scholarly journals Pengembangan Aktualisasi Diri Peserta Didik Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Lulusan di Pondok Pesantren Al-Iman Putra Ponorogo

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 317
Nurhadi Nurhadi

Abstract: This study aims to explain the program of self-actualization development of learners in improving the quality of graduates in al-Iman Male Boarding School Ponorogo. The approach used in this study was a qualitative approach and the design was case study. The results concluded: (1) self-actualization development program consists of two forms, namely structured / fixed and temporary programs. Both forms of the program are in terms of fostering the spirit of learning through existing programs, developing the ability to be leaders and improving the ability to interact with human beings. Self-actualization is influenced by internal and external factors. (2) Vision, mission and goals are the motors of self-actualization development program. In achieving the vision, mission and purpose of al-Iman Male Boarding School Ponorogo has some guidelines, including al-Qur'an, panca soul. (3) The implications of the program of self-actualization development of students in improving the quality of graduates are: (a) create various achievements, (b) graduates of al-Iman Male Boarding School obtain good response from various institutions and society, (c) graduates of al-Iman Male Boarding School Ponorogo can be enrolled in various local and international universities.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan program pengembangan aktualisasi diri peserta didik dalam meningkatkan mutu lulusan di Pondok Pesantren al-Iman  Putra Ponorogo. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan: (1) program pengembangan aktualisasi diri terdiri dari dua bentuk yaitu terstruktur/tetap dan temporer. Kedua bentuk program tersebut mencangkup tiga hal yaitu: menumbuhkan semangat belajar kepada peserta didik melalui program-program yang ada, menumbuhkembangkan kemampuan menjadi pemimpin dan menumbuhkan kemampuan berinteraksi sesama manusia. Aktualisasi diri dipengaruhi oleh faktor intern dan ekstern. (2) Visi, misi dan tujuan merupakan penggerak program pengembangan aktualisasi diri. Dalam merealisasikan visi, misi dan tujuan Pondok Pesantren al-Iman   Putra Ponorogo mempunyai beberapa pedoman, diantaranya al-Qur’an, panca jiwa. (3) Implikasi program pengembangan aktualisasi diri peserta didik dalam meningkatkan mutu lulusan yaitu: (a) menghasilkan dengan berbagai macam prestasi, (b) lulusan Pondok Pesantren al-Iman  Putra mendapatkan tanggapan baik dari berbagai lembaga dan masyarakat, (c) lulusan Pondok Pesantren al-Iman  Putra bisa diterima di berbagai perguruan tinggi baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri

2019 ◽  
Onsardi Onsardi

The title of this study is the Strategy of Increasing Consumer Food Loyalty in CurupCity, Rejang Lebong Regency (Case Study in "Henvian" Typical Food Industry). Thisresearch is based on the importance of strategies in increasing business and consumerloyalty to products sold.Strategies to increase business and consumer loyalty can bedone with a SWOT analysis. Place of this research is the "Henvian" shop that sellstypical Rejang lebong food. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative.Informants in this study were people who were considered to know for certain about theHENVIAN Specialty Food Store in Curup City, Rejang Lebong Regency. The dataanalysis technique used in this study is a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a typical Rejang Lebong food business.By using SWOT analysis techniques that consist of strengths (weakness), weaknesses(weakness), opportunities (opportnity) and threats (threath). The results of this studycan be concluded that the internal factors that are the strength of the marketing strategyare the quality of the product that is good at a price affordable to the public andtourists, service that is friendly and responsive to consumer needs, as well astechnological advancements that facilitate the promotion of business. Internal factorsthat are a weakness are often lack of stock, there are some products that do not meet thestandard packaging, the product shelf life is short, employees do not use uniforms.External factors that become opportunities are a fairly high economic community,abundant raw materials while external factors that are a threat are the manycompetitors, an unstable economy, the price of basic needs increases. Based on theresults of the SWOT analysis of internal and external factors, the strategy used is toimprove product quality by improving the appearance of packaging and quality ofcontent and quality of service by providing uniforms to employees and providingstandards of service to consumers. .Keywords: Strategy, Consumer Loyalty, SWOT

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Aisyah Nur Amalia

In addition to the book base, memorization of the Qur'an is also the main base of various Islamic boarding schools in this archipelago. With techniques and methods that have been widely used, one of the typical traditions of rote evaluation carried out by the An-Nur Ngrukem Islamic boarding school is the memorization ranking test. In practice, the memorize ranking tests have various dynamics experienced by female students. This article explains how the dynamics of female students encounter memorized ranking test related to the study of Quran living at the An-Nur Ngrukem Islamic Boarding School. The case study research that forms the basis of this paper, proves the existence of internal and external factors in the dynamics of female students in the face of memorization ranking tests. Among them, internal factors; puberty, mental readiness, tenacity and memorization, and patience. While external factors; need some tips from dzuriyyah and administrators, the strict requirements and conditions of the test, the increasing number of students at the An-Nur Ngrukem Islamic Boarding School and need to manage the time.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 412
Asep Parantika ◽  
Abu Bakar Isnaen

Education tourism is a program where tourists visit a tourism destination with the main purpose to receive experience in education directly in the tourism object. In those places visitors could do tourism activities and also studying with fun methods. Kandank Jurank Doank is a tourism object that is located in Ciputat – South Tangerang. This tourism object which applies the concept of Education Tourism has become a choice for people of Jakarta city and around for recreation because of its location which is not far from the center of Jakarta city. This research is a descriptive with the support of qualitative data. The technique of data collecting is done through observation, questionnaire interviews, and documentation study. The informants in this research are the management parties of the tourism object Kandank Jurank Doank, in order to gain data which is actual with internal and external condition in Kandank Jurank Doank. Factor Analysis Internal and External is set by the management party of Kandank Jurank Doank through questionnaire technique, and then continued by relative weight calculation of Internal and External Factors with weighing questionnaire for Internal and External Factors. After finding the relative weight of Internal and External Factors, continuing with EFE Matrix and IFE Matrix to determine the total score of EFE and IFE which later will be used to scale the I-E Matrix, and then continued with the SWOT Matrix to determine the strategies of development for the tourism object of Kandank Jurank Doank. And the strategy that is received from the SWOT Matrix is to develop the potencies that are possessed by the company and to keep the existing tourism concept, and also to optimize the management information system in the activities of education tourism in Kandank Jurank Doank, improving service and the quality of Human Resource, in the aspect of comfort and security in order to increase the satisfaction of the consumers, designing education tourism activites that utilize the existing space and facilities, improving the cooperation with government, local people, and also the tourists themselves, and to utilize the use of internet to maximise the promotion program and the information of the tourism object of Kandank Jurank Doank, and also to form cooperations with investors in order to help the development of Kandank Jurank Doank.

LaGeografia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Dian Putri ◽  
Nurhapsa Nurhapsa ◽  
A. Erna Sriwahyuningsih

The purpose of this study was to determine the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors in Mandiri Mushroom’s business and to determine the right strategy for marketing oyster mushrooms in Mandiri Mushroom business. The analysis method used is the SWOT analysis. The result showed that internal and external factors based on weighting and rating obtained scores for the main strength factor in this Mandiri Mushrooms business werw the good quality of oyster mushrooms and the weakness namely the lack of venture capital. Meanwhile, the most supportive opportunity factor for marketing in this business is that it can compete with other oyster mushroom businesses and the threat factor that will be faced is the presence of pests that cause oyster mushrooms to not develop properly. The strategy that should be applied to this Mandiri Mushroom business based on the SWOT matrix is the Strengths-Opportunities (S-O) strategy, which is to try to use its main strengths to maintain the quality of oyster mushrooms so that they get the main opportunity, which is to compete with other oyster mushrooms businesses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-178
Hariman Surya Siregar ◽  
Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor ◽  
Hajrullah Hajrullah

This study aims to describe the learning activities of Islamic Religious Education at the An-Naba Islamic Boarding School for muallaf. This research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive analytic method. Interviews, observation and documentation were applied to collect the data. Data were analyzed using the Milles and Huberman model analysis. The results showed that learning Islam for muallaf has the objectives to improve the quality of learning, create an ideal Muslim personality, foster Muslim morals, Muslim salimah personalities, and Muslims as caliphs. The optimization program for Islamic religious learning consists of a coaching program, an educational program, a development program, and a vocational education development program. The process of organizing Islamic religious learning for muallaf consists of four stages: shahâdah (the process of Islamization); ta'âruf (introduction) and tafâhum (understanding); ibthan (internalization); and muwâfaqah (acceptance). 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 513-525
Muhammad Amin Fathih ◽  
Triyo Supriyatno ◽  
Muhammad Amin Nur

This article aims to analyze: 1) the concept of the visionary leadership of the head of Madin (Madrasah Diniyah) in improving the quality of students (santri) at the Al-Khoirot Islamic boarding school, 2) the process of the relationship between the head of Madin and its members in improving the quality of students at the Al-Khoirot Islamic boarding school, 3) the results of achieving the quality of students carried out by the head of Madin Al-Khoirot. This article uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. The data collection technique is done by interview, observation, and documentation. While the data analysis uses data condensation, display data, and make conclusions. The results showed: 1) The concept of the visionary leadership of the Madin Al-Khoirot head includes: a) the formulation of the vision based on the provisions of Madin graduates. b) make changes and innovations that advance. c) conduct training and monitoring of Madin teachers. d) build cooperation with pesantren. 2) the process of building good relations is carried out by holding regular meetings with all Madin residents. 3) the results of quality achievement are shown by the success of Madin Al-Khoirot graduates being accepted in foreign Islamic educational institutions.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-44
Leonita Siwiyanti ◽  
Ira Nuryani ◽  
Elnawati Elnawati ◽  
Arizal Eka Putra

This study aims to determine the learning process of Hijaiyah letters, determine the supporting factors and constraints, and to determine the effectiveness of learning Hijaiyah letters of Iqro’ method in Kindergarten Bustanul Athfal 1 Sukabumi for children aged 5-6 years. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research. The results of the process of implementing the data with the Hijaiyah letters of Iqro’ method is carried out in accordance with the curriculum that schedules the Iqro method which is held every three times in one week. Hijaiyah letters of Iqro’ techniques are done privately/ individually and CBSA (active student learning). Supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing the method are occurred as internal and external factors. From observational data and interviews that have been conducted, the method applied in Kindergarten Bustanul Athfal 1 Sukabumi is effective.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-346
Iyam Marhamah ◽  
Yaya Yaya ◽  
Asep Sodiqin

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sistem dakwah Pondok Pesantren At-Tawazun ditinjau melalui sistem terbuka mulai dari tahap input, conversion, output, feedback, hingga environment dalam upaya mengatasi problematika santri yang dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan zaman. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan spesifikasi penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan pondok pesantren At-Tawazun dirasakan cukup besar manfaatnya oleh orang tua maupun masyarakat. Lembaga dakwah dan pendidikan ini telah ikut berkontribusi dalam menanggulangi masalah sosial dan kenakalan remaja yang semakin rumit, sehingga mampu memberikan lulusan santri yang brakhlak, berbudi luhur dan mampu mengamalkan ilmunya di masyarakat. Lebih dari itu, kehadiran pondok pesantren At-Tawazun diharapkan dapat mengatasi akulturasi budaya yang menyimpang di era sekarang ini. Sehingga semangat generasi muda kita dapat disalurkan terhadak hal-hal positif, untuk kemajuan Agama dan Negara. This paper aims to describe the da’wah system of At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School through an open system starting from the input, conversion, output, feedback, and environment stages in an effort to overcome the problems of santri that are influenced by the times. This research uses case study method with qualitative approach and field research specification (field research). The results of this study indicate that the existence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding Scool was felt to be of considerable benefit by parent and community. This da’wah and education institution has contributed to tackling social problems and juvenile delinquency that are increasingly complicated, so as to be able to provide graduates who are morally, virtous and able to practice their knowledge in the community, moreover, the presence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School is expected to overcome the deviant cultural acculturation in the present era. So that the spirit of our young generation can be channeled suddenly to positive things, for the advancement of Religion and the state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 954-969

AbstractAccreditation is one of the governments to improve the quality of education. Likewise, to ensure the quality of education at the PAUD and PNF levels, the government held an accreditation program. However, it still has issues that need to be resolved. This study aims to identify and describe the problems of accreditation and quality mapping in the Education Office of Kulonprogo Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach and type of case study research. Based on the results of this research, in mapping the quality of accreditation in PAUD and PNF in Kulonprogo Regency, the first activity carried out was to conduct a quality mapping analysis of each institution. And the results show that the average standard kindergarten, KB, Pos PAUD, LPK and PKBM institutions that must be supervised strictly is the standard of financing. After conducting the analysis, a workshop was conducted with the Dikpora and all PAUD and PNF heads. Keywords: Quality mapping, accreditation, PAUD, PNF.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 2003-2012
O.V. Karpets ◽  
A.V. Sinitsyn ◽  
A.V. Firsova ◽  

This article discusses the problem of choosing the correct and effective organizational structure of enterprise management for its correct functioning. The existing types of organizational structures of enterprise management, which are used in practice today, are analyzed, and their positive, negative sides and the type of enterprises for which they can be used are revealed. Along with this, this article discusses and describes methods for choosing an organizational structure for an enterprise. Also, during the study, internal and external factors were identified that affect the choice of an organizational structure. Based on the analysis, a methodology for choosing the most effective type of organizational structure for enterprises was drawn up. The question of choosing an organizational structure is acute for every manager at the very beginning of the operation of an enterprise, because the quality of performance of functions, both of individual divisions and of the entire enterprise as a whole, directly depends on this. Among many types of organizational structures in this study, the types of organizational structures that are most adaptable to changes in external and internal factors are identified. This study provides methods and tools for selecting the appropriate organizational structure for any enterprise. At the moment, some methods, be it goal structuring or computer modeling, are not widely used, which in turn makes it difficult to choose an effective organizational structure for enterprise management. The choice of an effective organizational structure is an extremely urgent problem today for every entrepreneur, who is interested in the stable economic activity of his or her enterprise.

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