Madrosatuna Journal of Islamic Elementary School
Latest Publications





Published By Muhammadiyah University Sidoarjo


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-15
Kusuma Dwi Nur M ◽  
Nurul Ngainin

In Indonesia in 2019 in December, a disease caused by the Coronavirus SARS-COV-2, which is now better known as Covid-19, emerged. Covid-19 is a type of disease that attacks the respiratory tract and is very dangerous for human life. The level of knowledge about Covid-19 is still very little, even the public still does not understand correctly about Covid-9 so that awareness of the dangers of Covid-19 is very minimal. Meanwhile, the spread is always increasing. Covid-19 prevention must be done immediately. The IAINU Tuban tertiary institution also participates in the prevention of covid-19 transmission through one form of activity Against Covid-19 Prevention at SDN Sugiharjo II, Tuban Regency. The objectives of this research are: (1) Describing and Analyzing the Implementation Process of Prevention of Covid-19 at SDN Sugiharjo II, Tuban Regency, (2) Describing and Analyzing the Prevention of Covid-19 at SDN Sugiharjo II, Tuban Regency, and (3) Describing and Analyzing the impact of Implementation on Prevention of Covid-19 at SDN Sugiharjo II, Tuban Regency. This study uses qualitative research types of field research (field research). Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative, which describes or describes in detail the data found. The technique of checking the validity of the data used the data triangulation method, peer discussion, attendance extension, and informant reviews. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The Implementation Process of Covid-19 Prevention at SDN Sugiharjo II, Tuban Regency, which goes through two processes before its implementation: First, the process before going to the field, and secondly the process of field work (implementation of the implementation of prevention of Covid-19 at SDN Sugiharjo 2). (2) The role of preventing covid-19 at SDN Sugiharjo. (3) The impact of this activity is to add insight to the public about the importance of preventing Covid-19, the community is increasingly more aware of Covid-19, and the community applies 3M (wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-29
Susianty Selaras Ndari ◽  
Khusniyati Masykuroh ◽  
Amelia Vinayastri ◽  
Kibitiah Kibitiah

This study aims to explore the use of digital smartphone media for sexuality education of children with low-income parents by emphasizing the usage of digital media for protection from sexual violence against children. This research method uses case studies with children (aged 3-6 years) in 25 low-income families. Data collection was carried out for eight rounds using an ecocultural approach to examine the experiences of children and parents in using digital media technology for sex education for children aged 3-6 years. This research explains 1) What technology is used by children at home ?, 2) what is the role of parents at home in helping children in providing sex education learning using digital media ?, 3) What are the benefits of using digital media for sex? education for children? This is done because of the adaptation of technology to the curriculum for early childhood education. Due to the increasing use of digital media in all layers of parents, so the use of digital technology can help children to learn to increase their knowledge of sexuality. So they can protect themselves from sexual violence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Nuril Nuzulia

This research is motivated by the availability of the snake and ladder game on the material of the kingdoms of Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism based on HOTS questions which have not been tested for their effectiveness on student learning outcomes. This study aims to reveal the effectiveness level of the use of snake and ladder media in the material of Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms on student learning outcomes at SDN Ngaringan 03 Blitar. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with a non-equivalent control group design. The population in this study were grade 4 students at SDN Ngaringan Blitar. The research sample was taken using purposive sampling technique so that class 4A was selected as the experimental class and class 4 B as the control class. The instrument of this research is a test of learning outcomes by providing a pretest and posttest in the form of an objective test with 4 answer choices as many as 25 items taken from 40 questions that have been tested. The data analysis technique used was the N-Gain test and the two-mean similarity test (t-test). The results showed an increase in learning outcomes was better in the experimental class than in the control class. This is evidenced by the posttest mean scores of the experimental class and the control class respectively 92.12 and 73.96. This is also evidenced by the average N-Gain test for the experimental class of 0.762 with the high category and the control class of 0.294 in the low category, and supported by hypothesis testing carried out by t-test using the Independent Samples Test showing Sign 2 Tailed < 0.05, this indicates that the use of snake and ladder media is effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Fashi Hatul Lisaniyah ◽  
Ummidlatuss Salamah

The COVID-19  pandemic has an impact not only on health, but also on education. The world of education has undergone major changes. The reason is, to prevent the spread of COVID-19  from becoming more widespread, the government requires teachers and students not to do face-to-face learning at school, and replace it with learning at home or better known as online learning. However, in reality online learning is not as effective as direct learning, because students cannot interact optimally in the learning process. In addition, online learning has also caused many polemics, remembering that online learning is new learning for students, that's why researchers are interested in conducting research related to the impact of the COVID-19  pandemic on online learning with the title Impact of the COVID-19  pandemic on the online learning process at MI Islamiyah. The purpose of this study is to obtain information about the impact of COVID-19  on the implementation of online learning in elementary schools. Is online learning in primary schools can be done well and effectively. This research uses an exploratory study research method, with a qualitative case study approach. The results of this study, the impact on students, namely, students feel bored and bored doing online learning. And students are required to adapt to distant learning or online. Furthermore, the impact for teachers, not all teachers are proficient in using social media to support online learning. Teachers are burdened by the additional cost of internet quota and inadequate facilities owned by teachers. The last impact is the impact felt by parents, in addition to paying tuition fees, parents are burdened with the cost of purchasing an internet quota package. and working parents must share their time by accompanying their children to online learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Agusti Mardikaningsih ◽  
Praharisti Kurniasari

Technology develops rapidly and it affects the technology development at physical, health, and recreation education study program of IKIP Budi Utomo as this year they uses combination learning approach. Students can study anywhere, anytime, and with whomever. To support the current availability of the facilities, the lecturers are required to develop various learning plan models which are easy and comprehensive; one of them is Blended Learning Model. The objective of this research is to develop blended learning model teaching scenario plan and develop blended learning application using social media as the media to ease the teaching and learning process. Online social media were chosen as the basic platform to distribute learning materials and communicate online because of the determinations of usage affordability, effectiveness, and familiarity. The development of blended learning scenario and application used ADDIE Model because it was a general/common learning system model and one of product development models. There is evaluation in each step of ADDIE model. Evaluation is done through validation process and the collected data were analyzed using percentage technique, they are: per item data tabulation and whole data tabulation. Based on the research result, it could be concluded that the percentage of Blended Learning Teaching Scenario developed was considered as appropriate and able to improve the students’ comprehension significantly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Agus Fathoni Prasetyo ◽  
Siti Nurjanah ◽  
Qoridatul Mu'awanah

Education is an important capital for a person to live his life. The role of education is inseparable from the components of students, teachers, learning materials, learning media, learning models, and so forth. The main factors in the education described need to be improved because the progress of the civilization of a society or nation lies at the level of education. This research is also motivated by the low level of student activity during the learning process. The low student activeness is due to the way the teacher delivers the material and the educator rarely applies varied strategies in the learning process. So the learning process becomes monotonous and boring and causes students to assume that the fiqh lesson is not important and saturating, or they think it is enough to listen to the fiqh lesson as it is finished just like that, without any application. One strategy that can be used is to implement a joyful learning strategy or fun learning. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of joyful learning strategies on student activity in the fiqh learning process especially in circumcision material at MI Miftahurrohman Senori Tuban. This type of pre-experimental research with the type of one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were class V students consisting of one class that was used as an experimental class with a total of 14 students and all members of the population were sampled in this study. Data collection techniques were observation, tests (pretest and posttest) and documentation. The results of the study and discussion of the t test calculations obtained that thitung = 2.197 and ttabel = 1.771. This means that thitung is greater than ttabel so it can be concluded that there is an influence of joyful learning strategies on student activeness in the learning process of fiqh in MI Miftahurrohman Senori Tuban class on circumcision material after being treated. Increased student activity is influenced by the use of learning strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Yulia Pramusinta ◽  
Farah Destria Rifanah

In the 21st century, one of the learning outcomes that students must have is creativity. Creating creative human resources can be through education or learning, one of which is by using a synectic learning model. The synectic learning model has a syntax that can foster student creativity. This study aimed to examine differences in the creative learning outcomes of students who are taught with the synectic model and students who learn using conventional learning models. The research method used is quasi-experimental. This research was conducted in January-February 2020. The population of this study was students in grade 3 at MI Bahrul Ulum Blawi with Indonesian subjects. The sampling method used was cluster random sampling. In this study, the sample was 2 classes using random sample sampling, one class as a control class taught using conventional methods, and one class as an experimental class taught using the synectic learning model. The number of research subjects in the experimental class was 22 students, and the control class consisted of 20 students. The research analysis used an independent sample t-test. The study results concluded that there was an influence between the synectic learning model on students' creativity in Indonesian lessons.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-99
Amik Nadziroh ◽  
M. Romadlon Habibullah ◽  
Shofi Chofiatun Nisa ◽  
Ridaul Bariroh

This research purpose to explore the role of graduated of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education in strengthening communication networks and improving the quality of learning through Parenting Class activities. The focus of the research article is how the approach, implementation and evaluation applied by the alumni in strengthening communication networks and improving the quality of learning through Parenting Class activities?. The method used in this research is a qualitative method whose data is carried out through field practice from 2012 to 2019 using Baumrind's theory, a theory that purpose to explore and attempt to find new theori so that in Islam many of the exemplary concepts in each Parenting Class activity mentioned. The results of the approach by utilizing IT, alumni association forums, alumi annual programs, and establishing a regeneration system. Implementation of activities is the establishment of good alumni, by exchanging idea on improving the quality of education through annual programs and IT media. Meanwhile, parenting class activities useful in achiev the vision and mission of education in which these activities open the fabric of cooperation and transparent systems in educating between teachers and guardians of students, guardians of students with the community, the community with teachers and impacting on the quality of education and certainly constituting strategic management in activities classroom learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-88
Zulfatun Anisah ◽  
Adhiesta Kurnia Fikri ◽  
Siti Effi Nur Ummahi

Al-Qur'an memorization juz 30 needs to be supported by the right functional suitability of the brain and the use of appropriate and appropriate methods. So far, in Bangilan and other nearby districts, there is only one school that has a memorization juz 30 programs. Also, to reduce children's dependence on gadgets, children can be preoccupied with activities that are by their psychological and physical development, namely in the form of schedules or daily schedules. Children are filled with activities that are useful for themselves, now and for later days. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Researchers obtained data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. Preliminary data were obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation conducted by researchers at the Islamic Scholar Assalam Elementary School. Meanwhile, secondary data obtained from library materials in schools include school vision and mission, teacher data, student data, and learning methods applied in schools. The results showed 9 of 39 students were able to memorize juz 30 faster. Only in one year, so starting from class 2, 9 students can continue memorization starting juz 1. As for the 30 other students, continue to memorize until completing juz 30. SD Islam Cendekia Assalam Bangilan chooses to use the method of tilawati in optimizing the right brain function. Long-term memory through music and art can help students more quickly remember and recite verses in Surah juz 30.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-111
Yusril Wahid ◽  
Nuril Nuzulia ◽  
Moch. Bahak Udin By Arifin

The Development of PENA (Puzzle Nusantara) Learning Media on Cultural Diversity Material is one of the instruments to help students understand the diversity material to increase learning outcomes in Indonesian cultural diversity material. The necessity to provide attractive and creative learning media in learning that aims to increase student learning outcomes is one of the reasons behind this research and development. The purpose of this research and development are to (1) determine the process in the making of PENA (Puzzle Nusantara) learning media on cultural diversity material to increase learning outcomes of fourth grade student MIS Al-Falah Lemahabang, (2) knowing the attractiveness level of PENA learning media (Puzzle Nusantara) on cultural diversity material in improving the learning outcomes of fourth grade student MIS Al-Falah Lemahabang, (3) knowing is there any differences in learning outcomes of fourth grade student before using PENA (Puzzle Nusantara) learning media and after using PENA (Puzzle Nusantara) learning media. This research and development method uses research and development (R&D) research type. This research development procedure uses the Borg and Gall model by adopting six stages including (1) research and data collection, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) preliminary product testing, (5) after product testing revisions, (6) field trials. This research was conducted at MIS Al-Falah Lemahabang, Bone-Bone, North-Luwu, South Sulawesi. Data collection techniques in this study were tests and observations. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The result of this conducted development is in the form of printed learning media called PENA (Puzzle Nusantara) with Indonesia cultural diversity material. (1) the results of this research and development meet the valid criteria with the acquisition of validity, material expert gets 97.5%, design expert gets 95.45%, and learning expert gets 95%. (2) the test results to rate the attractiveness of the PENA (Puzzle Nusantara) learning media (Puzzle Nusantara) in fourth grade students at MIS Al-Falah Lemahabang by 95.5%. (3) student learning outcomes increased, proved by the pre-test results of 46.5, and the post-test scores of 81, it can be said that the PENA (Puzzle Nusantara) learning media is feasible for students.

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