scholarly journals Kajian Etnobiologi Kelompok Etnik Dani: Bentuk Interaksi Masyarakat Dengan Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja, Manokwari, Papua Barat

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-241
Tepinus Morip ◽  
Keliopas Krey ◽  
Freddy Pattiselanno

Selain sebagai penyedia air bersih, potensi flora dan fauna Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja (TWA Gunung Meja), sangat menjanjikan. Karena letaknya yang mudah diakses serta lokasinya yang berada di dalam kota Manokwari, interaksi yang terjadi antara masyarakat dengan kawasan ini juga sangat tinggi dan berdampak terhadap potensi keanekaragaman hayatinya.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari bentuk interaksi antara kelompok etnik Dani dengan TWA Gunung Meja serta merekam informasi etnobiologi mereka dan melakukan penilaian deskriptif dampak pemanfaatan terhadap kondisi lingkungan TWA Gunung Meja. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan dan semua hasil observasi dan wawancara yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Pendekatan kontekstual digunakan untuk menjelaskan situasi di lapangan untuk melengkapi deskripsi lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tujuh spesies tumbuhan dari enam famili dan enam spesies hewan dari enam famili dimanfaatkan oleh kelompok etnik Dani di kawasan TWA Gunung Meja. Tujuan pemanfaatannya bervariasi untuk kebutuhan sandang, pangan, energi dan pengobatan medis dan asesori budaya. Bagian tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan berragam terdiri dari batang, ranting, dahan, daun, buah dan kulit, sedangkan daging, lemak, empedu, kulit, cakar dan taring adalah bagian tubuh hewan yang dimanfaatkan kelompok etnik Dani sesuai tujuan pemanfaatannya.ABSTRACTApart from being a provider of clean water, the potential of flora and fauna of the Gunung Meja Nature Tourism Park (TWA Gunung Meja) is very promising. Due to its easily accessible and its location within the city of Manokwari, the interaction that occurs between the community and this area is also very high and creates impact on its biodiversity potential. This study aims to study the form of interaction between the Dani ethnic group and TWA Gunung Meja as well as record their ethnobiological information. We conduct a descriptive assessment of the impact of utilization on the environmental conditions of TWA Gunung Meja. This research is a descriptive study with observation, interview and literature study techniques and all observations and interviews obtained in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics. A contextual approach is used to explain the situation in the field to complete the description of the research location. The results showed that there were seven plant species from six families and six animal species from six families used by the Dani ethnic group in the TWA Gunung Meja area. The purpose of its use varies for the needs of clothing, food, energy and medical treatment and cultural accessories. The various parts of the plant used consist of stems, twigs, branches, leaves, fruit and skin, while meat, fat, gall, skin, claws and fangs are animal body parts used by the Dani ethnic group according to their intended use

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Ahsan Samad ◽  
Erdiansyah Erdiansyah ◽  
Rina Wulandari

The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the impact and behavior of the community on post-disaster economic conditions in the city of Palu and to know the local government's public policies in handling these cases. Using qualitative methods with a case study approach, literature study, and secondary data processing from various social elements. In addition, data collection was carried out by interviewing informants who felt the direct impact of the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction in Palu, Sigi and Donggala. The results showed that the post-disaster impact felt by the people of Palu City was generally in the "severe" classification. The socio-economic conditions of the people of Palu include several aspects, ranging from the geographical conditions that are in disaster-prone zones, to the extremely poor health conditions after the disaster. The conclusion of this research shows that the escalation of natural disasters in the city of Palu is considered quite large because it consists of three types of disasters, namely the Earthquake, Tsunami and Liquifation in the same time period. Palu City is the capital of the Province as well as the economic and administrative center of Central Sulawesi Province. Damage to warehousing infrastructure coupled with massive looting from unscrupulous people in logistics supply warehouses resulted in goods that were supposed to be distributed both to the city and the district finally unable to be implemented.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan evaluasi dampak dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap kondisi perekonomian pasca bencana di kota Palu dan mengetahui kebijakan publik pemerintah setempat dalam menangani kasus tersebut. Menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan  studi kasus, studi literature, dan pengolahan data sekunder dari berbagai elemen sosial. Selain itu pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara wawacara kepada narasumber yang merasakan dampak langsung dari bencana gempa,tsunami dan likuifaksi di Palu,Sigi dan Donggala. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dampak pasca bencana yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat Kota Palu secara umum berada pada klasifikasi “berat”. Kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat kota Palu meliputi beberapa aspek, mulai dari kondisi geografis yang berada pada zona rawan bencana, kondisi kesehatan sangat memprihatinkan pasca bencana. Kesimpulan penelitain ini menujukkan bahwa eskalasi bencana alam kota Palu dinilai cukup besar karena terdiri dari tiga macam bencana yaitu Gempa Bumi, Tsunami dan Liquifasi dalam kurun waktu sama. Kota Palu merupakan ibukota Provinsi sekaligus sebagai pusat ekonomi dan pemerintahan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Rusaknya infrakstruktur pergudangan ditambah dengan adanya penjarahan yang massiv dari oknum masyarakat pada gudang-gudang suplai logistik mengakibatkan barang yang semestinya didistribusikan baik ke kota ataupun ke kabupaten akhirnya tidak dapat dilaksanakan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
M S Roganda

This study aims to (1) Determine the results of inundation in Medan based on the scenario of rainfall intensity <60 mm / day and> 60 mm / day. (2) Determine the level of flood hazard based on flood inundation scenarios of rainfall intensity <60 mm / day and> 60 mm / day conducted in Medan City. (3) Determine the impact caused by the flooding based on interpretation techniques from the results of flood modeling conducted in Medan City. Data collection techniques used in this study are documentary study techniques. The data analysis technique was carried out with three stages, including (1) Determining the overflow results. (2) Determine the classification of flood hazard levels. (3) Identifying areas that affect flood hazard areas per district. The results in this study are (1) based on the scenario of rainfall intensity <60 mm / day, there is no inundation flooding, whereas based on the scenario of rainfall intensity> 60 mm / day shows several points of flood inundation especially in the northern part of Medan City. (2) flood hazard based on flood inundation scenario results in rainfall intensity <60 mm / day does not pose any danger at all whereas flood hazard based on flood inundation results rainfall intensity scenario> 60 mm / day shows that in the northern part there are two dominant classes namely class high and low, in the middle part of the city the dominant class terrain is medium and in the southern part of Medan City the dominance by medium and low classes. (3) Based on interpretation techniques carried out on the Flood Impact Map Based on Districts in Medan, it can be seen that several districts in Medan have several flood hazard classes such as low, medium, and high.Keywords: Medan City, Rain, Flood Modeling AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui hasil banjir genangan di Kota Medan berdasarkan skenario intensitas curah hujan < 60 mm/hari dan > 60 mm/hari. (2) Mengetahui tingkat bahaya banjir berdasarkan hasil banjir genangan skenario intensitas curah hujan < 60 mm/hari dan > 60 mm/hari yang dilakukan di Kota Medan. (3) Mengetahui dampak yang disebabkan banjir berdasarkan teknik interpretasi dari hasil pemodelan banjir yang dilakukan di Kota Medan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik studi dokumenter. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan diantaranya (1) Menentukan hasil luapan. (2) Menentukan klasifikasi tingkat bahaya banjir. (3) Mengidentifikasi wilayah-wilayah yang berdampak ke daerah bahaya banjir per kecamatan. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) berdasarkan skenario intensitas curah hujan < 60 mm/hari tidak terjadi banjir genangan sedangkan berdasarkan skenario intensitas curah hujan > 60 mm/hari menunjukkan beberapa titik terjadi genangan banjir terutama di bagian utara Kota Medan. (2) bahaya banjir berdasarkan hasil banjir genangan skenario intensitas curah hujan < 60 mm/hari  tidak menimbulkan bahaya sama sekali sedangkan bahaya banjir berdasarkan hasil banjir genangan skenario intensitas curah hujan > 60 mm/hari  memperlihatkan  pada bagian utara ada dua kelas yang dominan yaitu kelas tinggi dan rendah, pada bagian tengah kota medan kelas yang dominan adalah sedang dan di bagian selatan Kota Medan dominasi oleh kelas sedang dan rendah. (3) Berdasarkan teknik interpretasi yang dilakukan pada Peta Dampak Banjir Berdasarkan Kecamatan Di Kota Medan terlihat bahwa beberapa kecamatan di Kota Medan memiliki beberapa kelas bahaya banjir seperti rendah, sedang dan tinggi.Kata Kunci : Kota Medan, Hujan, Pemodelan Banjir

Wahyudi Ishak ◽  
Ahmadin Ahmadin ◽  
Najamuddin Najamuddin

This study aims to determine the potential of historical attractions in Sinjai Regency, the development of historical tourism in Sinjai Regency 2008-2016, and the impact of historical tourism on the communities around the site, the government and tourists. The method used in the research and writing of this thesis is a historical research method, which includes: heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interview and literature study techniques. The results of this study indicate that Sinjai as a Level II Region in South Sulawesi has tourism potential that is not inferior to other regions. The Batupake Gojeng Archaeological Park, the Karampuang Indigenous Area, and the Balangnipa Fort are one of the historical tourist destinations offered by Sinjai Regency. Although the Tourism and Culture Office of Sinjai Regency was only established in 2017, activities in the tourism sector will continue to be carried out in previous years. The three historical attractions have their respective developments both in terms of facilities and infrastructure to the number of visitors. The contribution of each element in the development of the historical tourism sector in Sinjai Regency is something that needs to be improved. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the historical attractions in Sinjai Regency have an impact on the socio-cultural, educational and economic sectors for the local government and the people who live around the site.

2020 ◽  
ARTEKS Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur ◽  
Frengky Benediktus Ola

The effect of noises toward human body not only disturb the hearing organs, it can also disturb other human body parts and in some cases may results in reduction of work’s efficiency. This study aims to assess the noise level in residential areas on the edge of the city of Yogyakarta highway and to find any indication of the impact on building design and barriers by homeowners to reduce noise. This research is quantitative associative. Data obtained from measurements and field observations. The results showed that the noise level in residential areas on the edge of the highway, class II street and local roads in the city of Yogyakarta did not meet the standard values of LTNI and LNP. The design of buildings and barriers as a noise reduction factors for the highway was found with a percentage of 100% on the Jalan Bung Tarjo segment, 85.7% on the Jalan Ki Penjawi segment, 20.83% on the Jalan Juminahan segment, 52.08% on the Jalan Bausasran segment, 13.37% on the Jalan Suryodiningratan segment, and 10.7% on the Jalan Mangkuyudan segment. Therefore, the people of Yogyakarta are not fully aware of the high level of road noise.

Dina Nurdinawati

Not all marriages or cohabitation (walking together without marriage bonds) runs lasting. Some of them end in divorce or separation. The aspect of a post-divorce household career is an interesting thing to be noticed. Their current status which is no longer with their partner, but not as free as the unmarried individual makes them have unique migration characteristics. The aim this literature study is intended to study the state of the art on relaltioship between migration and life-Course, especially in migration careers (trend patterns, frequency, distance, and direction) that change as a result of changes in household career status after divorce. This literature study yields three important findings. First, people who experience separation or divorce have frequencies moving more frequently than other marital statuses. Secondly, the average distance of migration to persons who are divorced or separated is shorter than those with single status and first marriage. Where, the shortest distance experienced by men who are divorced and have children. Third, in terms of direction, people who are divorced or separated will tend to stay in the city, while people who are married or paired back tend to live in sub-urban or rural areas.Keywords: divorc , lifecourse, migration career.---------------------------ABSTRAKTidak semua pernikahan ataupun cohabitation (hidup bersama tanpa ikatan prnikahan) berjalan langgeng. Beberapa diantaranya berkahir dengan perceraian atau perpisahan. Aspek karir rumah tangga pasca perceraian merupakan hal yang menarik untuk menjadi perhatian. Statusnya yang kini tak lagi bersama pasangannya, namun tak sebebas individu yang belum menikah menjadikannya memiliki karakteristik migrasi yang unik. Penulisan studi literatur ini dimaksudkan untuk mempelajari “state of the art” (penelitian-penelitian terkini) tentang kaitan Migrasi dan Life-Course, khususnya mempelajari karir migrasi (kecenderungan pola, frekuensi, jarak, dan arah) yang berubah sebagai akibat dari perubahan status dalam karir rumah tangga pasca perceraian/perpisahan. Studi literatur ini menghasilkan tiga temuan penting. Pertama, orang yang mengalami perpisahan atau perceraian memiliki frekuensi berpindah yang lebih sering dari status perkawinan lainnya. Kedua, rata-rata jarak migrasi pada orang-orang yang berstatus bercerai atau berpisah lebih pendek dari mereka yang berstatus lajang dan pernikahan pertama. Dimana, jarak terpendek dialami oleh laki-laki yang berstatus bercerai dan memiliki anak. Ketiga, dari segi arah, orang yang berstatus bercerai atau berpisah akan cenderung untuk tinggal di kota, sedangkan orang yang berstatus menikah atau berpasangan kembali cenderung untuk tinggal di daerah sub urban atau perdesaan.Kata kunci: karir migrasi, life course , perceraian.

Haslinda B. Anriani ◽  
Ansar Arifin ◽  
Harifuddin Halim ◽  
Rasyidah Zainuddin ◽  
Abdul Malik Iskandar

AbstractFlood is a natural phenomenon that always occurs every rainy season, especially in Makassar city. From year to year, the flood has increased in intensity and frequency. In addition, the area affected by floods is getting wider and more extensive and the duration of the inundation of water in an area also takes longer to recede. The main causes of the flood are environmental factors, human factors, and structural factors. Therefore, this paper is intended to reveal the factors of housing development resulting in loods in the city of Makassar. This research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques using literature study techniques and documentation studies. Data is analyzed qualitatively then concludes with conclusions. The results of the study show that mass housing development is a major factor in the occurrence of floods. Another reason is the lack of government control over the construction of housing related to environmental management.   Banjir merupakan fenomena alam yang selalu terjadi setiap musim hujan khususnya di Kota Makassar. Dari tahun ke tahun, banjir tersebut mengalami peningkatan intensitas, dan frekuensi. Selain itu, wilayah terdampak banjir makin luas dan makin banyak serta durasi genangan air di suatu wilayah juga memakan waktu lebih lama untuk surut. Penyebab utama banjir tersebut adalah faktor lingkungan, faktor manusia, dan faktor birokrasi. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengungkapkan faktor pembangunan perumahan mengakibatkan bencana banjir di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik kajian pustaka dan studi dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif kemudian diakhiri dengan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan perumahan secara massal merupakan faktor utama terjadinya banjir. penyebab lainnya adalah kurangnya kontrol pemerintah terhadap pembangunan perumahan tersebut terkait tata lingkungan.

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 175
Nico Abelio ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

This research entitled Social Interaction of Chinese Ethnicity with Ethnic Dayak in Pontianak City. The Dayak ethnic group in Pontianak is the first ethnic group to have previously inhabited the city of Pontianak. This study aims to determine the form of social interaction that occurs between ethnic Chinese and Dayak in the city of Pontianak. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative approach. Collecting data through interviews, observation, and literature study. The subjects of this research are Chinese and Dayak ethnic in Pontianak, and the object is social interaction. The theory used in this research is social interaction. Social interaction according to Gillin & Gillin is a mutual social relationship related to the relationship between individuals, between groups of individuals, and between individuals and groups of people. The results of this study indicate that the Chinese and Dayak ethnic groups in the city of Pontianak communicate between cultures and social interactions with mutual respect between ethnic groups. However, there are some obstacles that occur between ethnic Chinese and Dayak ethnic groups in Pontianak, namely language barriers that can lead to inter-ethnic prejudice.Penelitian ini mengangkat tentang interaksi sosial etnis Tionghoa dengan etnis Dayak di Kota Pontianak. Etnis Dayak di Pontianak merupakan etnis pertama yang telah terlebihi dahulu mendiami kota Pontianak. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk interaksi sosial yang terjadi antar etnis Tionghoa dengan etnis Dayak di kota Pontianak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Subjek penelitian ini adalah etnis Tionghoa dan etnis Dayak di Pontianak, dan objeknya adalah interaksi sosial. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah interaksi sosial. Interaksi sosial merupakan hubungan sosial saling yang berkaitan dengan hubungan antara individu, antara kelompok individu, maupun antara individu dengan kelompok manusia. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan etnis Tionghoa dengan etnis Dayak di kota Pontianak saling melakukan komunikasi antar budaya dan interaksi sosial dengan sikap saling menghargai antar etnis. Namun terdapat sedikit hambatan yang terjadi antar etnis Tionghoa dengan etnis Dayak di kota Pontianak yaitu kendala dalam bahasa yang dapat menimbulkan prasangka antar etnis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-104
Muh. Rusdi

The purpose of this research is to build a collaboration between the travel business and the relevant government and the people of the City of Parepare in dealing with disasters. In addition, the parties who are members of the collaboration group carry out the stages of the safety process for tourists affected by the disaster to facilitate the handling of accident victims in the field. in the City of Parepare. Then this study, using a descriptive qualitative approach, the data collection techniques used are interviews, literature study, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that it is necessary to establish cooperation carried out by travel business parties to related sectors in the form of collaboration and the need for a soup or guide book to be made as a way to facilitate and understand the duties of each member of the cooperation group. are required to be able to equip their employees by adding skills and training, especially those related to First Aid in Accidents (P3K) this is important for travel businesses and related agencies to avoid more serious accident victims for tourists.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 42
Ni Kadek Kamariani ◽  
Ni Ketut Kantriani ◽  
I Gede Januariawan

<p>caused by several factors, both heredity and even social factors. From these factors cause future impacts on the couple themselves and even on children born. Based on the background above, the problem discussed in this study is the impact on children in Marriage to Gelahang in Pakraman village, Tanggahan Peken, Sulahan Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency. Data collection in this research uses observation, interview and literature study techniques. The research location was set in the village of Pakraman Tanggahan Peken, Sulahan Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency. The Occurrence of Marriage to Gelahang in the village of Pakraman Tanggahan Peken because there are two factors, namely heredity and social factors, where these factors have an impact on children for the future. The resulting impact is a psychological impact, where the existence of Marriage to Gelahang causes pressure on children, both mentally, such as the unpreparedness of children to carry out double obligations when implementing Marriage to Gelahang with different banjar / village and<br />physically, where when the child is siblings with many obligations that must be fulfilled, where both obligations cannot be abandoned, it causes physical pressure and even financial pressure for the child. In addition to psychological effects, marriage to Gelahang also causes social impacts, because there is<br />no regulation on marriage that raises questions from the community why the obligations undertaken in the village and in the banjar are the same as a married couple who carry out ordinary marriages.Besides that, in family law there are two impacts, positive and negative. And the last is the inheritance system, where having one child will have an impact on the heirs or successors in the future.</p>

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Marce Diana

AbstractThis study aims to: (1) Describe the stages in the Dayak Maanyan traditional marriage in the city of Banjarmsasin (2) Describe the requirements in the Dayak Maanyan traditional marriage in the city of Banjarmasin, (3) Analyze the social values contained in each stage of Dayak Maanyan marriage in the city of Banjarmasin. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method with the number of respondents as many as 7 people, 3 key respondents and 4 people supporting respondents. Data collection using interview, observation, documentation and literature study techniques. Data analysis with data reduction, display and verification. The results of this study are: (1) The stages of the Dayak Maanyan customary marriage held in Banjarmasin city consist of the Ngantane/Itunti (introduction) stage, the Adu Pamupuh (engagement) stage, and the Piadu stage (fulfillment of customary law). The most interesting and sacred stage is the Piadu stage because at this time the two brides were officially inaugurated as husband and wife. (2) Requirements in Dayak Maanyan customary marriage in Banjarmasin city. Both the bridegroom and the bride must prepare the requirements of each stage in question. The most prepared requirements are at the Piadu stage, in which there are seven conditions that must be met, namely Tajau Tuak, Keagungan Mantir, Lanjung Ume Pintan Gantung, Eteh Kadiwai, Palangkahan, Tutup Uwan, and Sangku Dite Sangku Lungkung. (3) The Social Values contained in the Dayak Maanyan traditional marriage have at least 8 social values, namely the value of love and appreciation for tradition, the value of sincerity (seriousness) & courage, politeness, family values, values of loyalty, togetherness and mutual cooperation , the value of independence & responsibility, and the values that characterize the Dayak Maanyan, namely the value of kinship. The social values contained in the marriage of the Dayak Maanyan motivated the Dayak Maanyan ethnic population in the city of Banjarmasin to carry out faithfully and genuinely the traditions, especially the indigenous Dayak Maanyan marriage. Keywords: Social Value, Indigenous Marriage, and Dayak Maanyan AbstrakPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan tahapan dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan di kota Banjarmsasin (2) Mendeskripsikan persyaratan dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan di kota Banjarmasin, (3) Menganalisis nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam tiap tahapan perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan di kota Banjarmasin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 7 orang, responden kunci 3 orang dan responden pendukung 4 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data dengan reduksi data, display dan verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Tahapan perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan yang dilaksanakan di kota Banjarmasin terdiri atas tahap Ngantane/Itunti (perkenalan), tahap Adu Pamupuh (pertunangan), dan tahap Piadu (pemenuhan hukum adat). Tahapan yang paling menarik perhatian dan sakral adalah tahap Piadu karena saat ini lah kedua mempelai diresmikan secara hukum adat sebagai suami istri. (2) Persyaratan dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan di kota Banjarmasin. Baik pihak mempelai laki-laki maupun perempuan harus menyiapkan persyaratan dari tiap tahapan dimaksud. Persyaratan yang paling banyak disiapkan adalah pada tahap Piadu, didalamnya terdapat tujuh syarat yang harus dipenuhi yaitu Tajau Tuak, Keagungan Mantir, Lanjung Ume Pintan Gantung, Eteh Kadiwai, Palangkahan, Tutup Uwan, dan Sangku Dite Sangku Lungkung. (3) Nilai-Nilai Sosial yang terkandung dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan sedikitnya ada 8 nilai sosial, yaitu nilai kecintaan dan penghargaan pada tradisi, nilai kesungguhan (keseriusan) & keberanian, nilai kesopanan, nilai kekeluargaan, nilai kesetiaan, nilai kebersamaan & gotong royong, nilai kemandirian & tanggung jawab, serta nilai yang menjadi ciri khas Dayak Maanyan yaitu nilai kekerabatan. Nilai-nilai sosial yang terdapat dalam perkawinan Dayak Maanyan ini memotivasi warga etnis Dayak Maanyan yang ada di kota Banjarmasin untuk melaksanakan dengan setia dan sungguh-sungguh tradisi, khususnya perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan.Kata kunci: Nilai Sosial , Perkawinan Adat, dan Dayak  Maanyan

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