Impact of threats from the use of modern information technologies on university students’ learning outcomes. Part II

2021 ◽  
Vol 202 (4) ◽  
pp. 623-638
Mariusz Frączek ◽  
Leszek Wolaniuk

The second part of the publication discusses the results of practical research on the impact of threats to the use of modern information technologies and independent Internet-based acquisition of knowledge on the results of students’ learning outcomes. It presents the course of empirical research with the methods and tools used. The summary presents the conclusions that arose during and after the research. Attention was drawn to the broad spectrum, which so far has not been covered by civilian students of the hierarchical university. The negative impact of threats on unaware users of modern information technologies is highlighted and described.

2021 ◽  
Vol 201 (3) ◽  
pp. 454-463
Mariusz Frączek ◽  
Leszek Wolaniuk

The study presents theoretical assumptions of the research in the scope of the impact of threats resulting from the use of modern information technologies on students’ education outcomes. Part I addresses the theoretical and methodological aspect of research conducted in 2019. It systematizes the considerations undertaken, their brief characteristics, and the course of research. The conclusions include ones drawn after the implementation of the initial stage and the theoretical part together with the adopted assumptions. Attention was drawn to the broad spectrum of the research area, which so far has not covered civilian students of a hierarchical university in terms of the negative impact of threats resulting from the use of modern information technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 781-803
Rafaquat Ali ◽  
Bushra Shoukat ◽  
Rabia Bahoo

The students’ academic behaviours and academic performance differ with their epistemological beliefs. Different social-cultural and educational contexts inculcate differences in students’ epistemological beliefs. However, the impact of the nature of the academic programs on students’ epistemological beliefs is most obvious. The students of different disciplines can have different epistemological beliefs. These different epistemological beliefs differ in their impact on students’ academic performance and academic behaviour. Hence, the current study evaluated the interrelationships of various educational programs and epistemological beliefs and their importance in students’ academic performance. The volunteer university students provided data about their academic programs, epistemological beliefs, and academic performance. Researchers used the Generalized Structured Component Analysis approach to calculate the suitability of specified measurement and structural models. The impact of subjects of the soft field of study such as Behavioural Sciences, English Literature was negative on naive epistemological beliefs in knowledge structure and omniscient authority compared to subjects of the hard field of studies such as Mathematical, Physical Sciences, and Biological Sciences. The Business Sciences from the soft applied field of study had the least noticeable negative impact on naive epistemological beliefs compared to other subjects of pure soft and pure hard field of studies. Only, the belief in quick learning had a significant negative impact on students’ academic performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-221
Rafaqat Ali ◽  
Furrukh Bashir ◽  
Rashid Ahmad

The current study was heading for determining the impact of Pakistani university students’ socioeconomic classes on their personality traits. Demographic and personality questionnaires were filled by available university students online. The stepwise regression technique facilitated to generate regression models to define impacts of different socioeconomic classes on students’ different personality traits. Different regression models highlighted the significant negative impacts of the middle upper socioeconomic class on Agreeableness, Extraversion and Neuroticism personality traits. The lower socioeconomic class was found to have positive impact on only one personality sub-trait self-discipline. Whereas, the upper lower socioeconomic class caused positive impacts on students’ trust sub-trait, Conscientiousness trait and negative impact on excitement seeking sub-trait of personality. The importance of these impacts of socioeconomic classes on different personality traits and the possible implications are discussed with respect to university students’ academic performance and academic behaviour.

2021 ◽  
Micaela Di Consiglio ◽  
Sheila Merola ◽  
Tiziana Pascucci ◽  
Cristiano Violani ◽  
Alessandro Couyoumdjian

BACKGROUND To reduce the spread of Covid-19 the Italian government imposed a rigid lockdown and, for a whole year, it kept declaring stringent rules to curb the community spread. The pandemic had a great negative impact on general population mental health, including the one of university students. OBJECTIVE The study provides an overview about symptomatology and help-seeking behavior of university students before and during the Covid-19 pandemic and it aims to evaluate the impact of the different phases of the pandemic on students' mental health. METHODS We collected data in four time points: (1) March 2019-February 2020, (2) March-May 2020, (3) October-December 2020, (4) January 2020-March 2021. A total of 454 students have been included in the study. Students answered a socio-demographic questionnaire and a standardized questionnaire to evaluate a broad range of symptoms of psychopathology. Descriptive analyses have been conducted to explore student’s symptomatology and help-seeking behavior. Considering the significant gender-difference distribution between groups, groups comparison analysis has been conducted considering male and female separately. RESULTS Considering the total sample size, results suggest that students have experienced moderate to severe levels of depressive, obsessive-compulsive and anxiety symptomatology. About 14% of the sample met criteria for at least one mental health disorders, but most of them were not receiving mental health care. Moreover, during the lockdown, compared with other phases, female students reported worse symptoms in the following dimension: obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, paranoid ideation and psychoticism. The increasing symptomatology quickly disappeared after the lifting of the quarantine. Results showed any difference in the male groups. CONCLUSIONS Our findings support the view of a negative mental health condition of university students and indicate an increase of symptomatology during the lockdown among female students. Preventive and support strategies should be improved in the university context.

Rizwana Mobin ◽  
Hamida-Tun-Nisa Chisti ◽  
Tauseef Ahmad Rangreez ◽  
Rafia Bashir ◽  
Altaf Ahmad Najar

The development and application of pesticides has contributed in a long way in making the “Green Revolution” possible. These newer pesticides have synergetic effect over the control of pests that otherwise have negative impact on the quality and quantity of food. The toxicity, persistence, and environmental pathway are some important criteria that determine the impacts on ecology and environment. The generalization of the impact of pesticides on different organisms is difficult as these are of broad spectrum chemical nature. However, the major problem that arises due to widespread use of pesticides is the contamination of water by pesticide runoff. The chemically contaminated water in turn leads to the much aggravated problems of bio-concentration and bio-magnification of these chemicals. While the bio-concentration describes the transfer of a chemical from surrounding into the tissue/body of organism, the bio-magnification is related to the increased concentration of such a chemical along a food chain.

Artur Mitsel ◽  
Nina Cherniaeva

The article discusses models, methods and algorithms of determining student's optimal individual educational trajectory. A new method of controlling the learning trajectory has been developed as a dynamic model of learning trajectory control, which uses score assessment to construct a sequence of studied subjects. In connection with the transition of the educational system to a competence-oriented approach, the problem of learning outcomes assessment and creating an individual learning trajectory of a student has become relevant. Its solution requires the application of modern information technologies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 198
Ni Putu Widya Kumala Dewi ◽  
I Gede Januariawan ◽  
I Nyoman Nadra

<p><em>This aims of this study to are, first (1) What are the factors and impacts that affect the occurrence of marriage of minors, second (2) How the immplementation of Child Protection Act in tackling the occurrence of marriage of minors.</em><em> </em><em>Theories used to analyze the problem are the legal theory of feminism and the theory of affectivennes and validity of law. The research method used is empirical research by doing same interviews and by reviewing same rules relating to underage marriage and Child Protection Act.</em><em> </em><em>Based on the research there are several factors that influence the occurence of marriage underage, those are the factors of pregnancy before marriage, economic factors, educational factors, soceity factors, and faith factorss. While the impact that occurs is the risk of distruption of reproductive organs, mental and emotional development in teenager, unable to continue education, until a divorce.</em></p><p><em> </em><em> In this case it is expected that parents, communities, goverment and relevant institutions are expected to synergize each other to educate about the dangers of sex at an early age and the negative impact that will occur if the marriage of minnors.</em><em> </em><em>Revising The Child Protection Act is expected to prevent the occurrence of marriage of minors, and it expected that there are strict sanctions for those who do marriage under the age and for those who give permission for the marriage, because indirectly it is a form explaitation, especially againts underage girls.</em><em></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Марія Августюк

Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню цілеспрямованого педагогічного супроводу в оптимізації метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяльності студентів. Визначено пріоритетні за­в­дан­ня педагога, що спрямовані на сприяння оптимізації метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяль­ності і можливі через визначення, oрiєнтування та кooрдинування пiзнавальнoї дiяльнoстi студентiв. Так, ви­кладач пoвинен звертати увагу на рiвень рoзвитку oсoбистiсних, кoгнiтивних та метакoгнiтивних харак­теристик студентiв; зважати на викoристoвуванi для перевiрки пoтoчнoгo та пiдсумкoвoгo кoнт­рoлю знань студентiв характеристики iнфoрмацiї та завдань (з метoю запoбiгання виникненню iлюзiї знання); враховувати особливості прояву ілюзії знання в метакогнітивних судженнях; враховувати ефекти склад­ності/легкості запам’ятовування, впливу емоційного забарвлення та цікавості інформації, впливу поперед­ніх навчальних успіхів; враховувати специфіку психологічних механізмів, що лежать в основі різних видів метакогнтивного моніторингу; сприяти метакогнітивному моніторингу студентів через зворотний зв’язок, самозвіт щодо розвитку відчуття істинності власного знання тощо. Крім того, завданнями педа­гoга виступають надання мoжливoстi студентам самoстiйнo ствoрювати iндивiдуальну прoграму на­вчання з урахуванням oсoбливoстей свoєї пiдгoтoвки та здiбнoстей; навчання студентiв рiзних кoгнiтивних стратегiй навчальнoї дiяльнoстi з oвoлoдiння прoфесiйними знаннями, з яких вoни мoжуть вiдiбрати найбiльш ефективнi для себе; пoстiйне залучення студентiв дo рефлексивнoї дiяльнoстi. Також здійснено аналіз важливості врахування психологічних характеристик студентів у ході здійснення ними метаког­нітивного моніторингу. Зокрема, підкреслено важливість стимулювання навчальної мотивації студентів, формування у них адекватної самооцінки, розвитку високих показників рефлексивності, метакогнітивних обізнаності, знань та активності, здатності до самостійного оцінювання своєї діяльності та її резуль­татів. Окреслені перспективи подальших розвідок з цієї проблеми The article is dedicated to the theoretical description of the goal-oriented pedagogical assistance in optimization of metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity of university students. In particular, we highlighted priority tasks of university teachers that are oriented to provide assistance with optimization of metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity and are possible through definition, orientation, and coordination of the cognitive activity of university students. Thus, the pedagogical tasks are to provide students with the opportunity to create a self-study program taking into account their own learning backgrounds and interests; training students for different cognitive strategies of the learning activity in the sphere of professional knowledge, from which they are able to choose the most effective ones for themselves; constant involvement of students in reflexive activities. Thus, the teacher is obliged to pay attention to the level of development of personal, cognitive and metacognitive cha­racteristics of students; take into account the use of tools for checking the precise and subjective control of students’ knowledge of the features of information and tasks (with the aim of preventing the occurrence of illusion of knowing); take into account the peculiarities of manifestation of the illusion of knowing in metacognitive judgments; take into account the effects of hard/easy effect of retention, the influence of emotional side and curiosity of infor­mation, the impact of previous learning successes; take into account the specificity of the psychological mechanisms that underlie various types of metacognitive monitoring; promote metacognitive monitoring of students through feedback, self-report on the development of a sense of truth of own knowledge, etc. In addition, an analysis of the importance of psychological characteristics in students’ judgments of metacognitive monitoring was carried out. Among the most important characteristics, student motivation, academic achievements, feedback, and self-regu­lation are the characteristics aimed to provide better understanding of the nature of metacognitive monitoring effectiveness and can help in the annihilation of the negative impact of the illusion of knowing. In particular, the importance of stimulating students’ learning motivation, forming of their adequate self-esteem, development of high indicators of reflectivity, metacognitive awareness, knowledge and activity, ability to independently evaluate their activity and its results is emphasized. The prospects for further researches on this problem are outlined

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Fatkhu Yasik ◽  
Dewi Anggraeni ◽  
Aulia Sahnaz

This study aims to examine the impact of divorce: (1) knowing the existence of a divorce factor. (2) how the impact of divorce on children's behavior. (3) what is the impact of divorce on children's learning outcomes. This study uses qualitative research. The subject of this study was MI Al Khairiyah students in Duri Kosambi Cengkareng, West Jakarta who were victims of their parents' divorce. Data collection methods used in this study are interviews, data analysis includes data reduction and coding. Validation of research data uses tringgulation where researchers conduct interviews with some of the subjects to analyze their validity with other supporters. The results of this study indicate that the impact of parental divorce on children's behavior and learning outcomes can have a negative impact. Many negative effects are expressed by emotional expressions that make the child, easily sad, irritable, naughty and sometimes become quiet and inferior to his friends whose parents are not divorced. So that there is no motivation for active learning and achievement in the class because there is no support and attention of both parents for children excited in the process of learning and growth and development

V. Golubeva ◽  
V. Mykhaylenko ◽  
V. Nazymok

The article reveals the peculiarities of the use of modern information technologies in the process of physical education classes for student youth. Modern fitness programs and fitness bracelets were analyzed, which made it possible to investigate the impact of modern technologies on the popularity of physical education and physical activity among modern youth and there is an increase in motivation to exercise. Therefore, the introduction of modern information technologies in the education system, which provide further improvement of the educational process, preparation of the younger generation for life in the information space, becomes important. The introduction of infocommunication technologies in the educational process can not only increase the efficiency of the learning process, but also form a physical culture, which increases motivation to exercise, lead a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement, improve the level of physical activity. They will allow you to capture data from various sensors, display indicators on a color display, store information in cloud storage. The result of such devices will be a bio-journal with data on the state of physical fitness of a particular student. The device measures body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen content, monitors sleep phases and stress levels, and has a fairly wide range of functionality: speedometer, altimeter, pedometer, calorie counter. Therefore, there is a question in the development and implementation of a system of control and evaluation of physical activity, which would meet the modern requirements of the educational process and have an effective impact on improving the status of physical education and attracting young people to exercise.

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