Polish journal “Issues in Childhood Care and Education” facing the realities and educational policy of the Polish government

2021 ◽  
Vol 600 (5) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Tadeusz Pilch

The aim of the author was to evaluate the cognitive, descriptive and diagnostic values of the social and educational reality presented in the monthly magazine by state and local government institutions in the practice of managing the country and the life of society. According to my estimates, during the 60 years of their editorial work, “Issues in Childhood Care and Education” has included in its monthly magazine over 5,000 publications of various nature, devoted to all phenomena and problems of education, upbringing, care and development of children and youth, as well as institutions implementing a great program for educating young generation. Professional experience allowed me to highly evaluate the cognitive and diagnostic reliability of the published texts. They provide a real image of educational institutions, their work, problems with everyday life, the remarkable work of organizers, instructors and educators. They allow to assess the development value of this work for children and youth. At the same time, the knowledge of the reality allows for a critical judgement on the way of using these diagnostic and cognitive values to improve the conditions in which a Polish child lives, to improve the work of schools and care and educational institutions. The dominant style of coexistence between science and the world of politics is the artificial principle of division into problems falling under the competence of the world of science (descriptive, cognitive, diagnostic...) and the second sphere – the world of management, decisions, distribution of resources – belonging to the world of politics and other governing bodies. These are two separate worlds, the contacts and mutual communication of which either does not exist or is only instrumental in nature. Politics does not use the achievements of science, its recognition and diagnosis. And here you can find the sources of many bad decisions, failed projects, and social and economic failures.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Harcici Harcici

<p><em>Today’s Indonesian youth consider Pancasila a history and a foundation. It effect to the reducing sense of nationalism in their souls, moreover with the lack of effectiveness in learning and understanding the values of Pancasila. Young Generation is a translation of young generation instead old age. Youth means the population of teenagers or young people who are still developing. Generation Z are those who are born after the internet era- generations who enjoyed the technology after the birth of the internet. This generation can be said as people who have grown up or have jobs and other things that can affect the economy, politics and social life in the world today. Generation Z as stated by Aulia Adam, 28 April 2017, in this world, there has never been a generation that was born familiar with technology. This is the cause of the rapid influence of today’s  technological globalization, So, as the solution is through cooperation between government, parents and educational institutions to continue to oversee the actions and behavior of the younger generation accompanied by providing understanding and directing to the values of Pancasila.</em><em> </em><em>The writing method in this study is literature method.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> Young generation, Deviations of the Pancasila values, the fading of the Pancasila, gadgets, the Millennial Era.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p>Saat sekarang ini pemuda bangsa Indonesia menganggap Pancasila sebuah sejarah dan Dasar negaranya sehingga menurunkan rasa nasionalisme dalam jiwanya, ditambah lagi dengan kurangnya efektifitas dalam pembelajaran dan pemahaman akan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Generasi Muda adalah terjemahan dari young generation lawan dari <em>old age</em>. <em>Youth</em> mengandung arti populasi remaja atau anak muda atau pemuda yang sedang membentuk dirinya. Genersi Z adalah mereka yang lahir setelah generasi internet – generasi yang sudah menikmati keajiban teknologi usai kelahiran internet. Generasi ini dapat dikatakan sebagai orang yang sudah beranjak dewasa atau sudah punya pekerjaan dan hal-hal lain yang bisa mempengaruhi ekonomi, politik dan kehidupan sosial dunia kini. Generasi Z dikatakan oleh Aulia  Adam, 28 April 2017. didunia belum pernah ada generasi yang sejak lahir sudah akrab dengan teknologi. Ini merupakan penyebab dari pengaruh derasnya globalisasi teknologi saat ini sehingga solusi yang dapat kita lakukan yaitu dengan adanya kerja sama antara pemerintah, orangtua dan lembaga pendidikan untuk terus mengawasi tindakan dan perilaku generasi muda yang diiringi dengan memberikan pemahaman dan pengarahan akan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Generasi-generasi baru inilah yang dapat menyebabkan adanya penyimpangan nilai-nilai Panacasila dan sekaligus lunturnya kristalisasi Pancasila. Pada penulisan ini, metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah metode studi literatur.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong> : Generasi muda, Penyimpangan nilai-nilai Pancasila, Lunturnya Pancasila, gadget, Era Millennial.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (45) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Hanna Ivaniuk ◽  
Olha Oleksiuk ◽  
Maryna Vyshnevetska

The study of the influence of sociocultural dominants on value intentions formation in young generation of specialists (teachers) is important for identifying useful ideas that can be implemented to improve axiological situation in the country and the world in accordance with civilization challenges. The article highlights a wide range of theoretical achievements and presents results of empirical research, which confirms positive dynamics of value intentions development in students of pedagogical and art specialties. Generalized conclusions about development of this important phenomenon in the context of declining demand for value dominants, are confirmed by statistics. The study was based on axiological, socio-cultural, systemic and interdisciplinary research. The research field consisted of educational institutions in Kyiv (Ukraine), the sample was 356 respondents (students of the first bachelor’s level). The adequacy of the applied experimental tools (questionnaires, Pedagogical essays) is proved. The experimental work was conducted online using Google services. The results of the study show positive dynamics of the value intentions development and a significant correlation between students’ motivation to value-oriented activities and sustainability of this direction in the future. The importance of sociocultural determinants in the development of value intentions in students of pedagogical specialties based on sociocultural knowledge is proved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (45) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Hanna Ivaniuk ◽  
Olha Oleksiuk ◽  
Maryna Vyshnevetska

The study of the influence of sociocultural dominants on value intentions formation in young generation of specialists (teachers) is important for identifying useful ideas that can be implemented to improve axiological situation in the country and the world in accordance with civilization challenges. The article highlights a wide range of theoretical achievements and presents results of empirical research, which confirms positive dynamics of value intentions development in students of pedagogical and art specialties. Generalized conclusions about development of this important phenomenon in the context of declining demand for value dominants, are confirmed by statistics. The study was based on axiological, socio-cultural, systemic and interdisciplinary research. The research field consisted of educational institutions in Kyiv (Ukraine), the sample was 356 respondents (students of the first bachelor’s level). The adequacy of the applied experimental tools (questionnaires, Pedagogical essays) is proved. The experimental work was conducted online using Google services. The results of the study show positive dynamics of the value intentions development and a significant correlation between students’ motivation to value-oriented activities and sustainability of this direction in the future. The importance of sociocultural determinants in the development of value intentions in students of pedagogical specialties based on sociocultural knowledge is proved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Wawan Wawan

This research is to find out how the leadership system, strategy, process, results of constraints and support as well as hypothetical concepts that exist in Inabah. The theory in this study refers to Reconstructionism theory. The method used is descriptive analytical with a qualitative approach. The research techniques using observation techniques, interviews and documentation as a data collection tool. The results of this study: first, the leadership system developed at Inabah indicated the transformational leadership model/pattern. Second, the strategy or approach used by Inabah leaders towards drug victims through the Qodiriyah Naqsabandiyah Order (Tarekat Qadiriyah-Naqsabandiyah [TQN]) with a religious non-medical approach. Third, the process developed at Inabah with therapy underwent three main practices with the TQN method which was carried out continuously and continuously through activities such as purification (thaharah ), bathing, ablution, prayer, and dhikr. Fourth, the results developed can be said to be successful if the santri have carried out all education in the Suryalaya, Fifth, Islamic boarding schools. Support and support in Inabah is: Serba Bakti Foundation, Forrnal and Non-formal educational institutions, Koperasi Hidmat, Inabah Youth Cottage, Mrs. Belia, Young Generation Suryalaya, Radio Inayah, Sinthoris Magazine. Sixth, the hypothetical concept of the leadership of Abah Anom refers to the purpose of the TQN which is the same as the goal of Islam itself, which is to guide people to get the blessing of Allah, prosper in the World and happy in the Hereafter.

2020 ◽  
pp. 13-22
Saifudin Asrori ◽  
Ahmad Syauqi

Abstract. The Islamic education, Islamic boarding schools and madrasas, have made a very significant contribution to the implementation of education and social reform. Through the teaching process, in which the kyai as the main figure and the use of the ‘yellow book’, traditional Islamic ideas colored the early days of growing awareness as a nation and a State. When the New Order government carried out the development and modernization of society, there was a revival of a Muslim group called the “new middle class santri”, which took place in line with the modernization that occurred in the traditional Islamic educational institutions of the pesantren. Then in the era of democratization, the world of Islamic education experienced growth and development in various religious institutions and styles. Most of the pesantren are still committed to maintaining a moderate religious style, recognized as the foundation for the development of civil society and the formation of a ‘distinctive’, friendly, moderate, and tolerant social-political identity of Indonesian society. The Muslim character is different from other regions, especially the Middle East which is the axis of the Islamic world. However, a small proportion of pesantren are thought to promote the growth of religious chauvinism, teach a ‘narrow’ interpretation of Islam and provide a framework of thought and action in responding to socio-political change which often takes the form of a ‘jihad’. This article tries to explore the contribution of Islamic education to social change in the Indonesian Muslim community. Abstark. Dunia pendidikan Islam, pesantren dan madrasah, memberikan kontribusi sangat berarti dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan reformasi kemasyarakatan. Melalui proses pengajaran, di mana kyai sebagai figur utama dan penggunaan ‘kitab kuning’, gagasan Islam tradisional mewarnai masa-masa awal tumbuhnya kesadaran sebagai bangsa dan Negara. Ketika pemerintah Orde Baru melakukan pembangunan dan modernisasi masyarakat, terjadi kebangkitan kelompok Muslim yang di sebut “kelas menengah santri baru”, berlangsung sejalan dengan modernisasi yang terjadi dalam lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisional pesantren. Kemudian pada era demokratisasi, dunia pendidikan Islam mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam beragam kelembagaan dan corak keagamaan. Sebagian besar pesantren masih tetap istiqomah dalam mempertahankan corak keagamaan yang moderat, diakui sebagai pondasi berkembangnya masyarakat sipil dan pembentukan identitas sosial-politik masyarakat Indonesia yang ‘khas’, ramah, moderat, dan toleran. Karakter Muslim yang berbeda dengan kawasan lainnya, khususnya Timur-Tengah yang merupakan poros dunia Islam. Namun ada sebagian kecil pesantren dianggap mendorong tumbuhnya chauvinisme keagamaan, mengajarkan penafsiran Islam yang ‘sempit’ dan memberikan kerangka pemikiran dan aksi dalam merespons perubahan sosial-politik yang seringkali berbentuk panggilan ‘jihad’. Artikel ini mencoba mengeksplorasi kontribusi pendidikan Islam dalam perubahan sosial masyarakat Muslim Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Riga Sari ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

This article describe about curriculum. The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content, and learning materials and materials used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities to achieve certain educational goals. Administration of the curriculum is a system of curriculum management that is cooperative, comprehensive, systemic, and systematic in order to realize the achievement of curriculum objectives. The aim of the curriculum is to achieve institutional learning at educational institutions, so that the curriculum plays an important role in realizing quality and quality schools. The method used in this study includes planning, implementation, supervision, and curriculum evaluation. Thus it can be seen that a good curriculum is a curriculum that follows the development of science and technology based on society. Failure in the administration of a curriculum will have fatal consequences on the success of the world of education.

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-9
Siti Amilus Soleha

At this modern era, the interaction of students cannot always be limited by some bulkheads. Interactivity can occur in any direction and at any time. Moral decadence always developed along with problem solved that had never ended. In the world of educational institutions, teachers have a very strategic and urgent position in fostering the morals of students. Moral in education is an effort made to provide guidance to students, so that their behavior is in accordance with Islamic guidance, so they can distinguish between good behavior and bad behavior. The morals that must be taught to students include morality to Allah SWT and morality to humans.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 675-695

Abstract: Islamic education institutions in Indonesia face two challenges, namely; internal and external. Internally, Islamic education is faced with the classic problem of the low quality of human resources in education management. The causes include poor quality and education staff development and selectivity of education personnel. Furthermore externally, Islamic education institutions faced three major issues; globalization, democratization, and liberalization. The issue of globalization that is identical with market orientation and mechanism also affects the world of education. That way in education also includes awareness about how to attract and convince the community of the type and model of education. From here, the education world is ready or not ready to be involved in competition to gain public trust. To face these challenges Islamic Education institutions must maximally manage and empower all elements of management in the management of educational institutions. A good understanding of the elements of management can have an impact on the readiness of educational institutions to manage their institutions well in any condition to be the best and foremost. Keywords: Elements of Management, Management, Education, Islam

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Siluvai Raja

Education has been considered as an indispensable asset of every individual, community and nation today. Indias higher education system is the third largest in the world, after China and the United States (World Bank). Tamil Nadu occupies the first place in terms of possession of higher educational institutions in the private sector in the country with over 46 percent(27) universities, 94 percent(464) professional colleges and 65 percent(383) arts and science colleges(2011). Studies to understand the profile of the entrepreneurs providing higher education either in India or Tamil Nadu were hardly available. This paper attempts to map the demographic profile of the entrepreneurs providing higher education in Arts and Science colleges in Tamil Nadu through an empirical analysis, carried out among 25 entrepreneurs spread across the state. This paper presents a summary of major inferences of the analysis.

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