scholarly journals Pengembangan Interactive Multimedia Power Point Presentation (IMPPT) untuk Pengajaran Phonetics

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-84
Ike Dian Puspita Sari ◽  
Indrawati Pusparini

In phonology, students will be familiar with phonetics which is specifically emphasize phonetics’ articulation and the sound. This study used Research and Development method. Researchers developed Interactive Multimedia Power Point Presentation (IMPPT) which can be used to teach phonetics. There are some stages done to develop IMPPT. Those stages are need analysis, data collection, product design and validation, and product testing. Product testing was also carried out as a consideration for the next steps. If the result was not satisfied, the researcher revised the design to obtain the final product. There were three aspects concerned as criteria of IMPPT, namely visual aspect, audio aspect, and material aspect. Those three aspects were validated based on assessment rubrics made by researcher. The range in the rubric is 1-5. The visual aspect showed the highest percentage, in which it was 35%. The second highest percentage was audio aspect. In material aspect, the total score was 23 (32%).

Putu Rusanti ◽  
Kadek Maya Cyntia Dewi

This research aimed to identify the need analysis of learning English for Nurses (EFN) for nursing students and to develop learning media by using powtoon application in teaching English for Nurses. The research employed research and development (R&D) design. It was used Sugiyono model consisted of potential and problem, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, and massive production. The data were collected through questionnaires and interview. The learning videos were validated by expert judges and were also done field testing to the 42 nursing students. The data were analyzed descriptively qualitative. The result of the research showed that 1) 64.5% of the students would like to combine the material between general English and specific topics about nursing, 2) The developed learning video consisted of some parts such as opening, learning objectives, content, conversation, vocabularies, and closing. The result of expert judges both in media and material were 87.5% and 93.5% which were categorized as excellent materials. It is expected that the learning video can be applied in teaching and learning process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 403
Lusi Marlisa ◽  
Sigit Purnama

<p>The aims of the reaserch was: (1) to know how the development of interactive multimedia in praying introduction; (2) to know the effectiveness of the use of interactive multimedia the introduction of prayer for aspects of  child development in integrated isamic kindergarten Mutiara Banguntapan, Bantul Yogyakarta. The method that used in this research was Research and Development (R&amp;D) R&amp;D used for measuring the feasibility of interactive multimedia product by refering to development style of Borg &amp; Gall through 6 stages of development, namely: (1) potential and problem; (2) data collection; (3) design product; (4) validation product; (5) revision product; (6) trials product. The result of the research showed that: (1) interactive multimedia of prayer introduction was developed based on the development prosedure Borg and Gall. The appropriateness of product based on the validation of media experts and material experts with an overall rating of 3.83 in the good category. So that, can be concluded that multimedia developed was suitable to use in the learning media of prayer introduction, then; (2) Application of multimedia interactive prayer performed on 15 child in the class A2 abu sufyan bin harist, by conducting experimental trials by looking at the effectiveness of the use of interactive multimedia introduction of pre and post prayers on aspects of child development. Average effectiveness before use interactive multimedia introduction prayer on aspects child development 36,54% and Average effectiveness after use interactive multimedia introduction prayer on aspects child development 76,66% with motoric physical development 73,33%,  language 80%, cognitive 80%, social emotional 73,33%. So it can be concluded that by using interactive multimedia the introduction of prayer to aspects of development is more effective than not using interactive multimedia recognition of prayer on aspects of development.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Kadek Onny Swastini ◽  
I Gede Sudirtha ◽  
Ketut Widiartini

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil pengembangan busana fantasi dengan sumber ide busana tradisional Dayak. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 tahap, yaitu : analisis, (analyze), desain (design), pegembangan (development), implementasi (implementation), dan evaluasi (evaluation). Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan penilaian instrumen pengembangan busana fantasi dengan sumber ide busana tradisional Dayak. Instrumen ini diuji oleh dua ahli isi, yang dihitung dengan rumus Gregory, sehingga validitas instrumen diperoleh sebesar 0,90 dengan kriteria validitas sangat tinggi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk uji produk. Hasil pengembangan busana fantasi terdiri dari 2 busana, yaitu busana fantasi dengan siluet L, dan busana fantasi dengan siluet A yang bersumber ide busana tradisional Dayak. Hasil produk busana fantasi ini memiliki kualifikasi sangat baik dengan presentase 94,54% pada uji produk busana. Kata Kunci : Busana Fantasi, Pengembangan, Sumber Ide Abstract The research aims is to describe the results of fantasy fashion development, which the ideas come from the traditional Dayak fashion. The type of this research is Research and Development and it is used the model of ADDIE development which consists of 5 stages, namely : analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The method of data collection in this study was carried out by assessing the instruments of fantasy fashion development with sources of Dayak tradisional fashion ideas. This instruments was tested by two content experts, which ware calculated by Gregory‟s formula, so the instruments validity was 0,90 with very high validity criteria so that it could be used for product testing. The results of the development of fantasy fashion consisted of 2 fashions, namely fashion fantasy with L silhouette, and fantasy fashion with A silhouette sourced from traditional Dayak fashion ideas. The results of this fantasy fashion product have very good qualifications with a percentage is 94,54 % in the fashion product test. Key words : fantasy fashion, development, source of ideas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Kamaruddin Hasan ◽  
Zaid Zainal ◽  
Suhadjerah Suhadjerah

The purpose of this study is to develop a learning media in the form of boardgame Learning Media (Optional Board and Career Cards) to improve students’ career knowledge in a fun, interactive and active learning under. This research uses Research and Development Method, with The phases in this research consist of; (1) product analysis, (2) developing products, (3) validation and revision, (4) play-trials and final products. Data collection techniques using interviews and questionnaires. Feasibility check and assessment by theory expert, learning media expert and users using Likert scale with the value used are 5 to 1. The results of the validation by theory expert get score 5 with a very worthy category, while the validation by media expert gets score 4.89 with the very worthy category. Whereas in the usage test by users or students and teacher response as an education practitioner showed very worthy category with scores 4.53 and 5 respectively. As a result, the developed pakakala boardgame for year 4 students at SDN 84 Parepare is suitable to use in teaching theme 4 concerning various occupations

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Siti Ayu Ningsih ◽  
Liliana Muliastuti

This study aims to describe: 1) the development of reading syllabus for BIPA level A1 using deductive approach in D’Royal Moroco Integrative Islamic Elementary School, and 2) the development of reading teaching material for BIPA level A1 using deductive approach in D’Royal Moroco Integrative Islamic Elementary School. The method used in this research was research and development method. Based on the observations, documents analysis, interviews, and tests, during need analysis period, can be elaborated that the school did not have any teaching materials for BIPA. While the school had quite a lot of BIPA students mostly at A1 level. This situasions need immediate action of developing syllabus and reading teaching material for BIPA at A1 level. Due to the target of the users for this syllabus and teaching material, deductive approach can be used to developing the syllabus and the reading teaching material of BIPA A1 since the children learn more effectively by imitating the examples, and deductive approach suits that needs. By following the deductive approach, the syllabus should contains the role of teacher and students while the teaching material should have: 1) begins with the concept introduction, 2) followed by relevant examples, and 3) contains of adequate practice. It is also should containing relevant and interesting illustrations.

Muhammad Fahrezi Harahap ◽  
Iman Sulaiman ◽  
Yasep Setiakarnawijaya

This research and development was conducted to produce exercise model of softball batting based on drill for beginner athletes by testing the effectiveness of softball batting training for beginner athletes. The development method used took the steps of Borg and Gall. To support data to be more valid, the process of analyzing data collection used observation, interviews, and tests. The batting exercise model was designed by combining drill-based training activities. After that the model item design was validated by 3 experts in their field, 1 softball lecturer, 1 softball coach, and 1 motor expert. The study involved 20 athletes consisting of 3 softball clubs in Medan. Increasing battingsoftball training during the pre-test showed t-count = -21,225, df = 19 and p-value = 0,00 <0,05, meaning that there were significant differences in softball batting training model before and after being given a training model. It could be concluded that the model of training developed effectively to enhance batting exercises developed was effective for enhancing batting exercises for beginner athletes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 23-34
Choirudin Choirudin

The aim study to create and develop local wisdom-based learning media with Prezi applications in Social Arithmetic Materials. This type of research is Research and Development (RND), using development steps according to Borg & Gall which has been transformed by Sugiyono. The development steps are limited to six steps. Among them; 1) Results of Need Analysis; 2) Problem Identification and Data Collection; 3) Product Design Results; 4) Design Product Validation; 5) Design Revision Results (Initial Product); 6) Small Group Trial; and 7) Field Trials (Large Group Trial). Local wisdom-based learning media have been developed with the application of Prezi on social arithmetic material by collecting data on local wisdom on the livelihood of Buminabung residents by taking documentation in the form of photos and information related to the local wisdom put them on the slide Prezi. The development of local wisdom-based learning media with the application of Prezi on social arithmetic material is feasible to use in learning. The assessment of material experts and media experts with an assessment of 80% in the feasible category and 91% in the very feasible category. The results of the trials carried out were small group trials in class VII A with a feasibility percentage of 76% in the feasible category. In the field trials conducted by class VII A MTs Ma’arif 05 Buminabung, the percentage was 79% in the feasible category.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-154
Nisaul Jamilah

Using media in language teaching has various weaknesses in terms of design, material aspects, and in terms of language. Based on this, the problem of this research "How is the development, feasibility, response of students to the power point learning media ispring the presenter on vocabulary material?" The research aims to: develop power point learning media, ispring presenters in vocabulary material and knowing the feasibility, effectiveness, and response of students to the ispring presenter's power point learning media. This research was conducted using the Research and Development (R & D) method which adopted the development of Borg & Gall. Instruments for data collection using questionnaires and interviews. Based on the results of this study, it was found that the development of the powerpoint ispring presenter included three main points, design, material and language. The feasibility of the validation results of the media expert team obtained an average percentage of 84%. The results of the validation of the material expert team obtained an average percentage of 89%. And the results of the validation of the linguist team gained an average percentage of 92%. The response of students to the attractiveness of learning media based on small-scale trials obtained an average score of 86.5% with interpretation criteria "Very Interesting", and in large-scale trials obtained an average score of 95.7% with interpretation criteria "Very Interesting". While the average score of a teacher as users is 86% with "Very Worth" interpretation criteria. Abstrak Penggunaan media pembelajaran yang selama ini digunakan memiliki berbagai kelemahan dilihat dari segi desain, materi, dan bahasa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penulis merumuskan masalah “Bagaimana pengembangan, kelayakan, respon peserta didik terhadap media pembelajaran power point ispring presenter pada materi kosakata?”. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mengembangkan media pembelajaran power point ispring presenter pada materi kosakata dan mengetahui kelayakan, keefektifan serta respon peserta didik terhadap media pembelajaran power point ispring presenter. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Research and Development (R&D) yang mengadopsi pengembangan dari Borg & Gall. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa, pengembangan power point ispring presenter mencakup tiga hal pokok, yaitu desain, materi dan bahasa.. Kelayakan hasil validasi tim ahli media memperoleh presentase rata-rata sebesar 84%. Hasil validasi tim ahli materi memperoleh presentase rata-rata sebesar 89%. Dan hasil validasi tim ahli bahasa memperoleh presentase rata-rata sebesar 92%. Respon peserta didik terhadap kemenarikan media pembelajaran berdasarkan uji coba skala kecil diperoleh skor rata-rata 86,5% dengan kriteria interprestasi “Sangat Menarik”, dan pada uji coba skala besar diperoleh skor rata-rata 95,7% dengan kriteria interprestasi “Sangat Menarik. Sedangkan skor rata-rata pendidik sebagai pengguna adalah 86% dengan kriteria interprestasi “Sangat Layak”. Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Power Point Ispring Presenter, Kosakata

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 354-360
Nikke Ardilah Wulandari ◽  
Sukarmin Sukarmin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan Multimedia Interaktif (MMI) yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk siswa tunarungu SMALB khususnya pada materi unsur. Metode penelitian menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) dibatasi pada tahap uji coba terbatas. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah lembar telaah, validasi, angket respon siswa dan aktivitas writing to learn (WTL). Metode pengumpulan data terdiri atas angket dan observasi yang selanjutnya akan dianalisis secara deskriptif. MMI dikatakan layak apabila mendapat persentase ≥61% dengan kriteria baik atau sangat baik. Hasil penelitian secara teoritis maupun empiris menunjukkan MMI yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Secara teoritis kelayakan didasarkan pada hasil validasi MMI yang terdiri atas kriteria isi yang memperoleh persentase degan 75,00% - 91,67%, kriteria penyajian memperoleh persentase dengan rentang 75,00% - 91,67%, dan kriteria kebahasaan yang mendapat persentase dengan rentang 83,33% - 91,67%. Berdasarkan hasil validasi, secara teoritis MMI yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai media belajar dengan kriteria baik dan sangat baik. Kelayakan MMI secara empiris yang didasarkan pada hasil angket respon siswa dengan rentang persentase 66,67% - 100% masuk dalam kriteria baik dan sangat baik, aktivitas WTL yang mendapat nilai dengan rentang 77,78% – 92,59% dinyatakan layak dengan kriteria baik dan sangat baik. Kata kunci: Tunarungu, MMI, writing to learn. Abstract This research aimed to know feasibility of develop Interactive Multimedia (MMI) to use as learning media for hearing-impaired students at SMALB especially for element material. Method used in this research was Research and Development (R&D) limited to the trial stage. The instruments used in the research were study sheets, validation, student questionnaire responses and writing to learn (WTL) activities. Data collection methods consisted of questionnaires and observations that would be analyzed descriptively. MMI is considered to be feasible if it gets a percentage of ≥ 61% with good or very good criteria. The theoretical and empirical research results showed that the developed MMI was worthy for the use as a learning medium. Theoretically, the eligibility was based on the results of MMI validation consisting of content criteria that obtained a percentage of 75.00% - 91.67%, the presentation criteria obtain a percentage ranging from 75.00% - 91.67%, and linguistic criteria that obtained a percentage with range 83.33% - 91.67%. Based on the results of the validation, theoretically, the MMI developed was suitable to use as a learning media categorized in good and very good criteria. The eligibility of MMI empirically based on the results of student questionnaire responses with a range of percentage 66.67% - 100% included in good and very good criteria, WTL activities that obtained range of 77.78% - 92.59% were considered eligible categorized in good and very good criteria.  Key words: Deaf, MMI, Writing to learn.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Fitri Palupi

The main objective of the research is to develop speaking English materials based on ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). This Research was conducted at SMP N 5 Metro, which is located at Rejomulyo 26 B/RT.22 RW VI, South Metro. The type of research that was conducted by the researcher is developmental research. The research is not mean to generate a theory or verify one. It attempts to develop English learning material for speaking skill for ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) at first semester of seventh grade.  In this research, the researcher uses Design Instructional model as the research design. It aims to develop English learning material for speaking skill. The result of developing vocabulary material is in the form of multimedia power point presentation. The researcher has passed some steps in developing the English vocabulary material; Need Analysis, Design, Development, Expert Validation, Try Out, Revision, and Final Product. It could be as a proof that this material could be applied to the seventh grade students. In revision, the researcher still had to revise the product to be easier also smaller bytes so that this product could be used for the seventh grade students of SMP N 5 Metro. After having revision, the final product has been ready to be applied. In conclusion, learning material for speaking skill based on ADDIE could be applied to the seventh grade students. Keywords: English Learning Materials, Speaking, ADDIE

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