2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-59
Widyatuti Widyatuti

Kasus kurang gizi pada balita di Indonesia merupakan masalah kesehatan yang belum teratasi secara tuntas sampai saat ini. Terjadinya krisis moneter sejak 1997 semakin memicu peningkatan kasus tersebut. Salah satu media televisi pada bulan Februari 2000 menyebutkan bahwa lebih dari 2000 balita mengalami gizi buruk bahkan sampai menimbulkan kematian. Keadaan ini merupakan masalah bagi masyarakat Indonesia karena dapat kehilangan satu generasi. Selama ini pemberdayaan keluarga belum dioptimalkan, maka direncanakan penerapan asuhan keperawatan keluaga untuk mengatasi masalah kurang gizi di masyarakat. Penelitian ini sebagai salah satu contoh untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, bertujuan untuk melihat apakah ada penigkatan status gizi balita di RW 05 Kelurahan Rawa Bunga Kecamatan Jatinegara melalui asuhan keperawatan keluaraga. Hasil penelitian dengan intervensi selama 4 bulan terhadap balita kurang gizi terjadi peningkatan sebesar 13,98% yang menurut analisa statistic uji Wilcoxon bermakna. Malnutrition for children under five years in Indonesia is one of health problems that has not solved yet. Monetary crisis since 1997 in Indonesia became the trigger of malnutrition case. One of TV in February 2000 informed that more than 2000 children has poor nutrition status sometimes become cause of death. This situation will become danger for Indonesia society cause we may loose one generation. Family empowerment has not prepared optimally in giving family care. Because of that it was planned an implementation of family nursing care to solve malnutrition cases in the community. This study is an example for solving malnutrition problem, which purpose to see whether there is an increasing level of children under five years nutrition status through family nursing care at RW 05 Sub District Rawa Bunga District Jatinegara. The study increasing nutritional status of under five years children t0 13,98 after 4 months intervention regarding to Wilcoxon statistical analysis.

Children ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 77 ◽  
Fekri Dureab ◽  
Eshraq Al-Falahi ◽  
Osan Ismail ◽  
Lina Al-Marhali ◽  
Ayoub Al Jawaldeh ◽  

Background: This study aims to describe malnutrition among children under five and to describe the food insecurity status during the current conflict in Yemen. Methods: Data were obtained from a Yemeni nutrition surveillance program (pilot phase) targeting 4142 households with 5276 children under five from two governorates (Ibb and Sana’a). Results: Global acute malnutrition was found in 13.3% of overall screened children, while 4.9% had severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 8.4% had moderate acute malnutrition. One-fifth of the children under six months of age were acutely malnourished, followed by children under two years at 18.5% based on weight-for-height z scores. Significant associations between malnutrition and other diseases included suspected measles at three times higher rates (4.5%, p < 0.00) among SAM cases than other children. Diarrhea, fever, and cough were significantly higher among the SAM group (p < 0.05). Most households depended on market food purchases in the month preceding this survey (84.7%). Household coping mechanisms to secure daily meals included borrowing food to survive, changing types and quality of food, and decreasing the number of meals per day; some families sent their children to live with relatives. Conclusion: Malnutrition is a serious public health problem. The humanitarian community needs to adopt alternative strategies to improve food security and the nutrition status in Yemen.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Reno Affrian

Based on Basic Health Research (RKD) and Toddler Operations in North Hulu Sungai Utara, nutritional problems are less increasing in the last three years, 2015 less than 17.32% malnutrition, 2016 less than 20.54% and nutrition prevalence less by 24%. Less nutritional problems in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency are included in the categorization of serious public health problems due to nutritional prevalence above 20%. mapping of the poor urban village region donated the most under-five children under five, namely 537 children under five. Based on the results of the research that the implementation of nutrition improvement program for under-fives under-nutrition category in urang sub-district in the northern river upstream district has not run well enough, it is known from: 1. Environmental aspect in the form of community economic environment and family care pattern, 2. Target group, some program implementers are not yet fully aware of the targets set by the government nationally, 3. Program activities, activities carried out only as routine activities ie immunization activities and postal services yando, 4.Pengelolaan Management and Pengawasa, not fully run well it diliat still lack inter-sectoral coordination, factors affecting nutrition improvement program for under-fives under-fives category in poor urban village influenced by several factors 1. Policy Size and Objectives 2. Resources, 3. Characteristics of implementing agents, 4. Attitudes / implementers, 5. Intercommunications organization and activities of the implementer, 6. Economic, social and political environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Indra Restu Kurniawan ◽  
Nanang Prayitno ◽  
Indah Kusumaningrum ◽  
Sugeng Wiyono ◽  
Meilinasari Meilinasari

Age 0-24 months is a period of rapid growth and development so often called the golden period as well as the critical period. The problem of growth disorders in infants and children under two years (baduta) needs to be addressed seriously. Therefore, every baby and child 12-24 months of age must get nutrition in accordance with their needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of energy intake, protein intake and parenting patterns with nutritional status of children aged 12-24 months in Meruya Selatan Village, West Jakarta. Cross Sectional research design. Population 400 toddlers. Sampling in this research using Stratified Random Sampling technique. The sample was 200 respondents. The study showed that the average energy intake of toddlers was 989.18 Calories. Most intake of fat is enough that is 69,5% (139 balita) while fat intake is included in less category that is 30,5% (61 under five). Most of the pattern of care in the good category that is 83% (166 children under five), while for not good category that is 17% (34 children under five). There was a relationship between energy intake (p = 0,000, r = -0.290), fat intake (p = 0.049; r = 0.139), parenting pattern (p = 0.036; r = -0.148) with nutritional status of children aged 12-24 months in Meruya Selatan Village, West Jakarta. There is a relationship between energy intake, fat intake and parenting pattern with nutritional status of children aged 12-24 months in Meruya Selatan Village, West Jakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-96
Ria Chandra Kartika ◽  
Erna Selviyanti ◽  
Dessya Putri Ayu Umbaran ◽  
Dina Fitriyah ◽  
Yohan Yuanta

One of the characteristics of a developed nation is a nation that has a high level of health, intelligence and work productivity. These three things are strongly influenced by the state of nutrition. Nutritional problems in Indonesia are currently included in the triple burden of nutrition status. The prevalence of stunting under five in Indonesia is included in the chronic category, which is 30.8%. The direct cause of nutritional problems in toddlers is due to an unbalanced diet. Balanced nutrition is a food composition from a variety of food ingredients that contain nutrients needed by the body, both in quality and quantity. One of the efforts to prevent nutritional problems in toddlers is to empower parents of toddlers through increasing the knowledge of mothers of toddlers. The role of the mother is very important for toddlers to fulfill balanced nutrition because the level of knowledge about nutrition will affect the food selection process and family eating behavior. Therefore, this community service program is to carry out balanced nutrition counseling activities that aim to increase the knowledge of mothers of toddlers about balanced nutrition to prevent nutritional problems in toddlers. The target of this activity is mothers of children under five at Posyandu Catleya 19. The implementation of this activity was attended by mothers of children under five at Posyandu Catleya 19, posyandu cadres, and coordinating midwives. Counseling on balanced nutrition begins with pretest activities, then continues with material presentation, discussion and question and answer, and then closes with posttest. In this activity, mothers of children under five are given a balanced nutrition module which contains material on balanced nutrition and recipes that can be applied in daily feeding of children under five. The results of the activity evaluation showed that 76.3% of mothers under five experienced an increase in knowledge after counseling.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Rahmah Hida Nurrizka ◽  
Dwi Mutia Wenny ◽  

Many studies reveal the determinant factor of children under five years of malnutrition problem in Indonesia. However, there is only a few analysis conducted on indigenous communities and its comparison to non-indigenous communities. This study analyzes the determinant factors of malnutrition in children under five years in indigenous communities (Suku Baduy) and non-indigenous communities. This study is a comparative study using cross-sectional data, where the samples are households that have children under five years in indigenous communities (n=60) and in non-indigenous communities (n=60), with sample techniques using purposive random sampling. To calculate nutrition status, this study uses the anthropometric index based on weight-for-age according to WHO standards presented in the Z-score and Standard Deviations (SD). The result of this study indicates that the prevalence of children under five years suffering from malnutrition in indigenous communities is lower than in non-indigenous communities, which is 21,7% to 43,3%. Two factors influence the high prevalence of malnutrition in children under five years, namely, the education of the head of a family with OR=0.120 (95%C1: 0.021-0.675) and prenatal care in the fourth trimester with OR 9.890 (95%C1: 1.349-72.531). It is necessary to increase public knowledge on balanced nutrition in children under five years and improved maternal health access to resolve children under five years of malnutrition in those communities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-36
Ardian Candra Mustikaningrum ◽  
Siti Munawaroh

The first five years of life time is a very sensitive time to the environment.  Lack of nurition and unproper treatment can influence the children development. The biggest number of Red Underline (BGM) children under five and child development disturb in Sukorejowich number 1,08%. So the problem that want to be discused is the correlation between nutrition status and rear pattern with the development level on children under five the age 4-5 years old in Sukorejo. The type of this research is explanatory research with survey method and cross sectional approach. The population of the research is children under five in the age 4-5 years old in Sukorejo wich number 153 children. The sample of the research are 60 children under five in the age of 4-5 years old. Sample was selected by purposive sampling. Instrument that was used are Pra Screening Development Quetioner, Nutrition rear pattern quetioner, a strirrup scale and microtoice. The obtained data was analyzed by chi-square.. Result of the research show that are 31,7% children under five with good nutrition status , middle nutrition status 38,3% and low nutrition status 40 %. Where as children with good nutrition treatment 28,3%, middle nutrition treatment 40% and low nutrition treatment 32%. Discription of the children under five development level according to the age is 30%, doubt development 33,3 %  and the level with deviation is 36,7%. From staistic proper test resulted p= 0,001 and CC=0,728 for nutrition status of children under five with development level and p= 0,003 and CC = 0,463 for rear pattern with development level. Conclusion of the research is there is a correlation between nutrition status with the development level of children under five in the age 4-5 years old in Sukorejo. The suggestion for the instance of health organizer is should have a relationship with the official of planned family welfare to distribute the form of BKB so that the early stimulation can be optimal. Mothers who have children under five should be routine in posyand

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Titih Huriah ◽  
Ema Waliyanti ◽  
Hanjayadi Hanjayadi

Introduction. Prevalence of children under five with malnutrition is an indicator of Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) that should be reach in a region (Regency/City) in 2015. Prevalence of nutrition base on weight for height (WFH) in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta showed that children under five prevalence with very lean nutrition status was about 2,6 percent and lean about 6,5 percent. Community Therapeutic Care combining three approaches to handling under five malnutrition children including community intervention, home based treatment for under five malnutrition children without complication and stabilitation center for under five malnutrition children with complication. The aim of this research was to find out the changing of malnutrition children under five through home care program in Yogyakarta. Method. This research used quantitative method through home care intervention for children under five with malnutrition and was conducted by nurse in public health center. Design of this research was pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this research was all children under five with malnutrition or not complication. Sample divided into two groups, 35 children for the intervention group and 25 children for control group. Analysis used was Paired t-test and independent t-test. Results. The result showed that before home care intervention, there is no significant difference of two groups. The result after intervention for three month with 7 times of visiting, home care intervention can increase nutritional status of children under five with malnutrition. The value of Independent t-test for control group and intervention group was significant with p<0,05. Discussion. The researcher conclude that Home Care has effect to increase nutrition status of children under five with malnutrition and also Z score value which is weight for height (WFH) was increase. Keywords: Home Care, Nutrition status , Malnutrition.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Dedi Alamsyah

Background, Moderate and severe malnutrition in Pontianak  each years  trend of decreasing prevalence of  cases  malnutrition , but case numbers are still above 10 % . Non Problem Based Health according to WHO , the prevalence of the area is less weight above 10.0 % , while malnutrition has increased  well as the decline is not drastic cases of less nutrition . The prevalence of malnutrition and malnutrition in 2011 by weight for age amounted to 18.94 % and 1.94 %, in 2012 10.91 % and 2.75 % , while in 2013 amounted to 10.60 % and 2,47 % . The purpose of this study prove the environmental risk factors that affect the incidence of moderate and malnutrition among children under five years old aged 12-59 months. Method: The type of research was observational using the quantitative study design of case control study. Results, The bivariate analysis found five (5) variables significantly associated with the prevalance of moderate and severe malnutrition in children under five years old aged 12-59 months, i.e.: low maternal education (OR: 7.07 p = 0.001 95% CI 2.06 - 16.079), poor of attitude toward food  (OR: 5.76 p = 0.001 95% CI 2.51 - 19.85), poor environmental sanitation (OR: 4.33 p = 0.004 95% CI -11.06 - 1.69), low family income (OR: 4.20 p = 0.020 95% CI 1.35 - 13.06) and low family income and a larger number of children two (OR : 0,040 p = 0,040 95 % CI 1,14-7,39).  

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