scholarly journals Exclusive breastfeeding in India: An ultimate need of infants

2019 ◽  
Shatrughan Pareek

Breastfeeding is a general method of providing nutritional supplements to young infants and child by breast milk. Early initiation of breastfeeding is very important for the infants. Breastfeeding is the cheapest and simplest method of fulfilling the nutritional needs of infant. Poor infant feeding practices and its effects is an obstacle in desirable growth and development of the infant. Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is a method of providing only breast milk to infant up to 6 months age. There are lots of intrinsic and extrinsic factors which affect EBF. The prevalence of EBF is too low at global level. In the world, prevalence of EFB is 30-50% but it is 54.9% in India. The cultural, religious and geographic differences create wide range of EBF in India and it’s around 35.8-77.2%. The Exclusive breastfeeding is effective in decline the incidence of communicable and non-communicable diseases among infants which reduce the morbidity and mortality among infants. The prevalence of EBF is below the proposed level so there is a need of effective breastfeeding program in India. Special focus is needed in the area where prevalence of EBF is poor. National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) revealed that there is a positive trend in India towards EBF. Social support and EBF program are needed to develop a positive attitude towards EBF and it will change the current scenario and reduce the disease burden among infants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dinda Maulidya Putri Maharani ◽  
Sulvy Dwi Anggraini ◽  
Trias Mahmudiono

Latar Belakang:Prevalensi padabayi yang mendapatkan ASI Eksklusif di Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2015sebesar 68,8% kemudian mengalami penurunan dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014, dan terus meningkat hinggatahun 2017 yaitu 75,7%. Penyakit infeksi dapat menurunkan nafsu makan pada bayi danberakibatkan penurunanstatus gizi. Pemberian makanan penamping ASI dapat mempengaruhi status gizi bayi. Provinsi Jawa Timurmerupakan salah satu provinsi dengan capaian ASI eksklusif dibawah target. Berdasarkan dari kabupaten/kotadiketahui bahwa cakupanbayi yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif di Jawa Timur tahun 2018 sebanyak 77,0%.Tujuan:Penelitianuntuk menganalisis hubungan antara pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan pemberian makananselain ASI dengan kejadianunderweightpada bayi di Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2018Metode:Penelitian ini merupakan analisis data primer dan sekunder dngan survei laporan bulanan Gizi ASIEksklusif Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2018. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan ujiChi-squaredanRegresi Logistik.Hasil:Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pemberianmakanan selainASIEksklusif (<30hari,>30 hari) dengankejadianunderweight, (p=0,000010;OR=1,645;95%CI=1,319–2,052), ada hubunganpemberian ASI saja tanpa makanan selain ASI pada bayi dengan kejadianunderweight,(p = 0,000;OR=0,272;95%CI=0,217–0,341).Kesimpulan:Pemberian makanan selain ASI dan pemberian ASI Eksklusif pada bayi berhubungandengankejadianunderweight. Pemberian ASI Eksklusif sudah mencukupi kebutuhan nutrisi bayi usia 0-6 bulan. Pihakpelayanan kesehatan perlu meningkatkan program promosi kesehatan dengan sosialisasi tentang pentingnyapemberian ASI Eksklusif pada bayi baru lahir hingga usia 0-6 bulan dan pemberian makanan pendamping ASIpada usia sampai 2 tahun agar kebutuhannutrisinya terpenuhi.ABSTRACTBackground: The prevalence of the babies who received exclusive breastfeeding in the Province of East Java by2015 was 68.8% which is lower when it is compared to 2014, with 72.9%, and since then it continued toincrease until in 2017 it was 75.7%. Infectious diseases may reduce appetite in infants which resulted in lowernutritional status. Providing complementary foods for breast milk can affect the nutritional status of the infants.The East Java Province is one of the provinces with exclusive breastfeeding achievement below the target. Basedon the district/city the coverage of infants who received exclusive breastfeeding in East Java in 2018 was 77.0%.Objective:This research was conducted to analyze the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and theconsumption of complementary food other than breast milk with the incidence of underweight found in infants ofEast Java Province in 2018Method:By analyzing the primary and secondary data with a survey of monthly reports on the East JavaProvince's ExclusiveNutrition of Breastfeeding in 2018. The analysis was performed through the Chi-squareand Logistic Regression test.Results:The results found that there is a relationship between the consumption of food other than breast milk(<30 days,>30 days) with theincidence of underweight, (p=0.000010; OR=1.645; 95% CI=1.319-2.052), as  well as between exclusive breastfeeding(breast milk only) in infants with the incidenceof underweight,(p=0.000; OR=0.272; 95% CI=0.217-0.341).Conclusion:The consumption of food other than breast milk and exclusive breastfeeding on infants associatedwith the incidence of underweight. Breast milk is sufficient for the nutritional needs of infants aged 0-6 monthsold. Health care officials need to improve health promotion programs bysocializing the importance of exclusivebreastfeeding for newborns up to ages of 0-6 months and providing complimentary food beside breast milk untilthe age of 2 years old to fulfill the nutritional needs of the child.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 973-978
Kusumastuti Kusumastuti ◽  
Dyah Puji Astuti ◽  
Eti Sulastri

Breast milk is the ideal food for babies. Preparation for exclusive breastfeeding should start during pregnancy. The success of exclusive breastfeeding requires a lot of support from husband and family. Health volunteers are the spearhead of providing health information in the village so it is necessary to empower health volunteers in the socialization of exclusive breastfeeding to pregnant women. The purpose of the activity is to empower health volunteers regarding the importance of exclusive breastfeeding so that they can provide assistance on exclusive breastfeeding for pregnant women. The method of activity is to empower health volunteers about exclusive breastfeeding. Pre-test and post-test were carried out before the activity as an evaluation. The tools and materials used are LCD, screen, leaflet, questionnaire. A sample of 15 health volunteers. The results, before empowering health volunteers there were 8 health volunteers with sufficient knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding (53%) and 2 health volunteers with good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding (13.3%). After empowering health volunteers, there was an increase in the knowledge of health volunteers, namely 13 health volunteers had good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding (86.6%) and the remaining 2 health volunteers had sufficient knowledge (13.3%). At the mentoring stage, 15 health volunteers managed to provide assistance to 15 pregnant women who were willing to prepare themselves during pregnancy to provide exclusive breastfeeding to their babies after birth. The conclusion is that there is an increase in knowledge of health volunteers after empowering health volunteers so that pregnant women get assistance in preparing exclusive breastfeeding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Raini Panjaitan ◽  
Reno Irwanto ◽  
Nadia Husna ◽  
Wira Maria Ginting ◽  
Desri Meriahta Girsang ◽  

Abstrak Pemberian air susu ibu secara eksklusif merupakan pilihan terbaik untuk bayi yang baru lahir hingga usia 2 tahun. Masalah yang timbul pada ibu menyusui adalah produksi jumlah ASI yang tidak maksimal. Salah satu penyebab masalah tersebut adalah asupan gizi yang rendah sehingga banyak bayi yang kebutuhan gizinya kurang terpenuhi. Pelaksanaan sosialisasi pengabdian masyarakat ini telah dilakukan selama empat hari di Puskesmas Pantai Cermin. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI ibu menyusui melalui pemberian bolu kukus daun katuk. Ibu menyusui diberikan 1 porsi bolu kukus daun katuk yang terdiri dari 3 potong yang masing-masing beratnya 15 gram selama empat hari. Pada hari pertama tim pelaksana melakukan edukasi tentang ASI melalui ceramah dan diskusi serta memperkenalkan produk bolu kukus daun katuk dilanjutkan dengan demonstrasi pembuatan bolu kukus daun katuk dan pemberian bolu kukus daun katuk kepada peserta. Pemberian bolu kukus daun katuk dilanjutkan hingga hari ke empat dan lembar observasi tentang frekuensi menyusui dibagikan setiap hari. Berdasarkan sosialisasi ini didapatkan hasil bahwa ibu menyusui mengalami peningkatan frekuensi menyusui dalam 24 jam. Disimpulkan bahwa produk bolu kukus daun katuk efektif meningkatkan produksi ASI. Abstract Exclusive breastfeeding was the best choice for newborns up to 2 years of age. The problem that arises in breastfeeding mothers was the production of the amount of milk that was not optimal. One of the causes of this problem was low nutritional intake so that many babies had less nutritional needs. This community service outreach has been carried out for four days at the Pantai Cermin Health Center. The purpose of this activity was to increase breastfeeding production of breastfeeding mothers through the provision of katuk leaf steamed sponge. Breastfeeding mothers are given 1 serving of katuk leaf steamed sponge, which consists of 3 pieces, each pieces was 15 grams for four days. On the first day, the implementation team conducted education about breast milk through lectures and discussions and introduced the katuk leaf steamed sponge product, followed by a demonstration of making katuk leaf steamed sponge and giving katuk leaf steamed sponge to the participants. The distribution of katuk leaf steamed sponge was continued until the fourth day and the observation sheet on the frequency of breastfeeding was distributed every day. Based on this socialization, it was found that breastfeeding mothers had an increasing of the frequency of breastfeeding within 24 hours. It was concluded that the katuk leaf steamed sponge product was effective in increasing breast milk production. Abstract Exclusive breastfeeding was the best choice for newborns up to 2 years of age. The problem that arises in breastfeeding mothers was the production of the amount of milk that was not optimal. One of the causes of this problem was low nutritional intake so that many babies had less nutritional needs. This community service outreach has been carried out for four days at the Pantai Cermin Health Center. The purpose of this activity was to increase breastfeeding production of breastfeeding mothers through the provision of katuk leaf steamed sponge. Breastfeeding mothers are given 1 serving of katuk leaf steamed sponge, which consists of 3 pieces, each pieces was 15 grams for four days. On the first day, the implementation team conducted education about breast milk through lectures and discussions and introduced the katuk leaf steamed sponge product, followed by a demonstration of making katuk leaf steamed sponge and giving katuk leaf steamed sponge to the participants. The distribution of katuk leaf steamed sponge was continued until the fourth day and the observation sheet on the frequency of breastfeeding was distributed every day. Based on this socialization, it was found that breastfeeding mothers had an increasing of the frequency of breastfeeding within 24 hours. It was concluded that the katuk leaf steamed sponge product was effective in increasing breast milk production.  

2016 ◽  
pp. 36-42
Thi Ngoc Anh Nguyen ◽  
Hoang Lan Nguyen

Background: Breast milk is the most valuable source of food for infants, no food is comparable. However in many countries around the world including Vietnam, the breastfeeding prevalence has been declining. A report of the Ministry of Health showed that only 19.6% of infants in Vietnam were exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. The study was conducted in Hoi An with the aim at describing the situation of exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of the mothers in Hoi An city, Quang Nam province and; identifying some factors affecting exclusive breast feeding for the first 6 months in the study area. Methods: A crosssectional descriptive study was conducted in Hoi An city in December 2014. 516 mothers of infants aged from 6 to 12 months were directly interviewed on the basis of a structured questionnaire. Information about general characteristics of mothers and their infants, their knowledge and attitude of breastfeeding and the feeding types of their baby for the first 6 months was collected. Multivariable logistic regression model was used to identify factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. Results: The exclusive breastfeeding prevalence for the first 6 months is 22.3%. Knowledge in breastfeeding and attitude toward exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months are factors that significantly related to exclusive breastfeeding prevalence for the first 6 months (OR = 3.3; p=0.001 and OR=10.4; p<0.001, respectively). Conclusion: The exclusive breastfeeding rate for the first 6 months in Hoi An city is low. The promoting antenatal education in exclusive breastfeeding is necessary solution to improve exclusive breastfeeding rate for the first 6 months. Key words: breast milk, exclusive breastfeeding, Hoi An

2021 ◽  
pp. 089033442199105
Bárbara Figueiredo ◽  
Tiago Miguel Pinto ◽  
Raquel Costa

Background Exclusive breastfeeding has a wide range of benefits for maternal health. However, the benefit of exclusive breastfeeding for maternal mental health needs to be further explored. Research Aim To determine the moderating role of exclusive breastfeeding at 3 months on the association between prenatal and postpartum depression. Methods This study had a prospective, longitudinal, and comparative design with two groups and three assessment waves. The sample comprised 334 participants (70 depressed and 264 non-depressed) recruited at public health services in northern Portugal. Participants completed a measure of depression symptoms between the second and the third trimester of pregnancy and between 3 and 6 months, and a measure of breastfeeding status at 3 months. Results Exclusive breastfeeding at 3 months moderated the association between prenatal and postpartum depression. Participants with prenatal depression who were exclusively breastfeeding at 3 months showed fewer symptoms of depression and lower rates of depression between 3 and 6 months postpartum, compared to participants with prenatal depression who were not exclusively breastfeeding. Participants without prenatal depression who were exclusively breastfeeding at 3 months showed similar depression symptoms and similar rates of depression between 3 and 6 months postpartum, compared to participants without prenatal depression who were not exclusively breastfeeding. Conclusion Exclusive breastfeeding has a potential protective influence on postpartum depression among women with prenatal depression. Public health policies targeting women with prenatal depression should be implemented and include practices to promote and support exclusive breastfeeding in order to enhance women’s exclusive breastfeeding and mental health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Putri Anis Syahira Mohamad Jamil ◽  
Karmegam Karuppiah ◽  
Irniza Rasdi ◽  
Vivien How ◽  
Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin ◽  

Abstract This paper provides a specific deliberation on occupational hazards confronted daily by Malaysian Traffic Police. Traffic police is a high-risk occupation that involves a wide range of tasks and, indirectly, faced with an equally wide variety of hazards at work namely, physical, biological, psychosocial, chemical, and ergonomic hazards. Thereupon, occupational injuries, diseases, and even death are common in the field. The objective of this paper is to collate and explain the major hazards of working as Malaysian traffic police especially in Point Duty Unit, their health effects, and control measures. There are many ways in which these hazards can be minimised by ensuring that sufficient safety measures are taken such as a wireless outdoor individual exposure indicator system for the traffic police. By having this system, air monitoring among traffic police may potentially be easier and accurate. Other methods of mitigating these unfortunate events are incorporated and addressed in this paper according to the duty and needs of traffic police.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Piril Hepsomali ◽  
John A. Groeger

AbstractAccumulating evidence suggests that dietary interventions might have potential to be used as a strategy to protect against age-related cognitive decline and neurodegeneration, as there are associations between some nutrients, food groups, dietary patterns, and some domains of cognition. In this study, we aimed to conduct the largest investigation of diet and cognition to date, through systematically examining the UK Biobank (UKB) data to find out whether dietary quality and food groups play a role on general cognitive ability. This cross-sectional population-based study involved 48,749 participants. UKB data on food frequency questionnaire and cognitive function were used. Also, healthy diet, partial fibre intake, and milk intake scores were calculated. Adjusted models included age, sex, and BMI. We observed associations between better general cognitive ability and higher intakes of fish, and unprocessed red meat; and moderate intakes of fibre, and milk. Surprisingly, we found that diet quality, vegetable intake, high and low fibre and milk intake were inversely associated with general cognitive ability. Our results suggest that fish and unprocessed red meat and/or nutrients that are found in fish and unprocessed red meat might be beneficial for general cognitive ability. However, results should be interpreted in caution as the same food groups may affect other domains of cognition or mental health differently. These discrepancies in the current state of evidence invites further research to examine domain-specific effects of dietary patterns/food groups on a wide range of cognitive and affective outcomes with a special focus on potential covariates that may have an impact on diet and cognition relationship.

1990 ◽  
Vol 86 (6) ◽  
pp. 874-882 ◽  
Barry M. Popkin ◽  
Linda Adair ◽  
John S. Akin ◽  
Robert Black ◽  
John Briscoe ◽  

This study used a unique longitudinal survey of more than 3000 mother-infant pairs observed from pregnancy through infancy. The sample is representative of infants from the Cebu region of the Philippines. The sequencing of breast-feeding and diarrheal morbidity events was carefully examined in a longitudinal analysis which allowed for the examination of age-specific effects of feeding patterns. Because the work controlled for a wide range of environmental causes of diarrhea, the results can be generalized to other populations with some confidence. The addition to the breast-milk diet of even water, teas, and other nonnutritive liquids doubled or tripled the likelihood of diarrhea. Supplementation of breast-feeding with additional nutritive foods on liquids further increased significantly the risk of diarrhea; most benefits of breast-feeding alone on in combination with nutritive foods/liquids became small during the second half of infancy. Benefits of breast-feeding were slightly greater in urban environments.

2004 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-119 ◽  
W. V. Kalina ◽  
L. J. Gershwin

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), an RNA virus in the family Paramyxoviridae, causes respiratory disease in humans. A closely related bovine RSV is responsible for a remarkably similar disease syndrome in young cattle. Severe RSV disease is characterized by bronchiolitis. The impact of RSV on human health is demonstrated annually when infants are admitted to the hospital in large numbers. Nearly every child will have been infected with RSV by the age of 3 years. While the disease is most severe in young infants and elderly people, it can re-infect adults causing mild upper respiratory tract disease throughout life. In addition, there is growing evidence that RSV infection may also predispose some children to the development of asthma. This is based on the observation that children who wheeze with RSV-induced bronchiolitis are more likely to develop into allergic asthmatics. Recent studies describe attempts to create an RSV induced asthma model in mice and other species; these have shown some degree of success. Such reports of case studies and animal models have suggested a wide range of factors possibly contributing to RSV induced asthma, these include timing of RSV infection with respect to allergen exposure, prior allergic sensitization, environmental conditions, exposure to endotoxin, and the genetic background of the person or animal. Herein, we primarily focus on the influence of RSV infection and inhalation of extraneous substances (such as allergens or endotoxin) on development of allergic asthma.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
Vahid Nasrollahi ◽  
Pavel Penchev ◽  
Stefan Dimov ◽  
Lars Korner ◽  
Richard Leach ◽  

Laser microprocessing is a very attractive option for a growing number of industrial applications due to its intrinsic characteristics, such as high flexibility and process control and also capabilities for noncontact processing of a wide range of materials. However, there are some constrains that limit the applications of this technology, i.e., taper angles on sidewalls, edge quality, geometrical accuracy, and achievable aspect ratios of produced structures. To address these process limitations, a new method for two-side laser processing is proposed in this research. The method is described with a special focus on key enabling technologies for achieving high accuracy and repeatability in two-side laser drilling. The pilot implementation of the proposed processing configuration and technologies is discussed together with an in situ, on-machine inspection procedure to verify the achievable positional and geometrical accuracy. It is demonstrated that alignment accuracy better than 10 μm is achievable using this pilot two-side laser processing platform. In addition, the morphology of holes with circular and square cross sections produced with one-side laser drilling and the proposed method was compared in regard to achievable aspect ratios and holes' dimensional and geometrical accuracy and thus to make conclusions about its capabilities.

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