scholarly journals Perbedaan Citra Diri dan Kesukaan Makanan Tertentu pada Siswa-Siswi Gizi Lebih dan Normal

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Annisa Arifiana Lestari ◽  
Merryana Adriani

Latar Belakang: Citra diri dapat memprediksi munculnya depresi, gangguan makan dan kepercayaan diri. Menyukai suatu makanan secara berlebih dapat mempengaruhi status gizi individu.Tujuan: Menganalisis perbedaan citra diri dan kesukaan makanan tertentu pada siswa-siswi gizi lebih dan normal di SMP Muhammdiyah 5 Pucang Surabaya.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi case control dan melibatkan 42 responden yang dibagi menjadi 21 siswa-siswi dengan gizi lebih dan 21 murid dengan status gizi normal. Dilakukan pengukuran berat badan menggunakan digital body scale dan tinggi badan menggunakan microtoise untuk menilai status gizi. Wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner kepada responden untuk mengetahui karakteristik, citra diri dan kesukaan makanan tertentu. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi Mann Whitney dengan p<0,05.Hasil: Pada kelompok gizi lebih terdapat 10 responden yang merasa citra dirinya obesitas dan ingin menurunkan berat badan (47,62%). Lalu, pada kelompok status gizi normal terdapat 16 responden yang merasa citra dirinya adalah normal (76,19%), menginginkan penurunan berat badan sebanyak 5 responden (31,25%), 8 responden (50%) ingin memiliki berat badan tetap dan 3 responden (18,75%) ingin menaikkan berat badannya dengan nilai p = 0,000. Untuk kesukaan makanan pada bahan makanan tertentu, kelompok gizi lebih dan normal lebih menyukai minuman berpemanis (38,1% dan 61,9%) dengan nilai p = 0,037.Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan citra diri dan kesukaan makanan tertentu pada kelompok gizi lebih dan normal.ABSTRACTBackground: Body image could express such as depression, eating disorder and self esteem. If someone like to ate some specific food too much it can affected to nutrition status.Objectives: This study aimed to analyze of the difference of body image and favourite food between students with overweight and normal at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Pucang Surabaya.Methods: The design of this study was case control involving 42 samples with 21 case sampels for overweight and 21 control sampels for normal student. The questioners were about body height and weight, data identity, body image and food preferences. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney with p < 0,005.Results: There were 10 sampels in overweight group who felt they were obese and wanted to lose weight. In normal group there were 16 sampels who felt their body image was normal and 5 sampels in this group wanted to lose weight too, and the score for the p value = 0,000. As for food preferences, the overweight groups was more like to ate fried food (28,6%), while the normal group more preferred to ate sweetened foods and drinks (61,9%) with p value = 0,037.Conclusions: In conclusion there were differences of body image and favourite food between two groups

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 997
Dharmendra Jhavar ◽  
Neha Kirti ◽  
Sumit Kumar Vishwakarma ◽  
Umesh Kumar Chandra ◽  
Vinod Verma

Background: Since a long time ago, the experts have realized that determination of cut-off point for diagnosing diabetes will be revised over time with the lower blood glucose level as the more sensitive diagnosis for detecting the occurring complication and biochemical changes.Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in the department of medicine, M.G.M. Medical College and M.Y. Hospital Indore from July, 2016 to August, 2017 in 200 individuals and patients having euglycemic status attending General Medicine OPD.Results: In the low and high normal group 2 (2.0%) and 8 (8.0%) were having abnormal total cholesterol (TC) level respectively. The mean total cholesterol in the low normal group was 117.16±26.94mg/dl and it was 154.74±28.38mg/dl in the high normal group. The difference was found to be statistically significant (p value 0.000). In the low and high normal group, 4 (4.0%) and 17 (17.0%) were having abnormal triglyceride (TG) levels respectively. The mean TG levels in the low and high normal group were 96.93±22.64mg/dl and 110.55±32.37mg/dl respectively. The difference was found to be statistically significant (p value 0.001). In the low and high normal group, 6 (6.0%) and 14 (14.0%) patient was having abnormal uric acid levels respectively. The mean uric acid levels in the low and high normal group was 4.88±1.10mg/dl and 5.31±1.31mg/dl respectively. The difference was found to be statistically significant (p value 0.013).Conclusions: Higher levels of Cholesterol and Triglycerides were found more commonly in high normal euglycemic group compared to low normal euglycemic group. Mean cholesterol and mean triglyceride levels were higher in high normal euglycemic group.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 111
Aswindar Adhi Gumilang ◽  
Tri Pitara Mahanggoro ◽  
Qurrotul Aini

The public demand for health service professionalism and transparent financial management made some Puskesmas in Semarang regency changed the status of public health center to BLUD. The implementation of Puskesmas BLUD and non-BLUD requires resources that it can work well in order to meet the expectations of the community. The aim of this study is to know the difference of work motivation and job satisfaction of employees in Puskesmas BLUD and non-BLUD. Method of this research is a comparative descriptive with a quantitative approach. The object of this research are work motivation and job satisfaction of employees in Puskesmas BLUD and non-BLUD Semarang regency. This Research showed that Sig value. (P-value) work motivation variable was 0.019 smaller than α value (0.05). It showed that there was a difference of work motivation of employees in Puskemas BLUD and non-BLUD. Sig value (P-value) variable of job satisfaction was 0.020 smaller than α value (0.05). It showed that there was a difference of job satisfaction of BLUD and non-BLUD. The average of non-BLUD employees motivation were 76.59 smaller than the average of BLUD employees were 78.25. The average of job satisfaction of BLUD employees were 129.20 bigger than the average of non-BLUD employee were 124.26. Job satisfaction of employees in Puskesmas BLUD was higher than non-BLUD employees.

Pawan Kumar Saini ◽  
Devendra Yadav ◽  
Rozy Badyal ◽  
Suresh Jain ◽  
Arti Singh ◽  

Background: Psoriasis is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the skin mediated by T-lymphocytes resulting in production of cytokines which cause hyperproliferation of keratinocytes.  Several factors and hormones like Prolactin have an action similar to these cytokines in promoting the multiplication of keratinocytes and other cells like lymphocytes and epithelial cells may have a role on the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis. Aim:-The aim of study is to compare the serum Prolactin levels in patients of psoriasis with a control group. Setting and study design: This is a case-control study conducted in the department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy GMC, Kota over a period of 1year from July 2017 to June 2018 Material and method: The study included 100 cases of psoriasis (60 males and 40 females) and 100 controls similar for age and sex. Serum Prolactin levels were measured by ECLIA and results were obtained. Statistical analysis: Mean and standard deviation were calculated for each variable. Statistical significance of the results was analyzed using correlation analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient) and independent samples t-test. Statistical significance was assumed at p value<0.05. Result: Serum Prolactin level was significantly higher in cases of psoriasis compared to controls (p-value <0.001). PASI score and serum Prolactin levels were found to have a positive correlation (r value = 0.337; p-value: 0.001). No significant  correlation was found between serum levels of Prolactin and duration of disease r value= -0.034, P value =0.733). Serum Prolactin level was higher in male patients compared to females patients. Conclusion:- High serum Prolactin may be a biological marker of disease severity in psoriasis and may have a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Further studies with large sample size are required to confirm this hypothesis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-28
Dessy Sumanty ◽  
Deden Sudirman ◽  
Diah Puspasari

This research attempts to relate the body image phenomenon with the level of subject religiosity. This research used correlational research design that was involving 332 respondents. The statistical testing which is used to test the hypothesis Rank Spearman. The calculation result with the significance level of trust 95% (a = 0.05) show that the correlation coefficient is 0.083 and p-value is 0.129. It means that Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected. It can be concluded that there is no relationship between religiosity with body image.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Wahdaniah Wahdaniah ◽  
Sri Tumpuk

Abstract: Routine blood examination is the earliest blood test or screening test to determine the diagnosis of an abnormality. Blood easily froze if it is outside the body and can be prevented by the addition of anticoagulants, one of which Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA). Currently available vacuum tubes containing EDTA anticoagulants in the form of K2EDTA and K3EDTA. K3EDTA is usually a salt that has better stability than other EDTA salts because it shows a pH approaching a blood pH of about 6.4. The purpose of this research is to know the difference of erythrocyte index results include MCH, MCV and MCHC using K3EDTA anticoagulant with K2EDTA. This research is a cross sectional design. This study used venous blood samples mixed with K2EDTA anticoagulant and venous blood mixed with K3EDTA anticoagulants, each of 30 samples. Data were collected and analyzed using paired different test. Based on data analysis that has been done on MCH examination, p value <0,05 then there is a significant difference between samples with K3EDTA anticoagulant with K2EDTA to erythrocyte index value. Then on the examination of MCV and MCHC obtained p value <0.05 then there is no significant difference between samples with K3EDTA anticoagulant with K2EDTA to erythrocyte index value.Abstrak: Pemeriksaan darah rutin merupakan pemeriksaan darah yang paling awal atau screening test untuk mengetahui diagnosis suatu kelainan. Darah mudah membeku jika berada diluar tubuh dan bisa dicegah dengan penambahan antikoagulan, salah satunya Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate (EDTA). Dewasa ini telah tersedia tabung vakum yang sudah berisi antikoagulan EDTA dalam bentuk  K2EDTA dan  K3EDTA. K3EDTA  biasanya berupa garam yang mempunyai stabilitas yang lebih baik dari garam EDTA yang lain karena menunjukkan pH yang mendekati pH darah yaitu sekitar 6,4. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil indeks eritrosit meliputi MCH, MCV dan MCHC menggunakan antikoagulan K3EDTA dengan K2EDTA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain cross sectional. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel darah vena yang dicampur dengan antikoagulan K2EDTA dan darah vena yang dicampur dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA, masing-masing sebanyak 30 sampel. Data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis menggunakan uji beda berpasangan. Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dilakukan pada pemeriksaan MCH didapatkan nilai p < 0,05 maka ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sampel dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA dengan K2EDTA terhadap nilai indeks eritrosit. Kemudian pada pemeriksaan MCV dan MCHC didapatkan nilai p < 0,05 maka tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sampel dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA dengan K2EDTA terhadap nilai indeks eritrosit.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 322-327
Presilia Jesica ◽  
Nur Hilal ◽  
Khomsatun Khomsatun

Dermatitis merupakan peradangan kulit sebagai respon terhadap pengaruh faktor-faktor lingkungan seperti polutan dan alergen-alergen. Data Dinas Kesehatan Banyumas Tahun 2015 kasus Dermatitis tertinggi Kecamatan Patikraja 1.358 pasien. Bulan Nopember tahun 2015, pasien Dermatitis tertinggi 138 orang di Desa Kedungrandu. Wilayah Desa Kedungrandu merupakan lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Gunung Tugel dimana tempat pembuangan akhir gunung tugel merupakan yang terbesar di Banyumas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan jenis sumber air dan personal hygiene dengan kejadian Dermatitis  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi dan case control dengan 27 responden kasus dan 27 responden kontrol. Variabel penelitian ini sarana sumber air dan personal hygiene yang terdiri dari perilaku mandi, perilaku berpakaian dan perilaku tidur. Analisis menggunakan analisis SPSS versi 1.7 dengan uji chi-square dengan α 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel yang memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian penyakit Dermatitis adalah jenis sumber air dengan nilai p value= 0,001, personal hygiene merupakan variabel yang tidak mimiliki hubungan dengan kejadian penyakit Dermatitis di Desa Kedungrandu dengan hasil nilai p value= 1,000. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu jenis sumber air dapat menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab Dermatitis di Desa Kedungarandu. Peneliti menyarankan dari pihak puskesmas meningkatkan kerja sama dengan pemerintah desa untuk melakukan penyuluhan dan meningkatkan program kesehatan lingkungan.

2018 ◽  
pp. 1
Mur Prasetyaningrum ◽  
Z. Chomariyah ◽  
Trisno Agung Wibowo

Tujuan: Studi ini untuk mengetahui gambaran KLB keracunan pangan yang terjadi di desa Mulo menurut deskripsi epidemiologi, faktor risiko dan penyebab KLB keracunan makanan. Metode: Studi ini menggunakan studi analitik case control, dimana kasus adalah orang yang mengalami sakit pada tanggal 7 - 8 Mei 2017, tinggal di desa Mulo dan mengkonsumsi makanan olahan dari bapak S dan K. Instrument menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil: KLB terjadi di Desa Mulo RT 5 dan 6 dengan jumlah kasus sebanyak 18 orang dari total population at risk 112 orang dengan gejala utama diare (100%), mual (72,2%), demam (66,6%), pusing (66,6%) dan muntah (50%). Dari diagnosa banding menurut gejala, masa inkubasi dan agent penyebab keracunan, kecurigaan kontaminasi bakteri mengarah pada E. Coli (ETEC). Masa inkubasi 1-16 jam (rata-rata 9 jam) dan common source curve. Penyaji makanan ada dua (pak K dan pak S). Dari perhitungan AR, berdasarkan sumber makanan mengarah pada makanan dari pak S (AR=42,8%). Bedasarkan menu, perhitungan OR dan CI 95 % jenis makanan yang dicurigai sebagai penyebab KLB adalah urap/gudangan (OR=4,33; p value0,0071) dan sayur lombok (OR=6,31; p value 0,0071). Sampel yang didapatkan adalah sampel air bersih, feses, dan muntahan penderita, sampel makanan tidak didapatkan karena keterlambatan informasi dari masyarakat. Hasil laboratorium, Total Coliform sampel air bersih melebihi ambang batas, sampel feses dan muntahan mengandung bakteri Klebsiella pneumonia.Simpulan: Terdapat 3 (tiga) faktor yang diduga sebagai penyebab keracunan pada warga Desa Mulo yaitu air bersih untuk mengolah makanan tercemar bakteri patogen, pengolahan makanan tidak hygienis dan penyajian makanan pada suhu ruang lebih dari 1 jam.

Natasha Ansari ◽  
Eric Johnson ◽  
Jennifer A. Sinnott ◽  
Sikandar Ansari

Background: Oncology provider discussions of treatment options, outcomes of treatment, and end of life planning are essential to care for patients with advanced malignancies. Studies have shown that despite this, many patients do not have adequate care planning, including end of life planning. It is thought that the accessibility of information outside of clinical encounters and individual factors and/or beliefs may influence the patient’s perception of disease. Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate if patient understanding of treatment goals matched the provider and if there were areas of discrepancy. If a discrepancy was found, the survey inquired further into more specific aspects. Methods: A questionnaire-based survey was performed at a cancer hospital outpatient clinic. 100 consecutive and consenting patients who had stage IV non-curable lung, gastrointestinal (GI), or other cancer were included in the study. Patients must have had at least 2 visits with their oncologist. Results: 40 patients reported their disease might be curable and 60 reported their disease was not curable. Patients who reported their disease was not curable were more likely to be 65 years or older (P-value: 0.055). They were more likely to report that their doctor discussed the possibility of their cancer getting worse (78.3% VS 55%; P-value 0.024), that their doctor discussed end of life plans (58.3% VS 30%; P- value: 0.01), and that they had appointed a health care decision-maker (86.7% VS 62.5%; P-value: 0.01). 65% of patients who thought their disease might be curable reported that their doctor said it might be curable, compared with only 6.7% of patients who thought their disease was not curable (p < 0.001). Or, equivalently, 35% of patients who thought their disease might be curable reported that their doctor’s opinion was that it was not curable, compared with 93% of patients who thought their disease was not curable (p < 0.001). Patients who had lung cancer were more likely to believe their cancer was not curable than patients with gastrointestinal or other cancer, though the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.165). Patients who said their disease might be curable selected as possible reasons that a miracle (50%) or alternative medicine (66.7%) would get rid of the cancer, or said their family wanted them to believe the cancer would go away (16.7%) or that another doctor said it would (4.2%). Patients who said their disease might be curable said they did so due to alternative medications, another doctor, or their family. Restricting to the 70 patients who reported their doctors telling them their disease was not curable, 20% of them still said that they personally felt their disease might be curable. Patients below 65 years of age were more likely to disagree with the doctor in this case (P-value: 0.047). Conclusion: This survey of patients diagnosed with stage IV cancer shows that a significant number of patients had misunderstandings of the treatment and curability of their disease. Findings suggest that a notable proportion kept these beliefs even after being told by treating physicians that their disease is not curable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2390
Zineb Assili ◽  
Gilles Dolivet ◽  
Julia Salleron ◽  
Claire Griffaton-Tallandier ◽  
Claire Egloff-Juras ◽  

Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a severe side effect of antiresorptive medication. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of denosumab-related osteonecrosis of the jaw and to compare the clinical and radiological extent of osteonecrosis. A retrospective study of patients who received Xgeva® at the Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine (ICL) was performed. Patients for whom clinical and radiological (CBCT) data were available were divided into two groups: “exposed” for patients with bone exposure and “fistula” when only a fistula through which the bone could be probed was observed. The difference between clinical and radiological extent was assessed. The p-value was set at 0.05, and a total of 246 patients were included. The cumulative incidence of osteonecrosis was 0.9% at 6 months, 7% at 12 months, and 15% from 24 months. The clinical extent of MRONJ was significantly less than their radiological extent: in the “exposed” group, 17 areas (45%) were less extensive clinically than radiologically (p < 0.001) and respectively 6 (67%) for the “fistula” group (p < 0.031). It would seem that a CBCT is essential to know the real extent of MRONJ. Thus, it would seem interesting to systematically perform a CBCT during the diagnosis of MRONJ, exploring the entire affected dental arch.

D V K Irugu ◽  
A Singh ◽  
H Yadav ◽  
H Verma ◽  
R Kumar ◽  

Abstract Objectives This study aimed to evaluate serum otolin-1 levels in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and to compare these levels with healthy individuals. Method This was a case-control study. After obtaining institutional ethical committee clearance, the serum level of otolin-1 was calculated in adult individuals (18–75 years old) who were divided into group 1 (patients presenting with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) and group 2 (healthy patients without benign paroxysmal positional vertigo as the control group). Data analysis was carried out to compare the serum levels in the cases and controls. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results A total of 70 age-matched individuals (cases, n = 40; controls, n = 30) were included in the study. The mean serum level of otolin-1 was 636.8 pg/ml (range, 259–981 pg/ml) in the group of patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and 236.2 pg/ml (range, 189–370 pg/ml) in the control group. The difference was statistically significant (p = 0.0000). Conclusion The serum levels of otolin-1 in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are significantly higher compared with individuals without benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

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