Prospects for the Development of Green Business in the Agro-Industrial Complex

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 1327
Botagoz BOLATBEK ◽  
Gulbarshyn SATBAEVA ◽  

The article analyses the various theoretical approaches to the planning of agricultural and food areas of Kazakhstan. The author considers that the method of forecast scenarios in development of green business as the most effective one. Kazakhstan has all the prerequisites to produce a wide range of food products in volumes that ensure not only the country's food security, but also the opportunity to expand export performance in world markets. At the same time, the available food potential is not being used effectively. This is evidenced, first, by the irrational structure of imports of food products, many of which could be produced at domestic enterprises. In these conditions, it is necessary to search for the most appropriate scientific approaches to the organization of strategic management of the agro-food sector by improving the analysis, planning and forecasting of its development trends, considering the influence of various factors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 136
Salzhanova ZAURE ◽  
Ayazhanov KUANYSH ◽  
Gulzhan MUKASHEVA ◽  
Arynova ZHANNA ◽  

These days, sustainability is a key issue for many private companies that address their sustainable corporate performance. The perspective is essential for their license to operate and forms the basis for business principles and practices. The lack of internationally accepted reporting standards on what, when and where to report makes it difficult to assess sustainability. The article examines different sustainable methods to forecast the development of food sector in Kazakhstan. The scenario approach is used as the most effective one that, in the authors’ opinion, allows taking into consideration a variety of tendencies in the sphere of production, distribution and consumption of food products. Kazakhstan has real opportunities to produce a wide range of food products in the volume, that ensure not only food security of the country, but also the possibility of expanding the export potential of Kazakhstan both at the expense of raw materials and the realization of food products on the world markets with high added value. Currently, however, the food potential of the country is being used inefficiently.

S. S. Tleuberdiyeva ◽  
A. B. Moldasheva ◽  
A. K. Alpysbayeva ◽  
L. V. Oleinik

The purpose of the article is to study the economic mechanisms of agricultural production growth within one country and, in particular, Kazakhstan. The growth of agricultural products in Kazakhstan and the provision of the country with food products are complex and relevant issues, which include the problems of production, the situation in the national agricultural markets, solvency and competitiveness, the annual volume of agricultural products, the increase in annual revenue, ensuring the availability of food products to consumers, laws in the regulation of the agricultural industry, etc. The potential of agriculture is correlated with the level of food security of the country. State regulation of the agro-industrial complex is aimed at ensuring food security, stability of agricultural products entering the market, creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurs, increasing the competitiveness of domestic products, as well as improving the standard of living of the population of the regions by creating favorable conditions for the development of crop production, animal husbandry, fisheries, processing of agricultural products and the food industry, veterinary-sanitary and phytosanitary security, it is aimed at providing technical equipment and other auxiliary areas of activity, social and infrastructure development on regional territory. The authors of the article emphasize that agriculture will become an important part of the agro-industrial complex. Agriculture is an industry aimed at providing the population with food and is a raw material necessary for the economic sphere. It occupies an important place not only in the agro-industrial complex, but also in the national economy of the whole country. Agriculture is the most important part of the material production industry. Agriculture provides the country with food and industry with some raw materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 154-161
A.A. Niyazbayeva ◽  
Z.О. Imanbayeva ◽  

The aim is to consider the current problems of ensuring food security, including the selfsufficiency of the region with food products with the effective functioning of the regional food market on the example of the Aktobe region. Methods - statistical and economic, comparative analysis, monographic, computational-constructive, abstract-logical. Results - the factors influencing on the formation of the level of food supply in the region and allowing the most reliable display of the structure of the diet of food products of the main population groups are systematized. The parameters that can be used to reflect the effectiveness of the action of specific types of food markets (meat, milk, bread, sugar, etc.) and effectiveness of government programs are highlighted. The features of the agro-industrial complex of the Aktobe region and the issues of ensuring its food security are determined. The effectiveness of agricultural policy measures to solve the problem of economic security of the region by regulating prices on market of consumer products has been proved. The results of the study of the main indicators characterizing the degree of socio-economic development of the region are presented. The analysis of the rate of expansion of food products market is presented. Conclusions - the authors focus on the need to develop measures aimed at achieving an optimal level of food self-sufficiency in the region, taking into account the factors that determine the development of food market and the food industry. The influence of digital and the latest communication technologies on increasing the information security of the subjects of the food market is justified, taking into account the level of consumer prices and effective demand of the population. Practical recommendations to improve food security and develop food market in the Aktobe region have been developed.

2017 ◽  
pp. 75-82
Alla Rudych

Introduction. One of the main tasks of the agro-industrial complex is to provide the population with quality food products in the required volumes. However, the level of consumption of food depends on the world situation of domestic prices, incomes and other factors that collectively determine the production and investment priorities of food producers and consumer preferences of the population. In the context of the limited income of the population and the revision of social guarantees, issues of the availability and adequacy of food in the country are becoming of paramount importance. Purpose. The article aims to assess the level of food security in the regions of Ukraine, to study the dynamic changes of the main indicators of volume and structure of consumption of basic food products, indicators of physical and economic availability of food, the relationship of production, consumption of food and income of the population. Method (methodology). On the basis of observation data and statistic and economic and abstract and logical methods of analysis, the state, tendencies and extrapolation of the main indices of food safety have been identified. Results. The comprehensive assessment of food security in the regions includes the analysis of the regional peculiarities of production and consumption of basic food products and the study of the main factors that cause them; the assessment of the level of food security of the regions of Ukraine and the identification of factors that affect its level and trends. The state policy should be aimed at solving the main tasks. Among them we can distinguish the increase of the incomes of Ukrainian citizens, the stimulation and increase of the agricultural products and food products manufacturing. It will create conditions for saturation of the domestic market and stabilization of prices for basic food products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 73-81

The article shows the role of the agro-industrial complex in ensuring food security of the state. Characterized are the changes that have occurred in recent months in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. Proposals are made about possible strategic transformations of food enterprises that will allow Russian producers to overcome the risks that have arisen and provide consumers with high-quality and safe food products. Rosstat data for the period from 2012 to 2018 on the production of basic food products in the Russian Federation and the Voronezh region, the purchasing power of the population, as well as their consumption of basic food products are presented. The analysis of the actual nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation and the Voronezh region. Proposals have been made that to overcome the post-crisis crisis, it is necessary to restore Russia's influence in the post- Soviet space and the formation of a single economic space within the EAEU.

Moldoscopie ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 78-93
Vasilii Sacovici ◽  

The article examines the state of food security in the Republic of Moldova and the provision of the country’s population with food since the last quarter of the XX century. Until now. Based on the analysis of various information for the specified period, the author showed that by the end of the XX century. due to the destruction of the main production potential of the agro-industrial complex, Moldova lost its food independence. On the one hand, this is the result of a significant decline in domestic food production. On the other hand, this trend is explained by a sharp increase in imports of traditionally produced in the country types of food products. In conclusion, it is concluded that ensuring food security in Moldova is possible on its own production basis, which is due to significant natural resources sufficient for the production of all major types of food products in the required quantity and proper quality. Due to the fact that in modern conditions agricultural production and food markets, being neither self-regulating nor self-sufficient, cannot successfully function without state regulation and support The government should take responsibility for the development and implementation of a specific state program in the field of national security in the food sector to provide the population with its own food. Keywords: agro-industrial complex, Moldova, food security, reform, physical accessibility, development strategy.

2019 ◽  
pp. 114-120
M.Yu. Ksenofontov

Positive review of the book indicated in the title. According to the final conclusion of the reviewer: the monograph will gain a large audience of interested readers, as the author touches upon a wide range of topical issues of food security and convincingly demonstrates the high potential of the category «security» in socio-economic research, formulates a number of interesting theoretical considerations regarding the assessment of food security of the Russian Federation and substantiates many useful practical recommendations for its maintenance and strengthening. Keywords: food security, Doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation, food independence, agro-food policy, strategic planning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-53
M. Seisekenova ◽  
M. Kasseinova ◽  
S. Abdykalyk ◽  
Zh. Assanova ◽  

The article presents the theoretical foundations and summarizes scientific and methodological provisions on the problems of food security, market development, competi-tion, formation of competitiveness of products, production, and producers in market conditions of management, taking into account domestic and foreign experience. The structure of the country's food potential and elements of increasing its competitiveness are described. The article notes the importance of developing and strengthening the country's agro-industrial complex as the basis for its food supply. The problem of food security in the modern world is primarily related to the prob-lem of hunger and malnutrition of the population, the protection of state interests, including en-suring and maintaining socio-economic stability in the country, and meeting the vital need for food. The article describes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of agriculture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 8-17
Nato Jabnidze ◽  
Leila Tsetskhladze ◽  
Ia Meskhidze

Introduction. Food security has not been a concern of any particular state and is a global problem for already a long time. It, as an economic category in the scientific literature, is considered from the position of ensuring the security of the global world problem, regions, individual countries, population groups and individual people. It is a multifaceted issue, closely linked to other security issues, and has a great impact on the national safety situation, which in turn is an economic, social and political category. COVID-19 has created a large-scale economic crisis. The pandemic has had a major impact on food security and the field of nutrition. The crisis has affected food systems and threatened public access to food, raising the issue of food self-sufficiency in countries.Aim and tasks. In order to assess food security, the paper examines the self-sufficiency coefficients of basic agro-food products in Georgia under the conditions of the World Pandemic, and evaluates its components: local production, import, export. In addition, local production trends have been analyzed, Results. Thus a study of the current state of the agro-food sector shows that the problem of providing the population with food is becoming more acute. The pace of development of the agro-food sector lags significantly behind the growth rates of other sectors of the economy. The current economic growth has not yet created the conditions for sustainable economic development: The level of supply of essential agro-food products is quite low, the number of jobs has not increased substantially, the level of income is low, poverty rates are still high and the food deficit is filled mainly with imported products.Conclusions. This study showed that the issue of the food security is still unresolved for Georgia. Despite the state support activities, the agro-food sector still needs assistance. We have developed recommendations, the consideration of which will significantly contribute to food supply of the markets and food supply to the population. Keywords: agro-food products, local production, food independence, self-sufficiency coefficients.

2021 ◽  
pp. 131-147
Alesya N. Anishchenko ◽  

Subject/topic. The article presents the results of the analysis of the country's food security, identifies problems. The purpose of the work is to analyze the system of ensuring food security in Russia and identify its main problems in the context of global challenges and threats. Methodology. The reliability of the results of the conducted research is ensured by the correctness of the construction of the logic and scheme of the study. As a methodological basis were used the scientific and applied results of research by Russian and foreign scientists in the areas of ensuring food security, problems of import substitution and building the potential of the agro-industrial complex. The information base of the study includes data from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the World Trade Organization and regulatory legal acts; materials of state statistics bodies, etc. Conclusions/significance. As a result of the conducted scientific research, the following conclusions were made that having the world's largest natural resources, Russia consumes resources 8 times less than the United States and Europe, while not being able to meet the population's demand for food products at the expense of its own production, making up for the lack of them with large-scale imports, even those types of food that can be produced independently in sufficient quantities. It was noted that over the past 20 years, by the end of 2020, the volume of exports of food and agricultural raw materials exceeded imports, however, it is impossible to speak with full confidence about ensuring food security in Russia since there are a number of systemic problems. At the same time, the adoption of the Food Security Doctrine and other regulatory documents providing socio-economic support for the village and the intensification of agricultural production had, to a certain extent, a positive impact, but the achieved level of food security is insufficient to consider the problem of independence close to a solution. A decrease in the income of the population and an increase in the price of food lead to a lower supply of food products to the population, due to a decrease in their economic accessibility, as well as to an increase in the share of food costs in the total expenditures of the population. There is a tendency to reduce the physical availability of food due to the transformation of channels and methods of selling products. In general, the thresholds set by the Doctrine in 2020 were reached for vegetable oil (61,7 percentage points higher), grain (+11 percentage points) and meat and meat products (+9 percentage points). Below the threshold values are such categories of food products as: fruits and berries (-22,6 pp.), fish and fish products (-16,8 pp.), sugar (-8,7 pp.), vegetables and melons (-4,4 pp.), milk and dairy products (-0,7 pp.). In the Global Food Security Index, Russia is in 24th place in terms of food availability, in terms of their quality and safety – the thirtieth. Also, as follows from the rating, scientific research and development are practically not developed, agricultural infrastructure is poorly developed, and there are also political and social barriers. As for the availability of food for the population, Russia is on the 20th position in the rating (87,2 points). We believe that taking into account the production potential in the field of agricultural production, a place even in the top ten for food security would be insufficient for Russia. In this situation, it is advisable to study and implement the best practices of international experience in ensuring food security, based on three main approaches: protectionist (Japan, Norway) – protection of domestic production; intermediate (EU countries) – ensuring food security within the EU; export-oriented (USA) – subsidizing exports provided that the domestic market is saturated with products. Research in this direction is further in the framework of deepening the studied problems. Application. The obtained results of the study can be used by the authorities and management as a theoretical and practical basis for making managerial and operational decisions in the field of ensuring food security of the country.

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