scholarly journals Leadership through the lens of managerial qualities

Anatoly Shegda ◽  
Ivanna Zapuhlyak ◽  
Tetiana Onysenko

The existence of such phenomena and processes as production, enterprise, management, as well as their creators, or those who perform them, personifies, namely: staff, managers, owners cannot exist in reality outside of individual and social production. In this case, the production of not only material goods, but also material goods is understood. Accordingly, the need as such can also be met differently and to varying degrees, depending on the quality, the level of development of those factors of production that are used in the enterprise through effective management. Currently, the main trends of effective leadership phenomenon associated with the transition from command to sole leadership, leadership from the vertical to the virtual and latent, tight localization of its leader to free movement. In this case, the article examines the vision of scientists on the composition and peculiarities of formation of leadership qualities of a manager in modern conditions in order to ensure effective management of the enterprise. Also, the analysis of effective leadership initiatives at the organizational environment level in turbulent economic conditions is conducted. However, given the pace of development of modern society in general, and economic relations in particular, we consider it necessary to express the view that an effective leader does not necessarily have stable qualities that differentiate him from other people. After all, what is required of a leader can very often depend on the circumstances. It's corny, but it's true. History knows many leaders who have found their time and place, whose qualities have lost their appeal as the situation has changed. Yes, some uncompromising managers who have been able to overcome managerial crises are not capable of being effective leaders in other circumstances. And their more flexible counterparts adapt to changing priorities and lead their people. Currently, the main trends in the development of the phenomenon of effective leadership are related to the transition from single to team leadership, from vertical leadership to virtual and latent, from rigid localization of the leader to his free movement

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Mukhtar Hadi

The importance of effective management in educational organizations is getting more and more attention from various parties. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the heads of Madrasah Ibtidai'yah in Metro City had implemented effective leadership patterns in leadership management in madrasah. The results of this study indicate that the heads of Islamic elementary schools in Metro City are actually principals who present themselves as effective leaders and understand well how to become professional leaders. The professional meaning here is that the head of the madrasah has shown itself to be an education leader and always maintains quality at all times. In certain circumstances the head of the madrasah has even included the category of master school leaders who are able to show quality where other parties can place the principal as an expert in leading the school. The principal not only looks good, but also is able to show understanding of the meaning of quality. However, there has not been seen any influence between the headmaster's leadership and the level of achievement achieved by students. This means that principals actually include educational leaders with the title of professionals or even masters, but there is no significant influence between the level of leadership and student achievement.

At the present stages of development of economic relations, the question of skillful management of production systems of the enterprise acts as a prerequisite for efficient management, necessary to achieve strategic goals. The presence of the same conditions, resources and potential of enterprises in one industry leads to different results of their activities. For enterprises operating in modern conditions, the use of high-performance production systems helps to increase their competitiveness. The operating system of the enterprise can be considered as a subsystem that includes all activities and elements necessary for the manufacture of products and services. That is, we can say that the organizational set of purposeful interconnected objects (industries, shops, sections, teams, workers, tools and objects of labor, performing various functions and works) due to which the transformation of individual elements of the system into a finished product is called a production system. In the production system, each of its elements is needed to function and maintain it as a whole, which is a manifestation of system dependence in the organization. They operate on the basis of laws and individual principles that work interconnectedly. Because, in order to meet their own needs and create material goods in the face of existing constraints (physical, biological, psychological, etc.), people are forced to unite and interact as effectively as possible. Achieving the so-called "organization effect" is one of the basic principles of production and economic activity of society. Thus, effective management of production systems of the enterprise is a necessary condition for its success, but it is not enough. It should be noted that the production system of the enterprise has an impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of activities in general. It is determined that the main elements of the production process are labor, as a conscious human activity, objects and means of labor. It is noted that the elements of the operating system are material and human objects, as well as generalized the division of production systems into three main types, and identified the main subsystems identified the main production processes by purpose and components. Prospects for further research are the formation of an effective management system for individual processes of operational activities in enterprises, substantiation of areas for improvement of operational activities.

2018 ◽  
pp. 118-127 ◽  
G. B. Kleiner

The development of the system paradigm in economic science leads to the formulation of a number of important questions to the political economy as one of the basic directions of economic theory. In this article, on the basis of system introspection, three questions are considered. The first is the relevance of the class approach to the structuring of the socio-economic space; the second is the feasibility of revising the notion of property in the modern world; the third is the validity of the notion of changing formations as the sequence of “slave-owning system — feudal system — capitalist system”. It is shown that in modern society the system approach to the structuring of socio-economic space is more relevant than the class one. Today the classical notion of “property” does not reflect the diversity of production and economic relations in society and should be replaced by the notion of “system property”, which provides a significant expansion of the concepts of “subject of property” and “object of property”. The change of social formations along with the linear component has a more influential cyclic constituent and obeys the system-wide cyclic regularity that reflects the four-cycle sequence of the dominance of one of the subsystems of the macrosystem: project, object, environment and process.

Spiritualita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Sukron Romadhon

Spirituality and a new religious awakening, are seen by religious elites as a stage of religious directness in carrying out religious traditions and rituals. New civilizations can instead be a threat to conventional religious traditions and rituals. Without the willingness of religious elites to criticize and re-interpret conventional ritual traditions and patterns, the functions of the world's major religions could fade. The world's major religions are increasingly alienated from the objective world and awareness of the lives of the people and their people. It seems that there will be a new form of religion or a new religion that is completely different from the tradition of religious rituals that have been carried out by the major religions of the world. While the religious elite is still attached to classical religious interpretations. But on the other hand, the emergence of modern society, encouraging the argument of secularization is part of modernization. The values underlying socio-political and economic relations also appear to be beginning to enter an irregular stage, when viewed conventionally, the spiritulitas of global civilization, rather than lies in the format of values, traditional systems and structures or modern rationality. New civilizations in social systems and Science and Technology (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) began to be directed at a more intuitive spirituality stage. Then came the act of social piety that proved impartiality over the duafa wal mustad'afin, workers and the poor who were oppressed by the economic system. The emergence of the term left theology only wants to explain about righteousness and belief based on the ability to perform acts of liberation of the proletariat. This action is not only done after the reality of the proletariat appears, but creates a social and economic system that has impartiality towards the proletariat.Keywords: Spirituality, Secularization, Social Piety

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-130
Nazarenko I ◽  

The article examines the processes, criteria and factors to ensure the quality of passenger transport services. Object of study - processes to ensure the quality of passenger transport services in the context of European integration of Ukraine. Purpose - a study of the world experience in the formation of the concept of quality of transport services, summarizing the main factors that affect the quality of transport services, as well as the main criteria affecting the qualitative characteristics of the services of the transport. Method study - generalization of fundamental works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists of economists is in the internal checking system, dialectical going, fundamental positions of economic theory, system-logical approach near research of the economic phenomena and processes. Satisfaction the needs of society and economy of passenger transport services depends on the quality and timeliness of those services. Questions of quality passenger transport services are interested in users of transport services, companies providing them. However, the requirements and the basic criteria for assessing the quality they are different. If the passenger transport enterprise interested in providing their services with minimal effort and money, the service users in their assessment pay attention not only on the cost of services, but also on transport safety, comfort, delivery time, etc.. The quality of the transport concept of integrated services, which is constantly being developed and improved. Global trends show that the quality of transport services must ensure the needs and expectations of consumers. Accordingly, it is increasing the importance of defining the qualities that affect the quality of service. Given the transient and dynamic nature of modern society and the lifestyle of the main consumers of the services the system factors and quality criteria must be flexible and dynamic to meet the industry's competitiveness on the European market of services. Awareness of the main criteria for assessing the quality of services will help to identify potential strengths and weaknesses. This will help improve not only the quality but also the process of enterprise management, industry, improve customer satisfaction of services received, will increase competitiveness. The results of the article can be inculcated in-process services of enterprises of a transport complex. KEYWORDS: QUALITY, TRANSPORT SERVICE. CRITERIA of QUALITY, TRANSPORT.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37
O. Kuznetsova ◽  
Yu. Lanovenko

The article raises questions about the protective mechanisms in adolescents which shows themselves as psychosomatic diseases. The profound changes in modern society, which require a person of constant adaptation in all spheres of life: live communication is replaced by electronic, robotization of work processes, uncontrolled flow of information, change of concepts, the destruction of traditions, leading to chronic stress, exhaustion and health problems. In particular, as a result of lack of attention and lively communication, excessive demands, replacement of emotional manifestation of love with material goods in the most vulnerable part of the population - adolescents there is a feeling of needlessness, which often leads to depressive states and emotional breakdowns which cause psychological disorders. The article deals with several types of manifestations of psychosomatic diseases, such as allergies, bronchial asthma, heart diseases, diseases of the digestive system and skin, and factors that cause their appearance. The causes of psychosomatic illness are still a controversial issue due to its versatility and ambiguity. The manifestation of the disease can be affected by a variety of factors that may not cause the disease if at least one of them to be removed. Because of this ambiguity, psychosomatics are beginning to be perceived as a mystified pseudoscience. Such an attitude causes distrust to the psychologists of specialists and adherents of this teaching. Study of diseases occurs exclusively in the medical sense. What is the source of treatment in hospitals, where medication slows down the development of complications of such chronic diseases as allergies, bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis - without treating them thoroughly since these diseases are also psychological.  

Fabrício José Rodrigues de Lemos

A INTEGRAÇÃO ECONÔMICA E O REGIME JURÍDICO DO EURO  ECONOMIC INTEGRATION AND THE LEGAL REGIME OF THE EURO  Fabrício José Rodrigues de Lemos* RESUMO: Em um mundo de relações econômicas cada vez mais complexas, as nações se veem compelidas a formalizar uniões em torno de objetivos comuns, de maneira a fazer frente à acirrada concorrência internacional. Nesse sentido, buscam a formação dos chamados espaços econômicos integrados. Para isso, são necessários diversos requisitos, tais como a livre circulação de mercadorias, a liberdade de estabelecimento, a livre circulação de trabalhadores e de capitais. Entretanto, para que seja atingido o estágio mais aprofundado da integração econômica, além das exigências já exemplificadas, se constata imprescindível a instituição de moeda única. Nesse sentido, o artigo pretende, a partir de reflexões históricas e filosóficas acerca da implantação da zona do Euro, fazer apontamentos sobre a integração econômica existente na União Europeia, detalhando o regime jurídico da moeda única europeia, para, ao final, tecer considerações sobre o futuro do mercado comum europeu. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Integração econômica. Zona do Euro. Regime jurídico. União Europeia. ABSTRACT: In a world of increasingly complex economic relations, nations find themselves compelled to formalize unions around common goals, in order to cope with the fierce international competition. In this sense, they seek the formation of the so-called integrated economic spaces. Thereunto, several requirements must be met, such as the free movement of goods, freedom of establishment, free movement of workers and capital. However, in order to achieve the furthest stage of economic integration, in addition to the requirements already explained, the institution of a single currency is imperative. In this sense, the article intends to give pointers, from historical and philosophical reflections about the implementation of the Euro zone, on the existing economic integration in the European Union, detailing the legal regime of the single European currency, to, at the end, weave considerations about the future of the common European market. KEYWORDS: Economic integration. Eurozone. Legal regime. European Union. SUMÁRIO: Introdução. 1 Reflexões Históricas e Filosóficas acerca da Implantação da Zona do Euro. 1.1 Implantação da Zona Monetária Comum e o Critério de Convergência. 1.2 Conceito de eficiência em Richard Posner e a maximização da riqueza e do bem-estar social. 2 Regime Jurídico na Zona do Euro. 2.1 Integração regional e o Mercado Comum Europeu. 2.2 Considerações sobre o futuro do Mercado Comum Europeu. Considerações Finais. Referências.  * Mestrando em Direito Público, na Linha de Pesquisa Sociedade, Novos Direitos e Transnacionalização, pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Integrante do Núcleo de Direitos Humanos da Unisinos (NDH). Advogado. 

Camilla Ellehave ◽  
Erin Wilson Burns ◽  
Dave Ulrich

This chapter offers insight into how change and uncertainty challenges effective leadership practices and offers guidance on how leaders can successfully lead in uncertain times. It adds to the existing field of studies by offering leaders a framework and specific ways to understand and consequently embrace and harness uncertainty. With the turmoil of 2020 as backdrop, effective leaders will need to master 3 tasks: 1) to pace the changes to which their teams are exposed, 2) to shape how changes are perceived by their team, and 3) to manage the team's emotional reactions to change. As leaders envision the future, guide choices, tame apprehension, regulate expectations, experiment nimbly, and collaborate frequently, they will be able to channel the pressures of change to create positive outcomes for their teams and organizations. More importantly, organizations that create routines and processes that encourage, develop, and enable these behaviors internally will lead in a world where customer needs, employee demands, and shareholder expectations are continuously evolving.

2019 ◽  
Vol 135 ◽  
pp. 04008 ◽  
Guzaliya Klychova ◽  
Alsou Zakirova ◽  
Angelina Dyatlova ◽  
Aigul Klychova ◽  
Evgenia Zaugarova ◽  

Economic security of the enterprise is designed to ensure stable and continuous functioning of the economic entity. The study of the state of economic security is one of the key factors for enterprises, as the level of its security depends on the financial condition. The purpose of personnel management in the system of economic security of the enterprise is to find ways to minimize risks and threats to employees. Ensuring economic security is one of the most important problems faced by enterprises. The overall system of integrated enterprise management is closely related to security and personnel management. The article examines the main threats and factors affecting economic security, as well as measures to improve the system of protection of the organization, the factors affecting the external and internal environment, measures for the organization of economic security in the enterprise, developed a methodology for assessing the personnel management system to make effective management decisions.

2014 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 683-714 ◽  
Griet Vermeesch

Medieval and early modern rulers commonly proclaimed that protecting the legal entitlements of the personae miserabiles, who included widows, orphans, the chronically ill and “the poor,” was among their principal duties. The entitlement of the poor to legal services was not a matter of grace but was in fact their “good right.” For example, widows, orphans, and other personae miserabili had the privilege of being heard in first instance before high courts, so as to save time and costs in pursuing their legal claims. Another example of manifest commitment to legal entitlement for the poor was the refusal of Philip II of Habsburg to consent to measures that would limit the jurisdiction of his Castilian chanceries; the measures had been proposed so as to limit the chanceries’ ever-increasing workload, but, because they could also restrict indigents' access to such courts, were rejected by the monarch. At first glance, such inclusiveness appears to have been achieved, particularly in view of the large numbers of petty conflicts brought before formal law courts during the long sixteenth century, leading to a so-called “legal revolution.” Historians generally acknowledge that broad layers of early modern society made abundant use of civil adjudication in arranging their social and economic relations and interests.

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