scholarly journals Psychophysiological basis of individual human behavioral reactions

Liliia Yukhymenko ◽  
Olena Pustovit

The aim of the research: elucidation of autonomic dynamics (according to the electrical resistance of the skin) during functional load, taking into account the individual-typological properties of the nervous system and psychological qualities of the individual. Materials and methods. Determined the functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNP, the method of M. V. Makarenko), electrical resistance of the skin (polygraph study), psychological personality traits (16-factor personality questionnaire by Cattell). Results. The relationship between FMNP, individual parameters of skin galvanic response and some personality traits has been identified. The questions concerning the role of individual-typological properties of the nervous system in the development of autonomic reactivity, their connection with psychological personality traits, prediction of possible behavioural reactions and states are considered. Conclusions. It was found that individuals with high FMNP in terms of sensorimotor response, more likely to have a variant of behavioral response, which is characterized by maximum speed and accuracy of the task, low anxiety. However, there is a risk of overstrain of the autonomic nervous system (according to the indicators of the phase electrical resistance of the skin (ERS)). In the case of low levels of FMNP, a variant of behavioural response with relatively low task efficiency, slow autonomic regulatory processes and a tendency to experience is more common. We claim that FMNP is involved in creating a neurodynamic, autonomic and psychological basis for individual behaviour during sensorimotor response in emotionally stressful conditions. The identified differences can be useful for determining the optimal area of ​​professional activity, settling interpersonal relationships in the team, predicting the limits of acceptable actions and human actions, assessing the likelihood of risks of personal responsibility, the degree of stress, and so on

Diana Beloded ◽  
Ilya Minenko

This article provides a theoretical analysis of the conditions and specifics of the consideration of criminal cases with the participation of jury. The aspect of the provision of psychological influence by the participants in the trial on the jury by means of a system of psychological techniques that form the prejudice of the jury against the defendant is disclosed. Currently, the selection of candidates for jurors does not include psychological evaluation criteria. But, in order to avoid making erroneous decisions by the jury, they need to be prepared to confrontation psychological pressure from opposite sides, to teach them the ability to resist manipulation. During the trial the defense and prosecution parties try to form the attitude of the jury towards the defendant, which corresponds to their position. The methods of forming the convictions of jurors correspond to the modern direction of applied psychology. The degree of awareness of the jury about the evidence examined and the rules for its assessment is a cognitive condition for overcoming the formation of the necessary conviction in the jury, because the defendant and the prosecutor and defense parties of the trial use manipulative techniques as methods of influence, mechanisms of covert control: deception, intimidation, etc. It is advisable, prior to participating in a trial, to give the jury the foundations of the psychological knowledge they need. At the same time, it is hardly realistic, in the existing normative conditions, to form their knowledge of the general laws of the functioning of mental processes, the characteristics of the individual’s activity and his personal characteristics that determine the productivity of the implementation of mental cognitive processes in the framework of a specific situation that has legal significance. But you can pay special attention to the emotional stability of the individual, aggressiveness, introversion, rigidity in the spheres of interpersonal relationships and the resolution of difficult situations of professional activity.

Oleksandr Кovalenko

The article considers the didactic conditions of musical training of choreographers in higher education institutions of our state. In this work the structural didactic features of musical competence of choreographers are defined, such as: feature of professional activity planning; ways and methods of performing professional activities; communication techniques; organizational skills of choreographers; features of dance and motor motility. The article also states that the author considers an individual approach to take into account the ways of adapting the properties of studentsʼ nervous system to the requirements of professional activity as an effective method of musical training of choreographers in domestic higher education institutions. The article also deals with an individual approach, which takes into account the individual differences of students, the development of techniques, tools and methods of forming professional and musical skills of choreographers, due to the typological properties of the nervous system. At the heart of the individual approach considered in the study there is the idea of understanding a developing student as a person with a unique set of individual qualities. This involves the recognition of different, but equivalent in effectiveness methods of educational and creative activities that meet the objective requirements of the professional activity of the teacher and the individual characteristics of the future specialist.Also, in this paper, it is noted that in pedagogical science didactics is connected with the methods of teaching courses. The method of teaching folk dance is somewhat different from other choreographic disciplines due to the specifics of national dance. All textbooks, programs and methodical materials on folk choreography are authorʼs versions and naturally cannot be accepted by all experts identically. Keywords: musical training, music theory, choreographer, professional training, didactics, didactic bases of training, professional skill, systematic approach to musical training.

S. Fedorchuk ◽  
Ye. Petrushevskyi

The aim of the study was to compare the state of psychophysiological functions of highly qualified handball players with different experience of sports training (special training). To determine the state of psychophysiological functions of athletes diagnostic complex "Diagnostics-1" was used (MV Makarenko, VS Lyzogub). In accordance with the purpose of the work, we studied the properties of the nervous system (functional mobility and strength of nervous processes), the efficiency of sensorimotor activity and the dynamics of nervous processes in feedback, the latency of complex response reactions of choice, the accuracy of response to a moving object. Higher psychophysiological status in terms of the strength of nervous processes (both in the feedback mode and during long-term sensorimotor loads in the mode of imposed rhythm) was demonstrated by athletes of the older age group with more experience of sports training. Athletes of older and younger age groups did not differ in the level of functional mobility of nervous processes and accuracy of reaction to a moving object. Therefore, we can assume that athletes with less experience of sports training in the state of these psychophysiological functions have reached the level of athletes of the older age group, ie the level of maximum realization of individual capabilities. The identified differences in the individual-typological properties of the higher parts of the central nervous system in female handball players with different sports experience can have prognostic value and be used to optimize sports improvement in this sport.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 ◽  
pp. 02024
Alexey Yurievich Kodzhaspirov ◽  
Lyudmila Viktorovna Polyakova

The study reveals the relationship between the success of professional activity with the personal characteristics of representatives of humanitarian professions. The following diagnostic means were used to establish the relationship of personal characteristics with the successful development of professional skills of students studying humanities: Methodology “Personality traits” (J. Barrett), Diagnostics of the structure of signal systems (E. F. Zeer, A. M. Pavlova), Methodology express – diagnostics of the characteristics of the nervous system by psychomotor indicators Е. P. Iliin. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the study, the authors conclude that professional success in the humanitarian professions is associated with personality traits: sociability, focus on facts, as well as mobility of the nervous system. The absence of these traits negatively affects the effectiveness of professional activity.

V. S. Lyzohub ◽  
V. V. Shpanyuk ◽  
V. O. Pustovalov ◽  
T. V. Kozhemyako ◽  
V. O. Suprunovich

Introduction.During the study, we tried to find out whether the temporal characteristics of sensory-motor response can reflect the typological properties of the central nervous system. Such research is essential to reveal the mechanisms of development of higher mental functions and mental capacity.Purpose.To establish the relationship between the speed characteristics of visual-motor reaction different complexity and individual-typological properties of the central nervous system.Methods.Individual differences of sensorimotor reaction and the properties of the main nervous processes were determined by the method of M. V. Makarenko [8] using the computer system "Diagnost-1". 32 teenagers aged 10-11 were examined. During the study, the indicators of latent periods of simple (SVMR) and complex visual-motor reactions of choice (RC1-2, RC2-3), functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNS) were investigated. Results.Speed characteristics of simple (SVMR) and complex visual-motor reactions of choice of one (RC1-3) and choice of two (RC2-3) excitatory and inhibitory signals were studied in order to 202177use them to assess individual typological properties of the central nervous system (CNS) in adolescents 10-11 years old. There is no evidence of a relationship between the rate of SVMR with different levels of functional mobility (FMNS) of nervous processes in adolescents 10-11 years old.The reaction rate did not differ statistically and was the same in representatives with high, medium and low levels oftypological properties of nervous system. The results of the correlation analysis between SVMR and FMNP were r = 0.13 (p = 0.59), which indicated no relationship between them. The relationship of sensorimotor response time with individual-typological features of the CNS was established in complex information differentiation RC2-3. The temporal characteristics of RC2-3 were dependent on the individual-typological properties of the CNS.The reaction rate of RC2-3 was higher in adolescents 10-11 years old with high levels of -3 were r = 0.35 (p = 0.034).The results show that the velocity characteristics of complex neurodynamic acts, in contrast to simple ones, can be used as quantitative characteristics of the typological properties of the CNS.Originality.The results of our research may be evidence that the indicator RC2-3 can be used as an additional informative criterion for assessing the individual-typological properties of the higher parts of the central nervous system.Conclusion. The temporal characteristics of SVMR and RC1-3 cannot be considered as informative criteria for assessing the individual-typological properties of CNS in adolescents 10-11 years. Time characteristics of RC2-3 differentiation reactions can be used as additional indicators for assessing the individual-typological properties of higher nervous activity in adolescents 10-11 years, namely, the level of functional mobility of nervous processes.Key words:processing of information of various complexity, speed characteristics of simple reactions, motor acts of choice and differentiation, individual-typological properties, functional mobility of nervous processes

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 285-292
Інна Стрілецька

Статтю присвячено теоретичному аналізу місця і ролі соціального інтелекту в процесі професійного становлення особистості. Узагальнено напрямки розробки проблематики впливу соціального інтелекту на професійне становлення майбутніх фахівців у працях сучасних українських та російських авторів. Проаналізовано психолого-педагогічні погляди на сутність поняття "професійне становлення" та з’ясовано, що його прикметною характеристикою є соціальний інтелект як здатність, що зумовлює ефективність міжособистісної взаємодії, соціальної адаптації та реалізації професійних функцій фахівця. Обґрунтовано роль соціального інтелекту в досконалому оволодінні майбутніми фахівцями своєю професійною діяльністю і продуктивному вирішенні фахових завдань, для чого необхідно правильно розуміти власну поведінку та поведінку інших людей, уміти налагоджувати ефективну взаємодію у групі та формувати команду. Встановлено, що соціальний інтелект відіграє важливу роль у фаховій підготовці студента, він дає змогу розуміти самого себе та вчинки інших людей, їх вербальні і невербальні реакції, отже, виступає важливою когнітивною складовою структури комунікативних здібностей особистості. Соціальний інтелект забезпечує розширення меж комунікативного простору в контексті процесів глобалізації, розвитку міжкультурної комунікації, посилення інтегративних тенденцій в науці, відповідає за закономірності побудови "картини соціального світу", тобто функціонування механізмів перцепції, декодування і конструювання уявлень про широке коло соціальних реалій. Саме соціальний інтелект забезпечує адекватність соціального пізнання, допомагає прогнозувати розвиток міжособистісних відносин, загострює інтуїцію та гарантує успішність фахової підготовки особистості. The article is devoted to theoretical analysis of the role and place of social intelligence in the process of professional formation of the personality. Summarizes directions of development perspectives of the influence of social intelligence on professional formation of future specialists in the works of modern Ukrainian and Russian authors. Analyzed psychological and pedagogical views on the essence of the concept "professional development" and found that its distinguishing characteristic is social intelligence as the ability that determines the effectiveness of interpersonal relations, social adaptation and realization of the professional duties of a specialist. The role of social intelligence in the perfect mastering by future specialists in their professional activity and productive decision of professional problems, which is necessary to properly understand their behavior and the behavior of other people, to be able to establish effective communication in the group and building a team. Found that social intelligence plays an important role in the professional preparation of the student, it gives you the opportunity to understand themselves and the actions of others, their verbal and nonverbal reactions, therefore, is an important cognitive component of the structure of communicative abilities of the individual. Social intelligence provides the expansion of the boundaries of the communicative space in the context of globalization, intercultural communications, strengthening of the integrative trends in science, is responsible for the patterns of constructing a "picture of the social world", that functioning mechanisms, perception, decoding and the construction of ideas about a wide range of social realities. Social intelligence provides the adequacy of social cognition that helps to predict the development of interpersonal relationships sharpens intuition and guarantees the success of professional training of the individual.

Evgeniy Krasnov ◽  
Ekaterina Kryukova ◽  
Mikhail Kotlovskiy

During the COVID-19 pandemic doctors use their intellectual and personal potential in order to be effective in their work, as they were placed in a situation with special requirements for professional activity, creating an emotionally charged environment. Empathy, emotional intelligence (EI), and emotional stability play an important role. Our objective was to study the relationship between empathy, EI, intuition, attitudes toward uncertainty and personality traits in doctors performing their professional activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study involved 122 doctors of different specialties (psychiatrists, pediatricians, surgeons, oncologists, etc.). Six questionnaires were used. The Jefferson Scale of Empathy and confirmatory factor analysis were used to verify the factor structure, where the original three-factor model showed the best fit. To identify the relationships between the variables, the Spearman test was used. In our sample of medical doctors, emotional stability characterizes individuals with high self-control and sociality (TEIQue scales). Our data allows us to highlight that empathy fails to be integrated with traits of emotional intelligence in the personality profiles of medical doctors. But distancing from the sphere of one’s experiences in interpersonal relationships during the COVID pandemic may be a necessary component in the personal regulation of the performance of one’s professional responsibilities.

Arina Yu. Malenova

The data on the work of the conference devoted to the problem of responsibility, which took place on October 8–10, 2020 at the Faculty of Psychology of Dostoevsky Omsk State University. An overview of the topics of plenary reports, master classes and messages is given in the framework of priority areas: methodological, theoretical and methodological problems of the study of responsibility; responsibility in the thesaurus of related concepts: subjectivity, control, authenticity; responsibility of the individual in modern society: current challenges; responsibility in the context of existential personality problems; responsibility and irresponsibility of the individual in the environment; personal, professional and social responsibility in emergency, extreme and crisis situations; social and personal responsibility in a pandemic and self-isolation; social responsibility of the state, business, organizations in modern society; responsibility of the individual in professional activities; personal and professional responsibility of the individual in the educational environment; responsibility of the individual in the context of age-related development; responsibility of the individual in family and interpersonal relationships; the problem of personal responsibility in the research of young scientists.

Lyudmila Shumigora

The article is devoted to modelling as a method of studying the educational environment of university as a process of creating an imaginary system of educational environment, which makes it possible to study the psycho-pedagogical laws. The university’s educational environment is defined as a multi-faceted structure that purposefully and spontaneously influences the professional and personal development of the future specialist, ensuring his / her readiness for professional activity and / or continuation of training, successful self-realization in the process of life activity. The educational environment is a set of material factors of the educational process and interpersonal relationships that establish the subjects of education in pedagogical interaction. The educational environment is a multilevel multicultural entity that is individual to each student; the environment of constructing one’s self, which provides the creation of favorable conditions for actualization of the inner world of the individual, his personal growth, self-realization, the formation of self-consciousness. The essential component of the educational environment is defined by the set of conditions (opportunities) and resources (material, financial, personal, technological, organizational, reputational) for the education of the individual, which are formed in the institution of higher education. The author emphasizes on the main features of the modern university’s educational environment in an open society: flexibility; community and communication; eventfulness; configurability; cultural conformity; spherical; openness, capacity for development and self-development; systematic, organization and structure; sociality; display. Prospects for further research are to investigate the impact of the higher education institution’s educational environment on the personal and professional development of each participant in the educational process.

Anthony A. Paparo ◽  
Judith A. Murphy

The purpose of this study was to localize the red neuronal pigment in Mytilus edulis and examine its role in the control of lateral ciliary activity in the gill. The visceral ganglia (Vg) in the central nervous system show an over al red pigmentation. Most red pigments examined in squash preps and cryostat sec tions were localized in the neuronal cell bodies and proximal axon regions. Unstained cryostat sections showed highly localized patches of this pigment scattered throughout the cells in the form of dense granular masses about 5-7 um in diameter, with the individual granules ranging from 0.6-1.3 um in diame ter. Tissue stained with Gomori's method for Fe showed bright blue granular masses of about the same size and structure as previously seen in unstained cryostat sections.Thick section microanalysis (Fig.l) confirmed both the localization and presence of Fe in the nerve cell. These nerve cells of the Vg share with other pigmented photosensitive cells the common cytostructural feature of localization of absorbing molecules in intracellular organelles where they are tightly ordered in fine substructures.

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