk Region, which characterize the socio-economic development of municipal regions. The grouping of the obtained values and their visualization with the help of GIS technologies helps to demonstrate the development tendencies of the municipal areas of Omsk region.Results.The article substantiates the ways of grouping the indices of economic security and their visual representation for assessing the trends of socio-economic development of municipal areas. As a result, the tendencies of social and economic development of the municipal districts of Omsk region in 20142016 are demonstrated in the context of economic security based on the author’s methodology.Discussion and conclusions.The revealed positive trends in the development of municipal districts’ economy of Omsk region are offset by negative trends in the social sphere. Therefore, most of the municipal districts of Omsk region are classified as “moderate implementation of threats” to the level of economic security in 2016. The revealed tendencies reflect problematic issues, to which the municipal and regional authorities of Omsk region should pay special attention.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 148-157
V. Yu. Tsiklauri ◽  
L. S. Belousova ◽  
A. I. Devyatilova

Russia today is a dynamically developing state that, despite external pressure, continues to strengthen its positions in the world arena, timely preventing external and internal threats to economic security. Social stability is a fundamental prerequisite for the dynamic development of the state. In this regard, the state's task is to prevent destructive processes in social and economic development, using a set of measures and management procedures. The state of the social sphere, trends and forecasts of its formation have always been in the focus of the interests of the leadership of our country, government organizations and the scientific community. This is because the social sphere is of primary importance for the development of society in particular and the state as a whole. In recent years, large-scale changes have begun to take place in the Russian Federation, including the development of new public legislation, the implementation of targeted projects, the formation of a new concept of public protection of the population, and many actions have been taken to provide a decent level of well-being and increase the quality of life of the Russian people. Despite the fact that the Russian government has made great efforts to reduce the scale of unemployment and poverty, improving the quality of life, the social problem remains quite acute. The main factor was the sudden change in the international situation in the last few years, the introduction of financial and restrictive sanctions, the implementation of hostile political activities by certain foreign states against Russia, and as a result, the complication of the social and financial situation within our state. However, successful social and financial development remains the highest value for the Russian state in the near future. The purpose of this activity is to identify the relevance and complexity of problems of economic security and assess indicators that determine threats to security in the public sphere. Observation and diagnosis of the degree of threats to the national interests of the state on the basis of indicators of socio-economic development indicators in the public domain is a priority task in the existing realities of our life. Modeling the threats to economic security, ie, obtaining specific values of economic security indicators depending on their belonging to a particular risk class (level), it is possible to develop an appropriate plan of measures to improve economic security in the social sphere on the basis of the proposed classification. Monitoring and diagnosing the level of threats to the national interests of the country on the basis of indicators of social and economic development in the social sphere is a paramount task in the existing realities of our life. At the same time, the results obtained serve as a good basis for developing development strategies for the future with the preservation of social stability. The aim of the study is to formulate methodological provisions for the development of the theory of economic security based on the definition of threats to the economic security of the social sphere, using the proposed model of the relationship between the key factors that affect the level of security in this area. The research uses a set of general scientific approaches (abstract-logical, deductive, complex and systemic). The realization of the research process was carried out with the help of the dialectical method of cognition, which predetermines the study of economic phenomena in their interconnection and development. To solve individual problems, economic-statistical methods, comparison methods, absolute, relative and average values, graphical and tabular data representation, correlation-regression analysis, Ward clustering were used.

E. V. Gorkovenko ◽  
I. V. Platonova

Regional social policy often acts as the activity of the subject in the person of federal authorities and public organizations. The main goal of such a policy is to achieve equal living conditions, developed infrastructure and social structures of the region. And the general coordination of state, regional and local interests is actually implemented with great difficulty and is very often replaced by centralized management. Since regions and subjects become targeted objects of federal authorities, regions are not always able to realize their own interests. To avoid this situation, the regions need to establish their independence in solving social problems. Currently, the social and economic development of the state directly depends on the level of development of the regions. The concept of "economic security" and "social security" are closely related to each other, since the economic security of both the country and the regions mainly consists of socio-economic indicators. In other words, the economic security of the state and its subjects depends on the level of their social security. As a result of the conducted research, threats to the economic (including social) security of the region were identified. The assessment of the level of social security of the regions that are part of the Central Black Earth Economic Region was carried out using the methodology of Gaifullin A. Yu.and Gaifullina M.M. (Institute of Socio-Economic Research), which showed a fairly high level of social security of the object under study – the Voronezh Region. Determined the effectiveness of regional social policy and the ways and measures to improve the social policy of the region, in particular, it is recommended to pay attention to demographic component of the social security, living standards of the population, education and culture, and strengthen the rule of law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 04015
Vasiliy Nechaev ◽  
Pavel Mikhailushkin ◽  
Denis Presnyakov

The purpose is to consider the main theoretical approaches to definition of social safety and estimate its conditions. The analysis of economic indicators of 2016-2017 has shown that with a growth of the key economic indicators, negative dynamics of the real located income of the population still remain. In the article, the importance of social and economic safety is emphasized. The two main conditions of economic safety provide the presence of the influential middle class and a ratio between the minimum and maximum income of the population. By means of Lorentz’s curve, the increase of stratification of the population on income is shown. The article concludes that that poverty is a threat of economic security, because it slows down economic growth. The authors also assess the influence of administrative impact on social and economic development of regions, finding a weak reliance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-76
Iroda Bakiyeva ◽  
Diloromxon Husniddinova ◽  
Iroda Ubaydullayeva ◽  
Sardor Eshonqulov

The level of economic development of any state largely depends on foreign investment. In Uzbekistan, appropriate measures are being taken in order to interest potential investors to invest in the economy of our republic. But in accordance with the modern  economic development models and to plans have been shown that free trade, liberalization of the national economies, transparency investment policy and cooperation with world class organization like WB, IMF, OPEC, EU, UN, and Bloomberg and etc., give much more advantage to provide sustainable economic prosperity at any regions of the world countries. So, achievements on proper sectors are now not too easy due to very high level of competition. Any foreign investor is extremely careful and seeks to eliminate any risks when investing their capital in any project. It has been requested that iron guarantees that his investments will not only remain safe and sound, but will also bring profit to both sides. The best solution is providing macroeconomic stability with the cooperation and partnership of world initiatives organizations.

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