Muhammad Alhada Fuadilah Habib

Abstrak: Munculnya konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat (social empowerment) sebagai akibat dari kegagalan konsep pembangunan (development) yang pernah diterapkan sebelumnya di Indonesia (di masa orde baru) dan juga di negara-negara berkembang Asia lainnya. Konsep “pembangunan” yang dibawa oleh paradigma ekonomi neoklasik ini, begitu mendewakan industrialisasi dan mekanisme trickle down effect (efek rambatan) yang terbukti tidak mampu mensejahterakan masyarakat secara merata. Secara konseptual pemberdayaan masyarakat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah konsep pembangunan ekonomi yang merangkum nilai-nilai sosial. Konsep ini mencerminkan paradigma baru pembangunan, yakni bersifat people centered (berpusat pada manusia), participatory (partisipatif), empowering (memberdayakan), dan sustainable (berkelanjutan). Ekonomi kreatif menjadi salah satu konsep penting dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, sebab cukup banyak program pemberdayaan masyarakat di bidang ekonomi kreatif yang terbukti mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Paper ini membahas sacara teoritis konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat, latar belakang munculnya konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat, teori-teori pemberdayaan masyarakat (teori ABCD (asset based community development) dan teori stakeholders), konsep peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat, konsep ekonomi kreatif, tipologi masyarakat dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat, serta alur pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa). Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Ekonomi Kreatif; BUMDesa; Peningkatan Ekonomi; Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat.   Abstract: The emergence of the concept of community empowerment (social empowerment) as a result of the failure of the concept of development (development) that had been applied before in Indonesia (in the New Order era) and was applied in other Asian developing countries. The concept of "development" brought about by this neoclassical economic paradigm, so deified industrialization and the trickle-down effect mechanism, which has proven to be incapable of equitably prospering society. Conceptually, community empowerment is defined as a concept of economic development that encapsulates social values. This concept reflects the new paradigm of development, which is people-centered (human-centered), participatory (participatory), empowering (empowering), and sustainable (sustainable). The creative economy is one of the important concepts in community economic empowerment because quite a lot of community empowerment programs in the creative economy have succeeded in improving the community's economy. This paper discusses theoretically the concept of community empowerment, the background to the emergence of the concept of community empowerment, theories of community empowerment (ABCD theory (asset-based community development) and stakeholders theory), the concept of community economic improvement, the concept of the creative economy, typology of society in community empowerment, and the flow of community empowerment through the establishment of BUM Desa. Keywords: Community Empowerment; Creative Economy; BUMDesa; Economic Improvement; Community Economic Empowerment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Tusy Agustin Adibroto

ABSTRACTJakarta urban management challenge is increasingly complex due to high population, changing of socio-economic condition, carrying capacity limitation and need to take notice to new paradigm related to mainstreaming of S&T and innovation through Co-regulation of Ministry of Research and Technology and Internal Affairs on Strengthening Regional Innovation System (SIDa). SIDa concept development in Jakarta follows factual condition of R&D institutions absence within Provincial Government Structure due to assumption that various components of SIDa such as best human resources, universities and research activities are already in Jakarta. So, Regional Research Council of Jakarta decided that SIDa strengthening will focus on 2 main issues: a) Interaction which led to collaboration among stakeholders (Academician - Business - Government and Public Society), and b) Learning. The aims is to implement results of studies in selected area of Kebon Sirih that has long been known as homestay location of backpackers which is currently in declining condition. Study conducted using Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method that focuses on finding local potential both non-physical and physical. The result is proposed Revitalization of Kebon Sirih Tourism Area by developing 2 main potentials: 1) Culinary Center, 2) People’s Cultural Center, supported by 3) Environmental Arrangement. Revitalization expected to be carried out by local communities in cooperation with other stakeholders, namely Lurah as Urban Manager, local businesses as CSR funder, academician as implementer of S&T and innovation, to create independent and competitive urban community that produces resilient and smart communities and the occurrence collaboration among stakeholders.Keywords: SIDa concept, Jakarta Resilience, Jakarta Smart City, ABCD methodABSTRAK Tantangan pengelolaan perkotaan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta kian kompleks disebabkan tingginya jumlah penduduk, kondisi sosial-ekonomi yang terus berubah, keterbatasan daya dukung ekosistem serta perlunya memperhatikan paradigma baru terkait pengarusutamaan iptek dan inovasi melalui Perber Menristek dan Mendagri (no.3/2012 dan no.36/2012) tentang Penguatan Sistem Inovasi Daerah (SIDa). Pengembangan konsep SIDa di DKI mengikuti kondisi faktual yaitu tidak adanya kelembagaan Litbang di Pemprov DKI Jakarta dikarenakan anggapan bahwa berbagai komponen SIDa terbaik seperti sumber daya manusia, perguruan tinggi dan berbagai kegiatan riset sudah ada di DKI Jakarta. Untuk itu Dewan Riset Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta memutuskan Penguatan SIDa di Jakarta akan berfokus pada 2 isu utama yaitu a) Interaksi yang berujung kolaborasi antar pemangku kepentingan (Akademisi-Dunia Usaha-Pemerintah Daerah dan Masyarakat Umum), serta b) Pembelajaran. Bertujuan mengimplementasikan hasil kajian pada kawasan terpilih yaitu kelurahan Kebon Sirih yang telah lama dikenal sebagai lokasi homestay turis backpackers dari mancanegara yang saat ini menurun kondisinya. Kajian dilakukan menggunakan metoda Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) yang berfokus mencari potensi baik non-fisik (SDM) maupun fisik. Hasilnya adalah usulan Revitalisasi Kawasan Wisata Kebon Sirih dengan mengembangkan 2 potensi utama: 1) Pengembangan Pusat Kuliner, 2) Pengembangan Pagelaran Budaya Rakyat, yang didukung 3) Penataan Lingkungan. Revitalisasi akan dilaksanakan masyarakat lokal bekerjasama dengan stakeholder lainnya yaitu Lurah selaku Urban Manager, dunia usaha selaku penyandang dana, akademisi dalam rangka penerapan hasil iptek, agar tercipta masyarakat perkotaan yang mandiri dan berdaya-saing yang menghasilkan masyarakat berketahanan dan smart karena menggunakan hasil iptek serta terjadinya kolaborasi antar stakeholder terkait.Kata kunci: konsep SIDa, Jakarta Berketahanan, Jakarta Smart City, metoda ABCD

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 51-70
Sri Widayanti

Poverty and social problems give rise to many different perspectives and analyzes related to the causative factors and their complexity. These differences have an impact on different social interventions conducted by various parties, including among pesantren in Indonesia. Using qualitative method, this study explores the perspectives and analysis of pesantren on poverty and community empowerment in two pesantrens organizing socio-economic empowerment programs for subordinate groups namely Pesantren Al-Imdad in Yogyakarta and Pesantren Maslakul Huda in Central Java. This research results in three types of analysis, i.e. conventional, semi-progressive and progressive. The conventional analysis defines poverty as community’s inability to meet their basic needs, caused by their own mistakes of not having skills and enterpreneurship so that empowerment is viewed as a tool to direct the community in accordance with the pesantren’s decisions of empowerment programs. The semi-progressive analysis defines poverty as a multidimenstional problem, caused by structural and human factors so that empowerment is viewed as a strategy to increase the capacity of community and pesantren. The progressive analysis defines poverty as multidimentional problem, caused by structural factors and community is seen as a victim of unjust system so that empowerment is viewed as pesantren's alignments to subordinate groups by organizing joint forces to fight for the rights and interests of the community.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-51
Annikmah Farida ◽  
Rita Rahmawati ◽  
Habib Shulton Asnawi ◽  
Andika Ari Saputra

ABSTRAKTujuan dari pendanpingan pemberdayaan  masyarakat ini adalah ntuk pemanfaatan dan  mengatasi masalah pencemaran lingkungan limbah air kelapa menjadi olahan yang bermnanfaat dan bernilai ekonomis dalam bentuk nata decoco untuk para anggota Fatayat  NU Kecamatan Metro Utara Kota Metro sehingga air kelapa yang selama ini tidak dimafatkan oleh para pedagang kelapa dipasar-pasar tradisisonal  yang ada di Kecamatan Metro Utara  dan sekitarnya bisa dirmanfaatkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat ini menggunakan pendekatan pendampingan Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). Adapun jumlah peserta yang hadir  20  orang terdiri dari  Pengurus Fatayat NU  Cabang Kota Metro , Pengurus  Fatayat NU  Anak Cabang Kecamatan Metro Utara dan Pengurus  Fatayat NU Ranting  Kecamatan Metro Utara. Hasil dari pemberdayaan ini adalah  memiliki ketrampilan dalam pengolahan limbah air kelapa menjadi suatu olahan yang bermnafaat  dan bernilai ekonomis sehingga penambah pendapatan bagi keluarga.Kata Kunci: Limbah Air Kelapa, Nata Decoco, PelatihanABSTRACTThe purpose of this community empowerment guidance in to utilize overcome the problem of environmental pollution of coconut water waste into useful economical processing in the form of nata decoco for members of Fatayat NU, Metro Utara District, Metro City so that coconut water has not been ignored by coconut traders. In the traditional markets in Metro Utara District and its surroundings, it can be utilized. The method used in community empowerment uses the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) mentoring approach. The number of participants who attended was 20 people consisting of the Fatayat NU Management Branch of the Metro City, the Executive of the Fatayat NU Branch of the North Metro District and the Fatayat NU Management, the North Metro District. The result of this empowerment is having skills in processing coconut water waste into a useful and economical process so that it can increase family income.Keywords: Coconut Water Waste, Nata Decoco, Training

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-93
Syahrullah Syahrullah ◽  
Muhtadi Muhtadi

This study aims to determine the process and results of empowering the community's economy through the creative economy program at the Cipta Boga Multipurpose Cooperative. This research was conducted using a qualitative research approach with a descriptive type of research. The data collection techniques used, namely: observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Observations were carried out thematically about the process of community empowerment in the creative economy. Five informants were interviewed, consisting of the management of the cooperative and three program beneficiaries. The selection of informants is based on the fact that they know and are involved in empowerment activities. The documentation study was conducted by collecting data on the process and empowerment program in the creative economy sector at the cooperative. This study indicates that community economic empowerment through a paper bag training program can improve the welfare of the Kranggan village community. The Seba Usaha Cipta Boga Cooperative carries out the stages of community empowerment, starting from planning, implementation, institutionalization, and monitoring evaluation. The influence of the training program results can be seen from the behavior and economic life of the community. People get additional income, increase knowledge in entrepreneurship and get activities for entrepreneurship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-52
Lisma Dyawati Fuaida

Abstract. This study aims to answer questions about how community empowerment by the Indonesian KUNTUM Foundation occurs through the social entrepreneurship practices of Kampoeng Wisata Bisnis Tegalwaru. This research uses a qualitative approach. The theory used is the theory of social entrepreneurship and the theory of community empowerment. The results of this research are the community around Bogor Tegalwaru Village given entrepreneurship education by directly practicing certain businesses with various methods that have been mutually agreed upon. In the process and results of the social entrepreneurial practices of KWBT social entrepreneurs, there have been 3 (three) types of empowerment, namely: 1) economic empowerment; 2) education empowerment; 3) social empowerment. With community empowerment in Tegalwaru Village by the KUNTUM Indonesia Foundation, the community can carry out its social role well.  Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang bagaimana pemberdayaan masyarakat oleh Yayasan KUNTUM Indonesia terjadi melalui praktik kewirausahaan sosial Kampoeng Wisata Bisnis Tegalwaru.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan yaitu teori kewirausahaan sosial dan teori pemberdayaan masyarakat. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah masayarakat di sekitar Desa Tegalwaru Bogor diberikan pendidikan kewirausahaan dengan cara mempraktikkan langsung bisnis tertentu dengan berbagai metode yang sudah disepakati bersama. Pada proses dan hasil praktik kewirausahaan sosial para wirausahawan sosial KWBT telah terjadi 3 (tiga) jenis pemberdayaan yaitu: 1) pemberdayaan ekonomi; 2) pemberdayaan pendidikan; 3) pemberdayaan sosial. Dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat di Desa Tegalwaru oleh Yayasan KUNTUM Indonesia, masyarakat dapat menjalankan peranan sosialnya dengan baik. 

Tri Mardiana ◽  
A.Y.N. Warsiki ◽  
Sucahyo Heriningsih

This community empowerment aims to explore the natural potential of the village of Wukirsari, Sleman Regency, as well as develop the villages creative economy through ecoprint training, as a vehicle for the villages creative economy based on leaf potential. The training method using various references and empowering the community to make ecoprints was followed by 15 mothers who were representatives of the joint business group. The results of this community empowerment produce village potential namely leaves, and training approaches by studying the conditions and rural life of, with, and by village communities. The concept of the ecoprint training approach emphasizes community involvement in all activities. The community is involved in the planners and implementers of the ecoprint training program and not just as an audience in ecoprint making training. The results of the ecoprint training are expected to increase the creative economy that has the potential to be developed by villagers, as a form of participation in building village businesses, and to be able to provide welfare for the residents of their village

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-190
Teguh Ansori

This study aimed to create a creative economy carried out by Youth, NTC (Ngrayun Tourism Creative) namely the management of nature as a tourist place. The method used Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, where in Selur Village, Ngrayun Sub-district has beautiful natural scenery to be used as a tourist attraction, the tourist attractions were managed by youth and the people who were the members of NTC (Ngrayun Tourism Creative). The results of this study were creating employment opportunities for youth of NTC (Ngrayun Tourism Creative) who were referred in the creative economy through using of nature as a tourist place, so as to reduce unemployment in Selur Village. There were several activities in reducing unemployment, namely as the provider of parking lots, selling various food, such as Tempeh typical of Ngrayun, Klobot coffee typical of Temon Village and so on. There were several tourist attractions that were managed by NTC (Ngrayun Tourism Creative) including Watu Semaur, Siman Simak, Sunggah Waterfall, Dragon Fruit Garden, Sweets, and many more. With the existence of these activities, in the other than as creative economy, it also provided an active role for village youth in social activities. Creative economics which were generated by NTC (Ngrayun Tourism Creative) such as Janggelan Juice, Tempeh Ngrayun and Klobot Coffee.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 88-98
Subiyantoro Subiyantoro ◽  
Siti Zubaidah ◽  
Taufiq Ahmad Syauqi

Education is still not answer the expectations of the people, they always questioned the relevance of education by a variety of community needs in the dynamics of economic, social, political, legal and cultural. A new paradigm of education changes to quality (quality oriented) is one of the strategies to achieve educational excellence in meeting the demands and needs of the community. Therefore necessary institutional strengthening capacity (Capacity Building) of the Madrasah. Community empowerment-based creative economy programme through the madrasah were necessary.  One of the selected empowerment utilizing waste products worth selling. On the other side of the creative economy approach is thew into madrasah quality improvement effort in answering the needs of the community in the era of economic globalization. This research aims to improve the quality of economic empowerment through creative schools that work together with the community. The subject of this research is MTs. N. 5 Kulon Progo, located in the village and brought in, (environmental mountain tourism Suroloyo), Ma'arif myocardial infarction and Pagerharjo village (pagerharjo village Government Center neighborhood is located), myocardial infarction and Ngargosari Ma'arif, community mothers dukuh Ngargosari Ngaliyan, Dukuh Trayu Community Ngargosari. The research method used was applying a Research and Development (R&D), with regard to data collection Techniques: observation, indept interview. The strategy of training/mentoring in applying the model of "service learning", with the approach of andragogy. The data analysis used models, Miles and Huberman and Spradley. The results of this study indicate that the training provided to communities and schools to cultivate waste into creative stuff that has value has managed to provide the skills knowledge and abilities are new to them. The subject is able to make a variety of creative stuff from the trash so that gave rise to the idea for the creation of the trash bank as the flagship program in the schools to have better quality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-63
Faizal Pikri ◽  
Muhammad Sar'an ◽  
Abdulah Syafei

Based on the results of the study, the authors obtained several research conclusions as follows: First, through silk business which has been carried out by the Sabilulungan Silk Fabric Company (PKSS) including silkworm cultivation, spinning silk cocoons, weaving silk thread, and utilizing damaged silk cocoons. PKSS has played a minimum role in carrying out 2 (two) forms of community empowerment work programs from the Basyariah side, namely economic empowerment which has implications for economic prosperity for the community and social empowerment that produces social welfare for the surrounding community. The form of the community empowerment work program at the Sabilulungan Silk Fabric Factory, namely economic empowerment with the opening of new jobs and social empowerment with socialization to residents in the business of silkworm cultivation and fabric and silk scarves. Through economic empowerment and social empowerment carried out by the Sabilulungan Silk Fabric Factory, it has at least an impact on economic welfare and social welfare

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-19
R Willya Achmad W ◽  
Siti Anah Kunyanti ◽  
Mujiono Mujiono

Corporate social responsibility is an obligation that must be fulfilled by every company so that it can have a good impact on the community in the surrounding environment, PT Syams Arief Shumun is a subsidiary engaged in the processing of oil palm and natural resource processing in Kampar Regency. This company has 3 community-based CSR programs, first, Economic Empowerment. Second, Environmental Empowerment and Third, Social Empowerment. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and data collection through observation, interviews and literature studies related to CSR and community empowerment, informant determination techniques through purposive sampling and data analysis using data triangulation.

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