scholarly journals Pengaruh Multimedia Interaktif Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Nur Samsiyah ◽  
Agil Fajar

Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Multimedia Interaktif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas IV tema 7. True Eksperimental design adalah metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Faktor yang mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian dikarenakan rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa kelas IV di SDN 01 Ploso pada tema 7. Jumlah siswa kels eksperimen di SDN 01 Ploso berjumlah 17 dan kelas kontrol SDN 02 Ploso berjumlah 17. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan soal tes pilihan ganda berjumlah 20 soal. Untuk pengumpulan data kelas kontrol dilaksanakan di SDN 02 Ploso. Setelah data hasil tes dianalisis menggunakan uji-t diperoleh Thitung 4.317 2.131 Ttabel. Rata-rata nilai kelas eksperimen berjumlah 81.76 sedangkan kelas kontrol berjumlah 66.18. Siswa yang lulus KKM pada kelas eksperimen lebih banyak setelah diterapkan multimedia interaktif sebanyak 16 siswa dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol yang hanya 4 siswa, sehingga penggunaan multimedia interaktif berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar siswa.Abstrak in English:This study aims to determine the effect of interactive multimedia on student achievement in grade IV theme 7. True experimental design is the method used in this study. The factor that encourages researchers to conduct research is due to the low learning achievement of grade IV students at SDN 01 Ploso on theme 7. The number of experimental class students at SDN 01 Ploso is 17 and the control class at SDN 02 Ploso is 17.Data collection techniques are carried out by providing selected test questions. doubles totaling 20 questions. The data collection for the control class was carried out at SDN 02 Ploso. After the data from the test results were analyzed using the t-test, it was obtained that tcount was 4.317 2.131 t table. The average score for the experimental class was 81.76, while the control class was 66.18. There were more students who passed the KKM in the experimental class after implementing interactive multimedia as many as 16 students compared to the control class which only 4 students, so the use of interactive multimedia had an effect on student achievement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Ana Silfiani Rahmawati ◽  
Rahmawati P. Dewi

The purpose of this study was to determine the use of interactive multimedia as a learning medium in improving physics learning achievement. This type of research is an experimental design one group pre-test post-test with a quantitative approach. The population in the study were all students of class X semester 2 of SMK Negeri 2 Ende which consisted of 13 classes in 5 skill programs totaling 421 people and the sample of the research was 26 students of TKJ class XC as many as 26 people. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques in this study are achievement test techniques. Data were analyzed by t test. The results showed that the use of interactive multimedia (MMI) as a learning medium can improve physics learning achievement. This is evidenced by the value of t count ˃ t table or 3.491> 1.708 with the degree of freedom to list the distribution t is dk = N-1 = 26-1 = 25, and the significance level is 0.05.

Kappa Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Fartina Fartina ◽  
Khaerus Syahidi ◽  
Laxmi Zahara ◽  
Zaotul Wardi ◽  

This study aims to determine the differences in student achievement who are taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who are taught using science comic media. This type of research is experimental research. The population in this study is all students of class VII MTs. The State of Selong Model and the sampling was determined by using cluster random sampling technique to select the class and simple random sampling to select the students in that class. The second sampling technique is random sampling by drawing lots, cluster random sampling, namely the class is divided into experimental class I, namely the class that is taught using interactive multimedia drills model (class VII-E) and the experimental class II, namely the class that is taught using comic media. science (class VII-F), each of which consists of 36 students. And simple random sampling, where students are drawn after data collection to reduce the sample to 30 students to facilitate hypothesis testing. The data collection technique used post-test while the data analysis technique to test the hypothesis was the t-test. The results of data analysis using t-test showed that there were differences in student achievement who were taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who were taught using science comic media. This can be seen in the post-test results where t-count > t-table is 2.206 > 2.002. Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there are differences in student achievement who are taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who are taught using science comics

1970 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 84 ◽  
Sumy Dwi Antono

Obesity is a pathological condition with the presence of excessive fat storage than is required for the function of the body. In general, in Indonesia the problem of obesity in children today do not get enough attention from the pediatrician, because they are more preoccupied by the problem of malnutrition. Children with obesity or overweight can lower the level of intelligence, because the activity and creativity of children into decline, and then with excess weight tend to be lazy. The purpose of this study was to determine students' learning achievement in obese and non-obese elementary school in Kediri. The design study is observational analytic with cross sectional design, with research subjects are students in grades 3 SDN SDN Bandar Lor 1,2,3 and 1,2,3 Bandar Kidul obese and non-obese Kediri many as 84 students. The data were analyzed Bivariat to compare student achievement are obese and non-obese by  Using test of independent samples t test. The test results One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test results obtained P; 0.05, the value of P = 0.795 for respondent data are not obese and P = 0.511 for the respondent data obesity. The conclusion is that the data respondents are not obese, and obesity is a normal distribution of data. Based on the results of statistical tests Independent Samples T Test data showed that P value = 0.00> 0.005, so the conclusion is There were significant differences between students' learning achievement obese and non-obese, namely: learning on student achievement obesity was lower (mean = 68, 32) compared to students who are not obese  mean = 77.41 Keywords: learning achievement, obesity

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Lidiana Fitri ◽  
Nofianti ' ◽  
Susilawati '

The research about application of word Square cooperative learning model has been done to improve student’s achievement in colloid matter at 11th SMKN 2 Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research was to know if the application of Word Square cooperative learning model could increase student achievement in colloid matter. Subject of this research were students at XI Kimia 1 class and XI Kimia 2 class in academic year 2011/2012. XI Kimia 1 class was randomly selected as experiment class and XI Kimia 2 class as control class. Research results revealed that application cooperative learning Word Square model was capable to improve student’s achievement in colloid matter. This research pretest-posttest design by using t-test (t arithmetic> t table; 3.49 > 1.67). The application this model capable to increase students achievement in colloid matter about 13.71%.Keywords: cooperative learning, Word Square, colloid and learning achievement

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 354
Eka Trisianawati ◽  
Tomo Djudin ◽  
Yayuk Dwi Stianingsih

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: 1) hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran NHT, 2) perbedaan hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran NHT, dan 3) besar efektivitas model pembelajaran NHT terhadap hasil belajar siswa dikelas X SMAN 1 Sungai Raya. Metode penelitian ialah metode eksperimen (Pre-Experimental Design) dengan One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas X IPA SMAN 1 Sungai Raya yang terdiri dari 5 kelas. Sampel penelitian ini ialah kelas X IPA5 sebagai kelas eksperimen, dengan menggunakan teknik purporsive sampling.  Instrumen untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa menggunakan tes essay. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji rata-rata, uji pair sample t-test, dan effect size.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) terdapat peningkatan skor rata-rata hasil belajar siswa dari 45,0 menjadi 77,8, 2) Dari hasil analisis data menggunakan uji pair sample t-test dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran NHT, dan 3) Nilai Effect Size sebesar 2,2 yang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran NHT pada materi gerak lurus berubah beraturan berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya. This study aims to analyze: 1) student learning outcomes before and after applying the NHT learning model, 2) differences in student learning outcomes before and after applying the NHT learning model, and 3) the effectiveness of NHT learning models on student learning outcomes in class X SMAN 1 Sungai Raya. The research method is the experimental method (Pre-Experimental Design) with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The study population was all students of class X Science at Sungai Raya 1 State High School consisting of 5 classes. The sample of this study is class X IPA5 as an experimental class, using purposive sampling technique. Instrument to measure student learning outcomes using an essay test. Data were analyzed using an average test, pair sample t-test, and effect size. The results show that: 1) there is an increase in the average score of student learning outcomes from 45.0 to 77.8, 2) From the results of data analysis using pair sample t-test can be concluded that there are significant differences in student learning outcomes before and after applying the NHT learning model, 3) Effect Size values of 2.2 which is included in the high category. It was concluded that the application of NHT learning  model affecting the learning outcomes of class X students of  SMAN  1 Sungai Raya, of the subject matter rectilinear motion with constant acceleration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Dyah Saraswati ◽  
Sumarno Sumarno ◽  
Anggun Dwi S.P.

This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of circuit learning model assisted by diorama media for influencing the motivation and learning outcomes of class V on theme 7 at SDN Mangunharjo. This research used Pre-Experimental design, One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population of all class V students in SDN Mangunharjo numbered 35 by using nonprobality sampling techniques with saturated sampling types. The average score of pretest motivation was 60.17 and the posttest average was 80.53. The average value of the pretest of the results of learning outcomes is 57.94 and the posttest averages 84.34. This is evidenced by the results of the motivation t-test where tcount (14.31)> ttable (1.69). Calculation of t-test results of learning where tcount (13.28)> ttable (1.69). This is also supported by N-Gain motivation and learning outcomes that show criteria of moderate to high. The concluded that the circuit learning model assisted by diorama media effectively influences the motivation and learning outcomes of the fifth grade students of Mangunharjo Elementary School Semarang.

Akademika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Sirwan Sirwan ◽  
Kamal Kamal

The purpose of this study was to: (1) knowing the level of practicality e-module based on mobile learning; (2) determine the effectivenes of using system e-module based on mobile learning in skill competency test TKJ.  The research method experimental design one group pre-test and post-test. Data were collected through multiple choice  test given to respondens before being given treatment and after being given treatment, then the data would then be analyzed using tes t. The results of the e-module practicality test throught a questionnaire distributed to students showed that the e-module based on mobile learning practicality used by students, while according to the assessment by the two media experts that e-module based on mobile learning was practical with an average score of 88.9%. Student readiness in UKK has been successfully improved using mobile learning-based e-modules. Increased readiness of students in UKK is in the medium category with a gain score of 0.4%. The T test results indicate that the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05. The mean pre-test value was 78.6456 with Std.Deviation 4.85293. The highest value is 90.00 and the lowest value is Std.Deviation 6.57910. The highest score was 96.67 and the lowest score was 73.33.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-44
Sirajuddin Saleh ◽  
Jufari Jufari ◽  
Muh. Nasrullah

Abstrak: Analisis Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Umum dan Sekolah Menengan Kejuruan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan prestasi belajar mahasiswa lulusan Sekolah Menengah Umum dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dan untuk menganalisis faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat prestasi belajar mahasiswa.. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa pada program studi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif,  jenis ex post facto dengan eksplanasi komparatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini sebanyak 335 mahasiswa. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 167 mahasiswa yang diambil menggunakan metode probability sampling.  Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji F, anava, dan t-Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Prestasi belajar mahasiswa lulusan Sekolah Menengah Umum rata-rata 3,72 dan  lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan rata-rata 3,77; 2) Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan prestasi belajar antara mahasiswa lulusan Sekolah Menengah Umum dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan; 3) Faktor-faktor pendukung prestasi belajar meliputi: motivasi belajar, inteligensi, konsentrasi, tujuan yang ingin dicapai, rajin kuliah dan mengerjakan tugas, keaktifan dalam perkuliahan, manajemen waktu yang baik, suasana belajar yang kondusif, dan hubungan mahasiswa dengan dosen. Faktor penghambat: malas, jarak tempat tinggal yang jauh, persepsi mahasiswa salah jurusan, jadwal  kuliah sore, dan metode pembelajaran yang monoton. Kata kunci: prestasi belajar; indeks prestasi komulatif; hasil belajar; sekolah menengah umum; sekolah  menengah kejuruan.  Abstract: Analysis of Student Achievement of Graduates of Senior High School and Vocational High School. The research aims to analyze the differences in the learning achievement of students who graduate from Senior High School and Vocational High School and to analyze the factors that support and hinder student achievement. The research subjects are students in the Office Administration Education study program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Makassar State University. This research uses a quantitative approach, ex post facto type with comparative explanation. The population in this study were 335 students. The research sample was 167 students who were taken using probability sampling method. Collecting data using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Hypothesis testing uses the F test, ANOVA, and t-Test. The results showed: 1) The learning achievement of students graduating from Senior High School was 3.72 on average and Vocational High School graduates had an average of 3.77; 2) There is no significant difference in learning achievement between students who graduated from Senior High School and Vocational High School; 3) Supporting factors for learning achievement include: learning motivation, intelligence, concentration, goals to be achieved, diligent in studying and doing assignments, activeness in lectures, good time management, a conducive learning atmosphere, and student relations with lecturers. Inhibiting factors: laziness, distance to live far away, student perceptions of misdirection, afternoon class schedules, and monotonous learning methods. Keywords: learning achievement; grade point average; learning outcomes; senior high schools; vocational high schools.

Ninik Srijani

<p>The purpose of this study was to influence of leadership style on employee performance in institution Bumi Damai Madiun. The sample in this study all existing employees in the institution Bumi Damai Madiun, totaling 34 people. Data collection using questionnaires. In analyzing the data used statistical methods to test the product moment correlation is valid whether or not the instruments used and the method of regression tests for testing the hypothesis put forward in this study. </p>The results showed that leadership style has relationships and a positive influence on the performance of employees at the Institute Bumi Damai Madiun. It is obtained from the correlation test that shows the value of rhitung is rtabel 0.339 0.740 whereas, on the other hand is 0.000 while the magnitude Sighit Sigprob 0.05. This means that the value rhitung ≥ rtabel (0.740 ≥ 0.339) or ≤ Sighit Sigprob (0.000 ≤ 0.05) meaning a rejection of H0 to show that leadership style has a relationship with employee performance on Institute <br /> Bumi Damai Madiun.  Further test results were also obtained Fisher, Fhitung value is 38.843 while the F table at 4.149, on the other hand is 0.000 while the magnitude Sighit Sigprob 0.05. This means that the value Fcount Ftabel ≥ (≥ 38.843 4.149) or ≤ Sighit Sigprob (0.000 ≤ 0.05) meaning a rejection of H0 which indicates that there is the influence of leadership style on the performance of employees at the Institute Bumi Damai Madiun. Besides t test results obtained, is 6.232 whereas tcount ttabel of 2.037, on the other hand is 0.000 while the value Sighit Sigprob 0.05. This means that tcount ≥ TTable (6.232 ≥ 1.694) or ≤ Sighit Sigprob (0.000 ≤ 0.05) meaning a rejection of H0 which shows that there are different leadership style influence on the performance of employees at the Institute Bumi Damai Madiun. R 2 of 0.548 results showed that 54.8% of employees affected by the performance variable leadership style, while the remaining 45.2% is influenced by other factors.

Wiwin Wiranti

<p>This  study aims to determine  tbe Employee   Skills in the Konveksi  Istana  Mode Madiun,  to determine  Employee  Productivity  in the Konveksi  Istana Mode Madiun,  as well as  to  determine   the  presence   or  absence   of  Vocational   Effect   on  Productivity   Among Employees   at the Konveksi  Istana  Mode  Madiun.  The  samples  in this  study  is purposive sampling   technique   that  all  employees   at  the  Konveksi   Istana   Mode   Madiun   part  of convection,   amounting  to 30 people.  Data  collection  using  questionnaires,   documentation and interviews.In    analyzing  the data using statistical  methods  Product  Moment,  To test this hypothesis   using the r test, F test and t test. The results  of the regression  analysis  ofY  = a +bX, the result Y = 11,737 + 0,757X,  to test that rcount  &gt; r liable  (0.784  &gt; 0.361),  or may be rejected  HO means  that there  is a skills  significant  relationship   with  work  productivity   of employee  at the Konveksi  Istana  Mode  Madiun.  Furthermore,   also obtained  results  which indicate that the F test ofF count &gt;F table (44,5752::4.196)  or ::;;Sighit Sigprob  (0,000 ::;;0.05). Thus HO is rejected,  it means  there is an overall  effect of skills on labor productivity   at the Konveksi  Istana  Mode  Madiun.  In addition,  the t-test results  obtained  thit&gt;  ttab  (6.676  &gt; 2.048) or Sig hit &lt; Sig prob (0.000 &lt; 0.025) this situation  can be said to be no different  from the effect of employee  skills on work productivity  of employee  at the Konveksi  Istana Mode Madiun.</p>

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