2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-19
Fitri Aryani ◽  
Corry Corazon Marzuki ◽  
Irma Suryani

This paper contains the results of community service conducted by the implementation team of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers in Tambang District, Kampar Regency. Here the community service team wants to improve the ability of teachers to provide teaching and understanding of mathematics to students later by using the GASING Method. The results obtained that there was an increase in the teachers present as participants by looking at the results of the pre-test and post-test that have been done. This result can be seen that starting with H0, that is, significant pre-test scores are smaller than post-test scores. That is, the teachers who attended were faster and more precise in answering the questions given than before they knew GASING.

Fatimah Fatimah ◽  
Tini Surtiningsih ◽  
Agus Supriyanto ◽  
Nima’tuzahroh Nima’tuzahroh ◽  
Salamun Salamun ◽  

Blockage of septic tanks is one of the problems in the community related to the discharge of toilet waste produced. The use of synthetic toilet cleaners that are not environmentally friendly is one of the factors that can inhibit the process of decomposing organic waste. The existence of microbial killer ingredients in toilet cleaning materials that come into the septic tank will actually inhibit the growth of essential microbes that play a role in the perfection of the decomposition process. Lack of understanding of the community related to microbial processes in the processing of toilet waste is one of the factors inability of the community to overcome these problems. This community service aims to disseminate information related to the processing of organic waste, the role of microbes in the processing of toilet waste, how to make microbial formulas that play a role in the processing of toilet waste, as well as efforts to increase the creativity of the community to process their own waste to improve environmental sanitation and improve community welfare. The results of the training showed that the average pretest and post test scores of the cadres of Tenggilis Surabaya village experienced a significant increase in value with a mean value of 37.78 (pretest) to 62.22 (post-test). Toilet waste processing cadres have been able to make biotoilet products that can be used to process limbat toilets in their homes. The informationand insights they receive can be passed on to the community from each cadre.AbstrakPenyumbatan septic tank merupakan salah satu permasalahan di masyarakat terkait dengan buangan limbah toilet yang dihasilkan. Penggunaan pembersih toilet yang berbahan sintetik yang tidak ramah lingkungan merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menghambat proses penguraian limbah organik. Keberadaan bahan pembunuh mikroba dalam bahan-bahan pembersih toilet yang ikut masuk ke dalam septik tank justru akan menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba esensial yang berperan dalam kesempurnaan proses dekomposisi. Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terkait dengan proses mikroba dalam pengolahan limbah toilet merupakan salah satu faktor ketidakmampuan masyarakat dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuanuntuk mensosialisasikan informasi terkait proses pengolahan limbah organik, peran mikroba dalam pengolahan limbah toilet, cara membuat formula mikroba yang berperan dalam pengolahan limbah toilet, serta upaya meningkatkan kreativitas masyarakat untuk mengolah limbahnya sendiri guna meningkatkan sanitasi lingkungan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa rerata nilai pretest dan post test kader kelurahan Tenggilis Surabaya mengalami peningkatan nilai yang cukup signifi kan dengan rerata nilai dari 37,78 (pretest) menjadi 62,22 (post test). Kader pengolahan limbah toilet telah mampu membuat produk biotoilet yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengolah limbat toilet di rumah masing-masing. Informasi dan wawasan yang mereka terima dapat di teruskan kepada komunitas asal masing-masing kader.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 256-260
Arie Arie ◽  
Lili Amalia ◽  
Rosalia Rahayu

One of the growing industries in Indonesia is the woodworking industry. Wood waste is waste or parts of the wood that no longer has economic value but may still be used at different processes and times. The woodworking industry produces wood waste in 22% wood scraps, 8% wood chips, and 10% sawdust. The fundamental problem in the woodworking industry at Sindangmekar Village was the lack of understanding and practice in wood waste management. Through the socialization of wood waste management as planting media, community service aims to increase knowledge regarding wood waste management. In addition, it can improve practice to manage sawdust as a planting media. Furthermore, it has economic value and becomes one of the solutions to financial problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. The socialization presented materials related to wood waste management and practiced making planting media from sawdust. Thirty participants attended this activity. There was a significant increase in pre-and post-test scores after socialization. In conclusion, socialization regarding wood waste management increases knowledge levels in wood artisans and youth alliance at Sindangmekar Village. In addition, participants can manage wood sawdust as a planting medium. As a result, it can increase the selling value of wood waste, and the surrounding environment becomes clean and healthy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 439
Ariesa Pandanwangi ◽  
Belinda Sukapura Dewi ◽  
Ida Ida ◽  
Doro Edi ◽  
Olga Pattipawaej

<div class="WordSection1"><p>Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini berdasarkan permintaan dari pihak SMP Terbuka Maleo Tangerang Selatan untuk melatih guru dan siswanya. Mereka dipersiapkan agar lulusannya dapat meningkatkan daya saing masyarakat. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, penting dilakukan pengabdian dengan cara memberikan pelatihan dasar membatik kreatif dengan empat teknik yaitu<br />wet on wet, wet on dry, teknik colet, dan teknik penggaraman untuk mengatasai masalah yang dihadapi mitra. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam satu hari dengan 2 sesi kegiatan. Sesi pertama, peserta diberikan materi tentang cara mengolah material biji klungsu. Peserta diberikan lembar pretest dan post-test untuk menilai adanya peningkatan alih pengetahuan peserta setelah penyampaian materi tersebut. Sesi kedua peserta melakukan praktik cara membuat batik kreatif dengan menggunakan olahan biji klungsu dan 4 teknik pewarnaan. Berdasarkan nilai pretest-post-test peserta diketahui dengan hasil pengujian Wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta sesudah kegiatan pelatihan membuat batik kreatif.</p><p><em>The implementation of this community service is based on a request from the Maleo South Tangerang Open Middle School to train teachers and students. They are prepared so that their graduates can increase the competitiveness of society. Based on these facts, it is important to do dedication by providing basic training in creative batik with four techniques, namely wet on wet, wet on dry, dabbing technique, and salting technique to overcome problems faced by partners. This activity is carried out in one day with 2 activity sessions. In the first session, participants were given material on how to process the Klungsu seed material. Participants are given pretest and post-test sheets to assess an increase in participants' knowledge transfer after delivering the material. In the second session the participants practiced how to make creative batik using processed klungsu seeds and 4 coloring techniques. Based on the participants' pretest-post-test scores, The Wilcoxon test results showed that there was an increase in participants' knowledge after practice how to make creative batik. </em></p></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-45
Ginanjar Abdurrahman

In community service, especially village administration, ideally, village officials have essential Microsoft word competencies. However, from the report from the village apparatus of Gelang, only one person who mastered the basic Microsoft word was not comprehensive. Basic Microsoft word skills are considered necessary by the village apparatus of Gelang. This material chose because this material has not been mastered and deemed to be most often needed to handle the Gelang village office's administration, so it is necessary to hold basic Microsoft word training activities for the village apparatus of Gelang. This activity was born on September 7, 2016, introducing the presenter followed by a pre-test to determine the participants' initial abilities. After that, the presentation of material about basic Microsoft word accompanied by mentoring, practice, discussion and ended with a post-test continued with the material's production. The activity evaluation data shows that the participant's post-test scores' lowest score wa perfect compared to the participant's pre-test scores. The lowest score for the participant's post-test was 75, and the highest score for the participant was 90 compared to the pre-test score with the highest score only reaching 60/ Thus, it can say that there was a significant increase in the score.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 812-819
Juvrianto Chrissunday Jakob ◽  
Ahmad Nusi ◽  
Nelda Maelissa ◽  
Hindri Febri Ana Sari ◽  
Meyke Marantika

One of the requirements to pass the lecturer certification exam is to attach a TOEFL score. TOEFL itself is an abbreviation of Test of English as a Foreign Language which is used to measure how far a person's English ability is. In the various findings and field observations made, almost all lecturers who will carry out the 2019 TMT lecturer certification at the Ambon State Polytechnic have the same difficulties when they want to face the TOEFL test. Therefore, the Ambon State Polytechnic Community Service Team took the initiative to conduct TOEFL training activities for TMT 2019 lecturers so that they could overcome their difficulties on the TOEFL test by using modules compiled by the team. The results of this service activity show that the English language skills possessed by the lecturers have increased after the training. This can be seen from their pre-test and post-test scores. It is hoped that after going through this activity, they can test their abilities by carrying out the TOEFL test and can penetrate lecturer certification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-85
Nurmaliza Nurmaliza ◽  
Dewi Sartika Siagian ◽  
Sara Herlina ◽  
Siti Qomariah ◽  
Wiwi Sartika ◽  

Cuci tangan merupakan perilaku sehat yang telah terbukti secara ilmiah dapat mencegah penyebaran penyakit. Cuci tangan yang benar merupakan cara yang paling sederhana dan mudah dalam mencegah penularan covid-19. Dengan cuci tangan yang benar setidaknya kita telah melakukan hal yang paling dasar dalam melakukan usaha pencegahan penularan virus yang mewabah saat ini. Dimana khasus ini terjadi secara mendunia. Program ini dilakukan dengan tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan agar masyarakat tahu dan mau melakukan cuci tangan yang benar guna mencegah penularan covid-19, khususnya pada anak-anak dan memotivasi anak-anak agar melakukan cuci tangan yang baik dan benar sebelum dan sesudah beraktifitas, atau setelah kontak dengan orang lain. Lokasi pengadaan kegiatan ini dilakukan di RT01/RW01 desa Sungai Segajah Jaya, Kec. Kubu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Hasil penyuluhan tentang cuci tangan yang benar yang telah dilakukan mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan anak-anak dilihat dari nilai pre dan post tes yaitu dari 40% menjedi 80%. Hasil penyuluhan tentang cuci tangan mayoritas anak-anak mau dan bisa melakukan cuci tangan yang benar setiap kali melakukan aktivitas diluar rumah. Diharapkan bagi pihak tenaga kesehatan setempat agar melakukan penyuluhan tentang cuci tangan yang benar guna mengurangi penyebaran covid-19 baik pada anak-anak maupun pada orangtua. Abstract: Washing your hands is a healthy behavior that has been scientifically proven to prevent the spread of disease. Proper handwashing is the simplest and easiest way to prevent transmission of covid-19. By washing hands properly, at least we have done the most basic things in making efforts to prevent transmission of the virus that is currently endemic. Where this typical occurs worldwide. This program is carried out with the aim of community service so that people know and want to wash their hands properly to prevent transmission of Covid-19, especially in children and motivate children to wash their hands properly and correctly before and after activities. or after contact with other people. The location for the procurement of this activity is carried out in RT01 / RW01 Sungai Segajah Jaya Village, Kec. Rokan Hilir Regency Kubu. The results of counseling on proper handwashing that have been carried out have increased children's knowledge seen from the pre and post-test scores, from 40% to 80%. The results of counseling on handwashing, the majority of children are willing and able to wash their hands properly every time they do activities outside the home. It is hoped that local health workers will conduct counseling on proper handwashing to reduce the spread of covid-19 to both children and parents.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 192-199
Erika Martining Wardani ◽  
Difran Nobel Bistara ◽  
Riezky Faisal Nugroho

ABSTRAK Wabah covid-19 telah dinyatakan sebagai darurat kesehatan global karena adanya laporan ribuan kasus dan bukti penularan dari manusia ke manusia. Salah satu upaya preventif adalah dengan imunisasi.Masyarakat perlu mengetahui tentang imunisasi untuk mencegah covid-19 dengan baik maka perlu diberikan komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi saat pandemi yang efektif dengan webinar sehingga masyarakat dapat mengaksesnya dari rumah tanpa harus berkerumun. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang imunisasi untuk mencegah covid-19. Tingkat pengetahuan dinilai setelah peserta mengisi kuesioner melalui google form dengan melakukan perbandingan nilai pre test sebelum kegiatan dan post test setelah kegiatan. Berdasarkan hasil pre test yang diikuti oleh 66 responden dapat dinyatakan bahwa hasil pre test tentang pentingnya imunisasi sebesar 14 responden (21,2%) mengerti tentang imunisasi untuk mencegah covid-19 sedangkan berdasarkan hasil post test terdapat 54 responden (81,8%). Hasil uji statistik didapatkan p=0.001, artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan masyarakat sebelum dengan setelah diberikan komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi menggunakan webinar. Pengabdian masyarakat dengan webinar series ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan status kesehatan masyarakat terutama capaian vaksin di wilayah Kelurahan Bongkaran, Kec Pabean Cantikan, Surabayasehingga diharapkan dapat menurunkan penularan infeksi covid-19. Kata kunci: komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi, covid-19.  ABSTRACT The covid-19 outbreak has been declared a global health emergency due to reports of thousands of cases and evidence of human-to-human transmission. One of the preventive efforts is immunization. The community needs to know about immunization to prevent covid-19 well, so it is necessary to provide communication, information, and education to overcome these problems. Effective communication, information, and education during the pandemic with webinars so that people can access them from home without having to crowd. The purpose of community service is to increase public knowledge about immunization to prevent covid-19. The level of knowledge was assessed after the participants filled out the questionnaire through the google form by comparing the pre-test scores before the activity and the post-test after the activity. Based on the results of the pre-test which was attended by 66 respondents, it can be stated that the results of the pre-test about the importance of immunization were 14 respondents (21.2%) understood about immunization to prevent covid-19, while based on the post-test results there were 54 respondents (81.8%). Statistical test results obtained p = 0.001, meaning that there is a significant difference between public knowledge before and after being given communication, information, and education using webinars. Community service with this webinar series is expected to improve public health status, especially vaccine achievements in the Bongkaran Village area, Pabean Cantikan District, Surabaya so that it is expected to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 infections. Keywords: communication, information, and education, covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Elva Asmiati ◽  
Rizka Novia Atmadani ◽  
Fitria Dwi Damayanti ◽  
Risma Ayu Setiawan

The purpose of this community service is to provide the students knowledge about the benefits and importance of using sunscreen in everyday life. Based on the several steps of the method we used, starting from the preparation of the event, pre-test before giving the material, then giving the material through Power-point slides, post-test evaluation, and closing. Partners in this service are students at Sabilillah Islamic High School Malang. The instrument in giving the material is power point and to do the pre-test and post-test using the google form platform. The results of this service is an increase in the knowledge of the students at Sabilillah Islamic High School Malang  which can be seen in the pre- and post-test scores of respondents' knowledge of the material provided. The value shows an increase from before and after the provision of material which indicates that the provision of education has succeeded in increasing knowledge for students at Sabilillah Islamic High School Malang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-59
Alfi Noviyana ◽  
Nofita Tri Lestari ◽  
Devi Sovina

Adolescents who live in orphanages are certainly different from teenagers who live at home with a complete family. These teenage partners are more vulnerable to various problems, including social, psychological and reproductive health problems. The purpose of this service activity is to provide information and knowledge related to social health and various risks that can be experienced by adolescents. To train adolescents to seek help if they cannot solve the problems they are facing. This service activity uses the facilitation method. The activity begins with a pre test and ends with a post test. Facilitation activities were carried out 2 times. Activities followed by partners consistently and actively. The result of this activity is an increase in partner knowledge, reflected in an increase in post test scores, partners are able to demonstrate problem identification skills and interpersonal communication skills, and are willing to express opinions. The obstacle to this activity is that the community service team has not been able to become a companion for partners who are facing social problems, so the team reports and discusses them with the caregivers of the female orphanage, about the findings of problems faced by partner participants. The conclusion of this service activity increases partners' insights and knowledge about mental health, healthy friendships and social pressures that they can experience. So that you understand, what must be done to overcome the psychological problems faced.

Wahida Hajrin ◽  
Yohanes Juliantoni ◽  
Windah Anugerah Subaidah

Red ginger is a beneficial rhizome used to treat sore throats, dry cough, colic, rheumatism, headache, and flatulence. This community service aims to provide knowledge about the benefits of red ginger for health and how to process red ginger to a worth to sell products. The knowledge about the benefits of red ginger for health presented directly and the processing of chew gummy demonstrated in front of the participants. The community service was carried out at the Senggigi Village Office by involving by involving cadre of Posyandu and PKK asparticipants. The participants are given a pre-test and post-test to determine the increase in participant understanding. The results showed an increase in post-test scores from pre-test values about the benefits of red ginger and its processing. Participants understand the benefits of red ginger for health and can process red ginger into chew gummy preparations.

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