Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-82
Putri Indrawati ◽  
Tuti Iriani ◽  
Amos Neolaka

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using the Internet to influence student learning outcomes SMKN 26 Jakarta class X drawing technique building in science subjects of building materials. View the content of learning materials Building Materials Sciences that quite a lot, plus the allocation of limited time, giving the task done. Granting duty if selected as a method of teaching learning material much out of balance with the available time. Giving the task is done by utilizing the Internet (search engines, facebook and email). The sample in this study a number of 55 students. The results were positive and there is a relationship between the effectiveness of using the internet signifkan of student learning outcomes with a relatively low level of relationship

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

This research is motivated by a teacher-centered learning process in which teaching learning material, presenting examples, doing exercises, and tests at the end of the meeting. Researchers strive for students to be actively involved in communication in order to obtain in-depth knowledge about the material being studied. The use of the talking stick strategy is believed to improve the ability of question and answer and student learning outcomes in science. This research is a classroom action research conducted on 29 fourth grade students of SDN 002 Benai in February 2020. The instrument used was the observation sheet and learning achievement test. The results of the study in the first cycle is the ability of question and answer students by 58.3% which is quite a category, in the second cycle increased to 83.3% which is included in both categories. The average student learning outcomes in the first cycle amounted to 68.6 with a classical percentage of 62% having increased in the second cycle to 76.9 with a percentage of classical completeness of 89%. The conclusion of this study is the use of the talking stick strategy can improve the ability of question and answer and learning outcomes of students of class IV SDN 002 Benai.

Hendrick L ◽  
Martono Martono ◽  
Indri Astuti

This study examined the use of film media on Indonesian Language. The problem revealed was how is student learning outcomes, and what is the outcomes difference between learning to analyze the intrinsic elements of literary works using film media and using conventional learning approaches in class XI students of SMA N 1 Tumbang Titi. This type of research is experimental research. The design used was Post-test Only Control Group Design. Data analysis was done by normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test (Paired Simple t-Test). Data collection techniques in the form of tests. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes analysis the intrinsic elements of literary works after being given conventional learning is 54.38 while student learning outcomes analyze the intrinsic elements of literary works after using film media is 71, 67. Besides, after analyzing the data statistically, the results show that there are significant differences between the learning outcomes of the material analyzing the intrinsic elements of literary work between those who use film media and conventional learning. Indonesian language learning material becomes the intrinsic elements of literature in class XI students of SMA N 1 Tumbang Titi using film media can also improve student learning outcomes and contribute to the scale of effectiveness of 32,64. Thus, learning with film media can be used by teachers in the field of learning Indonesian in analyzing intrinsic elements of literary works.Keywords: Utilization of Film Media, Intrinsic Elements of Literary Work

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 913
Annisa Annisa ◽  
Trisnendri Syahrizal

The purpose of this study is to find out the improvement students’ motivation using ice breaker in learning English at the tenth grade of software engineering major in SMK TI Garuda Nusantara Cimahi. The data obtained from the result of observation and students learning outcomes from the test (pretest and posttest). The result showed Students who were completed value with KKM > 70 in the pre-cycle has 28.60% and in the first cycle increased to 67.80% than in the second cycle improved to 100%. The average student learning outcomes in the first cycle amounted to 66.29 and the second cycle increased to 73.09 so the average student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II increased by 6.8. It means there was an improvement in students’ motivation after carried out classroom actions research. Based on the fact, the researcher concluded that the ice breaker was effective to improve students’ motivation in learning English at the tenth grade of office software engineering major in SMK TI Garuda Nusantara Cimahi. It was also proved by observation students when teaching-learning in the classroom. Students feel enjoy, be active, feeling happiness, focus on material and stay in the classroom during the learning process.Keywords: Teaching Method, Motivation, Ice breaker, learning process

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Desi Kamilah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar fisika siswa dengan menerapkan siklus ACE dalam pembelajaran fisika materi kinematika gerak lurus. Penelitian tindakan dilakukan di SMA Negeri 2 Simpang Hilir Kabupaten Kayong Utara. Subjek penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalas siswa-siswi kelas XB SMA Negeri 2 Simpang Hilir yang berjumlah 34 siswa terdiri atas 13 laki-laki dan 21 perempuan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa lembar observasi untuk mengukur aktivitas belajar siswa dan soal tes untuk mengukur hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan aktivitas siswa dikelas masuk kategori cukup aktif. Hasil belajar siswa dengan siklus ACE mencapai ketuntasan 76,67%. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran fisika, siklus ACE, aktivitas belajar, hasil belajar  Abstract: This study aimed to increase physical activity and learning outcomes of students by implementing ACE cycle in physics learning material straight motion kinematics. Action research conducted at SMAN 2 Simpang Hilir North Kayong. The subject of research will be done adalas students of class XB SMAN 2 Simpang Downstream totaling 34 students consisting of 13 male and 21 female. The instrument used in this study is in the form of sheets of observations to measure student learning activities and test items to measure learning outcomes. Based on the results of classroom action research can be concluded that the activity of students in class is categorized quite active. Student learning outcomes with ACE cycle achieve mastery 76.67%. Keywords: physic lesson, cycle ACE, student activity, learning outcome

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Nurfitriana Gayanti ◽  
Dewi Anggreini

<p><em>This study aims to know about differences in student learning outcomes that are reviewed from the SAVI learning modelwith Reciprocal Teaching learning model on circle material. This quantitative quasi-experiment research carried in SMPN 1 Karangrejo with 348 population and sample takencluster random samplingso that there are 2 classes namely VIII D class as a SAVI learning model class with 32 students, and VIII B clas as a reciprocal teaching learning model class with 32 students. The data analize using t-test. After making a calculation with a significant level is 5% and dk 62 so obtained t<sub>count</sub>= 7,141765 &gt; t<sub>table</sub>= 1,99897, its mean H<sub>0 rejected </sub> and H<sub>1</sub> received, so it was concluded that there was a significant difference between the learning outcomes of mathematics using the SAVI learning model and the Reciprocal Teaching learning model at the learning outcomes of mathematics on circle material at the students VIII class in SMPN 1 Karangrejo in the period 2017/2018</em><em></em></p><p><em> </em></p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:mathematics learning outcomes, SAVI, reciprocal teachin</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-174
Irfan Taufik

This research discusses the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model in improving student learning outcomes, the purpose of the research in this paper is how to use the Contextual Learning learning model and Learning (CTL) can improve student learning outcomes. The type of research used in this study is classroom action research (CAR). The research subjects were students of class XI Administration 3 Vocational High School (SMK) Negeri 1 Palopo 2018/2019 academic year consisting of 7 male students and 18 female students. The data in this study were obtained from the results of observations of student activities (observation sheets) and final cycle test instruments. Furthermore, the data of this study were analyzed with qualitative descriptive. The learning model of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the subjects can improve student learning outcomes. This can be seen from students who enthusiastically receive learning material and students are not ashamed to practice the material directly received, the results showed that during the final test Cycle I student learning outcomes amounted to 73.52%, then in cycle II Discover the results of learning student learning material at 81.48% or around 7.91% in the realm of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 406
Nindy Nurwulan ◽  
M. Fahmi Nugraha ◽  
Budi Hendrawan

The low student learning outcomes due to the lack of learning media make it difficult for students to understand learning material. This study aimed to develop video-based learning media about the properties of objects around us in theme 2, sub-themes 1 grade 2nd. This study used a Research and Development (R&D) type of research with a 4D development model consisting of four stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The methods used in collecting data were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The development of video media is valid with: (a) the results of the reviews by linguists get very good qualifications, (b) the results of the reviews of instructional media experts get very good qualifications, (c) the results of the reviews of subject matter experts get very good qualifications, (d) the results of the trial individuals get very good qualifications, (e) the results of small group trials get very good qualifications, and (e) the results of field trials get very good qualifications. So, this study showed that the validity of video-based learning media on qualifications is very good and can improve student learning outcomes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Abdul Kadir

This study aims to produce the valid SETS-based science teaching materials for the practical and effective use in improving student learning outcomes on environmental pollution materials. This research is Research and Development with pretest-posstest one group design implemented at VII class’ students of MTsN 1 Kendari in the second semester of academic year 2015/2016. The instruments of the study are valid and reliable observations, questionnaires and cognitive tests to obtain the required data. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique is using descriptive and inferential analysis after meeting the normality and homogeneity requirements test. The results indicate; 1) the results of the validity of the SETS-based science test materials by the material and media experts which are valid and highly feasible materials to use, 2) the product practicality test results in small and large group samples which include all aspects considered to be generally implemented as a whole, and 3) the product effectiveness test results obtained through the average test of student learning outcomes before and after treatment which is significantly different, meaning that students' learning outcomes after treatment is increase. While the response of students and teachers on teaching materials used both in small and large group samples are both very good and suitable to use as a learning material on environmental contamination material in MTsN 1 Kendari.

Moch Sukardjo ◽  
Lipur Sugiyanta

Web usability, if evaluation done correctly, can significantly improve the quality of the website. Website containing multimedia for education shoud apply user interfaces that are both easy to learn and easy to use. Multimedia has big role in changing the mindset of a person in learning. Using multimedia, learners get easy to obtain information, adjust information and empower information. Therefore, multimedia is utilized by teachers in developing learning techniques to improve student learning outcomes. For students with self-directed learning, multimedia provides the ease and completeness of the courses in such a way that students can complete the learning independently both at school and at home without the guidance of teachers. The learning independence takes place in how students choose, absorb information, and follow the evaluation quickly and efficiently. The 2013 Curriculum 2013 for Vocational High School (SMK) requires teachers to create engaging teaching and learning activities that students enjoy in the classroom (also called invitation learning environment). The creation of learning activity environment is still problem for most teachers. Various researches reveal that teaching and learning activities will be more effective and easy when assisted by visual tools. Using multimedia, learning material can be presented more attractively that help students understand the material easily. The opposite is found in the learning activity environment who only rely on ordinary lectures. Usability is a quality level of multimedia with easy to learn, easy to use and encourages users to use it. The website Multimedia Interactive Learning for Mathematics SMK Class X is targeted object. Usability website in Multimedia Interactive Learning for Mathematics SMK Class X is important indicators to measure effectiveness, efficiency, and student satisfaction to access the functionality of website. This usability measurement should be done carefully before the design is implemented thoroughly. The only way to get test with high quality results is to start testing at the beginning of the design process and continuously testing each of the next steps. This research performs usability testing on of website by using WAMMI criterion (Website Analysis and Measurement Inventory) and will be focused on how convenience using the website application. Components of Attractiveness, Controllability, Efficiency, Helpfulness, and Learnability are applied. The website in Multimedia Interactive Learning for Mathematics SMK Class X can be in accordance with the purpose to be accepted by student to improve student learning outcomes. The results show that WAMMI method show the usability value of Multimedia Mathematics SMK Class X is about from 70% to 90%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 1183
Bayu Bramasta Giri ◽  
Suhadi Ibnu ◽  
Sutrisno Sutrisno

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The purpose of this research is to produce an electrochemical contextual chemoentrepreneurship module that is validated according to the criteria of BSNP materials eligibility, namely content eligibility, linguistic feasibility, presentation feasibility, and the feasibility of the graft and knowing Effectiveness of student learning outcomes. The development model adopted the Model 4-D with the stages of defining, designing, developing, and desimination. Data on the feasibility of teaching materials is obtained from content and material validation, individual test, field test is limited while the effectiveness data is obtained from the difference learning outcomes between the experimental and the control group. The validation and test results are obtained as follows (1) the average value of the content expert validator and learning material is very decent criteria, (2) individual trials with excellent criteria, and (3) limited field trials is Very good criteria. The development module is well-deserved to be used as a learning resource and effectively improve student learning outcomes.</p><strong>Abstrak:<em> </em></strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan modul elektrokimia kontekstual <em>Chemoentrepreneurship</em> tervalidasi sesuai kriteria kelayakan bahan ajar BSNP, yakni isi, kebahasaan, penyajian, dan kegrafisan serta mengukur efektivitas modul terhadap hasil belajar. Model pengembangan mengikuti model 4-D dengan tahapan pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan desiminasi. Data kelayakan modul diperoleh dari validasi isi dan materi, uji perorangan, uji lapangan terbatas sedangkan data efektivitas diperoleh dari perbedaan hasil belajar antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian (1) nilai validasi isi dan materi pembelajaran memiliki kriteria sangat layak, (2) uji coba perorangan kriteria sangat baik, dan (3) uji coba lapangan kriteria sangat baik. Modul efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran hal ini ditunjukkan oleh ketuntasan hasil belajar peserta didik kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol.

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