psychosomatic diseases
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-37
K. Hadarceva ◽  
Elena Belyaeva

A brief overview report on the materials of domestic research, as a priority, shows a brief history of the study of regulatory peptides, in particular Semax. The need to continue scientific research in this direction is due, in addition to somatoform and psychosomatic diseases, complications of var-ious diseases in the form of memory impairment, a decrease in the efficiency of mental labor, the appearance of the same symptoms as a manifestation of postcovid syndrome. It is also expected to develop technologies that enhance the effect of neuropeptides by improving the ways of delivering them to the internal environment of the body, including in obstetric and gynecological pathology.

Yulduz Narmetova ◽  
Gulbakhor Kuldosheva ◽  
Tolib Bekmirov

The article discusses the emotional state disorders that occur in patients with psychosomatic illnesses, their role in the severity of the disease and its negative consequences. It is noted that various somatic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases are often manifested by emotional state disorders and conversely, in these diseases emotional sphere disorders prevent complete recovery from the disease. These cases require the organization of psychological care in the clinic of psychosomatic diseases and the implementation of all psychoprophylactic and corrective measures.

2021 ◽  
Р.Г. Аксенфельд

Семьи с психосоматическими заболеваниями представляют собой совершенно особый пласт пациентов. Функционирование таких семей сконцентрировано вокруг симптома, который развивается из внутриличностного конфликта «преморбида» и несет «вторичную» выгоду пациенту. «Носитель» симптома является идентифицированным пациентом (ИП).

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Ralph M. Trüeb ◽  
Michela V.R. Starace ◽  
Bianca Maria Piraccini ◽  
Hudson Dutra Rezende ◽  
Maria Fernanda Reis Gavazzoni Dias

Trichodynia refers to the painful sensation of the scalp related to the complaint of hair loss. Originally suggested to be distinguishing for telogen effluvium and related to hair loss activity and follicular inflammation, further studies have found trichodynia to be common in androgenetic alopecia as well and coexisting with psychopathologic findings. The respective studies failed to demonstrate correlations between trichodynia and quantifiable hair loss activity, nor histopathologic evidence for follicular inflammation. A symptomatic scalp is a frequent condition in specific dermatological conditions of the scalp. By definition of exclusion, we are not dealing with trichodynia in these cases. It is conceivable that neuropeptides are key players between the central nervous system and the skin immune and microvascular system. Such mechanisms would explain the noxious effects of both external stimuli and emotional distress in eliciting cutaneous nociception. Since we have begun to understand the diverse etiologies of trichodynia, and a single term does not measure up to this circumstance, it may be wiser to describe the condition depending on the type of scalp sensation and its specific disease association. Further studies are warranted into the neural/endothelial/follicular interactions both in hair growth and shedding and the psychosomatic diseases of the hair and scalp.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Ruzanna Subbotina ◽  
Anna Akopyan ◽  
Irina Ilina ◽  
Marina Ivashkina ◽  
Ekaterina Bondaruk

The article highlights psychosomatic diseases in gynecology. A review of the literature indicates that the nature of psychosomatic relationships is largely determined by the personality, which should be considered taking into account the characteristics of his socialisation. Many diseases are increasingly viewed from the point of view of experiences, processing of experiences, mental and psychosocial conflicts. In gynecological diseases, in particular, various manifestations of psycho-emotional disorders, disorders of the system of significant relationships are possible. At the same time, the circle of contacts with people is narrowed, the importance of the female and social role, position in relation to all life situations is changing. One of the effective directions in the study of human psychosomatics can be the analysis of psychosomatic disorders, taking into account coping strategies in the period of overcoming stressful situations. An analysis of coping strategies for overcoming stress opens up the possibility of identifying its features that determine the nature of psychosomatic disorders.

Tsumarieva N.V.

The article is devoted to the observation of the overcoming methods of the effects of junior school aged children emotional deprivation.Purpose: to carry the theoretical analysis of the reversibility problem, correction and compensation of the emotional deprivation effects out in the concept of modern investigations and to suggest the own model of overcoming it in junior school aged children.Methods. The learning and the analysis of the emotional deprivation and its effects in children-orphans and in lained parental care children literature; the generalization and systematization of researches devoted to the children emotional deprivation correction; modeling for the construction of the program of overcoming the emotional deprivation effects in junior school aged children in the adoptive family conditions.Results. Due to the theoretical research data it is stated the presence of negative affect of emotional deprivation on children. It is established that the result of emotional deprivation is the complex of defections in physical, psychico, behavioring and social spheres.It is discovered that emotional deprivation effects appear in changing of limbic and endocrine systems, emotional, adaptive, behaviouring and cognitive disorders, psychosomatic diseases and even in deep psycho disorders.It is noticed that the emphasis difficulty of emotional deprivation results is due to the fact that different types of deprivation at once affect on children in the conditions of institutional establishments.It is noted that due to the same deprivation conditions we can observe absolutely different effects in children and the deepness of deprivation damages depends on the duration of child’s being in emotional deprivation situation.It is generalized that with the reversibility aim correction and compensation of emotional deprivation effects may be used readaptation, studying, resocialization, psychological correction, reabilitation, psychotherapy, psychological support. It is made and it is probed in the model of psychological support to the adoptive family with the aim of overcoming emotional deprivation effects in junior school aged children.Conclusions. The psychological support of adoptive families which is realized in the shape of specially organized events (diagnostics, education, correction, development, consulting) is one of the effective instruments of emotional deprivation effects correction in children.Key words: emotional deprivation, reversibility, compensation, correction the model of psychological support, junior school aged children, adoptive family. Статтю присвяченооглядуметодів подолання наслідків емоційної депривації у дітей молодшого шкільного віку.Мета. Здійснититеоретичний аналіз проблеми оберненості, корекції та компенсації наслідків емоційної депривації в руслі сучасних досліджень та запропонувати власну модель її подолання у дітей молодшого шкільного віку.Методи. Вивчення та аналіз літератури з проблеми емоційної депривації та її наслідків у дітей-сиріт та дітей, позбавлених батьківської опіки; узагальнення та систематизація наукових досліджень, присвячених корекції емоційної депривації у дітей; моделювання для побудови програми подолання наслідків емоційної депривації у дітей молодшого шкільного віку в умовах прийомної сім’ї.Результати. За даними теоретичного дослідження констатовано наявність негативного впливу емоційної депривації на дітей. Установлено, що результатами емоційної депривації є комплекс порушень у фізичній, психічній, поведінковій та соціальній сферах. Виявлено, що наслідки емоційної депривації проявляються у змінах лімбічної та ендокринної систем, емоційних, поведінкових, адаптаційних, когнітивних порушеннях, психосоматичних захворюваннях і навіть у глибоких пси-хічних розладах.Зауважено, що складність виділення наслідків емоційної депривації зумовлена тим фактом, що на дітей в умовах інституціональних закладів діють одразу декілька типів депривації.Відзначено, що за одних і тих самих деприваційних умов у дітей можуть спостерігатися абсолютно різні наслідки, а глибина деприваційних уражень залежить від тривалості перебування дитини в ситуації емоційної депривації.Узагальнено, що з метою оберненості, корекції та компенсації наслідків емоційної депривації можуть застосовуватися реадаптація, навчання, ресоціалізація, психологічна корекція, супровід, реабілітація, психотерапія.Розроблено та апробовано модель програми психологічного супроводу прийомної сім’ї з метою подолання наслідків емоційної депривації у дітей молодшого шкільного віку.Висновки. Психологічний супровід прийомних сімей, реалізований у формі спеціально організованих заходів (діагностика, просвіта, корекція, розвиток, консультування), є одним з ефективних інстру-ментів корекції наслідків емоційної депривації у дітей.Ключові слова: емоційна депривація,оберненість, компенсація, корекція, модель психологічного супроводу, діти молодшого шкільного віку, прийомна сім’я.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-77
Г.А. Арсаханова

Жизнедеятельность школьника полна проблем, решение которых приводит к стрессовым ситуациям. Прежде всего, это изменение социального статуса и изменение дошкольной деятельности ребенка на учебную. Статус школьника требует больше обязанностей, ответственности, дисциплинированности, структурированности режима дня, контроля собственных поступков. Даже в самом продуманном и хорошо налаженному жизни случаются ситуации, которые негативно влияют на детей и приводят к стрессу. Первоклассники не всегда готовы к таким изменениям, что вызывает ряд психофизиологических и поведенческих проявлений. В состоянии стресса поведение ребенка дезорганизовывается, наблюдаются неконтролируемые движения, определенные речевые отклонения, появляются эмоции, не соответствующие культуре взаимоотношений. Стресс – это сильное проявление эмоций вызывает комплексную физиологическую реакцию, это состояние душевного и поведенческого расстройства, связанного с неспособностью личности целесообразно действовать в соответствующих ситуациях. Из-за недостаточной сформированности эмоциональной сферы в школьном возрасте при частых стрессовых ситуациях у ребенка исчезает аппетит, наступает депрессия, снижается интерес к учебе, общению, наступает апатия. Стрессовые ситуации негативно сказываются на здоровье школьника, у ребенка появляется целый «букет» опасных психосоматических заболеваний: мигрень, гипертония, астма, артрит, аллергия, диабет, кожные болезни и тому подобное. The student's life is full of problems, the solution of which leads to stressful situations. First of all, this is a change in the social status and a change in the preschool activity of the child to the educational one. The status of a student requires more responsibilities, responsibility, discipline, structured daily routine, and control of one's own actions. Even in the most thoughtful and well-established life, there are situations that negatively affect children and lead to stress. First-graders are not always ready for such changes, which causes a number of psychophysiological and behavioral manifestations. In a state of stress, the child's behavior is disorganized, uncontrolled movements are observed, certain speech deviations appear, emotions that do not correspond to the culture of relationships. Stress-this strong manifestation of emotions causes a complex physiological reaction, this is a state of mental and behavioral disorder associated with the inability of the individual to act appropriately in appropriate situations. Due to the lack of formation of the emotional sphere at school age, with frequent stressful situations, the child's appetite disappears, depression sets in, interest in learning, communication decreases, and apathy sets in. Stressful situations negatively affect the health of the student, the child has a whole "bouquet" of dangerous psychosomatic diseases: migraine, hypertension, asthma, arthritis, allergies, diabetes, skin diseases, and the like.

2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-68
V.M. Sinaiko ◽  
A.P. Kondratenko ◽  
O.V. Zemlianitsyna

Effective therapy of psychosomatic diseases in the classical sense of this term (bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, etc.) is an important problem due to the high frequency of chronic course, increase in the incidence and prevalence of this pathology. Patients with diabetes mellitus and anxiety-depressive disorders primarily need psychotherapeutic correction of the emotional state in connection with the possibility of a more significant positive effect on the quality of life, performance of patients and facilitating the further course of psychosomatic diseases. A comprehensive clinical, psychopathological and psychodiagnostic examination was conducted in 109 patients with type II diabetes mellitus and comorbid emotional disorders, both sexes at the age of (35.9±10.1) years. The main group consisted of 65 patients, along with the standard treatment, according to clinical protocols, they received a course of biosuggestive therapy, the control group consisted of 44 patients, who received standard therapy, according to clinical protocols. Using biosuggestive therapy in the complex treatment of patients with emotional disorders in type II diabetes mellitus has a positive effect on the feeling of psychological well-being, improving interpersonal relationships, enhancing a sense of belonging and personal fulfillment, which, in turn, affects the general perception of the quality of life, and most importantly decreases the main symptoms and the level of neuropsychic stress. This study proved high efficiency of biosuggestive therapy using in the complex treatment approach of emotional disorders in patients with type II diabetes mellitus, namely, there is a decrease in anxiety-depressive symptoms, restoration of working capacity and social activity, a decrease in the level of neuropsychic stress, normalization of the sleep-wake cycle, improvement quality of life of the examined patients. Keywords: type II diabetes, emotional disorders, correction, psychotherapy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-39
Anna Kodochigova ◽  
Svetlana Parshina ◽  
Sergey Samsonov ◽  
Palmira Petrova ◽  
Alena Strekalovskaya ◽  

The aim of the work was to determine the influence of geomagnetic disturbance on the psychoemotional status of residents of polar and Subpolar latitudes. Materials and methods. 44 male and female volunteers with an average age of 49.2 (41.7; 55.4) years, living in auroral and sub – auroral latitudes were examined using tests of Ch. Spielberger-Yu. Hanin, E. Khaimah and psychosomatic techniques. The daily CR index (Computed Radiography) was used as an integral indicator of geomagnetic disturbance. Results. The volunteers were divided into two groups: psychologically sensitive to changes in space weather (I) and-not having such sensitivity (II) (based on the presence or absence of certain coincidences of the peak values of reactive anxiety and the CR index). The groups had an equal number of persons. It was found that the most problematic area of stress-overcoming behavior in both groups was behavioral, the most effective for group I — cognitive, for group II — emotional sphere. Individuals with psychological sensitivity to geomagnetic disturbances were significantly more anxious than those who did not have this sensitivity. Conclusion. Thus, despite the fact that all the inhabitants of the Northern latitudes observed by us were not sufficiently effective in constructing the actual stressovercoming behavior, the risk of developing psychosomatic diseases was higher in the owners of psychological sensitivity to geomagnetic disturbance, taking into account their tendency to suppress emotions and significantly higher anxiety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-60
Inna Melnyk

The article is devoted to the problems of psychological and pedagogical training. The urgency of the problem is due to lack of knowledge in society about effective mechanisms for maintaining, strengthening and restoring mental health in conditions of constant physical and intellectual overload, stress, social unrest, as evidenced by numerous facts of nervous breakdowns and psychosomatic diseases. The article highlights the quantitative and qualitative results of an empirical study of the psychological component of health competence in future teachers according to certain criteria - cognitive, motivational-value, activity and reflexive. The indicators of each of these criteria are described, as well as the used diagnostic tools for their study are described. It was found that the respondents do not have a high enough level of formation of the psychological component of health competence according to cognitive and reflexive criteria, which indicates the need for intensive work on the formation of deep knowledge of future teachers on the essence of "mental health" and ability to reflect in order to preserve and strengthen their own mental health and the health of children. Based on these results, the main ways and prospects for improving the level of formation of the psychological component of health competence of students on cognitive and reflexive criteria in the process of studying the course "Psychological Anthropology" were identified.

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