scholarly journals AKULTURASI BUDAYA MELAYU DALAM TERJEMAH AL QURAN (Studi Signifikansi Bahasa al-Quran Terjemahan terhadap Pemahaman Islam di Sumatera Selatan)

Anisatul Mardiah

Acculturation can also be called the process of spreading culture or cultural transmission in process. In disseminating the contents of the al-Quran among Muslims who are not Arabic, translation is certainly a necessity that must be fulfilled. Al-Quran translation in nusantara Indonesia has been going on since the 17th century. Beginning with Hamzah Fansuri, an ulama of Aceh, in the following period, the al-Quran was translated into various regional languages as well as Malay. Translation also became the main transmission line of the al-Quran to have direct dialogue with non-Arab Muslims, which turned out to be able to bring people towards advanced and more valuable civilizations. Especially in the South Sumatra region, the spread of the al-Quran and its translation in local languages made the ummah closer to the teachings of Islam. In the end, it was difficult to distinguish between acculturation and assimilation of Islam in various Malay customs and cultures in all areas of human life, because at the peak of the Malay slogan based on Shari'ah, Shari'ah based on the Koran and Hadith, is a real picture of the Malay of South Sumatr’s life pattern based on Islam.

Richard E. Bailey

Psychology has taken an evolutionary turn of late. This paper acknowledges the importance of adopting an evolutionary perspective in attempting to understand human cognition and development, but it suggests that the model adopted by many evolutionary psychologists is incomplete. Learning, teaching and cultural transmission play vital roles in the distinctive human life pattern, but have received inadequate attention in the literature. Drawing upon primatological, anthropological and psychological data, this paper offers an articulation of 'cultural learning', which, it is claimed, is a peculiarly accurate and resilient form of social form, made possible by the uniquely human capacity for an intersubjective engagement with the mental and intentional lives of other people. The paper discusses the character and appearance of imitative, collaborative and instructed forms of learning within early childhood, and tentatively identifies implications for child development and contemporary schooling.

Aisyah Nur Fadhilah ◽  
Laili Etika Rahmawati

<p class="abstract">This study aims to identify the use of regional languages in student reading books published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The object of research is the local language in the student reading book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture entitled "Kenara Anak Suku Gayo" and "Kain Kulit Kayu Dei". The data from this study are student reading books published by the Ministry of Education and Culture which contain local languages. The data source in this research is an archive or document in the form of a student reading book published by the Ministry of Education and Culture which contains local languages. Data collection techniques use the technique of listening and note taking, the researcher first reads the reading book "Kenara Anak Suku Gayo" and "Kain Kulit Kayu Dei" published by the Ministry of Education and Culture to carefully determine the use of local languages, then record in full and then identify the use of local languages in the book reading. Data analysis techniques using flow analysis. The results showed that the Ministry of Education and Culture has efforts to preserve local languages, use Indonesian, and master foreign languages. The language used in the students' reading book "Kenara Anak Suku Gayo" and "Kain Kulit Kayu Dei" is not purely using Indonesian, but there is interference with local languages. The percentage of the use of local languages in the reading books of "Kenara Anak Suku Gayo" is 40%, while in the reading books of students "Kain Kulit Kayu Dei" 20%.<strong></strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 778-789
Muhammad Maggalatung ◽  
M. Ridwan ◽  
Syarifudin Syarifudin ◽  
Darma Darma ◽  
Sulaeman Sulaeman

Threat language can be found in various local languages in Indonesia, including the Sepa language of the Indigenous peoples of Amahai, Moluccas, where the nationalization of Indonesian is a threat to its extinction. This paper aims to look at the extinction of regional languages from the framework of modernization and contestation of regional languages with national languages. This study is conducted qualitatively, data collection based on interviews, literature study, and observation obtained from Raja Sepa, community leaders, customary stakeholders. Research shows that the language in Maluku is almost extinct in line with the narrowing of regional language spaces; the language has been abandoned by its speakers because of the process of modernization and migration. This study shows the need for revitalization of the Sepa language through facilitating the mapping of the Sepa language comprehensively, making the Sepa language dictionary, and integrating the Sepa language into the local curriculum.

Kseniia D. Nikolskaia

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Danish East India company (Dansk Østindisk Kompagni) was established in Europe. In particular, Tranquebar (Dansborg fortress) became the stronghold of the Danes in India. In another hundred years, at the very beginning of the 18th century, the first Lutheran missionaries appeared on the Coromandel coast. At this time the Danish Royal mission was established in Tranquebar, funded by king Frederick IV. It consisted mainly of Germans who graduated from the University of the Saxon city of Halle. Those missionaries not only actively preached among the local population, but also studied languages of the region, translated Gospels into local languages and then published it in the printing house they created. They also trained neophytes from among the local children. One of the first missionaries in Tranquebar was pastor Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg, who lived in India from 1706 to 1719. Information about Pastor&apos;s activities in the Royal Danish mission has been preserved in his letters and records. These letters and papers were regularly printed in Halle in the reports of the Royal Danish Mission («Ausführliche Berichte an, die von der königlichen dänischen Missionaren aus Ost-Indien»). However, besides letters and reports, this edition constantly published texts of a special kind, called «conversations» (das Gespräch). They looked like dialogues between pastor Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg and local religious authorities. Those brahmans explained the basic principles of the Hindu religion, and their opponent showed them the absurdity of their creed by comparing it with the main tenets of Christianity. The following is a translation of one of these dialogues.

Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Postcolonialism, decoloniality, and epistemologies of the South (ES) are three main ways of critically approaching the consequences of European colonialism in contemporary social, political, and cultural ways of thinking and acting. They converge in highlighting the unmeasurable sacrifice of human life; the expropriation of cultural and natural wealth; and the destruction, by suppressing, silencing, proscribing, or disfiguring, of non-European cultures and ways of knowing. The differences among them stem in part from the temporal and geographical contexts in which they emerged. Postcolonial studies emerged in the 1960s in the aftermath of the political independence of European colonies in Asia and Africa. They focused mainly on the economic, political, and cultural consequences of decolonization, highlighting the postindependence forms of economic dependence, political subordination, and cultural subalternization. They argue that while historical colonialism had ended (territorial occupation and ruling by a foreign country), colonialism continued under different guises. Decolonial studies emerged in the 1990s in Latin America. Since the political independence of the Latin American countries took place in the early 19th century, these analytical currents assumed that colonialism was over, but it had in fact been followed by coloniality, a global pattern of social interaction that inherited all the social and cultural corrosiveness of colonialism. Coloniality is conceived of as an all-encompassing racial understanding of social reality that permeates all realms of economic, social, political, and cultural life. Coloniality is the idea that whatever differs from the Eurocentric worldview is inferior, marginal, irrelevant, or dangerous. The ES, formulated in the 2000s, aim at naming and highlighting ancient and contemporary knowledges held by social groups as they resisted against modern Eurocentric domination. They conceive of modern science as a valid (and precious) type of knowledge but not as the only valid (and precious) type of knowledge; they insist on the possibility of interknowledge and intercultural translation. ES share with postcolonialism the idea that colonialism is not over. However, they insist that modern domination is constituted not only by colonialism but also by capitalism and patriarchy. Like decolonial studies, the ES denounce the cognitive and ontological destruction caused by coloniality, but they focus on the positiveness and creativity that emerge from knowledges born in struggle and on how they translate themselves into alternative ways of knowing and practicing self-determination.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (8) ◽  
pp. 241-248
Faiha Fakhari Mousa Alkayed

The paper presents a discussion of three selected short stories written by Leo Tolstoy namely: “God Sees the Truth but Wait, Three Questions, and What Men Live By”. Thus, the aim of this paper is to reveal the social consciousness as appeared in such literary kind because awareness plays an important role in people's lives and all our lives are built on the awareness of things. However, it has been noticed that this work of Leo Tolstoy mirrors awareness of traditional and modern values and have thematic varieties, deep insight into human realities and characters. The stories of Leo Tolstoy represent an authentic and real picture of human life which considered being a convincing story.

N Gabru

Human life, as with all animal and plant life on the planet, is dependant upon fresh water. Water is not only needed to grow food, generate power and run industries, but it is also needed as a basic part of human life. Human dependency upon water is evident through history, which illustrates that human settlements have been closely linked to the availability and supply of fresh water. Access to the limited water resources in South Africa has been historically dominated by those with access to land and economic power, as a result of which the majority of South Africans have struggled to secure the right to water. Apartheid era legislation governing water did not discriminate directly on the grounds of race, but the racial imbalance in ownership of land resulted in the disproportionate denial to black people of the right to water. Beyond racial categorisations, the rural and poor urban populations were traditionally especially vulnerable in terms of the access to the right.  The enactment of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, brought the South African legal system into a new era, by including a bill of fundamental human rights (Bill of Rights). The Bill of Rights makes provision for limited socio-economic rights. Besides making provision for these human rights, the Constitution also makes provision for the establishment of state institutions supporting constitutional democracy.  The Constitution has been in operation since May 1996. At this stage, it is important to take stock and measure the success of the implementation of these socio-economic rights. This assessment is important in more ways than one, especially in the light of the fact that many lawyers argued strongly against 1/2the inclusion of the second and third generation of human rights in a Bill of Rights. The argument was that these rights are not enforceable in a court of law and that they would create unnecessary expectations of food, shelter, health, water and the like; and that a clear distinction should be made between first generation and other rights, as well as the relationship of these rights to one another. It should be noted that there are many lawyers and non-lawyers who maintained that in order to confront poverty, brought about by the legacy of apartheid, the socio-economic rights should be included in a Bill of Rights. The inclusion of section 27 of the 1996 Constitution has granted each South African the right to have access to sufficient food and water and has resulted in the rare opportunity for South Africa to reform its water laws completely. It has resulted in the enactment of the Water Services Act 108 of 1997 and the National Water Act 36 of 1998.In this paper the difference between first and second generation rights will be discussed. The justiciability of socio-economic rights also warrants an explanation before the constitutional implications related to water are briefly examined. Then the right to water in international and comparative law will be discussed, followed by a consideration of the South African approach to water and finally, a few concluding remarks will be made.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Anisa Dimas ◽  
Yazid Rivai

Film “Yowis Ben 2” merupakan salah satu film komedi Indonesia yang memasukkan unsur bahasa daerah di dalam percakapannya. Hal tersebut menjadi nilai lebih untuk meninggikan bahasa daerah di lingkungan masyarakat. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan pragmatik, yaitu analisis deiksis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk deiksis dalam film “Yowis Ben 2” karya Bayu Skak dan Fajar Nugros. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah percakapan yang terdapat di dalam film tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian, film “Yowis Ben 2” memuat bahasa daerah yang merujuk pada suatu kegiatan yang sedang dibicarakan serta memiliki hubungan dengan dimensi ruang dan waktu pada saat dituturkan oleh pembicara atau yang diajak bicara. Deiksis berfungsi untuk memperjelas isi ujaran dalam film “Yowis Ben 2” karya Bayu Skak dan Fajar Nugros. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya ujaran deiksis persona, waktu, tempat, sosial, dan wacana. “Yowis Ben 2” is an Indonesian comedy movie that includes elements of local language in the conversation. This elements of local language becomes more value to elevate regional languages in the community environment. This research is in the form of a descriptive qualitative research with a pragmatic approach, namely deixis analysis. The purpose of this study is to describe deixis in the movie “Yowis Ben 2” by Fajar Nugros and Bayu Skak. The data source of this research is the conversations contained in the movie. Based on research, the “Yowis Ben 2” movie contains local languages that refer to an activity being discussed and has a relationship with the dimensions of space and time when spoken by the speaker or the person being spoken to. Deixis functions to clarify the contents in utterances that contain persona, time, place, discourse, and social.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 10-28
Denis A. Lyapin ◽  
Yuri A. Mizis

The article discusses the process of formation of the main behavioral patterns of the population of the southern counties during the period of the settlement in and development of the South of Russia in the 17th century. The authors analyze the behavior of migrants to the steppe periphery of the country, on the basis of large archival source. An important place in the development of steppe territories was occupied by fortresses, which were military, political and religious centers for the counties. The strong influence of collectivist principles is noted in the article. Particular attention is paid to studying the dynamics of changes in the social environment in the South of Russia, the formation of property stratification, the emergence of individualism. It is argued in the paper that social changes were associated with shifts in the behavioral models of the inhabitants of the fortresses: if at the early stage of its existence the population of the towns consisted of a single mass of the servicemen, then the second half of the 17th century is characterized by a gradual destruction of social cohesion. The behavioral models of servants and townspeople were determined by the desire for personal gain, material wealth, and individual benefits. This was due to the increase in the number and importance of townspeople, whose lives were a constant competition. Discovered shifts of behavioral patterns are indicative of important changes in society.

Marius Schneider ◽  
Vanessa Ferguson

Situated off the south-eastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, the Republic of Mauritius is an island nation of 2,040 square kilometres (km) with a population of 1.26 million. English is generally accepted as the official language as it is used by the administration and the courts. French is also widely spoken among the population, and most inhabitants are bilingual. Local languages include Créole and Bhojpuri. The working week on the island is from Monday to Friday and the Mauritian rupee (MUR) is the currency used.

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