Professional Discourse Basic Concepts of the Future Teacher of the Russian Language — Bilingual in Bicultural Environment

N. Medvedeva

Basic concepts of professional pedagogical discourse: ‘linguistic personality’, ‘bilingual personality’, ‘communicative behavior’ are defined in the article; they are examined as preparation of a teacher for teaching the Russian language in bicultural national-Russian environment. Peculiarities of Komi-Permyak bilingual students - future teachers of the Russian language, who are representatives of two cultures and speakers of two languages - Komi-Permyak and Russian, are revealed in the article. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the study of bilingual personality of the future teacher of the Russian language in pedagogical discourse requires conceptual questions that define and take into account peculiarities of bilingual personality formed in native and Russian cultures and speaking native and the Russian languages. Preparation of such a teacher for teaching should take into account peculiarities of educational environment. The goal is to provide quality training for the future teacher of the Russian language - national-Russian bilingual taking into account bicultural environment at the national department of the pedagogical university. Conclusions are the following: preparation of the future teacher should be based on the term system, which is determined by the basic concepts that characterize bilingual personality and professional pedagogical discourse; the system of linguistic and methodological preparation of the future Russian language teacher - national-Russian bilingual - should take into account ethno-national peculiarities of bilingual personality, revealed in communicative behavior while teaching the state Russian language in environment that can be mono/bi/multicultural.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-15
E. V. Arkhipova ◽  
L. V. Lagunova

The aim of the study was to develop linguistic and methodological theoretical aspects of training the skill of paraphrasing, which constitutes an important element of reading literacy. To this end, the authors reviewed research and educational publications in the field of teaching the Russian language and conducted a pedagogical experiment to analyse pedagogical processes. Interrelation between the infosphere and axiosphere of Russian language lessons within the pedagogical discourse involves the division of didactic texts into informational and axiological, including modern linguistic and ethnographic texts that manifest Russian cultural concepts in the new information age. It is shown that various aspects of teaching paraphrasing and interpretation techniques on the basis of informational texts have already been elucidated quite efficiently. However, formation of the axiological component of reading literacy (teaching to paraphrase on the basis of linguo-ethnographic texts) has been undertaken within the framework of the present study for the first time. These issues should be considered comprehensively, in the context of language and values-based development of a personality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 669-698 ◽  
Anton Oleinik

This article discusses the relative importance attached to honor and human rights in two cultures, Russian and Ukrainian. These cultures have elements of honor cultures, both historically and in the present. There are also elements of a more universalistic interpretation of human dignity that are expressed through the concept of human rights, especially in the case of Ukraine. However, the movement towards the universalistic understanding of human dignity slows down or may even be reversed in the context of a protracted war. Two sources of data inform the analysis: primary (two surveys conducted on representative samples in Russia, N = 1602, and Ukraine, N = 2020) and secondary (the complete works of two poets considered representative of the two cultures, A. Pushkin and T. Shevchenko, as well as documents in the Russian-language and Ukrainian-language segments of the Google online databank). The data were processed using methods of descriptive statistics, binary statistic regression and quantitative content analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 321-324
Elena Leonidovna Perkova ◽  
Lubov Pavlovna Shirobokova

The paper discusses the features of learning Russian by foreign students who speak English at a basic level. A difficult aspect for foreign students is grammar, which is accompanied by an innumerable set of rules and the same number of exceptions. One of the most difficult grammatical topics is Imperfect and Perfect Verbs, since in other languages the grammatical category of the verb aspect does not exist. In this regard, there are difficulties for foreign bilingual students in determining the meaning, methods of education, use and application of imperfect and perfect verbs in speech situations. The explanation of the material is based on the principles of consistency and systematicity, i.e. from the disclosure of the semantics of verbs, their functions in specific communicative situations, further to the methods of forming of aspect pairs of the verb using common prefixes, suffixes, as well as exceptions to the rules, alternating adjacent consonants and vowels in the root, and special cases of formation of aspect pairs of the verb that need to be remembered. The paper presents methods of teaching the grammatical category of the verb aspect in the Russian language to foreign students, successive stages of work on the formation and correct using of perfect and imperfect verbs in order to remove the language barrier in intercultural communication.

2020 ◽  
pp. 5-9
Т.В. Юрьева ◽  
В.А. Михайлова

В статье раскрывается проблема формирования кросс-культурной компетентности иностранных учащихся на занятиях по русскому языку как иностранному. Авторы расшифровывают понятие кросс-культурной компетентности, эффективности коммуникации и выделяют факторы и условия их формирования. Отмечается, что каждая культура обладает своей собственной поликодовой системой, расшифровка которой зависит от кросс-культурной компетенции коммуникантов. Выделяются основные признаки кросс-культурной компетенции, которыми являются эмпатия и толерантность, лежащие в основе любого эффективного межкультурного общения, наличие знаний об иной культуре, помогающих правильно интерпретировать коммуникативное поведение представителей другой культуры и готовность к процессу кросс-культурной коммуникации с опорой на накопленный коммуникативный опыт в сфере кросс-культурных контактов. Демонстрируются практические приёмы и методы достижения позитивных результатов. Помимо информации о фонетической, грамматической, лексической системах русского языка, иностранные слушатели должны получить знания об иной, в данном случае русской культуре, помогающие правильно интерпретировать коммуникативное поведение её представителей. Работа в этом направлении проводится уже с первых уроков русского языка, даже на этапе вводно-фонетического курса, и систематически продолжается на всём этапе довузовской подготовки. Авторы приходят к выводу, что в процессе работы с иностранными слушателями Ярославской ГСХА на подготовительном отделении используются различные формы работы в кросс-культурном поле, дающие положительный результат. Завершающий проект (встреча со студентами направления «Журналистика» ЯГПУ им. К.Д. Ушинского) воочию продемонстрировал эффективность используемых методов. Активное использование кросс-культурных коммуникаций ведёт к ускорению и облегчению процесса социокультурной адаптации обучающихся, что в итоге приводит к более высокой эффективности обучения иностранных студентов в условиях русской языковой среды. The article reveals the formation problem of foreign students’ cross-cultural competence in classes in the Russian language as a foreign language. The authors decipher the concept of cross-cultural competence, communication efficiency and distinguish factors and conditions for their formation. It is noted that each culture has its own multicode system, the decoding of which depends on the cross-cultural competence of communicants. The main features of cross-cultural competence are empathy and tolerance which are the basis of any effective cross-cultural communication, the presence of knowledge about a different culture that helps to correctly interpret the communicative behavior of another culture representatives and the readiness for the process of cross-cultural communication based on the accumulated communicative experience in the field of cross-cultural contacts. Practical techniques and methods of achieving positive results are demonstrated. Besides information about the phonetic, grammatical, lexical systems of the Russian language, foreign listeners should gain knowledge of a different in this case Russian culture helping to correctly interpret the communications behavior of its representatives. Work in this direction is carried out already from the first lessons of the Russian language, even at the stage of the introductory phonetic course and systematically continues at the entire stage of pre-university tutorial. The authors conclude that in the process of working with foreign students of the Yaroslavl SAA various forms of work in the cross-cultural field are used at the preparatory department giving a positive result. The final project (a meeting with students of the Journalism direction of YSPU named after K.D. Ushinsky) personally demonstrated the effectiveness of the methods used. The active use of cross-cultural communications leads to the acceleration and facilitation of the process of students’ socio-cultural adaptation which ultimately leads to a higher efficiency of teaching foreign students in the Russian language environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-57
N. A. Krasovskaya ◽  
L. V. Kilmamatova

The main goal of this article is to draw readers' attention to the dialectal vocabulary, which belongs to the thematic group of labour. Dialectal vocabulary is most often associated with historical facts, it reflects the traditional worldview of a person, his/her system of values. The article considers lexical units that were recorded on a territory rich in its historical and cultural past. This article is devoted to the analysis of dialectal vocabulary, reflecting labour activity and professional occupation of people living in the basin of the upper reaches of the Nepryadva River. Since ancient times, the population of this region was engaged in various activities and crafts. The thematic group “Labour activity” comprises a whole complex of subgroups that have repeatedly become the subject of consideration by linguists. In the framework of the article, the authors focus on the lexical empirical material that exists in the Tula group of dialects. They analyze a particular part of lexis that reflects important areas of human activity, such as field cultivation, gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry, poultry farming. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the dialectal vocabulary of the specified thematic group is a system, and the selected empirical material makes it possible to see the identity in the dialects of the studied settlements and certain differences. It should be emphasized that, despite the persistent tendency to leveling, dialectal lexical units related to the thematic group of labour continue to exist in modern dialects of the Russian language. The considered lexical units and samples of dialectal professional discourse require further scientific consideration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 199-205
Lyudmila P. Dianova ◽  
Nina V. Shchennikova ◽  
Elena V. Polyakova

The purpose of this article is a dynamic analysis of the transformations taking place in the speech culture of bilingual students of the post-Soviet space. Russian-foreign bilingualism, as our survey shows, has undergone a certain reconfiguration over the past decade. Previous experiments convincingly proved that the Russian language is dominant in the speech culture of bilingual students, which was due to a number of estralinguistic and linguistic-functional factors. Autochthonous languages in the cognitive structure of students occupied a less stable position and were communicatively limited even in conditions of microdiscursive functioning. It was safe to say that Russian was the core of the linguistic consciousness of bilingual students. Today the situation has changed. The role of autochthonous languages is signified. The Russian language still remains a communicative dominant, providing the basic communicative needs of the individual (including the need for training and the formation of professional competencies), however, it is gradually shifting from the core towards the center, which may indicate that linguo-constructive functions in the future may be lost, and new ones associated with the ethnically primary language have not yet been formed (taking into account the small historical time), which will entail the phenomenon of mass semilingualism.

Василий Владимирович Николаев ◽  
Екатерина Викторовна Самушкина

Статья посвящена проблеме языковой идентичности кумандинцев, тубаларов и челканцев. В статье будут рассмотрены этноязыковые процессы, определено современное состояние и дана характеристика перспектив развития этноязыковой ситуации у трех коренных малочисленных тюркоязычных народов Алтая. На основе анализа архивных источников (материалов делопроизводственных документов региональной власти, Всероссийской сельскохозяйственной переписи 1917 г.), опубликованных данных переписей, глубинных интервью, результатов соцопроса представлены процессы этнолингвистической трансформации среди коренных малочисленных народов предгорий Северного Алтая. В ходе исследования выявлены факторы, повлиявшие на изменение языковой картины, а также последствия трансформаций для данных этнических групп. Доказано, что на протяжении XIX — начала XXI вв. этноязыковая ситуация у коренного населения предгорий Северного Алтая кардинально изменилась. Сделан вывод о том, что до 30-х гг. XX в. подавляющее большинство населения изучаемого региона говорило на родном языке и не знало русского языка, несмотря на работу Алтайской духовной миссии и широкое расселение переселенцев в регионе. В пределах 10 % от общей численности коренных тюрко-язычных жителей, в основном мужчин, владело русским языком. В раннесоветский период, в том числе, благодаря программам советской власти по формированию сети школ, организации «национальных колхозов» распространение русского языка среди кумандинцев, тубаларов и челканцев сдерживалось. В дальнейшем «национальные» школы и колхозы были закрыты. Русский язык стал доминировать в публичной сфере. Именно поколение родившихся в 20–30-х гг. XX в. становится массово билингвами. Отправной точкой нивелирования миноритарных языков стало разрушение среды, в которой они функционировали, в результате ликвидации неперспективных сел и отрыва от родной языковой среды вследствие миграции молодых людей за пределы этнической территории в 50–70-е гг. XX в. Современное состояние миноритарных языков характеризуется кризисными явлениями; перспективой для них является деятельность общественных организаций. The article is devoted to the problem of linguistic identity of the Kumandy, Tubalars and Chelkans. The article will consider ethnic-language processes, will determine the current position and will char-acterize the future of the ethnic-language situation among the Kumandins, Tubalars and Chelkans. Based on the analysis of archival sources (materials of paperwork of regional authorities, materials of the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 1917), published census data, and indepth interviews, results sociological survey the processes of ethnolinguistic transformation among the indigenous peoples of the foothills of Northern Altai are presented. The study identified factors that influenced the change in the linguistic picture, the consequences of the change for these ethnic groups. It is proved that during the XIX — early XXI centuries. The ethnic-language situation of the indigenous population of the foothills of the Northern Altai has changed dramatically. It is concluded that until 1930s the vast majority of the population of the studied region spoke their native language, despite the work of the Altai spiritual mission. Within 10 % of the total number of indigenous Türkic-speaking inhabitants, mainly men, spoke Russian. In the early Soviet period, including thanks to the programs of the Soviet government to form a network of schools and the organization of “national collective farms”, the distribution of the Russian language among the Kumandy, Tubalars and Chelkans was restrained. In the future, “national” schools and collective farms were closed. The Russian language began to dominate in the public sphere. It is the generation born in the 1920–1930s becomes massively bilingual. The starting point for the leveling of minority languages was the destruction of the environment in which they functioned as a result of the liquidation of unpromising villages and separation from their native language environment due to the migration of young people outside the ethnic territory in the 1950–1970s. Currently minority languages are being lost. The number of their carriers is reduced. The Kumandin, Tubalar and Chelkan languages can retain the interest of indigenous people and the activities of public organizations.

Anna Korosteleva ◽  

The study was carried out by the method of semantic communicative analysis, which is used this case to the kinesics. The article proposes an invariant semantic parameter of the Russian communicative gesture ‘to nod’. On the movies dialogue material a number of possible implementations of this parameter is shown in various purports. The analysis presented in the work clarifies the place of kinesic means (posture, mimic, gesture) in the system of communicative level of the Russian language. The results of the study can serve as a basis for creating a fundamentally new dictionary description of “the nod” for the future Dictionary of Russian communicative gestures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-13
M.I. Shurpaeva

The article deals with the specifics of mastering the accentological norms of the Russian language of bilingual students. The regularities of assimilation of stress associated with the peculiarities of the native language and the properties of Russian stress. Types of exercises and tasks for development of skills of selection of shock syllable, assimilation of formative and semantic functions of stress are offered. The necessity of taking into account the relationship of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary in the process of assimilating the norms of stress bilingual students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 463-474
Hu Yawei

The subject of the article is the problems of communicative behavior of students. As a result of studying the theoretical material and the practice of its application, an effective method of studying Russian by Chinese students through national features of speech etiquette. All this will increase the level of practical language skills. This article is devoted to the study of Russian as a foreign language on the example of ritual speech acts of the wedding rite in Russian culture. The author believes that the use of speech formulas of etiquette in the teaching of the Russian language will facilitate the effective assimilation of knowledge and the formation of pragmatic competence of students.

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