scholarly journals How To Assess and Improve Quality of Medical Education: Lessons Learned from Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo

2008 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-78 ◽  
Izet Mašić ◽  
Ahmed Novo ◽  
Šejla Deljković ◽  
Ibrahim Omerhodžić ◽  
Alisa Piralić

There is no such science as medicine where half life is 7 years, what means that in 3-4 years 50% of current knowledge will be wrong. If doctors use old techniques and methods then they will cure patients wrongly. Very fast and rapid increase of biomedical sciences and medical information in certain way force medical professionals to continuity learning in order to stay update. In this project a quantitative method of examination has been used. For the purposes of the research a survey questionnaires were created consisted of 28, 35 and 18 questions for all three groups of examinees. Beside general characteristics (sex, age, faculty, and year of studies) the questionnaire included questions referring to the variables of structure, process and results in the system of education. Authors used Lickert five degree scale for the evaluation. Total of 521 students of the faculties of biomedical science in Sarajevo were surveyed; students of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine (Stomatology), Faculty of Pharmacy, Nursing College, students of final year and postgraduate students from Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo. On the basis of survey results authors concluded that the following should be done: The reform needs to be carried out in accordance with possibilities and needs, general faculty rules should include regulations that refer to insuring the quality of education, a continuous quality of studying needs to be insured - internal and external evaluation of the quality of work of respective education institution needs to be carried out, education standards need to be set, i.e. minimum knowledge and skills which a student needs to gain during studies is to be set, curriculums and programs need to be harmonized with countries in the region and Western Europe, Regular evaluation of lecturers needs to be done, Increase of size and content of the practical part of teaching needs to be encouraged as well as distance learning organized on Cathedra for Medical Informatics and Family Medicine at Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo, increase of international and regional mobility of students needs to be encouraged, students need to be included in the faculty reform, panel discussions need to be organized where students will be informed on the reform progress, where students can talk about their problems, give suggestions and solutions to certain situations. Students are motivated to study further when their ideas are accepted, the number of books in libraries needs to increase in accordance with financial possibilities and audio/visual and electronic aids need to be purchased and in place. Concept of quality incorporates at least three dimensions and has three different meanings. Those are: - Comparative meaning in terms of the level of perfectionist, - Quantitative meaning in terms of the level accessed and - Appropriateness for certain purpose. Objective of this study is to begin process of improvement of educational process at biomedical faculties at University of Sarajevo, but ultimate goal of all involved in medical education should be large number of health professionals who will be able to work independently and cure patients in best manner in 21st century.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-181
Olga Vladimirovna Oshchepkova ◽  
Igor Vadimovich Popov

Satisfaction of students of higher educational institutions with their professional activities in todays reality is one of the key indicators which diagnoses the quality of specialists training and efficiency of professional competence development. Satisfaction assumes personal students inclusion in educational process which is inseparably linked with the personality relation to the quality of these or those objects, to living conditions and activity as well as to himself or herself. The assessment is the most important element of the emotional sphere of the person, emotions stimulate motivation to activity. We understand the integrated characteristic including motivational and emotional spheres of the personality as satisfaction. This estimated relations between trainers according to the activity which they carry out, its results and implementation conditions. Vocational training of cadets is carried out in specific conditions of their stay in barracks on the territory of departmental higher education institution. In the integrated characteristic of satisfaction of trainees vocational training included three criteria: satisfaction with the educational process; satisfaction with extracurricular activities; relationship satisfaction. The first criterion contains satisfaction: 1) organization of educational process; 2) level of teachers professionalism; 3) quality of teaching. We put satisfaction indicators into the second criterion: 1) organization of work of circles, sections and clubs; 2) organization of sports and mass actions; 3) organization of events which help to develop professional competence of a future officer of Penitentiary system. The third criterion assumes satisfaction with relations with teachers, with collective and the direct management. Questioning of the 2nd and the 5th year cadets of Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia showed that by the 5th course the positive tendency in a satisfaction assessment is found with vocational training. The criterion satisfaction with extracurricular activities needs a separate additional analysis, as by the 5th course the amount of students satisfied with circles, sections and clubs is less than a third of a total number of the course students. By the third criterion some complexity in relationship with the direct management (with commanders of front divisions) is found out and it also should become a subject of special additional consideration.

Olha Yeromenko

The article raises the topical issue of training competitive professionals capable of working under modern market conditions. The transition to market relations changes the education policy and the system of educational services provision. The professional destiny of a future manager and the success rate of an educational institution depend on the quality of providing educational services to graduate students specialised in educational institution management. The purpose of the article is to analyse the results of a survey of graduate students aimed at determining the status of educational services given within the specialty 073 "Management" (specialization "Educational Institution Management") in various higher education institutions of Ukraine. Monitoring the state of the educational services provided to graduate students majoring in educational institution management has been carried out on the basis of general scientific and empirical cognition methods: comprehensive study of quality training of master-course students, observation, survey in the form of questionnaires, analysis of graduate students’ responses, analogy. The criteria enabling graduate students to assess the quality of educational services provided by higher education institutions have been defined: the fundamental nature of training; level of knowledge and experience of teaching staff; organization of the educational process; culture and communication level of teachers; reaction of teachers and administration of higher education institution to further demands of graduate students, etc. On the basis of the analysis and generalisation of the processed material, the basic demands of master-course students majoring in educational institution management for increase in the level of educational services have been defined: decrease in theorising of educational material; practice orientation; increase in the use of interactive teaching methods by teachers; expansion of the list of optional courses; increase in opportunities for individual counselling at a convenient time; involvement of leading specialists, experts, experienced educational institution managers in teaching; improvement of facilities and resources of an institution; increase in the level of additional educational services provision in higher education institutions. According to the results of the study, it has been concluded that it is necessary to establish a flexible system of training master-course students majoring in educational institution management.

Николай Дмитриев ◽  
Nikolay Dmitriev

The article analyses the incentives of the Russian higher education institutions to provide quality education which develop as a result of the competition and signals from labor market. The mechanism of a quality assurance of training of specialists in higher education institution is the quality management system. The experience of formation of a quality management system is presented. The structure and interrelation of components of quality of education is considered. Criteria and indicators of quality of educational process, which can be applied in estimation of quality in the educational organization, are offered. Besides, backbone components of quality — satisfaction of consumers with educational services are considered.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 4 ◽  
E. V. Myalkina

Introduction: the problem of diagnostics of the quality of education at a higher education institution is becoming increasingly relevant in the conditions of the need to fulfill the criteria for the effectiveness of higher education institutions, the introduction of new generation standards in higher education institutions and the modernization of the educational program management system. Diagnostics of the quality of education is considered as an important process that ensures a steady position of the university in the educational services market, the  growth of indicators for the admission campaign,  the increase of reputational capital. Diagnostics of the quality of education makes it possible to identify significant factors in determining the prospects for the development of a university, having a significant impact on the performance indicators of a university and characterizing the results achieved and the resources used.Materials and Methods:the article discusses the system for the quality of education evaluation at Minin University, it describes its key components, reveals the elements of the diagnostic complex and their systemic interconnection. The characteristics of the elements of the diagnostic complex describes in detail the issue of improving the efficiency of the university in terms of the implementation of the management model of the main professional educational programs, the description of the diagnostic procedure for each category of participants in the educational process is presented.Results:the author describes the methodology and the main stages of diagnosing the quality of education at the university using the example of  Minin University, gives integrated assessment criteria and their relationship with other elements of the monitoring system and evaluating the quality of education at the university, lists the effects of introducing a comprehensive system for diagnosing the quality of educational activities.Discussion and Conclusions:in the final part of the article, the possibilities of further improving the system of assessment of the quality of education in the educational system of higher education are considered. Arguments about the need to further expand the range of issues raised by the diagnostic process are made; the ratio of the existing positions of the university to the requirements of the legislation is made. 

I. Dudina ◽  
V. Tomilin ◽  
I. Pereshivaylova ◽  
A. Pogorelaya

he article analyzes the teaching methods at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of KNMU, taking into account the modern needs of the development of teaching and reforming the healthcare system of Ukraine. At present, when the process of Ukraine’s integration into the European space is on going, the European integration of medical education is the introduction of the European credit transfer system (ECTS) into the educational process, which helps to achieve the quality of medical education and is by introducing standards, recommendations and basic tools for the adaptation of our students and teachers to the system of education and teaching in European universities. At the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, various teaching methods are used, namely: practical exercises that use modern pedagogical systems; various forms of presentation of lecture material, taking into account modern methods; phantom-simulation system for work-out of practical skills; consolidation of the gained practical and theoretical knowledge in the process of industrial practice on the basis of the University Hospital. Teaching students the skills of finding and using information in Internet resources. Teaching in English and writing methodological instructions on the subject allows you to attract students from different countries to study and to be involved in communication at the same level with the international dental community.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Komang Krisna Heryanda

Tracer study is an approach that allows college institutions to obtain information about possible deficiencies in the educational process and learning process. It can also be the basis for future improvement planning activities. This tracer study research could see the illustration of two sides, namely the graduates’ side as the service user of the education institution and the stakeholder side as the graduate user. This tracer study aimed at getting an overview of the lecture program that had been obtained by the graduates, as well as the quality of graduates produced by the Department of Management. The target of this tracer study was the alumni of Management Department graduates in 2013 - 2015 and the stakeholders in this case were the service users of Management department graduates.  The results of this study indicated that the graduates produced by the Management Department had an average waiting time of less than 12 months (1 year) to obtain a job. The types of jobs graduated from Management Department were mostly in the private sector, there was only one person who decided to become an entrepreneur. Most of the graduates earned 1 million rupiah - 3 million rupiah per month as the first income. Most graduates were satisfied with the aspects of learning gained during their study in Management Departments as well as the response about learning experience. Graduates were quite satisfied with the learning experience during the course in Management Department. The graduates complained about inadequate lecture facilities condition. It was certainly a serious significance to be addressed immediately. Most of the users of the graduates (stakeholders) were satisfied with the ability of management department graduates. It was just the aspect of English language skills that were still considered less. In accordance with English language skills, communication skills were also complained by graduate users (stakeholders). Keywords: Alumni of Management, Tracer StudyTracer study is an approach that allows college institutions to obtain information about possible deficiencies in the educational process and learning process. It can also be the basis for future improvement planning activities. This tracer study research could see the illustration of two sides, namely the graduates’ side as the service user of the education institution and the stakeholder side as the graduate user. This tracer study aimed at getting an overview of the lecture program that had been obtained by the graduates, as well as the quality of graduates produced by the Department of Management. The target of this tracer study was the alumni of Management Department graduates in 2013 - 2015 and the stakeholders in this case were the service users of Management department graduates.  The results of this study indicated that the graduates produced by the Management Department had an average waiting time of less than 12 months (1 year) to obtain a job. The types of jobs graduated from Management Department were mostly in the private sector, there was only one person who decided to become an entrepreneur. Most of the graduates earned 1 million rupiah - 3 million rupiah per month as the first income. Most graduates were satisfied with the aspects of learning gained during their study in Management Departments as well as the response about learning experience. Graduates were quite satisfied with the learning experience during the course in Management Department. The graduates complained about inadequate lecture facilities condition. It was certainly a serious significance to be addressed immediately. Most of the users of the graduates (stakeholders) were satisfied with the ability of management department graduates. It was just the aspect of English language skills that were still considered less. In accordance with English language skills, communication skills were also complained by graduate users (stakeholders).

Samar A. Ahmed ◽  
Mohamed H. K. Shehata ◽  
Raymond L Wells ◽  
Hani Atwa ◽  
Hebat Allah Amin

Medical education is facing great challenges and uncertainties amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical Education Institutions are required to build a task force team for crisis management. These should be committed to supporting a sudden online education transition, academic support, and psychological well-being of students, staff members, health care professionals, paramedics, and faculty administration. As the situation evolves, the task force has to monitor the challenges and provide appropriate plans, guidance, and solutions. Leaders in medical education have a crucial role in response to the pandemic crisis in securing a successful educational process while ensuring the mental and psychological well-being of the stakeholders. Herein, we provide tips that can provide a guide for medical education leaders to coordinate crisis management.

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. e17545-e17545
Dominik Berthold ◽  
Francesca Marangoni ◽  
Chatrina Melcher ◽  
Alberto Costa

e17545 Background: Continuous medical education (CME) is critical for physicians, particularly in oncology because of the rapid evolution in diagnosis and treatment of malignancies. Since the fast diffusion of the internet in highly developed as well as less developed nations, online education has become a media to reach potentially a significant number of physicians around the globe. Methods: The European School of Oncology is a non-profit organization dedicated to medical education in oncology. A structured e-learning program was launched in 2008. Interactive live lectures are held by recognized experts in the field and are actively moderated. A tailored webpage has been developed. Presenters and participants are connected from their own institutes, often in distant locations. Two formats have been developed: E-grandrounds are weekly sessions on hot-topics without commercial sponsorship. E-oncoreviews are monthly sessions designed to offer a balance and comprehensive overview on a specific topic. Participants can register for free and obtain CME accreditation. Users of the live sessions are encouraged to ask questions by email. Presentations are available online for 6 months. Applications for handheld devices have been developed. Results: Between 2008 and 2012, 4700 users from 117 nations have been registered, using the application at least once. 252 online lectures were held, generating 22.000 views (about 87 participants/presentation). The cost per session was about 4000 $US ( 45$/participant) for technical support. About 100 new users per months are currently registered. None of the presenters or participants had to travel. Conclusions: This is to our knowledge the largest online education program based on non-commercial sponsorship. Online education is feasible, potentially cost-effective and ecologically sustainable. Online education is a way to equal access to medical information for economically less favored nations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 159-166
N. Duissekeyeva ◽  
Sh. Kadirsizova ◽  

The article substantiates the actuality of developing the competitiveness of future specialists from the perspective of psychological and pedagogical science. The problem of competitiveness is considered in the aspect of public and scientific demand. According to the authors, the personality development is considered as the basic quality of the future specialists’ competitiveness. The problem is studied by domestic scientists, scientists from near and far abroad from the perspective of various sciences. Competitiveness is defined as a socially-oriented system of abilities, properties and qualities of an individual. It characterizes the personality potential in achieving success, both in educational, professional and non-professional life activities, and also determines adequate individual behavior in dynamically changing conditions. From the authors’ standpoint, the factors, conditions, and competitiveness parameters of any specialists continue to expand: such situations include professional adaptation, certification, solving situational pedagogical problems, communicating in the educational process, solving the problem of variability of education, career growth, staff placement, and others.

Y. Volynets

Improving the quality of education in preschool education institution is a socially significant problem of nowadays, which faces pedagogical science and practice. Today, pedagogical education is a means of self-development andself-realization, whichchangesthegoalsofeducation, itsmotives, forms, methods, andtheroleofthepreschool teacher. And the purpose of pedagogical education is high-quality training of highly qualified and competitive pedagogical staff for the entire field of education, able to masterfully carry out professional activities and be able to use modern information technologies. One of the tasks of modern pedagogical education is the formation of a person with an innovative type of thinking, pedagogical culture, and developed readiness for innovative activities, professional in his field. Only the active life position of a preschool teacher, improving his professional skills will help him ensure one of the most important rights of students — the right to quality education. There are many facts that affect the quality of pedagogical education: material and technical support of the educational process, information and methodological, financial, etc., but the most important thing is the staffing of teachers in the educational process, who have professional competencies, information technology and apply them in the educational process of the preschool education institutions. The article analyzes the problem of motivation of professional development of preschool teachers as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education in the context of European integration. The concepts of «postgraduate education», «continuing preschool education», and«pedagogicalexcellence» are defined. The article substantiates the need of a comprehensive study of the experience of professional training of preschool teachers in the UK and its use to create an effective system of pedagogical education in Ukraine, also presents the features of the model of pedagogical education in the UK.

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