scholarly journals Evaluation of Physical Fitness for Students with Mentally impaired Aged 10-12 years in Poso Regency, Sulawesi Tengah Province, Indonesia

Bulu Baan Addriana ◽  
Rahayu Tandiyo ◽  
Soegiyanto Soegiyanto ◽  
Sulaiman Sulaiman

The ability of mentally retarded children with children in general is different, both in terms of the recipient stimulates and concentrates on the problem or activity carried out so that in giving a response has a difference, therefore there needs to be differences in special treatment or service. This study aims to determine the level of physical fitness of mentally impaired students aged 10-12 years in Poso District, Indonesia.The research design used was quantitative descriptive research. Sample in this study were 15 mentally impaired students aged 10-12 years. The test used to determine Physical Fitness uses the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test which consists of 1.) Running 50 meters, 2) Pull Up, 3.) Sit Up, 4.) Vertical Jump, 5) Run 600 meters. Data obtained from the test results were analyzed using descriptive analysis such as mean, standard deviation and percentage (%)Physical Fitness Tests for Mentally Impairedmale students are obtained by students who are in the very good category 0%, good 0%, moderate 50%, less 37.5%, very less 12.5%. While Mentally Impairedfemale students are  obtained very good 0%, good 0%, moderate 28.57%, less category 57.15%, very less category 14.28%. The overall summary of the physical fitness level of the students is in the very good category 0%, good 0%, medium 40% less 46.67%, very less 13.33%. From these results it is known that Physical Fitness for students with Mentally Impaired Students aged 10-12 years old is included in the less category. So it is recommended that there be special treatment and instruments for physical fitness tests in Mentally Impaired Students

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Adityo Pratama ◽  
Rizki Yuliandra

Physical fitness is one of the important components in doing any activities. The sport activity is closely related to the achievements that cannot be separated from several factors and one of them is physical fitness. Related to this issue, the physical fitness of basketball club members in Universitas Teknorat Indonesia has not been known yet. Therefore, this study aims to measure the physical fitness level of basketball club members in Universitas Teknorat Indonesia. This study is a qualitative descriptive study by surveying basketball members. The subject of this study is 30 members of basketball club in Universitas Teknorat Indonesia. The data collecting technique used in this study is TKJI instrument consisting of 5 item tests, they are 50-meter run test, pull up, sit up, vertical jump, and run 1,2 KM. Descriptive statistical analysis with percentages is employed in this research as the data analysis technique. The result of this study shows that the physical fitness levels of basketball club members in Universitas Teknorat Indonesia are 26,66% for 8 members, 53,3% of medium classification for 16 members, 20,1% of less classification for 6 members, and none of the members has an excellent and poor classification. Thus, the result of the physical fitness level test for members of basketball club in Universitas Teknorat Indonesia can be categorized at a medium level.Keywords: Physical Fitness, Test, Run, Push Up, Sit Up, Vertical Jump

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Muhammad Fadloli Al Hakim

This study aims to determine the level of physical fitness of female college student in the second semester of PGMI STAINU Temanggung, amounting to 25 people. The method of this research is to use quantitative descriptive methods. While the data collection technique uses tests, the instrument used in this study is in the form of the Indonesian Physical Freshness Test (TKJI). Data analysis techniques using the percentage formula. The results showed that of 25 PGMI students in the second semester of the 50 meter running test with a score of 3 (moderate), a bent elbow hanging test with a value of 2 (less), a reclining sitting test value of 3 (moderate), a vertical jump test with a value of 3 (moderate), and finally the 600 meter test run with a score of 3 (moderate). The conclusion is that PGMI female college student in the second semester of STAINU Temanggung have a physical fitness level with a total of 14 in the medium category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Dayu Herdiyan Wijaya ◽  
Maftukin Hudah ◽  
Pandu Kresnapati

Abstract Physical fitness is generally defined as the ability and ability of the body to make adjustments (adaptations) to the physical liberation given to it (from daily work) without causing excessive fatigue. Judging from the activities of the students every day it has been determined when they have to wake up early, then do the activities and go back to sleep again. The purpose of this study was to determine how much the level of physical fitness of students aged 12-16 years at Pondok Pesantren Addainuriyah 2 Pedurungan Semarang. This research is a research using a quantitative descriptive design with a survey method using a 2.4 km running instrument which is only done once. The population in this study were 200 students of the Pondok Pesantren Addainuriyah 2 Pedurungan Semarang. The sample taken was 30 students, using purposive sampling technique. For data analysis techniques using percentage descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that the percentage of the results of the physical fitness level of male students at the age of 12-16 years at Pondok Pesantren Addainuriyah 2 Pedurungan Semarang which is included in the very good category 0 children with a percentage of 0%, good category 5 children with a percentage of 16.67% moderate category 10 children with a percentage of 33.33%, 15 children in deficient category with a percentage of 50.00%, very poor category 0 children with a percentage of 0%. The conclusion of this study shows that the average physical fitness level of students aged 12-16 years is 13.93, including in the moderate category (S). Keywords: physical fitness, santri, Islamic boarding school Abstrak Kebugaran jasmani umumnya diartikan sebagai kesanggupan dan kemampuan tubuh melakukan penyesuaian (adaptasi) terhadap pembebasan fisik yang diberikan kepadanya (dari kerja yang dilakukan sehari-hari) tanpa menimbulkan kelelahan yang berlebihan. Ditinjau dari kegiatan santri setiap harinya sudah ditentukan kapan merekan harus bangun pagi, lalu melakukan aktifitas dan kembali tidur lagi. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat kebugaran jasmani pada santri usia 12-16 tahun di Pondok Pesantren Addainuriyah 2 Pedurungan Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei yang menggunakan intrumen lari 2,4 Km yang hanya dilakukan sebanyak satu kali. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah santri pondok pesantren addainuriyah 2 pedurungan semarang yang berjumlah 200 orang santri. Sampel yang diambil adalah sebanyak 30 santri, dengan menggunkan teknik purposive sampling. Untuk teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif persentase. Hasil dari penelitian diketahui bahwa presentase hasil tingkat kebugaran jasmani santri putra pada usia 12-16 tahun di pondok pesantren addainuriyah 2 pedurungan semarang yang termasuk dalam kategori baik sekali 0 anak dengan presentase 0%, kategori baik 5 anak dengan presentase 16,67% kategori sedang 10 anak dengan presentase 33,33%, kategori kurang 15 anak dengan presentase 50,00%, kategori sangat kurang 0 anak dengan presentase 0%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukan hasil rata –rata tingkat kebugaran jasmani santri usia 12-16 tahun sebesar 13,93 termasuk dalam kategori sedang (S). Kata kunci: kebugaran jasmani, santri, pondok pesantren

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Agung Wahyudi ◽  
Sofyan Adi Firmansyah ◽  
Nguyen Nhat Dong

Nutritional status can be measured through the adequacy of nutrients obtained from food which are digested every day. The increasing number of healthy food absorbed by the body can increase the physical fitness of the body.  The purpose of this research was to do counseling in order to understand the nutritional status and physical fitness level of fifth grade student at Tunas Harapan Islamic Elementary School in Sendangmulyo, Tembalang, Semarang. The physical fitness level was measured using nutritional status and physical fitness test (TKJI). The data were obtained using descriptive method with measurement and test techniques. These data were obtained from measurement of height, weight, age, and physical fitness tests (TKJI). This study found that the nutritional status of fifth grade students in Tunas Harapan Islamic Elementary School were included in normal nutrition category and moderate physical fitness level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
pp. 64-71
Jamilah Mohd Basir ◽  
Azizah Zain ◽  
Zaharah Osman

Physical fitness is an individual's ability to perform daily tasks efficiently and effectively with out fatigue and the ability to perform activities during emergencies. Individuals who have good physical fitness are individuals who have physical fitness based on health and physical fitness-based skills. Physical fitness is based on five components namely body composition, cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility. There are more than 15 physical fitness battery tests used worldwide to measure the level of physical fitness of children and adults. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the use of physical fitness test battery and the level of physical fitness of children based on health. Accordingly, the literature analysis shows that the most frequently used battery tests to measure children's fitness are FITNESSGRAM battery tests used in the United States and EUROFITT battery tests used in European countries. Whereas Malaysia uses the SEGAK Test only for children aged 10 to 17. The components and methods of conducting a physical-based physical fitness test will be described in detail. In conclusion, measuring the physical fitness level of children based on health provides important information to students, teachers, and parents about the child's physical fitness level. In this regard, physical-based physical fitness tests should be carried out to suit the age of the child, and indirectly the health of the child can be reflected through physical-based physical fitness tests.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Sherif Juniar Aryanto

In the process of learning and physical health is more emphasized in the form of physical activity that is planned systematically in order to achieve national education goals. It is intended that if the results of studying physical education and good health it can support another lesson because if students have a good fitness level it will be more enterprising and enthusiastic in following lessons. With good nutritional status will provide energy for the mediocre student in performing movement activities, while with a good level of physical fitness can support students' ability in performing daily activities without experiencing physical fatigue. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between nutritional status of the physical fitness of students in grade 1 at the MIS Unggulan Sabilillah Lamongan. Objectives of this study were students at the MIS Unggulan Sabilillah Lamongan first grade. Lamongan taken as many as 25 students. In this study using this type of correlational research with quantitative approach. The process of data retrieval is done by performing measurements include: age, weight, physical fitness test  include: sit-ups, pull-ups, sprint 60 meters, running distance was 600 meters, and vertical jump. Based on research results: there is a significant correlation between nutritional status of the physical fitness of students in grade 1 Banjarjo Elementary School district. Padangan, with the results of significance test claim rhitung (0,621) > rtabel (0,396). The correlation between nutritional status and physical fitness levels into the category of strong correlation, where the magnitude of the correlation coefficient between the nutritional status of the physical fitness of 38,6%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Muhammad Vani Aprilianto ◽  
Eko Bagus Fahrizqi

Sports Activity is related to achievements that is inseparable from some factors and one of them is physical fitness. Following the physical fitness by the members of Futsal Club Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is unknown. This research aims to reveal the level of physical fitness of the members of Futsal Student Activity Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, with 29 members involved. The data collecting technique uses the instrument of TKJI that consists of 5 tests that are: 50 meters Running Test, Push Up, Sit Up, Vertical Jump, Run 1.2 Kilometers, the data analyzing technique of this research uses the descriptive statistics analysis with percentage. The result shows that the level of physical fitness of Futsal Club Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, 5 students (17,24%) classified as good, 20 students (68,96%) classified as average, 4 students (13,79%) classified as deficient, and there are no students that classified great and awful. Hence, the result of the physical fitness level test towards the members of Futsal Club Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia can be classified as average.Kata Kunci: Physical Fitness, Test , Run, Push Up, Sit Up, Vertical Jump

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 240
Irma Wirnantika ◽  
Budiman Agung Pratama ◽  
Yulingga Nanda Hanief

This study aims to determine the physical fitness of the fourth grade students of SDN Puhrubuh 1 and MI Mambaul Hikam in Kediri Regency academic year 2016/2017.This study uses quantitative approach with test survey technique. The population is 24 students infourth grade in SD Negeri Puhrubuh I and MI Mambaul Hikam in Semen Sub-district. Sampling technique in this research uses saturated sample technique, where all population used as sample. The research instrument in this research uses test and measurement. To know the physical fitness of the students the researchers performed the Tests of Physical Fitness Indonesia (TKJI). Data analysis, the results of the physical fitness level of elementary school students Puhrubuh 1 and MI Mambaul Hikam, there were 11 or 45,83% students who were included in the medium category, 9 or 37,50% students were included in the poor category, 2 or 8,33% students were included in both categories with percentage of, 2 or 8,33% students were included in the category of the least ones. According to the research results and percentage descriptive analysis, it can be concluded that physical fitness of fourth grade students of SDN Puhrubuh I and MI Mambaul Hikam 2016/2017 school year in the category medium reached as many as 11 or 45,83% students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.7) ◽  
pp. 192 ◽  
Mohar Kassim ◽  
Norfazilawati Othman ◽  
Shahrulfadly Rustam ◽  
Edawaty Ujang

The ROTU cadets are trained to become an officer who are always ready to defence and resilience the country from all threats. The fitness level of each female ROTU cadets can be measured more systematically and accurately by implementing the test batteries. The objective of this study is to measure the fitness level among the female ROTU cadets based on the seven test, secondly to produce the Fitness Training Manual for the female ROTU cadet and thirdly to build the physical norms based on the seven test battery among the female ROTU cadets in UPNM. The whole research will involve 3 phases, pre-test for basic data collection, (4 weeks), intervention (12 weeks) and post data collection (4 weeks). From the purposive sampling, 212 female ROTU cadets were selected as the sample of the study. The instruments for pre-data collection involved the 7 test batteries (2.4 km running, sit-up, push up, 30-meter sprint, 10-meter zigzag, sit and reach and stand long jump) and self-administered questionnaire for demographic characteristics. The results of the pre-test came out with the seven physical fitness norms among female PALAPES cadet based on their age (19, 20 & 21). In conclusion, this physical fitness norm helps in the classification of physical fitness among the female ROTU cadets in UPNM. In average, the pretest showed not more than than 30% of them have an excellent physical fitness. The results of this study and the Fitness Training Manual can be used as a reference for future scientific studies especially among ROTU cadets in Malaysia.Keywords: Norms, Physical fitness, test batteries, female, ROTU.

2017 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 181-190 ◽  
Daniel López-Plaza ◽  
Fernando Alacid ◽  
José María Muyor ◽  
Pedro Ángel López-Miñarro

AbstractThe aim of this study was to determine the anthropometric and physical characteristics of youth elite paddlers and to identify the differences between kayakers and canoeists. A total of 171 male paddlers (eighty-nine kayakers and eighty-two canoeists), aged 13.69 ± 0.57 years (mean ± SD) volunteered to participate in this study. The participants completed basic anthropometric assessments (body mass, stretch stature, sitting height, body mass index, maturity level, sum of 6 skinfolds and fat mass percentage) as well as a battery of physical fitness tests (overhead medicine ball throw, counter movement jump, sit-and-reach and 20 m multi-stage shuttle run tests). The anthropometric results revealed a significantly larger body size (stretch stature and sitting height) and body mass in the kayakers (p < 0.01) as well as a more mature biological status (p = 0.003). The physical fitness level exhibited by the kayakers was likewise significantly greater than that of the canoeists, both in the counter movement jump and estimated VO2max (p < 0.05), as well as in the overhead medicine ball throw and sit-and-reach test (p < 0.01). These findings confirm the more robust and mature profile of youth kayakers that might be associated with the superior fitness level observed and the specific requirements of this sport discipline.

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