ideal person
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А.Е. Божедонова

В олонхо в структуре концепта «БОГАТЫРЬ – ИДЕАЛЬНЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК» главным компонентом является «БОГАТЫРЬ», так как универсалия идеального человека представлена, прежде всего, через образ богатыря. Однако в якутском традиционном сознании образ богатыря неразрывно связан с его богатырским конём. Цель данного исследования – определение содержания ментальной единицы «КОНЬ» в культуре народа саха как компонента структуры концепта «БОГАТЫРЬ – ИДЕАЛЬНЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК», транслирующего особенности национального характера и национальную идентичность якутов. Материалом для исследования послужили ранние тексты олонхо Т. В. Захарова – Чээбий «Ала Булкун» (1906), К. Г. Оросина «Нюргун Боотур Стремительный» (1895). Ранние тексты олонхо транслируют мировоззрение, ценностные установки и этические нормы, определяют национальный характер. В них проявляются идеология и чаяния древних якутов эпохи становления и развития эпического самосознания. В исследовании были использованы системный и описательный методы. В результате изучения установлено, что в рассмотренных ранних текстах олонхо описание коня богатыря по объему намного больше и длиннее, чем в большинстве поздних текстов. Анализ показал, что в ранних текстах олонхо образ коня описан очень красочно и детализированно, он предстаёт крепким, сильным, верным хозяину-богатырю, а также обладает магическими свойствами. Такое содержание культурной универсалии «КОНЬ» складывалось на протяжении веков. Закрепленное в ранних текстах олонхо значение образа коня нашло своё развитие и в текстах современных олонхо. Конь – это один из всеобъемлющих образов, через призму которого можно приблизиться к пониманию якутского национального характера In the olonkho, the main component in the structure of the concept “BOGATYR AS AN IDEAL PERSON” is “BOGATYR”, because the universalia of the ideal man is represented primarily through the image of a bogatyr. However, in Sakha (Yakut) traditional consciousness the image of a bogatyr is inseparably connected with his bogatyr horse. The purpose of this study was to determine the content of the mental unit “HORSE” in the culture of the Sakha people as a component of the structure of the concept “BOGATYR AS AN IDEAL PERSON”, which translates the features of the national character and national identity of the Sakha people. The material for the study was the early texts of T. V. Zakharov – Cheebiy's olonkho “Ala Bulkun” (1906) and K. G. Orosin's “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” (1895). Early olonkho texts translate worldview, values and ethical norms and define national character. They manifest the ideology and aspirations of ancient Yakuts in the era of formation and development of epic consciousness. Systematic and descriptive methods were used in the study. As a result of the study, it was found that the description of the bogatyr's horse in the examined early texts of olonkho was much larger and longer than in most of the later texts. The analysis showed that in the early texts of the olonkho the image of the horse was described in a very colorful and detailed manner, it appeared strong, loyal to the master-bogatyr, and also had magical properties. This content of the cultural universalism “HORSE” had developed over the centuries. The meaning of the image of a horse consolidated in the early texts of olonkho has found its development in the texts of modern olonkho. The horse is one of the comprehensive images, through the prism of which one can get closer to the understanding of the Sakha national character

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (9) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Mahmudali Dehkonov ◽  

The article provides a scientific analysis of the issues of spiritual education and attention to the ideal person in the family as one of the most pressing problems in the process of globalization.We know that since ancient times in the East, great attention has been paid to the education of children. The fact that the morality of parents in the family, an example for children, is the basis for the strength of the family and the further prosperity of society is confirmed by the facts about how young people are being brought up and educated today. They say that the parent is an immortal figure in the family, the teacher is the ideal person. Especially in the family it was emphasized that the future of the country in the spiritual morality of mothers and children depends on how young people are being brought up and educated today. Therefore, every parent, teacher and educator must see in the image of every child, first of all, an ideal person. Based on this simple requirement, it is emphasized that the main goal and task of education is to educate young people as independent and broad-minded

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 175-186

When it comes to ancestor worship> the basic belief is that the spirit of the dead would affect their living family. However> the cult of the dead in a Bai village in southwest China shows deconstruction and moral reflection of ancestors. From the perspective of social relationships? people separate their ancestors from other families' ancestors who arc also recognised as ghosts or uninvited guests. Besides?they divided their deceased relatives into ancestors and ghosts through cultural definition of a good death and bad death>thus they need a bridge rite to help the spirit of the dead in a bad death to be an ancestor. In regard to the netherworld, people wish their deceased relatives go to western heaven at the same time they regard them as suffering ghosts in hell because of their guilty during their lifetime. Moreover>the living family have an obligation to provide and help their dead release from suffering. By examining the attitudes and acts of distinguishing? transforming, and equating between ancestors and ghosts>this article further argues that the cult of the dead in Bai is not only an ethical act of obeisance but also an expression of ideal person hood and a belief in living family as the salvation of the dead.

Valērijs Makarevičs ◽  
Dzintra Iliško

The issue of a human person, and his/her development, and particularly in connection with a social sphere is extremely relevant for our times. In psychology, this issue has been developed through developmental periods, theories of personality identity and conditions that contribute to a self-actualization of an individual. In this regard, interest is how these ideas evolved in the process of cultural and historical development of humankind, how they were understood by previous generations of scientists and philosophers, how theoretical views of past generations are interpreted by the researchers of our time. This determined the objectives of this research. The authors applied the method of content analysis of the text with the aim to discover the concept of an ideal, or perfect person in works of Aristotle, to compare this concept with the corresponding views of Plato, to determine the influence of Aristotle's concept of an ideal person on modern theories of personality. The research method is a content analysis of works of Aristotle and research done by the authors that reflect a philosophical heritage of the Greek thinker. As for both, Plato and Aristotle, the soul is the basis of life and the source of human activity. For Plato the soul appears to be an indivisible and immortal entity, then for Aristotle it has its own structure. Human soul is capable of development and improvement. The main condition for improvement, according to Plato, are correct actions of a person from the point of view of law and public opinion.  Aristotle believes that in this process, education and upbringing plays major attention. Aristotle's ideas today are being developed in a deep and humanistic psychology and developmental psychology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 267-272
Bai Salam Macapia Ibrahim

The overwhelming number of tarpaulins posted in strategic places around the Meranaw communities in Marawi City, Philippines, have  tagged the City as the “City of Tarpaulins”.  For years, tarpaulins have been invading streets and walls. This multimedia landscape is not only a powerful product of the digitalized world but is also a strong representation of the modernizing Meranaw culture. This study ventured into analyzing the texts and photographs presented in the tarpaulins to better understand the contemporary concept of Kambilangatao or the Meranaw values of becoming a good person.Through the analysis, the study shows that the Meranaw in the contemporary era has evolved into a new identity. The study has brought out the 5k concepts of Meranaw values that make up Kambilangatao or the art of becoming a good person in thoughts, deeds, and actions, such as kapamagogopa or helping one another, kapamagawida or mutual support, kapamagadata or respect for one another, kaseselai or honoring one another, and kambangsa or pride in the family lineage. Through the tarpaulins a visage of the contemporary Meranaw is revealed. The visual grammar of the tarpaulins reveals that the contemporary bilangatao or an ideal person is described as a degree holder, achiever, confident, religious, honorable, and a good leader.

Marde Christian Stenly Mawikere

This study reveals the Baliem ethnic concept of "eternal life" and how it relates to contextual gospel preaching (both potential and crisis). The study was conducted using a qualitative approach with a participant observer method supported by a study of a variety of relevant literature with a discussion of the concept of eternal life of Baliem people in Papua. As for the Baliem Society, Papua with a background of traditional societies with a worldview of animism has an eternal view of life which is lived out as an "ideal situation and condition" in the Nabelan-Kabelan myth and "an ideal person or figure" in the Naurekul myth. Through this view of eternal life, there is a "meeting point" and "difference" with the gospel message and Bible values. Because it is possible to be able to advocate and implement a contextual evangelistic approach for the Baliem people in Papua by touching and empowering their cultural values, Thus the Gospel and Christianity are not just a history or monument but are still present and change society while still paying attention to the integrity of the socio-cultural context, especially the people of Baliem, Papua.  ABSTRAKStudi ini mengungkapkan konsep etnis Baliem mengenai “hidup kekal” dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan pemberitaan Injil yang kontekstual (baik potensi maupun krisis). Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan  pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode pengamatan partisipan yang didukung dengan kajian kepada beragam literatur yang relevan dengan pembahasan mengenai konsep hidup kekal orang Baliem di Tanah Papua. Masyarakat Baliem, Papua dengan latar belakang masyarakat tradisional dengan pandangan dunia animisme memiliki pandangan hidup kekal yang dihayati sebagai “situasi dan kondisi yang ideal” pada mitos atau legenda Nabelan-Kabelan dan “pribadi atau sosok yang ideal” dalam legenda Naurekul. Melalui pandangan mengenai hidup kekal seperti ini, maka terdapat “titik temu” maupun “perbedaan” dengan berita Injil dan nilai-nilai Alkitab. Karena itu memungkinkan untuk dapat menganjurkan dan melaksanakan pendekatan kontekstualisasi Injil bagi etnis Baliem di Papua dengan menyentuh, memanfaatkan dan memberdayakan nilai budaya etnis Baliem, Dengan demikian Injil maupun kekristenan bukan hanya akan menjadi sejarah atau monumen namun akan tetap hadir dan mengubahkan masyarakat dengan tetap memperhatikan keutuhan konteks sosial budaya, khususnya etnis Baliem, Papua.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-170

The following article is based on a report presented at the Arts and Machine Civilization International Scientific Conference. The author analyzes publications related to Enigmarelle and automata in periodicals of the early twentieth century in order to identify the significance of Enigmarelle’s phenomenon at the 1938 International Exhibition of Surrealism. In the course of the study, it was concluded that Enigmarelle became a centerpiece of the opening, a kind of a wobbler that was intended for attraction and intriguing the public. Enigmarelle is a documented curiosity of the early twentieth century, mystified in popular Parisian newspapers of the first half of the century. Initially, Enigmarelle was created only for the entertainment of the public, as the popularity of automaton resumed in connection with the dollomania in the second half of the 20th century. However, for the 1938 International Exhibition of Surrealism in Paris, the surrealists turned Enigmarelle the automaton into an exhibition object and shifted the emphasis of its function from entertaining to symbolic; as a result, the “mechanical human” became the image of an “ideal” person bringing danger and death. This change in the interpretation was facilitated by the hysteria, which is fundamentally significant for the surrealists’ work. Also, Enigmarelle’s paramount significance can be explained by a reference to its connection with Frankenstein. The automaton, a mechanism controlled by electricity, drew parallels with mesmeric practices, during which a body could be controlled by electric pulses. It can be concluded that surrealists turned the popular culture phenomenon, Enigmarelle the automaton, into an exhibit that correlated with the films of the 1920s and 1930s about the revivification and creation of an inanimate being (Frankenstein, 1931, Metropolis, 1927, The Golem: How He came into the World, 1920). Such a presentation was associated with mesmerism and hysteria, which was related to the ocularcentristic concept and surrealists’ pre-war mood. Based on the analysis of publications in periodicals, it can be assumed that Enigmarelle’s phenomenon anticipated viewers’ active involvedness. This, in turn, served as a kind of a binder, uniting the disparate elements of the exhibition.

Oleg D. Dolgitskii

This article analyses the concept of “objectification” from the point of view of philosophical anthropology in the works of Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, Fromm, Marcuse and Zhizhek. In the process of analysing the works of these authors, the philosophical and anthropological meaning of the phenomenon of objectification was revealed. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the search for an objectified basis in order to overcome alienation leads a person to a new understanding of his own essence. In this regard, we propose to deconstruct the objectified images of the ideal person in traditional and modern societies, in order to create the images that will be relevant for a postmodern society.


Laburpena: Administrazio publikoetako izendapen askeko lanpostuetarako izendapenetan “ahalmen diskrezionala” nola erabili aztertuko dugu. Funtzionario publikoen karrera profesionalerako eskubide subjektiboa ikertuko dugu, baita lanpostuak betetzeko sistemen arteko aldea ere: lehiaketa eta izendapen askea. Izendapen askearen diskrezionalitatearen kasuan, hura osatzen duten elementuak aztertuko ditugu, merezimenduari eta gaitasunari dagokienez. Prozesu hori objektibotasun-, inpartzialtasun- eta gardentasun-printzipioetatik abiatuta gauzatu beharko da, eta jarduera horren emaitzak hautatu beharreko hautagaia, pertsona egokia, zehaztera eramango gaitu. Resumen: Vamos a abordar cómo se debe ejercitar la “potestad discrecional” en el nombramiento en puestos de libre designación en las Administraciones Públicas. Analizaremos el derecho subjetivo a la carrera profesional del personal funcionario público y la distinción entre los sistemas de provisión de puestos de trabajo: el concurso y la libre designación. De la discrecionalidad de la libre designación escudriñaremos los elementos que la componen en relación con el mérito y la capacidad. El resultado de tal actividad, que deberá ejercerse desde los principios de objetividad, imparcialidad y transparencia, nos llevará hasta determinar la persona candidata a seleccionar, la persona idónea. Abstract: We are going to address how the “discretionary power” should be exercised in the appointment of freely appointed positions in the Public Administrations. We will analyze the subjective right to the professional career of public officials and the distinction between the systems for the provision of jobs: competition and free appointment. Regarding the discretion of free designation, we will scrutinize the elements that compose it in relation to merit and capacity. The result of such activity, which must be exercised from the principles of objectivity, impartiality and transparency, will lead us to determine the candidate to select, the ideal person.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Aswar Aswar ◽  
Mukran H. Usman ◽  
Azwar Iskandar

This study aims to find the therapeutic strategies to the gay victims. The phenomenon of the rising of the gay community is increasingly worrying, of course that behavior is abnormal for Indonesians, especially for Muslims. This community actually began to grow in 1982 in Solo, 1985 in Yogyakarta, 1993 in Pekanbaru, 1999 in Surabaya, and still exists in cyberspace (social media). The research method applied is a qualitative approach with the type of composed hermeneutics research analysis, with the object study of therapeutic thought of Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah and the examined subject in the RSC-M Malang (Ruqyah Syar'iyyah Center Malang). The study found four therapeutic strategies that can be applied to the gay victims. First, the main focus of intervention is in mind/belief intervention. Second, the target towards an ideal person is the transfer from a sinful person to a person who obeys God's commandments and avoids His prohibition. Third, analysis and diagnosis is efforts to identify and find the errors in the chain of perception, belief, sex drive, behavior, and habit of the gay victims. Fourth, the application of homosexual victim alleviation techniques consists of prevention and healing pathways, prevention pathways is in the form of 'self-training' subjecting themselves to the same things, while healing pathways is in the form of the application of intervention techniques of the mind, self-conversion and statements of repentance and istigfar, as well as the worship therapy. The recommendations of this study is to be applied by practitioners and counsellors in providing counselling services to the gay victims.

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