scholarly journals Modern society development of: the place of culture in the choice of the future

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-26
Alexander N. Danilov

The article deals with the actual problems of the development of modern society. Based on the analysis and understanding of sociological works on this subject, an attempt was made to reveal the mechanism for choosing the future and the place of culture in this process. The consumer society that dominates the world today is often viewed as the only possible perspective of modern civilization, and its ideals and values ​​are presented as a role model. It is assumed that the value attitudes of such a society have a number of advantages over the values ​​of other social and cultural types of organization of public life and open up unlimited opportunities for economic development for those regions that accept them. However, the problems that arise in the course of their implementation are becoming more and more obvious. The question is, if these problems are transient difficulties in the movement of the consumer society towards triumph on a worldwide scale, or if they testify to its historical limitations and to the far from unconditional universality of its value orientations. The answer to this question is especially important for the societies where this type of organization of socio-economic and cultural life is not historically organic, and other development prospects are possible. The future is multivariate, but limited by the framework of the previous development of the system and its current state. Social sciences, humanities are lagging behind in comprehending rapid and global changes. It is promising to study the changes taking place in various spheres of modern culture, where new meanings and values ​​of life are emerging, providing a new type of civilizational development. The article examines the classical approaches to the structure of sociality, including its new type, which can be called, according to E. Durkheim, "divine social". It is stated that in the XXI c. a new generation has grown up, that cannot be called lost, infantile, split. It adheres to its ideals, is focused on changes and wants to live in a world where its opinions are taken into account, where social justice is a priority. The author shows the importance of studying the mechanism and motives for choosing the new, the role of the clash of cultures in this process, the conflict of values, the emergence and rooting of new life meanings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (10) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Alexander N. Danilov

The article discusses the meanings of life and value priorities of the post- Soviet society. The author argues that, at present, there are symptoms of a global ideological crisis in the world, that the West does not have its own vision of where and how to move on and has no understanding of the future. Unfortunately, most of the post-Soviet countries do not have such vision as well. In these conditions, there are mistrust, confusion, paradoxical manifestation of human consciousness. The main meanings that determine our life-world are: the desire of citizens for social justice and social security, the desire to figure out and understand the basic values of modern society, how honestly and equally the authorities act toward their fellow citizens, and to what extent they reflect their interests. The meanings of life, which are the answers to the challenges of the time, are embodied in the cultural code of each nation, state. The growth points of new values, which will become the basis for the future sustainable development of a new civilization, have yet to be discovered in the systemic transformative changes of the culture. In this process, the emergence of a new system of values that governs human life is inevitable. However, modern technology brings new troubles to humans. It has provided wide opportunities for informational violence and public consciousness manipulation. Nowadays, the scenario that is implemented in Western consumer societies claims to be the dominant scenario. Meanwhile, today there is no country in the world that is a role model, there is no ideal that others would like to borrow. Most post-Soviet states failed to advance their societies to more decent levels of economic development, to meet the challenges of the modern information age, and to provide the population with new high living standards. Therefore, in conditions of growing confrontation, we should realistically understand the world and be ready to implement changes that will ensure sustainable development of the state and society without losing our national identity.

P. Lisovskiy ◽  
Yu. Lisovska

In the article, the authors substantiates the modern model of the interman as a creative cyber personality, which has the potential to be identified with the correspondence of virtual bodies as a problem of modern culture. It is emphasized that it is precisely this functional possibility that finds out a new paradigm of human existence, in which entropy as a criterial device modernizes modern society. It is determined that the most intelligently gifted people are able to master the noosphere space of being through the phenomenal wisdom recipes. This content shows entropy as a defining modus of probable processes, in which modernization of a modern person, state and society takes place, since the criterion of the entropy apparatus is the recognition of that random fact (events, situations) that becomes logical. It is emphasized that the main direction of risk processes in the phenomenal wisdom recipes for the personality, the state and society should be truly chosen in the entropy system, carefully studying the theory of probable functions. It is revealed that ideological borrowings contain a considerable danger, since ideology has a class modification due to the modernization of a certain class on the basis of samples of another's experience. It is concluded that this may lead to an urgent inter-class conflict, to strengthen, oppositional sentiment. An overview of modernization as an entropy of risk processes is given, which is the mainstream in a particular historical retrospective of phenomenal consciousness. It is emphasized that modernization means the creation of a new type of world order, in which human being plays an anthropocentric role at the level of legal subjectivity. The constructive and destructive Spirit of Time according to the entropy criteria is confirmed. Different forms of crisis are revealed when exhausting the established norms and rules of behavior of individuals, groups, classes, ethnic groups, communities. It is envisaged that science is such a fundamental innovation in which entropy depends to a large extent on the mental and value orientations of an individual people, based on consciousness, language, culture, etc. Creation of complex of measures and procedures is envisaged including the risks concerning maintenance of human life and health in the legal state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (5) ◽  
pp. 27-43
Alexander N. Danilov

The article discusses the development of modern society. In the author’s opinion, the prediction of society development is not possible due to the spontaneity of social processes. The contemporary social development is characterized by transition values: strategic instability, permanent crisis, decay of morality, degradation of the ecological environment, increase of international terrorism, danger of nuclear war, etc. Each epoch, including an epoch of uncertainty, gives rise to its own mechanisms for regulating world development, which are based on the historical memory of mankind, on the acknowledgment of the value of peaceful coexistence and the acceptance of human life as the highest value. Preventing war is the main value of world development. The crucial decisions of country’s further development are dictated by the security of the state. The author demonstrates that in our time the ideal of progress evolves from the concept of accelerated innovation changes into the ideal of sustainable development, which presumes the formation of new values as a condition for the transition to new strategies of civilizational development. The current system of economic growth has its own value foundation – a consumer society. The preservation of a consumer society or the transition to alternative development scenarios largely depend on the achievements of the social sciences and humanities. The future will come without our will, but are we ready to accept this alien and unpredictable future? That is why we cannot passively await the future. The future will not arise by itself, the future will be what we make it.

Zabolotska O.O. ◽  
Zabolotska O.V.

In the situation of computerization of modern society, the influence of the media on the way of life, the worldview and the consciousness of most people is evident.An attempt to overcome the language barrier of representatives of various linguistic cultures is playing a dominant role of non-verbal information in today’s global communication and the emergence of new visual and verbal forms of the Internet communication.The purpose is to distinguish functional and pragmatic potential of demotivators in the Internet discourse.Methods. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: a descriptive method, the method of semantic analysis, of stylistic analysis, of interpretive and textual analysis.Demotivational posters are a special way of transmitting information, as prepositions are important for the fullest possible understanding of its meaning: the demotivator can contain such semantic components that do not find direct expression, and the reader decodes these meanings on the basis of their own experience, knowledge of typical situations, historical and cultural background and knowledge. The main function of demotivational posters is considered to be a cognitive one, as the information presented in demotivators can form the thinking of youth audience, its evaluative and normative system. Demotivators also realize volutative, axiological, aesthetic, emotional and expressive functions and the function of forming reality.Results. The analysis of demo poster showed that the type of demotivators can determine their pragmatic potential: original, philosophical, social and advertising demotivators promote the main values and realize the volitional intention of the speaker, i.e. suggestive impact on the recipient that helps to create a spiritual guidance and a new type of thinking among young people; humorous and esoteric demotivators depict famous facts from youth’s life in an ironical and sarcastic manner, disclose social reality, have entertaining character, carrying out both emotional, expressive functions and a function of forming virtual reality.Conclusions. Demotivational poster is a special way of transmitting information in the Internet discourse, which defines its moral and value orientations, the attitude towards the surrounding world. Сучасний світ можна назвати цивілізацією гіпертексту, сучасну людину – віртуальною, мережевою людиною, а сучасне суспіль-ство – інформаційним. Стає очевидним, що вербальна комунікація припиняє існувати ізольовано, вона має тенденцію до залучення інших знакових систем, серед яких провідне місце посідає візуальна комунікація, яка унаочнює інформацію, що передається.Актуальність статті зумовлена загальною спрямованістю сучасних філологічних студій на вивчення системи комунікації з урахуванням ефективності мовних засобів та інтегрованості різних семіотичних ресурсів у сучасному комунікативному процесі, де простежується взаємодія вербальної складової частини повідомлення і його паравербальних (нелінгвістичних) компонентів.Мета статті – визначити функційно-прагматичні особливості англомовних демотиваційних постерів мережі Інтернет.Методи. У процесі дослідження було використано такі методи: описовий метод (для дескрипції характерних рис інтернет-дискурсу та візуально-вербальної природи демотиваційного постеру), метод семантичного аналізу (для виявлення семантики лексичних одиниць у контексті), метод стилістичного аналізу (для визначення стилістичних засобів, що увиразнюють демо-тиваційні постери інтернет-дискурсу), метод інтерпретаційно-текстового аналізу (для визначення специфіки використання демотиваторів у процесі інтернет-комунікації).Інтернет, будучи високотехнологічним і водночас високо динамічним комунікативним простором, перебуває в постійному русі, постійній еволюції. Відповідно, з’являються абсолютно нові форми інтернет-комунікації, а старі видозмінюється тим чи іншим чином.Демотиватор (демотиваційний постер) як предмет філологічних досліджень є актуальним, оскільки нині зросла зацікав-леність у проблемі полікодових або креолізованих текстів як особливих форм комунікації (банери, реклама, кліпи, демотива-тори). Сучасну людину весь час оточують різні знакові системи, а невербальні засоби дедалі більше беруть участь у передачі та збереженні інформації.Результати. Аналіз мовного матеріалу показав, що значна кількість демотиваційних постерів має синсематичний тип відношень між вербальною та візуальною його частинами. Іконічний компонент не просто доповнює розуміння вербальної складової частини повідомлення демотиватора, а й впливає на його інтерпретацію й унаочнює основну думку, заохочуючи реципієнта до певних роздумів.Глобалізаційні процеси, які знаходять відображення в демотиваційних постерах через повтор структурно-композиційної будови тексту і стереотипне вживання мовних засобів впливу, забезпечують залучення індивідуального реципієнта до світо-вого суспільства. Це зумовлює постійний потік стандартизованих цінностей із метою формування пересічного погляду на довколишній світ та уніфікованої картини світу.Висновки. Демотиватор постає візуальною рефлексією реального світу, реакцією на впроваджуване позитивне мислення. Комбінація режимів сприйняття образів призводить до появи нових форм цього процесу, нового типу мислення – від вербаль-ного до візуального, образного, спрямованого на викриття традиційних цінностей та авторитетів.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-91

The article is focused on cultural plurality as one of the essential features of contemporary stage of globalization. It reflects both differences and similarities between European and Russian cultures in the context of global cultural plurality and defines the demands that relate to interdisciplinary research in this area. In the study, the theoretical and methodological principles of research on cultural specificity are considered; the paradigm analysis is applied to study global cultural plurality, the specifics of individual cultures, and their comparison. The article focuses on the cultural determinants of the relationship between Russia and Europe, comparing the cultures of these multinational actors, their cultural forms, characteristics, and value orientations. In the research, we used the works of famous scientists. The sociocultural approach is necessary to study the intercultural relations, which at a fundamental level lead to the organization and functioning of relationships in modern society. Problems in the sociocultural sphere cause difficulties in various spheres of human activity. The close and complicated relationships that have developed over the years are too valuable for both cultural worlds to neglect them in the modern situation, where globalization took one of the essential places. The information, which was obtained in the course of research, is used to justify specific intercultural problems, and helps to apply a deeper approach to concretize the problems. Nowadays, the cultural sphere is closely connected with globalization; it permeates all aspects of human activity. Those controversial issues or problems that will arise between the societies in the modern world cannot be ignored, because it is precisely the thorough study of the basis of these problems that will help us in the future to counteract their adverse consequences for further development of society.

I.E. Motorina

This article discusses the problem of the dependence of value orientations and ideas about the future on sociocultural changes in modern society at the stage of transition to the information stage. The future has worried man since ancient times. The sources of modern ideas about the future we find in mythology and ancient philosophy. Subsequently, various interpretations of the future appeared in utopian philosophy, in futurology, in the concepts of the post-industrial and information society, as well as in science fiction. The image of the future excites modern youth, and they watch films with interest and read books about the future. But without the past, there is no future. All our aspirations about him are connected with modern cultural values and norms. The materials of a sociological study conducted at N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, in the Russian State Humanitarian University and the Higher School of Economics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 28-31
Vera N. Amykova

The article considers the factors influencing the change of the value system of society in the process of its development. The author draws a parallel between the traditional and modern systems of values of a separate ethnic group. The Kalmyks are a small ethnic group, but their cultural and spiritual heritage is rich and multifaceted. The customs and traditions of ancestors still influence the mentality, methods of education of the younger generation, moral guidelines of modern Kalmyks. Nevertheless, de-ethnization, which accelerates the unification of culture, the loss of national features of lifestyle, economic activity, language, is becoming increasingly obvious. Kalmyk society has undergone a significant transformation, there is a shift in emphasis in value orientations: from ethical and altruistic to pragmatic. This fact cannot but cause concern for the future of this distinctive ethnic group. The main emphasis in the article is on the fact that many crisis phenomena in the life of modern society are caused, first of all, by the loss of certain moral guidelines, following which a person could avoid irreparable social, political and economic losses.

Iryna Mardarova

The article presents the study of the problem connected with the training aspects of the future educators in developing pre-schoolers’ health culture. The concept «health culture» is defined. The indicators of the future educators’ readiness for the development of preschool children’s valeological culture were determined, namely: the availability of scientifically grounded theoretical knowledge and practical skills in preserving children’s health (about human health, age and individual characteristics of the development, basics of a healthy lifestyle, safe behaviour); a conscious attitude to their own health, the motivation for its preservation and strengthening, the adherence to a healthy lifestyle; the provision for the development of pre-school educator’s communicative and organizational skills. The diagnostics was carried out before and after the training sessions within the subject «Theory and technology of pre-schoolers’ valeological education». The study of the indicators demonstrating the future educators’ readiness for the formation (development) of the pre-schoolers’ valeological culture was carried out with the help of the questionnaire «Health in the system of pedagogical university students’ value orientations» (T. Ponamarenko), testing COI–1 (communicative and organizational inclinations). To verify the students’ necessary knowledge of using various forms and methods and technologies of pre-schoolers’ valeological education the products of students’ activities were analysed. The students fulfilled a set of tasks intended for two levels of complexity: the first level was the reproductive level, which provided for the reproduction of the learned information on valeological education; the second level, research-oriented and creative, provided for the development and substantiation of the author’s program and technology of the children’s valeological upbringing. The goal, objectives, general and professional competences as well as the outcomes demonstrated while mastering the academic discipline «Theory and Technology of Pre-schoolers’ Valeological Education» are described. The main organization forms of the students’ educational activities were as follows: computer-assisted lectures; practical classes, seminars (for example, «Basics of the Child’s Rational Nutrition», «Problems of Health and Healthy Lifestyles in Modern Society», «Basics of Mental Health», etc.). While working with the students, these methods and learning technologies were applied: discussions, disputes, the project method, the mind mapping technology. The independent and research-oriented activities were organized for the students. A statistical study involving the Chi-Square criterion (Pearson’s multifunctional criterion) proved that the indicators of the future educators’ readiness to develop the preschool children’s valeological culture before and after conducting classes on the theory and technology of valeological education aimed at preschool children significantly differ from each other.


At the end of the twentieth century, questions of a secondary nature suddenly became topical: what do we remember and who owns the memory? Memory as one of the mental characteristics of an individual’s activity is complemented by the concept of collective memory, which requires a different method of analysis than the activity of a separate individual. In the 1970s, a situation arose that gave rise to the so-called "historical politics" or "memory politics." If philosophical studies of memory problems of the 30’s and 40’s of the twentieth century were focused mainly on the peculiarities of perception of the past in the individual and collective consciousness and did not go beyond scientific discussions, then half a century later the situation has changed dramatically. The problem of memory has found its political sound: historians and sociologists, politicians and representatives of the media have entered the discourse on memory. Modern society, including all social, ethnic and family groups, has undergone a profound change in the traditional attitude towards the past, which has been associated with changes in the structure of government. In connection with the discrediting of the Soviet Union, the rapid decline of the Communist Party and its ideology, there was a collapse of Marxism, which provided for a certain model of time and history. The end of the revolutionary idea, a powerful vector that indicated the direction of historical time into the future, inevitably led to a rapid change in perception of the past. Three models of the future, which, according to Pierre Nora, defined the face of the past (the future as a restoration of the past, the future as progress and the future as a revolution) that existed until recently, have now lost their relevance. Today, absolute uncertainty hangs over the future. The inability to predict the future poses certain challenges to the present. The end of any teleology of history imposes on the present a debt of memory. Features of the life of memory, the specifics of its state and functioning directly affect the state of identity, both personal and collective. Distortion of memory, its incorrect work, and its ideological manipulation can give rise to an identity crisis. The memorial phenomenon is a certain political resource in a situation of severe socio-political breaks and changes. In the conditions of the economic crisis and in the absence of a real and clear program for future development, the state often seeks to turn memory into the main element of national consolidation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-74
Ivana Markov Čikić ◽  
Aleksandar Ivanovski

Summary One cannot write about the relationship of young people and current sports stars in modern society without having previously studied the processes of mediation and globalisation of sport, and the transformation of traditional social values. The goal of the science and practice engaged in sports and education of young people is a constant quest for preserving universal ethical values and reconciling them with the modern-day social processes. This paper will present the result of a survey conducted with adolescents in five different Serbian cities in order to find the answer to the question if sportspersons were their favourite television role-models. According to the results of our survey, 45% of adolescents do not have a favourite TV personality and do not know for sure who that could be. Novak Đoković, who would be the choice of adults for a role model of the young, with 63.2% according to the survey conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, scored 3.81% in our survey with adolescents who would chose Novak Đoković as their favourite TV personality. The necessity of raising media literacy of young people with the aim of clear identification of sports role models who are going to improve their quality of life still remains an open issue for further research on this course.

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