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Published By Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji


Marinade ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 40-49
Rusdi Akbar ◽  
Jumsurizal Jumsurizal ◽  
R. Marwita Sari Putri

The immotilization technique of cantang grouper (Epinephelus sp.) Using Datura metel L. leaf extract. The purpose of this study was to find the best concentration at onset time of Datura metel L. leaves as anesthetic agent for grouper (Epinephelus sp.) And its survival rate. The results of the study, using extracts of natural anesthetic ingredients of amethyst leaves with concentrations of 20%, 25%, and 30% had different effects (P <0.05) on the onset time and recovery of grouper fish. In this study, it provides a life passing rate of 100% at concentrate 20%, and 25%, while concentrate 30% has a 66.67% survival rate. The best concentration in this study was concentrate 30%, with an onset time of 32.07 minutes with a recovery time of 9.07 minutes. This study used a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD).

Marinade ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 10-15
Ridwan Meldi Nite ◽  
Nurbety Tarigan

Biofloc technology is a fish culture technology based on the principle of assimilation of inorganic nitrogen (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) by the microbial community (heterotrophic bacteria) in culture media which can then be used by the cultivated organism as a food source. The use of probiotics in aquaculture is used to control microbes in the water, in the digestive tract of the host, improve the quality of the aquatic environment through the process of biodegradation. Biofloc technology is expected to minimize the cost of feed most spent during tilapia cultivation. The purpose of this activity is to evaluate the growth of tilapia (Oreocromis niloticus) using the biofloc system. The method used is an experimental method. All parameters measured were analyzed descriptively. The results of the growth rate of tilapia maintained for 32 days using the biofloc system are a life-passing rate of 100%, and a specific growth rate of 5.23% with a body weight of 35 grams and a body length of 9.6 cm. Based on this, the biofloc system can provide a maximum fish growth rate.

Marinade ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Boedi Setya Rahardja

Marine pollution occurs due to the entry of industrial waste containing chemicals into the aquatic will cause changes to its ecological conditions. Pollutants contained in the waste are in the form of sediment nutrients, pesticides, pathogenic organisms, waste and heavy metals. The purpose of this study was to determine the content of heavy metal Pb in green mussels (Perna viridis), water, and sediments in the Ngemboh, Gresik area and in the waters of the Nusantara Brondong Fishery Port, Lamongan, East Java. The research is observational research with analysis data using linear regression, simple correlation (pearson) and ANOVA. The data collection was carried out by purposive random sampling. The heavy metal content of lead (Pb) in green mussels in Ngemboh waters, Gresik has a heavy metal content of lead (Pb) of 0.871 ppm, 0.199 ppm, 0.161 ppm. The cause of the high content of heavy metal lead (Pb) at station 1 is because it is close to the mouth of the Ngemboh river, where both organic and inorganic waste originate from local residents. Meanwhile, the content of the heavy metal lead (Pb) in green mussels in the waters of the Indonesian fishing port in the archipelago of Brondong, Lamongan, has various values. The values of heavy metal lead (Pb) at both stations were 0.37 ppm and 0.053 ppm. The content of heavy metal lead (Pb) in green mussels has not exceeded the threshold specified in SNI 01-7387-2009, which means that green mussels are still fit for consumption.

Marinade ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 51-62
Habsah Agusnia ◽  
Kiki Fatmawati ◽  
Made Suhandana

Phylum molusca is a group of animals that are soft-bodied and have no spine (invertebrates). One of the phylum molusca is a class of Bivalvia that is generally in the form of lateral symmetry, a type of bivalvia that is often found in the water of Riau Islands is Lokan shells (Geloina erosa) and Darah shells (Anadara granosa) that live in tidal areas. The purpose of this study is to find out if the addition of water ice cubes resulting from the extraction of seaweed Echeuma Cottonii is effective for lokan shells and blood shells. Based on the results of the study obtained for the meat rendment of each shell is 85.39% in lokan shells and 84.27% in darah shells. Organoleptic results showed a more effective treatment of shellfish treatment with the addition of regular ice cubes, Water Holding Capacity (WHC) for the treatment of water ice cube extract binding or absorbing more water than regular ice cube treatment. The second pH of shellfish from three treatments had a value below 7, the lowest acidic pH obtained treatment with seaweed ice cubes.

Marinade ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Hermiza Mardesci ◽  
Imaryana Imaryana

Snakehead fish is one type of fish that is widely found in Indragiri Hilir which is known as “haruan” fish. This fish has high economic value if it is processed into processed food products, such as meatballs. Processing of snakehead fish into meatballs can be done by adding other ingredients, such as tapioca flour, sago flour, corn starch, and other flours. This study aims to determine the effect of adding corn starch and tapioca flour to the organoleptic characteristics of the resulting snakehead fish meatballs. The results showed that the snakehead balls most favored by the panelists were snakehead fish balls with the addition of 7.5% corn starch and 2.5% tapioca flour by weight of the ingredients.

Marinade ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Ali Jaja ◽  
R. Marwita Sari Putri ◽  
Jumsurizal Jumsurizal

Edible film is a type of packagingthat is both effective and safe. Edible film maked using natural ingredients such as carrageenan. Clove oil addetional to enhance its antimicrobial function. This study puposed to determine the effect of using carrageenan and clove oil concentrations in the organoleptic and ALT test. The design used was used was CRD with test parameter namely thikness tset, elongation, tensile strenght, organoleptic quality obcervation and ALT. Thikness test result 0.02-0.13 mm, elongation 1.027-1.117%, tensile strength 0.088-0.095 MPa, the best organoleptic is A2 on parameter (eyes, smell and texture), ALT A1 value (1.4x103 koloni/g) amd A2 (9.4x102 koloni/g). the reduction of carrageenan and additional of clove oil resulted in increased thikness and tensile strenht, while decreasing elongation. Based on the organoleptic test, the best the best treatment was edible film A2. ALT A1 and A2 test result do not exceed the threshold.

Marinade ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 24-31
Syarifah Norhayati ◽  
Melati Melati ◽  
Jumsurizal Jumsurizal

The manufacture of bioplastics from kappapycus alvarezii with the addition of extraction of the plant clade, the sea (Scaevola taccada). This study examines the influence of the addition of extracts of the plant clade, the sea and the concentration of carrageenan on physical and mechanical characteristics of bioplastics.The variables studied is the addition of the amount of carrageenan 2 g, 1.5 g, and 1 g with plant extracts clade, sea 0%, 2.5% and 5%. The results obtained from the manufacture of bioplastics to the thickness of the highest in treatment F1, namely 0.393 mm, for all the thickness of the average range 0.0320-0.393 mm. The level of solubility of the most high are in treatment F1 that is 20,92 minutes, for an average of all the solubility range 12.59-20.92 minutes. The rejection and death of the insects was highest in treatment F3, 7% and 3% with the addition of a leaf segmented sea (Scaevola teccada). Thus the addition of the clade, the sea can be said to not meet the Japanesse Industrial Standard (JIS) in the determination of the thickness of the bioplastic that is good that is equal to ≤ 0.25 mm and also for solubility do not meet the SNI to the water resistance of 99%.

Marinade ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 148-159
Nurjanah Nurjanah ◽  
Agoes M. Jacoeb ◽  
Taufik Hidayat

Local mussel is a type of shellfish which is rich in minerals, fatty acids and essential amino acids and has a low cholesterol content. The local gravestone is currently only used as food by the local community which is processed by steaming. This study aims to determine the chemistry of the local gravestone. The research method used was morphometric, proximate analysis, amino acids using HPLC, fatty acids using GC, and minerals using AAS. The proximate results showed that the air and fat content decreased, while the ash, protein, and carbohydrate content increased due to the steaming process. Saturated fatty acids in local mussels tend to rise after steaming, except for palmitic which has decreased, while unsaturated fatty acids have decreased after steaming. Protein The salt-soluble content of local mussel is higher in air-soluble protein. The highest amino acid content is glutamic acid. The highest macro mineral content in local mussel meat is calcium 5,808.85 ppm, and the highest is sodium at 51.46 ppm, while the highest micro mineral is iron at 445.06 ppm, and the best is copper at 0.16 ppm . Generally, the chemical composition of local mussels on average decreased after the steaming process.

Marinade ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 121-127
Sri Novalina Amrizal ◽  
Endah Putri Apriliani ◽  
Desi Ramadhani

This study aims to determine the antioxidant capacity and sensory properties of the produced seaweed Eucheuma Spinosum and red spinach Amaranthus tricolor L. The observations made included the antioxidant activity test, hedonic test and water content. The results showed that the moisture content of nori seaweed and red spinach ranged from 15.83-17.66%. The best water content was found in treatment A which had the lowest water content value of 15.83%. In the hedonic test the formulations of the two samples of seaweed and red spinach had no significant effect on the hedonic test on the appearance, color, taste, aroma and texture values with overall acceptance, namely like. The antioxidant capacity of nori Eucheuma Spinosum and red spinach is very weak because the IC50 value is greater than 200 ppm with nori IC50 nori A 38309 ppm, while nori B has an IC50 of 534.36 ppm.

Marinade ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 168-177
Indriyani Shellim ◽  
Aisyah Aisyah ◽  
Azwin Apriandi

The purpose of this research was to analyzed the rate of the quality of fresh gonggong snail (Strombus sp.) stored at chilling and space temperature within 24 hours. The research method used consisted of morphometric test, yield test and sensory test with characteristics of appearance, texture and smell of gonggong snails. The results of the study based on observations of deterioration in quality of fresh gonggong snails (Strombus sp.) can be seen from the morphometric observations of gonggong, namely obtaining an average total weight of 23.36 ggonggong, 5.98 g length, and 3.6 g width. Based on the results, the yield of shell research was the largest portion at 60.77%, the meat yield was 21.25%, while offal was the smallest part, which was 15.83%. Observations on the sensory test at chilling temperature using a temperature of 5ºC were carried out for 4 hours 1 time observation with the characteristics of appearance, texture and smell making the sample not too fast to experience the process of decay and change in the sample. While the sensory test observations at room temperature are carried out for 24 hours. 1 time the observation of the quality deterioration process occurs very quickly because storage at room temperature can accelerate the deterioration of quality due to bacterial overhaul occurs very quickly.

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