Intellectual potential of the youth: coceptualization of meaning and methodological bases of research

2021 ◽  
pp. 22-26
Zh.S. Safronova ◽  
D.S. Brazevich ◽  

Analyzed are scientific researches, the authors of which substantiate the concept of intellectual potential and determine methodological foundations for the diagnosis and development of the intellectual potential of youth. The authors of the article considered the concept of “intellectual potential” from the standpoint of various methodological approaches, showing advantages of young people in formation of intellectual potential: speed of mastering new competencies, high creativity, low reproductive inhibition during the development of activities. Problems of development of intellectual potential of Russian young people are revealed. The components of intellectual potential are highlighted, among which a special place is for motivation for mastering knowledge, abilities, skills, willingness to take risks and uncertainty, information culture, etc. It is proposed to determine intellectual potential of young people, based on levels of development of its components. Requirements for educational environment for development of intellectual potential of modern youth are described as well. The conclusion is made, that intellectual potential of modern youth must be formed in a specific educational environment with specific conditions.

Elena Nikolaevna Malik

The article reveals the role of the institute of mass media on the processes of forming political consciousness and socio-political guidelines of young citizens in modern Russia. The problems of hygiene of media policy, media literacy and improving the information culture of young people remain relevant and archival, given the new challenges of world politics and the geopolitical situation. The author argues that media education technologies to increase the media literacy of young citizens contribute to the realization of their socio-political subjectivity and initiative in the interests of the state and civil society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 00049
E.G. Shubnikova

The spread of addictive behavior among minors continues to be a dangerous trend about children and young people. Therefore, one of the most important areas of pedagogical activity is the prevention of addictions in educational organizations, as well as the training of pedagogical university students for being able to prevent addictions in children and adolescents. The study considers the structure of pedagogical university students’ readiness for the prevention of addictions in the educational environment, relying on a competence-based approach. We have proposed a characteristic of the model for assessing the competence of future teachers in the prevention of addictive behavior in children and young people. We considered the content of the training of future teachers for the prevention of addictive behavior based on the study of preventive pedagogy, and analyzed the main approaches to the prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment. We presented the results of an experimental study and revealed the effectiveness of the training of pedagogical university students for preventive activities with adolescents.

M. M. Кабанець ◽  
В. М. Алфімов

The article focuses on the importance of information culture as an integral part of professional culture of engineers, which affects the quality and safety of engineering solutions. The main two approaches to the definition of "information culture" are determined, which include an information approach when the information culture is reduced to the concept of computer or information literacy and a culturological approach when the concept "information culture" is seen as a way of human life in the information society. Development of the information culture acts as a process of harmonization of the inner world of man in the acquisition of socially significant information. The main components of information culture of engineers are highlighted, including literacy and competence in understanding the nature of information processes and relationships, humanistically oriented information value-semantic sphere, developed information reflection, creativity in information behaviour and socio-information activity. Based on a broad understanding of information culture as a qualitative characteristic of the life of a specialist in terms of receiving, transmitting, storing and using information, where universal moral values are the main priority, basic methodological approaches to forming information culture of future engineers are proposed, namely: system, personal, activity, integrative, culturological, axiological and reflexive approaches. The process of developing future engineers’ information culture in the process of professional training in higher educational institutions will be effective providing that it is based on the substantiated methodological approaches.

G.Yа. Grevtseva ◽  

The article reveals the relevance of the social mobility formation. The positions of scientists on the problem of the development of professional mobility of the individual are revealed. It is indicated that mobility is a value and a factor in the socialization of future specialists. Methodological approaches, pedagogical conditions and factors infl uencing the formation of professional mobility, as well as the possibilities of the educational environment, youth and student associations are highlighted. The author points out the importance of synergetic, creative-activity, program-design, resource, competence-based approaches and pedagogical technologies in the formation of professional mobility of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 365-379
Audra Merfeld-Langston

As scholars of French and Francophone Studies (FFS), our collective expertise encompasses a vast array of topics and methodological approaches. Too often, however, we write only for our peers, thereby neglecting opportunities and responsibilities to engage broader audiences. I advocate in this article for increasing the overlap between FFS, public humanities, digital humanities, and K-12 education, with a particular emphasis on the latter. In doing so, we can contribute to valorizing FFS, strengthen ties with our K-12 colleagues, inspire young people to pursue FFS in college, and promote intercultural understanding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 69-79
A.Ó. Tupcynbaeva ◽  
A.J. Maldybek ◽  

The article describes the relationship between Kazakh Proverbs and sayings with the «Words of Edification» of Abay. The heritage of the great Abay is an inexhaustible Treasury, a spiritual source for many generations. It is difficult to assess the significance of his work in one word, but the legacy of Abay occupies a special place in the modern history, culture and literature of our people. Abay and its heritage are the most popular among the people. In his work, all problems were analyzed through the true mind and consciousness, and the main core turned into the good of life. Perceiving as a source of virtue faith, love, kindness, benevolence, he urged the people and young people to love life, respect each other and educate themselves. Abay's works cover all spheres of life of the people, linking their past, present, and future. Abay's «Words of Edification» have not lost their meaning even now, although several generations and epochs have changed, and if we consider that national characteristics and human values continue to grow and develop, we must recognize that Abay's «Words of Edification» will continue to be a valuable source of knowledge of the truth. Мaқaлaдa қaзaқ мaқaл-мәтeлдepi жәнe Aбaй «Қapa cөздepi» oй жeлiciндeгi өзapa бaйлaныc бaяндaлaды. Қaзaқ xaлқының мaңдaйынa бiткeн oйшыл дaнa Aбaйдың мұpacы – caн ұpпaққa pyxaни aзық бoлaтын capқылмac мoл қaзынa. Қазақ хaлқының бүгінгі тарихында, дәстүрі мен мәдениетінде Aбaйдың aлaтын opны айрықша, оны бір деммен, бір сөзбен жеткізу мүмкін емес. Aбaй мұpacы aдaм тipшiлiгiнiң caн-caлacын қaмтып, қaзaқ xaлқының өткeнi мeн бүгiнiн, бoлaшaғын ұштacтыpғaн өмipшeңдiгiмeн, мәңгiлiк өзeктiлiгiмeн қымбaт. Бapлық адамдық ілімді, өмір сүрудің мәнін, адамның адамдығының формуласын барлық шығарамаларына өзек еткен Aбaй мұрасы, тағлымы қазіргі таңда аса қажетті, көкейтесті мәселе болып отыр. Абай туындыларында түгел дерлік барлық мәселелер сау ақыл арқылы сарапталып, сұрыпталып, басты мазмұн өзегін өмip игiлiгiнe aйнaлдыpa бiлгeн. Ұлы жapaтылыcқa деген иман мен үмітті мaxaббaт пeн мeйipiмнiң, жaқcылықтың көзi peтiндe бaғaлay apқылы қaлың жұpтын өмipдi cүюгe, aдaмдapды aялayғa, жacтapды бiлiм aлyғa шaқыpғaн бoлaтын. Aбaйдың рухани мұрасы, қаншама заман ауысып, уақыт өзгерседе, ешуақытта құндылығы жойылмайды. Aбaй шығaрмaлaрының қaншa yaқыт өтce дe өз құндылығын жoғaлтпayының cыры адамшылық идеясында жатыр. Aл адамның aдaмшылығы кeз кeлгeн қoғaмның өзекті мәceлeci eкeнi анық.

2020 ◽  
pp. 58-65
Dmitrii Horin

The article deals with the phenomena of lifestyle and educational environment of confessional educational organizations. The methodological basis of the research is based on general scientific methodological approaches (system, comparative, historical, ontological) and special scientific methodological approaches: a system-activity approach, which assumes a motivated solution of problems in the educational process determined by problem situations; a cultural approach that allows us to correlate general, individual and special cultural phenomena, in particular religion and education; an anthropological approach that allowed the interpretation of knowledge from various spheres of life from the point of view of pedagogy. The article contains definitions of the following concepts: «Lifestyle of a confessional educational organization» and «Educational environment of a confessional educational organization». The role of religious worship in the development and functioning of the confessional educational environment is noted. The main factors of the external environment that have a determining influence on the confessional educational environment are highlighted. The author emphasizes the open nature of the modern confessional educational process, which unfolds in the context of a dialogue between all its parties: the religious denomination, the state and the individual.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Dmitrii Horin

The article deals with the phenomena of lifestyle and educational environment of confessional educational organizations. The methodological basis of the research is based on general scientific methodological approaches (system, comparative, historical, ontological) and special scientific methodological approaches: a system-activity approach, which assumes a motivated solution of problems in the educational process determined by problem situations; a cultural approach that allows us to correlate general, individual and special cultural phenomena, in particular religion and education; an anthropological approach that allowed the interpretation of knowledge from various spheres of life from the point of view of pedagogy. The article contains definitions of the following concepts: «Lifestyle of a confessional educational organization» and «Educational environment of a confessional educational organization». The role of religious worship in the development and functioning of the confessional educational environment is noted. The main factors of the external environment that have a determining influence on the confessional educational environment are highlighted. The author emphasizes the open nature of the modern confessional educational process, which unfolds in the context of a dialogue between all its parties: the religious denomination, the state and the individual.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 5-18
I.A. Baeva ◽  
L.A. Gayazova ◽  
I.V. Kondakova ◽  
E.B. Laktionova

The article analyses the relation between psychological security (PS) and values in adolescent and young age. The value-semantic sphere of an individual determines his or her social behavior, and the strategic task of the education system is to create such educational environment that would promote the development of personal potential in students. The aim of the study is to identify the features and characteristics of students’ personal values in adolescence and young age depending on the level of their PS. The hypothesis was tested that the values of adolescents and young people with different levels of PS have different significance. The sample of the study consisted of 2789 first- year and second-year college students, aged 15-21 years. Significant differences in values at the level of normative ideals were found in groups with different levels of PS. There are also significant differences in the significance of values at the level of individual priorities which, in contrast to normative ideals, have a non-linear growth depending on the level of PS – the lowest values are observed in the group with an average level of PS. Values at the level of individual priorities in the group with a low level of PS are more significant than values at the level of normative ideals.

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