scholarly journals The Realizations and Functions of Figurative Speeches in Novels Written by Prasetyo Utomo

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-191
Fajar Arifiyanto ◽  
Agus Nuryatin ◽  
Mukh Doyin

Utomo’s novels are very related to the theme of religion and culture. The language used tends to be simple but still interesting and beautiful so research on the form and function of language style is very interesting. The purpose of this study is to describe the form and function of language style in the three Utomo novels. Data collection is done by heuristic techniques or read by repeatedly. Data analysis method used is hermeneutics. Almost all types of figurative language styles are found, but for the sake of effective exposure, only three data would be presented as examples of the form of language style and the function of language style. The three most found figurative languages are metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, and sinekdoke. The function of language also varies, starting from clarifying the picture, increasing the impression, shortening the narrative, and describing the character's feelings. Fulfillment of these functions with simple but beautiful forms of language style makes Utomo's novels have high aesthetic value and are easily understood by readers.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Nurjanah Nurjanah ◽  
Yurdayanti Yurdayanti

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa dan citraan pada puisi “Engkau Salat dalam Hutan” dan puisi “Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso” karya D. Zawawi Imron. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pustaka dan catat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan identifikasi, interpretasi, analisis, dan pemberian kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa stilistika dalam puisi “Engkau Salat dalam Hutan” dan puisi “Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso” memiliki keunikan yang khas D. Zawawi Imrom. Hal tersebut merupakan wujud karakteristik estetis individualisasi penyair. Kekhasan tersebut antara lain ditunjukkan dalam pemakaian gaya bahasa dan citraan. Penggunaan gaya bahasa dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan bahasa figuratif atau bahasa kiasan. Penggunaan gaya bahasa tersebut menyebabkan sajak menjadi menarik perhatian, menimbulkan kesegaran, hidup, dan terutama menimbulkan kejelasan gambaran angan. Adapun bahasa figuratif yang dimanfaatkan penyair dalam puisi tersebut adalah bahasa figuratif personifikasi, anafora, simile, klimaks, dan repitisi. Penggunaan citraan yang dimanfaatkan penyair dalam puisi “Engkau Salat dalam Hutan” dan puisi “Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso” adalah citraan penglihatan (visual), citraan pendengaran (audiovisual), dan citraan gerak. Pemanfaatan citraan dalam puisi tersebut mampu menghidupkan imaji pembaca dalam merasakan apa yang dirasakan oleh penyair.The purpose of this study is to describe the style of language and imagery in the poetry poem "Engkau Salat dalam Hutan" and the poem "Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso" by D. Zawawi Imron. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection is done by library and note techniques while data analysis is done by identifying, interpreting, analyzing, and providing conclusions. The results of the research and discussion are the stylistics in the poem "Engkau Salat dalam Hutan" and the poem "Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso", has a unique D. Zawawi Imrom which is a form of aesthetic characteristics of the poet individualization. This particularity is shown among others in the use of language styles and images. The use of language style is done by utilizing figurative language or figurative language causing poetry to attract attention, give rise to freshness, life, and especially cause clarity of imaginary images. The figurative language used by the poet in the poetry is the figurative language of personification, anaphora, simile, climax, and repetition. The use of images used by poets in the poem "Engkau Salat dalam Hutan" and the poem "Di Puncak Bukit Mangkoso" are vision images (visual), hearing images (audiovisual), and motion images. The use of images in the poem is able to animate the reader's image in feeling what is felt by the poet. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-211
Agung Nugroho ◽  
Inda Puspita Sari

This study aims to gain an understanding of the comparison of language styles in a collection of End-of-Season Phrases by Adiska Nirmaya and a collection of Nafaskarya Fatimah Musawa poems. The method used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques in research using documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques with steps: data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. The results of the study show that there are comparisons of comparative language styles and opposing language styles. Comparative language style in the collection of End-of-Season Phrases by Adiska Nirmala amounts to 18 data and the language style of contention is 5 data, based on the language style that dominates the collection of Phrase Poems at the End of Season. Whereas the collection of Nafas poems by Fatimah Musawa, namely: Language style comparisons totaling 9 data. While the language style of contention is 11 data. Conclusions, a collection of End-of-Season Phrases by Adiska Nirmaya is more dominant in the style of comparison and the collection of Nafas poems by Fatima Musawa has a dominant style of language in opposition. Keywords: Language Style, Collection of Poetry.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Vioni Saputri ◽  
Syahrul Ramadhan ◽  
Yasnur Asri

Eufimism and Disphemism in "Corruption" Novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer.The purpose of this study is to explain the form and function of the use of euphemism and disfemism in the novel "Corruption" by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This type of research includes descriptive research. The data collection technique used is the note-reading technique. Data analysis used agih and equivalent methods. The validity of the data is obtained through intrarater and interrater. The results of this study are classifications of euphemism and disfemism. The classification is classified into words, phrases and sentences. In addition, the background to the use of euphemism and disfemism is the form in the novel "Corruption" in this study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-149
Muhtadin Muhtadin ◽  
Rika Berlista ◽  
Dian Oktavia

This study aims to describe the style of language used by the novel Tanah Langit Merah and the Comet novel. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research data collection technique is the documentation technique. Data analysis techniques are used through data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this study are: (1) Novel Comet contains a comparative language style of 109 citations, contrasting 39 quotations, linking 31 quotations, and repeating 10 quotations. (2) The novel Tanah Langit Merah contains comparative language styles, 97 parable parables, 117 metaphor quotations, 25 personification quotations, and 1 quote antithesis. (3) antagonism, hyperbole 74 citations, oxymoron 6 quotations, sarcasm 24 quotations, satire 15 quotations, paradox 10 quotations. (4) linkages, 8 excerpt metonemicals, 3 excerpts euphemisms, and 15 citation elepsis. (5) iteration, alliteration of 11 citations, anaphora 4 quotations, and efficiency of 2 quotations. In conclusion, the language style in the novel Tanah Langit Merah and the Comet novel, namely comparative language, conflicting, interrelated, and repetitive Keywords: Language Style, Novel

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-58
Raflis Raflis ◽  
Juni Rahmat Zai

The problem in this thesis is figurative language in Shakespeare's poetry. The reason for choosing the figurative language in William Shakespeare's poetry is because all of his works contain many literary qualities, which are figurative and each of these poems has a beautiful story that is translated into a beautiful figurative form.The purpose of this study is to analyze types of figurative language, figurative language formulas, and figurative language functions in Shakespeare's poetry. In this writing, library research is taken as a data collection method. As for the data analysis method, the researcher describes literary work as a not-based structure that forms it as an internal factor of literature. Data collection techniques use documentation techniques to find data relevant to the research. In data analysis techniques, the author uses a formalist approach, all elements needed to understand the work contained in the work itself. The main purpose for formalist criticism is to determine how elements in Shakespeare's poetry work together with text content to form meaning to the reader.The findings in this thesis are: 1) figurative language in Shakespeare's poetry can be divided into simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, and repetition. Simile can be found in Madrigal poetry; Metaphorical figurative languages ​​can be found in four Shakespearean poems, A Fairy Song, Song Bridal, Dirge, and Sonnet 116; personification can be found in two poems Shakespeare, A Madrigal and Dirge; hyperbole can be seen A Fairy Song, Dirge, and Sonnet 116; and Repetition can be seen in three poems of Shakespeare, A Fairy Song, A Madrigal, and Dirge.

Kadera Bahasa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22
Louisa Rina Moningka

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to describe the form and function of tombulu language deixis. This research is qualitative with descriptive method especially in collecting data scientifically, and producing linguistic rules in linguistics. Data for analysis need are sourced from the field and literature. Field data is collected through informants, and library data is taken from books. Data collection techniques used direct observation techniques, tapping records, notes, and interviews. For data analysis, the inductive method is adopted. The results of this study indicate that in terms of the form of tombulu language deixis can be in the form of a morpheme, a word and a phrase. In terms of function depends on the type of deixis. In tombulu only one form of deixis refer to him male and female. Deixis to designate a place in tombulu is known for three distinctions. While the possessive contructive of tombulu language is stick-right. In the syntactic distribution, the possessive construct of the tombulu language stick-right morpheme, clearly showing the characteristics of a consistent VO type language. Through deixis pointing in Tombulu language can answer Frei’s hypothesis, which says that the higher the level of culture, the simpler the language deictic system concerned. In the case of Tombulu language deixis especially the place deixis can reflect the low level of Tombulu culture. Keywords : deixis, Tombulu, language

Moh. Syamsul Ma�arif ◽  
Lana Saadatul Abadiah

This study aims to describe: (1) the use of diction in Andmesh Kamaleng's first album; (2) the use of language styles contained in the songs of Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album. Researchers are interested in analyzing the diction and language style on Andmesh Kamaleng's first album because it has its own way or its own characteristics in conveying or composing a song. The object of this research is the first album from Andmesh Kamaleng which consists of 8 songs. The lyrics of the song by Andmesh Kamaleng contain 3 types of diction and 13 kinds of language styles. Diction is a choice of words that can distinguish precisely based on the nuances of meaning that arise from the idea to be conveyed. Language style is the use of words in speaking and writing in order to convince or influence a listener and reader. This research is a qualitative descriptive using content analysis method. The data source is a document in the form of song lyrics from Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album. The data collection techniques used in this study were the listening and note taking technique. Validating the data in this study using theoretical triangulation. The data analysis technique used in this research is flow analysis which includes three processes, namely: (1) data reduction; (2) Presentation of data; (3) Drawing conclusions. In the song lyrics of Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album, it contains three kinds of diction, namely diction which means denotative, connotative, and synonymy. For the language style used by the author, there are 3 kinds of language styles included in the lyrics of this song, namely: comparative language style, contradiction style, and repetition language style. The results of this study can be concluded as follows: (1) the use of word choices or diction in Andmesh Kamaleng's song lyrics, namely: 38 data denotative diction, 11 connotative diction, 11 synonymy diction, and 3 synonymy diction. The purpose of using denotative diction in a work is especially in Andmesh Kamaleng's songs so that the message conveyed by the writer can be understood by the audience; (2) the use of this language style consists of 13 types, namely: asonance as much as 46 data, alliteration of 26 data, anaphore of 18 data, personification of 10 data, tautotes with 2 data, apostrophe 5 data, epizeukis 9 data, hyperbolic 8 data, mesodilopsis 2 data, epanalepsis 1 data, metaphor 2 data, and zeugma with 2 data. Keywords: diction, language style

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-156
Roswita Lumban Tobing ◽  
Siti Perdi Rahayu ◽  
Rohali Rohali ◽  
Nastiti Utami

The use of language styles has a widely varied purpose to convey information that is not explicitly expressed by the speaker. This study is aimed at describing the form and function of the styles contained in the French media. The subjects of this research are phrases and sentences contained in the CDP Lyrics in the Blonde albums, alcoholic beverages and advertisement aplle in French-language magazines, and in the speech by François Hollande in ‘Le Figaro’ newspaper. Data collection is done by observation and recording techniques using data tables. Data analysis uses the agih method. The analysis of the language style functions is done by using the speech components of SPEAKING. The validity is obtained through semantic validity and reliability through intra-rater reliability.  The results of the study show that the style of language in the media is necessary for speech so that the content of communication is more beautiful and attractive. Language style functions depend on the context and purpose of the speech. The most dominant function in the lyrics of the song is the poetic, which prioritizes beauty. In Alcoholic Beverage Ads, the expressive function becomes dominant to make the advertisement more alive. In the Apple Product Advertising on the Internet, the language function is referential for emphasizing the topics described.Keywords: language style, form and function  VARIASI GAYA BAHASA DALAM MEDIA PERANCIS AbstrakPenggunaan gaya bahasa mempunyai tujuan yang sangat bervariasi untuk menyampaikan informasi yang tidak akan dinyatakan secara eksplisit oleh si penutur.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk dan fungsi gaya bahasa pada media komunikasi yang berupa lagu, iklan, dan Surat Kabar berbahasa Prancis. Subjek penelitian ini adalah frasa dan kalimat yang terdapat dalam Lagu CDP pada album Blonde, iklan minuman beralkohol, iklan aplle dalam majalah berbahasa Prancis, dan Pidato François Hollande dalam Surat Kabar Le Figaro. Pengumpulan data dengan metode simak dan teknik catat dengan tabel data. Analisis data menggunakan metode agih. Penentuan fungsi gaya bahasa menggunakan metode padan referensial. Fungsi penggunaan gaya bahasa dianalisis  dengan komponen tutur SPEAKING. Keabsahan data melalui validitas semantis, reliabilitas dengan intra-rater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahasa gaya bahasa yang paling menonjol pada lagu adalah asonansi dan hiperbola, pada iklan minuman beralkohol adalah aliterasi dan hiperbola, pada pidato François Hollande adalah repetisi dan hiperbola, pada iklan apple adalah asonansi dan aliterasi. Fungsi bahasa yang sering muncul adalah referensial kecuali pada iklan minuman beralkohol, yang dominan adalah fungsi emotif.  Fungsi gaya bahasa tergantung pada konteks dan tujuan. Gaya bahasa di media diperlukan agar konten indah dan menarik. Kata kunci : Gaya Bahasa, Bahasa Prancis, Bentuk dan Fungsi

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Ummi Afifah ◽  
Harris Effendi Thahar ◽  
Emidar Emidar

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to describe the type of language style based on sentence structure and based on whether or not the meaning and function of the language style contained in the anthology of the “Cermin Waktu” short story by Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students 2011 Faculty of Language and Art, State University of Padang. The method used is descriptive. The approach in this research is the stylistic. Based on the research conducted the type of language style based on sentence structure found 4 types of language style, namely climax, anticlimax, repetition, and antithesis. The type of language style is based on whether or not direct meaning is of two kinds, namely rhetorical  and the style of figurative language. The rhetorical style of the language is found in 7 types of language styles, namely apostrophes, asindenton, polisindenton, euphemism, pleonasm, rhetorical questions, and hyperbole. The figurative language style is found in 4 types of language styles, namely equality, metaphor, personification, and cynicism and sarcasm. The language style function contained in the anthology of the “Cermin Waktu” short story is found in 5 types of language style function, namely concreting 25 speeches, asserting 88 utterances, beautifying 24 speeches, smoothing 2 speeches, and insinuating 4 speeches.  Kata Kunci: Gaya bahasa, Fungsi, Jenis

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Ranjy Ramadani

This study aims to reveal the beauty of the language style in the short story Lailatun Ghaba 'anha al-Qamar by najib al-Kilany through a stylistic perspective. Najib al-Kilany as a writer also has his own style that is interesting to know. This study uses a descriptive method of data analysis by deploying data collection techniques, namely observations and note-taking. The results of this study reveal several stylistic aspects contained in the short story, such as: a semantic aspect which includes the use of at-taraduf (synonym), a syntactic aspect which includes the function of at-taqdim wa at-ta'khir (prioritizing word position and ending it), and an imagery aspect which includes simile, hyperbole, metaphor, and synecdoche styles. Based on the study’s results, it is concluded that Najib al-Kilany emphasizes the imaginary side of a story, which leads the reader to being immersed in his work.

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