Kucherenko Lyudmila Ivanovna ◽  
Idnenko Oleksandr Sergeevich ◽  
Khromylova Olga Vladimirovna

Objective: The aim of the work was to determine the validation characteristics for the designed procedure for quantitation of the (S)-2,6- diaminohexanoic acid substance, 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-5-thioacetate, by absorption spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet region.Methods: For study purposes, the substance (S)-2,6-diaminohexanoic acid of 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-5-thioacetate and a standard sample (SS) obtained from the State Enterprise “Chemical Reagents Plant” of the Scientific-Technological Complex “Institute of Single Crystals” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, was used. In the course of our work, we used chemical, physical, physicochemical (absorption spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet region), and statistical methods of analysis. The study was carried out at the Laboratory for Standardization and Technology of Medicines at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Zaporizhia State Medical University (Ukraine).Results: In previous studies, we have developed a technique for spectrophotometric determination of the quantitative composition of (S)-2,6- diaminohexanoic acid of 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-5-thioacetate. The results of the conducted studies showed that the absorption curve in the UV region of the substance solution has a maximum absorption, namely: λ = 238 nm. The results of the quantitation of the substance (S)-2,6-diaminohexanoic acid of 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-5-thioacetate prove that our technique is accurate and reproducible and meets the current requirements. In order for the developed methodology to ensure consistent and accurate analysis results, its validation was carried out. According to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (DFU) (2 editions), the developed method for the quantitation of the substance was checked for such validation characteristics as specificity, linearity, range of use, accuracy, correctness, and robustness.Conclusion: As a result of the work, it was proved that the developed method of the quantitation of the substance (S)-2,6-diaminohexanoic acid of 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-5-thioacetate by spectrophotometric method is valid.

Kucherenko Lyudmila Ivanovna ◽  
Parniuk Natalia Viktorovna ◽  
Khromylova Olga Vladimirovna

 Objective: The aim of the work was to determine the validation characteristics for the developed method of quantitation of 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4- amino-1,2,4-triazole bromide substance by absorption spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet region (UV).Methods: For study purposes, the 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole bromide substance and the standard sample, obtained by the state enterprise “plant of chemical reagents” of scientific and technological complex “institute of single crystals” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, was used. In the course of our work, we used chemical, physical, physicochemical (absorption spectrophotometry in the UV region), and statistical methods of analysis. The study was carried out at the Laboratory for Standardization and Technology of Medicines at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Zaporizhzhia State Medical University (Ukraine).Results: In the previous studies, we have developed a technique for spectrophotometric determination of the quantitative content of 1-(β-phenylethyl)- 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole bromide substance. The results of the studies showed that the absorption curve in the UV region of the substance solution has three absorption maxima, namely: λ1=252 nm, λ2=258 nm, and λ3=263 nm. To quantify the substance, the wavelength λ2=258 nm was used. The results of the quantitation of the 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole bromide substance by spectrophotometric method prove that the technique developed by us is accurate and reproducible and meets the current requirements. To the developed methodology to ensure accurate and accurate analysis results, its validation was carried out. According to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (2 editions), the developed method for quantitation of the substance was checked for such validation characteristics as specificity, linearity, range of application, accuracy, correctness, and robustness.Conclusions: As a result of the work, it was proved that the method of quantitation of 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolе bromide substance by spectrophotometric method is valid.

L. I. Kucherenko ◽  
I. A. Mazur ◽  
R. R. Akopian ◽  
O. O. Portna ◽  
H. I. Tkachenko

Throughout human history, cataracts have been one of the leading causes of blindness. For this disease, we studied the market of drugs of domestic and foreign production. The object of our study was the subgroup S10X Other ophthalmic drugs. Employees of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Zaporizhzhia State Medical University (ZSMU) together with specialists of the NGO “Pharmatron” was synthesized a new compound, which was named Angiolin. A rational dosage form in the form of eye drops was proposed for the new drug. Since the drops continue to be the most common and widely used in practice dosage form. We have previously selected the optimal content of the active substance in eye drops. As is known from the technological parameters, eye drops must be isotonic, ie in their composition should be added excipients. The aim of our work is to select the concentration of excipients for the manufacture of eye drops Angiolin. Materials and methods. During the work at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of ZSMU, three solutions of eye drops Angiolin with different composition were prepared, and later the theoretical osmolarity was calculated. Results. Accurate theoretical calculation of the osmolarity of solutions containing substances with high molecular weight, complex total extracts, and highly concentrated solutions is impossible. Since the excipient was used methylcellulose, it was better to perform such a calculation experimentally, through the determination of osmolality. On the basis of the conducted researches, for correction of osmolarity, we were chosen – sodium chloride. Sodium chloride was selected at a concentration of 7.0 g/l, which creates an osmolality of the drug equal to 234.3 mosmol/kg. The estimated value at the same concentration of sodium chloride was 239.56 mosmol/l. The value of osmolarity of eye drops was calculated from it makes 302,18 mosmol/l that was confirmed the correctness of the chosen concentration of sodium chloride as a part of eye drops. Conclusions. Based on the above, we selected the concentration of excipients for the manufacture of eye drops Angiolin.

В. Д. Паламарчук

У статті представлено результати досліджень, проведених протягом 2014–2016 рр. на дослідному полі кафедри рослинництва, селекції та біоенергетичних культур ДП ДГ «Корделівське» ІК НААН України щодо впливу глибини загортання та розмірів фракції насіння на продуктивність, вміст та вихід крохмалю, орієнтовний вихід біоетанолу у гібридів кукурудзи. Урожайність, вміст крохмалю та вихід біоетанолу із зерна досліджуваних гібридів кукурудзи визначалися групою стиглості, генетичними особливостями та елементами агротехніки, такими як фракція насіння та глибина його загортання. Подовження веґетаційного періоду забезпечувало зростання досліджуваних показників. Продуктивність рослин досліджуваних гібридів кукурудзи в середньому за три роки досліджень склала 9,128 т/га, за посіву насіння на глибину 7 см – 9,093 т/га, 11 см – 8,961 т/га. Застосування неглибокого загортання насіння (4 см) сприяло виходу біоетанолу в межах 3,23–4,11 тис. л/га, застосування середньої глибини загортання (7 см) – 3,21–4,23 тис. л/га, а застосування значної (11 см) глибини загортання – 3,11-4,17 тис. л/га. Використання великої та середньої фракції насіння позитивно впливає на підвищення урожайності, крохмалистості та виходу біоетанолу із зерна в порівнянні із дрібною фракцією насіння. The article presents the results of research conducted during 2014–2016 on the experimental field of the Plant Growing, Selection and Bioenergetic Cultures Department of the State Enterprise «Kordelivs’ka», IC of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the influence of the covering depth and the size of the seed fraction on the productivity, content and output of starch, the approximate output of bioethanol in hybrids of corn. The yield, starch content and bioethanol output from the studied corn grains hybrids were determined by a group of ripeness, genetic features and elements of agrotechnics, such as the seed fraction and the its covering depth. Lengthening of the growing season provided the growth of the studied indicators. The productivity of plants of studied corn hybrids, on average over three years of research, is 9,128 tons/ha, at sowing to a depth of 7 cm – 9,093 tons/ha, and at sowing to a depth of 11 cm – 8,961 tons/ha. The use of non-deep covering of seeds (4 cm) contributed the bioethanol output in the range of 3,23–4,11 thousand liters/ha, the middle (7 cm) – 3,21–4,23  thousand liters/ha and deep (11 cm) – 3,11–4,17 thousand liters/ha. The use of the large and middle fraction of seeds influences positively on the increase in yield, starch and the bioethanol output from grain in comparison with the small fraction of seeds.

Natalia Derevianko ◽  
Dmytro Skoryna

Aim: to develop a modern method to determine related impurities in bromide 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole tablets by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Methods: The development of a method to determine related impurities in bromide 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole tablets involved an already developed method for the determination of 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole impurities in tablets by HPLC. The test solution and the comparison solution were prepared and chromatographed alternately according to the developed methods. At least three chromatograms were obtained for each solution for the purpose of the reliability of the study results. Results: Scientists of the Scientific-Production Association "Farmatron" jointly with the staff of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of Zaporizhzhia State Medical University under the leadership of Professor Mazur I. A. obtained a new original compound – bromide 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole (conditional name "Hypertril"), which exhibits antihypertensive, anti-ischemic and antioxidant properties. It is known that the quality of medicines largely depends on the degree of their purity. Therefore, in accordance with the regulatory documentation and quality control methods of medicines, it is mandatory to carry out tests for impurities. According to the results, the content of impurities of 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole in the tested tablets of bromide 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole is in the range from 0.049 % to 0.195 % which meets the requirements of regulatory documentation. No peaks of unidentified impurities were detected on the chromatograms of the test solution. Conclusion: Therefore, a modern method to determine the related impurity of 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole in tablets of bromide 1-(β-phenylethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazole has been developed. The methodology is reproducible, accurate and meets the requirements of regulatory documentation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 205 (02) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Yuliya Kazutova ◽  
Artur Bal'nikov ◽  
Igor' Gridyushko

Abstract. The need for effective DNA marking of the performance traits of animals is increasing every year, since the use of DNA markers in breeding can increase performance of animals by up to 20 %. This determines the relevance of scientific research in this area. Our paper presents an analysis of the results of genetic testing according to genes-markers for performance traits: MC4R, MYOD1, MYF4, held during 2019-2020. The subject of the research was populations of purebred young pigs of Yorkshire and Landrace breeds bred at the State Enterprise “ZhodinoAgroPlemElita”, Minsk region. DNA analysis was carried out in the laboratory of animal genetics of the State Scientific 1nstitution “1nstitute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”. Zoology engineering and molecular genetic methods (PCR/RFLP) were used. 1t has been determined that the frequency of occurrence of the preferred allele A of the MYF4 gene in the animals tested made 0.126–0.298, A-MC4R – 0.184–0.345, and C-MYOD1 – 1.0–0.532, respectively. A comprehensive system for assessing the breeding value of Yorkshire and Landrace pigs based according to the МС4R, MYOD1, MYF4 marker genes, developed in the course of research, made it possible to identify preferred alleles and find correlation with performance traits, which ensured increase in the average population values: for self-performance – by 2–4 %, for fattening traits – by 2.7–12.5 %, for meat traits – by 2.8–34.4 %. The novelty lies in the fact that in our research we propose a cheaper method for detecting genetic polymorphisms associated with economically useful traits of pigs using the DNA technology of multilocus genotyping in multiplex reactions, in comparison with genomic analysis using chips (matrices) with 50–60 thousand of SNP.

В. О. Компанієць ◽  
А. О. Кулик ◽  
А. В. Кохан

Здійснено економічну оцінку результатів експериментальних досліджень з визначення ефективності застосування різних способів основного обробітку ґрунту в технології вирощування соняшнику в ґрунтово-кліматичних умовах Північного Степу України. Дослідження проводилися на базі Державного підприємства Дослідного господарства «Дніпро» ДУ Інституту зернових культур НААН. За результатами комплексної оцінки сформульовано рекомендації щодо підвищення врожайності та рентабельності виробництва насіння соняшнику на основі застосування найбільш ефективних способів основного обробітку ґрунту. The economic evaluation of results of experimental researches on determination of efficiency of different methods of basic soil tillage in technology of sunflower growing in soil and climatic conditions of northern Steppe of Ukraine was made. The researches were conducted on the basis of the State enterprise of experimental farm «Dnipro» of Institute of cereals cultures NAAS. According to results of comprehensive evaluation we formulated recommendations for improving productivity and profitability of production of sunflower seeds on the basis of the most effective methods of basic tillage.

A. Andrieieva ◽  
Ye. Tiurin ◽  
T. Obukhova ◽  

Мета: Відповідно до сфери діяльності служби радіаційного контролю ДП «38 ВІТЧ» території колишнього уранового виробництва ВО «ПХЗ» необхідно виявити загальні та специфічні особливості несення служби підрозділу та запропонувати розробку універсальної інструкції при здійсненні вихідного дозиметричного контролю на режимній території ВО «ПХЗ». Методика: аналіз дослідження дозволив виявити характерні закономірності впливу природних і антропогенних джерел іонізуючих випромінювання на величину ефективної дози опромінення населення та сучасна концепція радіаційного захисту людини. Результати: встановлені завдання вихідного радіаційного контролю, вихідного радіаційного експрес-контролю, проведення другого рівня радіаційного контролю, оптимізовані права та обов’язки співробітників служби дозиметричного контролю. Розроблений порядок та інструкція проведення вихідного радіаційного контролю вантажів та транспортних засобів. Регламентовані радіаційні параметри, що підлягають контролю. Обґрунтований раціональний перелік обов'язків дозиметриста, щодо переміщення через КПП режимної території. Наукова новизна: підвищення рівня безпеки на території колишнього виробничого об’єднання ВО «ПХЗ», що відображають усі аспекти діяльності служби радіаційного контролю. Практичне значення: При наявності на підприємстві затверджених інструкцій (особливо щодо перетину периметру режимної території), всі ланки (служби) підприємства ДП «38 ВІТЧ» ясно розумують, які обов’язки повинні виконувати, що в свою чергу поліпшує атмосферу в колективі та зменшує вірогідність похибки при вхідному або вихідному радіаційному контролі. Ключові слова: вихідний та вхідний радіаційний контроль, контрольно-пропускний пункт (КПП), дозиметрист, інструкція, вантаж, транспортний засіб, дозові рівні.

O. Bukhanovskaya ◽  
N. Demcheva

Method of calculating the index of crisis of gratification has been developed on the basis of the complete survey of 995 students of medical university and 804 students of engineering university, determination of clinical and social parameters and factors related to the process of education in the specialized university. It included: a scale for the assessment of the degree of intellectual intensity, academic performance, stress situations related to the peculiarities of education. Reliable differences in values between groups of healthy students, students with preclinical and clinical forms of mental disorders are revealed as a result of calculation of the index of gratification. The authors conclude that satisfaction with the results of education has a significant impact on the mental health of university students.

Victoria Ruzhenkova ◽  
Irina Sheremet’eva ◽  
Viktor Ruzhenkov

Stress negatively affects the mental health of students, causes anxiety and depression, leads to poor academic performance, lowers level of professional training and success in the future. The purpose of the research is to study the state of mental health of medical students to develop recommendations for the prevention of maladaptation. Materials and methods. 252 5-year students aged 20–29 (22 ± 1,1) years, 168 (66,7 %) females and 84 (33,3 %) males (137 students of Belgorod State University and 115 of Altay State Medical University (ASMU)) were examined by medico-sociological and psychometric methods. Results. It was established that every fifth student of the Belgorod State University and every third of the ASMU did not enter the medical university on their own initiative. Less than half (43 %) of Belgorod State University students and 30.4 % of the ASMU ones are convinced that the choice of profession was correct, 35 and 37.4 % are, consequently, completely disappointed with it. Students of Belgorod State University dealt with training stress factors poorer and, as a result, have more pronounced mental symptoms of training stress, difficulties in organizing the daily regimen, irregular nutrition, and fear of the future. Regardless of the region of studying, the number of students not committed to the medical profession, after 5 years of study, is more than 3 times higher among those who enter the university not on their own initiative. Students of the ASMU hit substances, skipped classes, played computer games and took sedative drugs more often to overcome academic stress. The degree of anxiety before the exams in students of Belgorod State University was higher (9 points) than in their peers from the State Medical University (7 points). An extremely high (8–10 points) level of anxiety before exams was characteristic of 75,9 and 44,3 % of students, respectively. The former were more likely to experience clinically significant panic attacks: 27,7 and 6,1 %. Conclusion. Given the high incidence of social phobia (19,1–24,1 %), depression (22,6–32,2 %) and anxiety (21,9– 27,8 %) among medical students, the development and implementation of psycho-correctional programs aimed at the formation of adaptive ways to overcome stress, reduce anxiety and depression is required. This will prevent the development of psychosomatic disorders and addictions.

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