scholarly journals The problem of social security of residents of rural areas of Russia in modern conditions: social and philosophical dimension

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 ◽  
pp. 05017
Andrey Shilovtsev ◽  
Natalia Sorokina ◽  
Konstantin Stozhko ◽  
Jose Luis Lopez Garcia

The article considers the problem of social security of rural residents from a socio-philosophical point of view in the context of the need to further strengthen it and improve the entire system of social and labor relations. The morphology of social security and its features in the conditions of modern agricultural production are revealed. Identified shortcomings of existing calculation of the minimum wage (SCMW) and the minimum subsistence level (MSL) as a factor in their failure to comply with the required level of social security of the rural population. The main causes and forms of devaluation of social security in rural areas (underdevelopment of industrial and social infrastructure, migration of rural population to megacities, etc.) are identified. Measures are proposed to strengthen the social security of the rural population, taking into account all its components.


Abstract Introduction. Dependence of the rural areas condition on the level of social infrastructure determines necessitates its definition as a priority direction of support from the state. Analysis of the current state of scientific research allows to substantiate the relevance of determining the social infrastructure role in shaping the demographic potential of region rural areas. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the social infrastructure role in shaping the demographic potential of rural areas in the region. Results. The implementation effectiveness of the Law of Ukraine «On the priority of social development of the village and agro-industrial complex in the national economy» is considered. The similarity of the motives between the rural population and the state is determined regarding the invariability of the way of life in the countryside. The social infrastructure development in rural areas makes the transition of the agricultural segment to market conditions cheaper. The ineffectiveness of the normative support for the Ukrainian village development is proved, which is confirmed by the lack of its proper institutional form or inadequate implementation. Measures to provide rural settlements with the necessary infrastructure are presented developed by experts of the National Institute for Strategic Studies. It is argued that improving the village's social infrastructure efficiency will inevitably affect the living standards of the rural population and will help to bring the living conditions in the countryside closer to urban standards. Conclusions. A full and highly organized social infrastructure, along with the availability of high-paying jobs, is an indispensable condition for the formation and development of demographic potential. Due to the current critical state of the social sphere of the village, and beyond it, and other aspects of rural life, it is necessary to implement measures for the development of social infrastructure with appropriate institutional support. Key words: regional policy, social infrastructure, resource potential, demographic potential, rural areas.

2020 ◽  
Oksana Poplavska ◽  
Olena Shevchuk ◽  

Among the problems that the world is trying to solve today, those related to quality of life are the undisputed ones, as the negative manifestations of quality are reflected in the spread of poverty, limited access to quality education, health, lack of decent conditions, etc. Therefore, the search for the root causes and their elimination to ensure the quality of life is extremely important, especially for the rural population, which contributes to the food security of the country. The purpose of the article is to study the quality of life of the rural population in Ukraine and develop proposals to eliminate the negative trends that have developed in modern conditions. Given the limited methodology for assessing the quality of life, the authors proposed their own approach, which involves the analysis of indicators that assess material well-being, demographic aspects of rural development, as well as development indicators. In particular, the authors propose to include in the demographic indicators the data of the current population, indicators of population formation (average life expectancy at birth, natural increase and migratory population growth). The authors do not single out the indicators that shape the quality of life of the population in the field of health care, because the purpose of the study analyzes the level of quality, rather than factors of quality of life. Among the indicators that reflect the development of rural areas, the authors included indicators of school equipment and technology, the prevalence of extracurricular education, as these indirect indicators allow us to understand whether there is a real improvement in quality of life. Regarding material well-being, the basic indicators include data on monetary income and total resources of the population, as well as its expenditures, as these data maximally reflect the sources of income and opportunities to improve the material condition of the population, development. The article also uses the author's approach to assessing the social security of the population living in rural areas. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the material well-being of the rural population and its employment as the basis for the formation of quality of life. An analysis of the accessibility of education and health care for the rural population and the impact of these factors on the social security of rural areas. The publication proposes areas for improving the quality of life of the rural population in Ukraine, including improving social infrastructure, providing support to the self-employed, promoting small and medium-sized businesses, outlining the participation of NGOs and the role of community in socio-economic development of rural areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-90
Julia Gemadeeva

The key contradictions in the transformation of the social infrastructure of rural areas are that the necessary transformation requires significant financial investments, and funding flows are invariably small. In addition, the specifics of rural areas are that the transformation being implemented requires significant investments, but the degree of financing is still small. And there are also constant discussions between the importance of using effective resources and the simultaneous territorial spread of the rural population, between the importance of system maintenance of society and the formation of specialization of rural economic entities and social structures. Currently, it is not possible to improve the conditions and management in rural areas without trained professional personnel. Solving the difficulties of securing young people in the village, it is necessary to develop and carry out a set of measures to increase quality indicators and attractiveness.

Yolanda Álvarez Sánchez ◽  
Rubén Darío Díaz Mateus ◽  
Jorge Enrique Saiz Vélez

ABSTRACTThe "new rurality" means not only the influence of neoliberal policies in Europe and America have had in rural areas but as, fundamentally, the relationship of reciprocity or resistance that exists between the social and business actors , Indians, peasants and the state in ideological aspects of geographic nature (the urbanization of the countryside, for example), political (the effacement of the other as a peasant, the loss of their identity), economic (the presence of transnational corporations controlling agricultural production and livestock), cultural (the loss of "tradition" as a category that implies the conservation of values and norms of behavior, etc.), religious (paradigm shifts in relation to the concepts of land and property they provide and the breakdown of the relationship man - earth man - nature). Three categories are fundamental in relation to the study of living conditions of the rural population in the above mentioned context: a) the phenomena of "resistance" to the peasants, men and women have faced in terms of policies misnamed "rural development"; b) the erasure by canceling their traditions and their identity c) the phenomenon of hybridization as a result of reciprocity in the integration processes of different models of life. Such categories are widely developed from evidence inductive section through which sets the type of life they live in rural communities where the effects of urban population growth affect everyday and engages.RESUMENSe entiende la “nueva ruralidad” no sólo como la influencia de las políticas neoliberales que tanto en Europa como en América han tenido en el medio rural1 sino como, y fundamentalmente, la relación de reciprocidad o resistencia que se establece entre los actores sociales y empresariales, indígenas, campesinos y el Estado en aspectos ideológicos de índole geográfico ( la urbanización del campo, por ejemplo), político ( el borramiento del otro como campesino; la pérdida de su identidad), económico (la presencia de empresas transnacionales controlando la producción agrícola y ganadera), cultural (la pérdida de la “tradición” como categoría que implica la conservación de valores y normas de comportamiento, etc.), religioso (los cambios de paradigma en relación con las concepciones de la tierra y los bienes que éstos proveen y la ruptura de la relación hombre – tierra; hombre – naturaleza). Tres categorías son fundamentales en relación con el estudio de las condiciones de vida de la población rural en el contexto arriba señalado: a) los fenómenos de “resistencia” que los campesinos, hombres y mujeres, han tenido que enfrentar en función de las políticas del mal llamado “desarrollo rural”; b) el borramiento que implica la anulación de sus tradiciones y de su identidad y c) el fenómeno de hibridación como conse-cuencia de la reciprocidad en los procesos de integración de modelos de vida distintos. Tales categorías serán ampliamente desarrolladas a partir de las evidencias de corte inductivo a través de las cuales se configura el tipo de vida que viven las poblaciones rurales donde los efectos del crecimiento poblacional urbano día a día los afectan y los involucra.

Social Law ◽  
2019 ◽  
S. Kozachenko

In the article the analysis of legislation of Ukraine on peculiarities of regulation of labor relations of agricultural workers. To resolve certain difficulties, labor relations, adequate safeguards in the implementation and protection of the rights and interests of workers farms conclusions and suggestions for improvement of the existing legislation in this area. The problems of rural areas are emphasized today, which should recognize the low standard of living and incomes of rural population, the increase in the number of people living below the poverty line, the degradation and extinction of villages, the underdeveloped social and industrial infrastructure. In view of the development and changes in the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy, which occurred after the proclamation of the course on market transformations, the author distinguishes forms of organization of agricultural production. Labor relations that exist in agriculture have their own peculiar features, which should be reflected in the content of the relevant rules of law, especially those aimed at regulating the relations with the formation of personnel potential of enterprises working in the agricultural sector. In order to address the issue of concluding an employment contract in agriculture, it is important to identify its parties, which the author points out. It has been suggested that there is no consensus today in the specialized literature and in the legislation as to which persons it is advisable to call "specialist" or "specialist" in agriculture. It is proposed to generally call these subjects “agricultural workers”, and a definition of this definition is provided.

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-21
Kh. B. Dusaev ◽  
A. Kh. Dusaeva

The article analyzes the number, employment and dynamics of monetary income of the population of the Orenburg region for a long-term period. The production of social and engineering arrangement of rural territories of the region for a number of years is analyzed in detail. Negative destructive changes and trends in employment and social development of rural areas are revealed. The directions of improvement and dynamic development of agricultural production, rural areas, and employment of the rural population are proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 51-59
S. Kononov ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of a social security modern discourse formation in the framework of a philosophical discussion of the transformation processes of the formation vector of the state security policy. The task of the article, according to the author, is to present the problem of security in conditions when it ceases to be understood, as a concept associated with the idea of preserving the integrity of a state or nation, and functions as a phenomenon with the broadest possible social parameters. Using the methodology of phenomenological, hermeneutic and comparative analysis, the new areas of security research, common difference of which is social and personal orientation are analyzed. The author pays attention to the features of the methodology of works reflecting the point of view of the modern state, works related to the development of a systematic approach to security, works based on an axiological approach and concludes that, despite the expansion of security interpretations, all these approaches retain a common ideological foundation. presupposing the need to preserve the leading role of the state in the field of social security, including the security of the individual and society and the state. All these approaches are based on the policy of responding to emerging threats to the Russian state and do not reflect the needs of a comprehensive strategic goal-setting covering the sphere of socio-economic development of the social system. This circumstance, according to the author, leads to the formation of a security strategy that exists only in the name of protecting the state and does not imply feedback between the state and the social institutions that the state is going to protect, which leads to the ineffectiveness of modern protection measures and the need to find new ways to justify the need for this protection, a new definition of its content and essence


LABURPENA: Gaur egun, enplegu prekarioek ez dute gutxieneko bizitza ziurtatzen, eta etorkizunerako «lana amaitzea» aurreikusten da. Gainera, ongizate sistemen akatsen eta mugen aurrean, beharrezkoa da gizarte-babeserako sistema berraztertzea: oinarrizko errenta unibertsala aukera popularrena dela dirudi. Oinarrizko errenta gizarte-erreformaren ideiarekin bat etortzen den arren, ikerketa honen pertzepzioak aurrerapen txikien politika gidatu behar dela ezartzea du, azken batean, Gizarte Segurantzako sistema bateratze partzial bat lortuz, eta ez bera desegitea. Gaur egun, ezaugarri hauei dagozkien adibideak daude, gizarteko talde zehatzetarako (esate baterako, alemaniar adingabekoei) oinarrizko errenta bat ematen zaie. Zalantzarik gabe, adibide hau aurrerapauso handi bat da, pentsioetan belaunaldien banaketaren sistema eredua jarraitzen duten ordenamendu guztien eredu —beraien artean espainola— izan daitekeelako. ABSTRACT: At present, the precarious jobs do not assure the subsistence level, and the future forecasts «the end of work». In addition, because of the defects and limits of the welfare systems, a rethinking of the social protection system is necessary: universal basic income seems to be the most popular option. Although the basic income is usually based on the idea of social reform, the perception of this study is that its implementation should be guided by a policy of small advances, which ultimately make possible a partial reform of the Social Security system, not its dismantling. There are currently examples with these characteristics, for specific groups (e.g. minors in Germany) to which a basic income is being granted. Without a doubt, it is a big step in that direction, which can serve as a model to be followed by all legal systems —among them Spanish one— that follow a system of generational distribution (pay-as-you-go system) in pensions. RESUMEN: En la actualidad, los empleos precarios no aseguran el mínimo vital, y para el futuro se pronostica el «fin del trabajo». Además, ante los defectos y límites de los sistemas asistenciales es necesario un replanteamiento del sistema de protección social: la renta básica universal parece ser la opción más popular. Aunque normalmente la RB se basa en la idea de una reforma social, la percepción de este estudio es que su implementación debe ir dirigida por una política de pequeños avances, que al final posibiliten una reforma parcial del sistema de Seguridad Social, no su desmantelamiento. Existen en la actualidad ejemplos con estas características, para colectivos específicos (ej. menores en Alemania) a los que —en la práctica— se les está otorgando una RB. Sin duda, es un gran paso en esa dirección, que puede servir como modelo a seguir por los ordenamientos jurídicos —entre ellos el español— que siguen un sistema de reparto generacional en pensiones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 06-11
Anatolii Berzhanir ◽  

Abstract. Introduction. The current stage of functioning of the world economic system is characterized by the desire to ensure sustainable development, the essence of which lies in the unity of economic, social and environmental components. The most important tool for its implementation at the level of enterprises, companies, firms is the concept of corporate social responsibility. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the essence and analyze the main directions of introducing social responsibility of the domestic agricultural business, as well as the system of objective and subjective factors that influence it. Results. The features of the implementation of the social responsibility system in the domestic agricultural business as an important component of the further development of agricultural production have been investigated. The necessity of activating the social orientation of the agricultural business in connection with the insufficient development of the social sphere of the village and the presence of significant social problems in rural areas has been determined. The essence of social responsibility of business as a voluntary contribution of entrepreneurial structures in solving problems of social, economic and environmental spheres, which is carried out outside the regulatory requirements, has been substantiated. The need to implement an effective management system using modern innovative tools has been pointed out. It has been proven that most agricultural enterprises focus their activities on ensuring decent working conditions for personnel, cooperation with local communities, and solving environmental problems. The directions of implementation of social responsibility of agricultural companies in Ukraine have been shown. The structure and volumes of social investment of the leading agricultural holdings have been characterized. New ways of doing agribusiness and promising areas of social responsibility in the internal and external environment have been formulated. Conclusions. Expanding the scale and improving the mechanisms of social responsibility, increasing the level of motivation and interest of agribusiness to improve the quality of life of rural residents and the development of rural areas will contribute to the intensification of production and social infrastructure. Ultimately, all this will reveal a significant positive impact on the socio-economic development of the regions and the country as a whole.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (21) ◽  
pp. 8910
Ana Nieto Masot ◽  
Gema Cárdenas Alonso ◽  
Ángela Engelmo Moriche

Currently, the demographic vacuum and poor development suffered by most areas of Spain are some of the most worrying issues from a territorial point of view, which is why this study is necessary. In this paper, the objective is to create a Development Index with which to study the different realities of rural and urban spaces through demographic and socioeconomic variables of the Spanish municipalities. Principal Component Analysis is carried out, with whose results the index has been prepared. This is then explored with a Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis. The results show that most developed Spanish municipalities and most of the population are concentrated in coastal areas and in the main cities of the country. In opposition, there are interior rural areas with less developed municipalities at risk of disappearance due to their increasing ages and levels of depopulation. Thus, in this paper, new variables and methods are used in the study of the social and economic diversity of rural and urban areas, verifying the inequality that still exists between both.

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