scholarly journals Sustainable and harmonious development of the personality in the context of implementation of the concept of pedagogical facilitation

2021 ◽  
Vol 291 ◽  
pp. 05038
Tatyana Zagorulya

In the article, the author presents the results of research on sustainable and harmonious development of personality in the context of implementation of the concept of pedagogical facilitation. The author's concept of pedagogical facilitation, based on K. Rogers’ theory, has been implemented over years at the Ural State University of Economics. In this article, the author considers her own experience of applying the methods of goal setting, which contribute to the sustainable and harmonious development of the personality. In the context of implementation of the concept of pedagogical facilitation, self-actualization of the individual is carried out, the life scenario is developed, in which priority goals, and ways of achieving them are identified. The obtained result of the study confirms that personal, professional and social goal setting is an important factor of sustainable and harmonious development of the personality in an unstable and constantly changing environment.

Валентина Бикбулатова ◽  
Valentina Bikbulatova ◽  
Разият Рабаданова ◽  
Raziyat Rabadanova ◽  
Галина Юлина ◽  

This article considers the problem of professional readiness and professional identity of students, the essence and method of development. The subject of research is the self-actualization of the individual of a student. The object of the research are students of psychological and pedagogical education, psychology of Moscow State University of Technologies and Managementnamed after K.G. Razumovskiy

Jeongho Koo ◽  
Suhyun Baek ◽  
Sunah Kim

The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of personal value as a part of creating shared value (CSV). We extracted factors of personal value through a literature review. Personal value consists of social commitment, self-actualization, goal setting, and solidarity. Self-actualization is the universal motivation of the individual, goal setting is the basis for the occurrence of action, and solidarity is the relationship factor that defends competition and personalization. This study was conducted on three hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 is that self-actualization will have an effect on CSV. Hypothesis 2 is that goal setting will have an effect on CSV. Hypothesis 3 is that solidarity will have an effect on CSV. The proxy of CSV is social commitment. We examine the effects of these personal values on CSV by surveying 557 university students. This study applied the regression model to test the hypotheses. The empirical results are as follows. CSV increases when we are more self-actualized. Goal setting positively affects CSV. CSV goes up as we have many relationships with organizations and are more cooperative in work. This study suggests the important elements of personal values in a university setting for CSV, and enables setting the direction of the education by setting the index of the attitude to increase the value of the individual in CSV.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 184-193
Ольга Віговська

У статті теоретично обґрунтовано феномен конструктивного самозбереження особистості як ознаки самоактуалізації, розкриття власного потенціалу і побудови перспективи розвитку особистості та емпірично виявлено ознаки психологічної детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок з різним соціальним статусом. Зазначено, що проблема самозбереження асоціюється з особливостями прояву інстинкту самозбереження людини, але потреби вищого порядку зумовлюють соціальну природу її поведінки, яка локалізована у найвищій точці самореалізації. Теоретично обгрунтовано, що самореалізація визначає тенденцію раціональної організації життя людини та проявляється у її почутті задоволеністю життям. З’ясовано, що психологічну основу конструктивного самозбереження становлять індивідуально-типологічні характеристики людини, які відображають психофізіологічні та психосоціальні резерви самореалізації особистості. Розроблена програма емпіричного дослідження, а також комплекс використаних методів математичної обробки результатів дослідження дає змогу конкретизувати психологічний зміст детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок вікового діапазону 35-45 років та з різним соціальним статусом. У жінок, які виховують проблемну (хвору) дитину, домінує інстинкт "егофільного типу", що виражається у їх надмірному егоцентризмі і супроводжується низькими показниками самоактуалізації, на відміну від досліджуваних жінок, які виховують здорових дітей і у яких на фоні вираженої тенденції до самоактуалізації домінує базовий інстинкт "дослідницького типу" та "лібертофільного типу". This article theoretically proves constructive phenomenon of self identity as signs of self-disclosure own potential and prospects of development of individual construction. In addition, it empirically showes signs of psychological determination of the dominant instinct in a constructive self-determination of women with different social statuses. It was noted that the issue of self-preservation is associated with the peculiarities of manifestation of self-preservation instinct of man, but it needs higher-order cause social nature of the behavior that is localized at the highest point of self-realization. It theorized that self-realization determines the trend of rational organization of human life and manifests itself in its sense of life satisfaction. It was found that the psychological basis of constructive self-preservation of the individual make individually-typological characteristics of a person that reflect physiological and psychosocial reserves of self-realization. The developed program of empirical research, as well as the methods used complex mathematical processing of results of research allows to specify the content of the psychological determination of the dominant instinct of constructive self-realization а women age range of 35-45 years and with different social status. Women who bring up the problem child dominates the instinct of self-preservation, which is reflected in their excessive self-centeredness, and is accompanied by low levels of self-actualization, as opposed to the study of women who are raising healthy children and that against the backdrop of a pronounced tendency to self-actualization, dominated by basic instinct "research type" and "independent type."

1996 ◽  
Vol 98 (2) ◽  
pp. 268-268
C. P. Darby

We must be aware that freedom from organic disease alone can not be our goal. The optimal functioning of the individual must be our aim, and that it occur in an environment conducive to a fuller life. We must be aware that man does not live by bread alone, nor by his antihypertensive pill alone. We must be citizens of the community, helping to make it a better place for the raising of our children, for a fuller educational opportunity, for the development of the arts and other cultural aspects which help raise man above the level of animal life. Thus, the making of a doctor almost begins at his mother's knee. Nurtured further by society and its educational and Cultural institutions, he is finally given a privilege by society, to act in a responsible way in furthering the health, both physical and mental, of those he calls his patients. (Delivered to medical students and faculty, School of Medicine, University of South Dakota, May 1976 by Mitchell I. Rubin, MD, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics, State University of New York at Buffalo, and Consultant in Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina).

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Carolin Siepmann ◽  
Lisa Carola Holthoff ◽  
Pascal Kowalczuk

Purpose As luxury goods are losing their importance for demonstrating status, wealth or power to others, individuals are searching for alternative status symbols. Recently, individuals have increasingly used conspicuous consumption and displays of experiences on social media to obtain affirmation. This study aims to analyze the effects of luxury and nonluxury experiences, as well as traditional luxury goods on status- and nonstatus-related dimensions. Design/methodology/approach After presenting the theoretical foundation, the authors conduct a study with 599 participants to compare status perceptions elicited by the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods, luxury experiences and nonluxury experiences. The authors investigate whether experiences that are visibly consumed on Instagram are replacing traditional luxury goods as the most important status symbols. Furthermore, the authors examine the effects of the content shown on nonstatus-related dimensions and analyze whether status perceptions differ between female and male social media communicators. Finally, the authors analyze how personal characteristics (self-esteem, self-actualization and materialism) influence the status perceptions of others on social media. Findings The results show that luxury goods are still the most important means of displaying status. However, especially for women, luxury experiences are also associated with a high level of social status. Thus, the results imply important gender differences in the perceptions of status- and nonstatus-related dimensions. Furthermore, the findings indicate that, in particular, the individual characteristics of self-actualization and materialism affect status perceptions depending on the posted content. Originality/value While the research has already considered some alternative forms of conspicuous consumption, little attention has been given to experiences as status symbols. However, with their growing importance as substitutes for luxury goods and the rise of social media, the desire to conspicuously consume experiences is increasing. The authors address this gap in the literature by focusing on the conspicuous display of luxury and nonluxury experiences on social media.

Hidayatul Reza ◽  
Franky Liauw

The conflict between the two social understandings between individualism and collectivism does not need to be clashed, but instead it needs to be managed according to values, morals and ethics. So that it can become a social force for social life. In this issue, architects can play a role in cultivating a 'space' that is fit to the problem of individualism-collectivism. The research method used is a comparative and synergistic method. Literature in the form of journals and books on the phenomenon of individualism-collectivism is used as a reference and comparison. To be able to change a person's attitude, it is necessary to have an environmental role that creates events and events that occur repeatedly and continuously, gradually being absorbed into the individual and influencing the formation of an attitude. In order for this approach to be applied easily, this approach must be applied to basic human needs. In basic human needs there is a hierarchy of the most basic, namely physiological needs, the most basic needs to be fulfilled because they include things that are vital for survival, namely, clothing, food, and shelter. So in order to answer this issue, the vertical housing function is fixed. In addition, vertical housing is considered important because it responds to limited land and the increasing human population. Vertical housing with a collaborative space in grouped dwelling unit concept, because offers many possibilities, from people who live together sharing physical space to communities that share values, interests and philosophies of life. Grouping system is also be an important value and in community prefer to live in small community amount 4-10 members with various background. Consisted by good quality personal space and supporting facilities to develop self-potential as self-actualization. Keywords:  collaborative; collectivism; individualism; monodualism; self actualization Abstrak Konflik dua paham sosial antara individualisme dengan kolektivisme tidak perlu dibenturkan, tetapi justru perlu dikelola menurut nilai-nilai, moral, dan etika, sehingga dapat menjadi kekuatan sosial bagi kehidupan bermasyarakat. Dalam isu ini, arsitek dapat berperan dalam mengolah ‘ruang’ yang fit terhadap permasalahan individualisme-kolektivisme. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode komparatif dan sinergis. Literatur berupa jurnal dan buku tentang fenomena individualisme-kolektivisme, dijadikan sebagai acuan dan pembanding. Untuk dapat mengubah sikap seseorang diperlukan peran lingkungan untuk menciptakan kejadian-kejadian dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi berulang-ulang dan terus-menerus, lama-kelamaan secara bertahap diserap kedalam diri individu dan memengaruhi terbentuknya suatu sikap. Agar pendekatan ini dapat diterapkan dengan mudah maka pendekatan ini harus diterapkan pada kebutuhan dasar manusia. Pada kebutuhan dasar manusia terdapat hierarki yang paling dasar yaitu kebutuhan fisiologis (physiological needs), kebutuhan yang paling dasar untuk dipenuhi karena meliputi hal-hal yang vital bagi kelangsungan hidup yaitu, sandang, pangan, dan papan. Sehingga untuk menjawab isu ini, ditetapkan fungsi hunian vertikal. Selain itu, hunian vertikal dinilai penting karena untuk mejawab keterbatasan lahan dan semakin tingginya populasi manusia. Hunian vertikal dengan mengusung konsep ruang kolaboratif pada setiap unit hunian yang dikelompokkan, karena menawarkan banyak kemungkinan, mulai dari orang-orang yang tinggal bersama dengan berbagi ruang fisik hingga komunitas yang juga berbagi nilai, minat, dan filosofi hidup. Sistem pengelompokan penghuni juga menjadi nilai penting dan dalam komunitas lebih menyukai jumlah yang sedikit 4-10 orang dengan latar belakang yang berbeda. Ditunjang dengan kualitas ruang pribadi yang baik dan fasilitas penunjang yang dapat mengembangkan potensi sebagai bentuk aktualisai diri.

2021 ◽  
pp. 114-124
Татьяна Вячеславовна Кошкина

Показано, что высокий уровень физической подготовленности студентов обеспечит их способность к качественному выполнению будущей трудовой деятельности. Для оценки уровня физической подготовленности студентов в рамках их физического воспитания в вузе возможно использовать нормативы комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне» (ГТО) как универсального оценочного механизма, позволяющего выделять наиболее физически развитых представителей данного поколения. С этой целью определено соответствие уровня физической подготовленности современных студентов не физкультурных специальностей с нормами комплекса ГТО. Выявлены пути совершенствования физической подготовки студентов в условиях современного вуза. Материалом для исследования послужили теоретические и эмпирические данные, полученные на основе использования методов теоретического анализа специальной литературы и передового педагогического опыта, педагогического эксперимента, контрольных испытаний, математико-статистических методов обработки и анализа данных. Результаты исследования подтверждают, что в настоящее время уровень физической подготовленности студентов не всегда соответствует требованиям норм ГТО. Данный факт был доказан экспериментально на базе Марийского государственного университета. Требуется дополнительная работа по физической подготовке студентов. С этой целью сформулированы методические рекомендации по совершенствованию физической подготовки студентов в соответствии с нормами ГТО. Теоретически обоснована и эмпирически доказана целесообразность использования нормативов ГТО в качестве системы оценивания физической подготовленности студентов. Сформулированы методические рекомендации по повышению уровня физической подготовленности студентов в соответствии с нормативами комплекса ГТО. The importance of physical culture and sports in human life, associated with maintaining the health of the nation as a whole and ensuring individual health and working capacity of the individual in particular, is realized in the form of physical education carried out in educational institutions, including universities. A high level of physical fitness of students will ensure their ability to perform high-quality future work activities. In order to assess the level of physical fitness of students within the framework of their physical education at the university, it is possible to use the standards of the GTO complex as a universal evaluation mechanism that allows identifying the most physically developed representatives of this generation. The purpose is to determine the compliance of the level of physical fitness of modern students of non-physical education specialties with the norms of the GTO complex and to identify on this basis ways to improve the physical training of students in the conditions of a modern university. The materials for the study were theoretical and empirical data obtained on the basis of the use of methods of theoretical analysis of special literature and advanced pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, control tests, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing and analysis. When studying the advanced pedagogical experience accumulated in our country since the introduction of the revived GTO standards in 2014, reflected in relevant publications, as well as scientific and methodological literature in the field of physical education, it was shown that at present the level of physical fitness of students does not always meet the requirements of GTO standards. This fact was proved experimentally, by conducting control tests on the basis of the Mari State University. This indicated that additional work is required on the physical training of students, and those indicators of physical fitness of students that require the greatest development were also identified. Methodological recommendations were formulated to improve the physical training of students in accordance with the standards of the GTO. The expediency of using the GTO standards as a system for assessing students’ physical fitness was theoretically justified and empirically proved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-96
Nayang Helmayunita ◽  
Ade Elsa Betavia

This study aims to examine the effect of compensation schemes, self efficacy and moral reasoning on slack budgeting. In this study the hypothesis is proposed that in the slack inducing compensation scheme the slack budgeting will be greater than using the truth inducing compensation scheme, then managers with low self efficacy will do slack budgeting compared to those with high self efficacy. It is also proposed that the individual with low moral reasoning will do slack budgeting rather than the individual with high moral reasoning. The research design in this study was a quasi 2 x 2 laboratory experiment, with Accounting students who had sat in the 5th semester of Padang State University as lower level managers who participated in budgeting. The statistical method used to test the hypothesis is two-way ANOVA. This study provides results that the compensation scheme can affect slack budgeting actions, self efficacy has no effect on slack budgeting actions, and the interaction between slack inducing compensation schemes with low self efficacy has no effect on slack budgeting actions. Moral reasoning affects slack budgeting actions, and at lower level managers who have low levels of moral reasoning and low levels of self efficacy, interactions with slack inducing compensation schemes affect slack budgeting actions. The results of this study can contribute in the management accounting literature related to budgetary slack and its causal factors. Keyword: Slack Budgeting, Compensation Schemes, Self Efficacy, and Moral Reasoning.

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