scholarly journals Pengaruh Pemberian Sari Buah Markisa Ungu (Passiflora edulis Var. Edulis sims) terhadap Ketebalan Dinding Aorta Tikus (Rattus norvegicus ) Strain Wistar yang Diberi Diet Aterogenik

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Hanif Alamudin Manshur ◽  
Hiya Alfi Rahmah

Coronary heart disease which still become a health problem in the world and included the main causes of death is a clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is an accumulation of cholesterol crystals on arteries wall. Purple passion fruit concentrate (Passiflora edulis var. edulis Sims) contains β-carotene, vitamine C and flavonoids compounds. Those are antioxidants that may inhibit atherosclerosis through hypolipidemic and antioxidative effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of purple passion fruit concentrate (Passiflora edulis var.edulis Sims) to the thickness of aortic wall of rats (Rattus norvegicus wistar strain) that had been given atherogenic diet. This research was experimental, with posttest only control group design. The study was conducted for 60 days using 30 male wistar rats which was divided randomly into 5 groups: K (-) (normal diet), K (+) (atherogenic diet), P1 (atherogenic diet + passion fruit concentrate 17,5 ml/kgBW ), P2 (atherogenic diet + passion fruit concentrate 21,87 ml/kgBW ), and P3 (atherogenic diet + passion fruit juice 26,25 ml /kgBW). Dependent variable was the thickness of the aortic wall, which was measured by using a optical microscope completed with ocular micrometer at a magnification of 400 times. Analysis of data using One Way ANOVA followed by Post Hoc Tuckey. The results showed that administration of the purple passion fruit concentrate (Passiflora edulis var. Edulis Sims) could reduce the thickness of aortic wall of rats (Rattus norvegicus wistar strain) which were exposed to atherogenic diet with an optimal dose was 17.5 ml / kgBW/day (p <0.001). Suggestions of this study was to test the effectiveness of the purple passion fruit concentrate when applied to humans.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
I Made Suka Adnyana ◽  
Iswinarno Doso Saputro

Tujuan: untuk mengetahui dosis efektif enoxaparin dalam mencegah terjadinya trombosis pada anastomosis mikrovaskular. Metode: penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan rancangan the randomized post test only control group design. Terdapat 33 tikus jantan Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain yang dikelompokkan menjadi tiga perlakuan yaitu perlakuan A (enoxaparin 0,75 mg/kg), B (enoxaparin 1  mg/kg), dan C (kontrol). Tuck model anastomosis dilakukan pada arteri femoralis, kemudian luas trombus yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah dibandingkan dengan diameter lumen pembuluh darah diukur dengan graticule lens dan dinyatakan dalam persen. Hasil: trombus terbentuk pada semua subyek penelitian baik pada kelompok perlakuan maupun kontrol. Rerata persentase luas trombus pada kelompok enoxaparin 0,75 mg/kg adalah 24,3%, enoxaparin 1 mg/kg sebesar 19,8% dan kelompok NaCl 0,9% sebesar 79,4%. Terdapat perbedaan antara perlakuan pemberian enoxaparin dosis 0,75 mg/kg dan 1 mg/kg dengan kontrol, namun tidak ada perbedaan bermakna rerata persentase luas trombus diantara kelompok enoxaparin dosis 0,75 mg/kg dan dosis 1 mg/kg (p=0,624). Perlu dilakukan penelitian secara klinis guna melihat efektivitas enoxaparin dalam meningkatkan patensi anastomosis pada free flap maupun replantasi. Simpulan: pemberian enoxaparin dosis 0,75 mg/kg dan enoxaparin dosis 1 mg/kg secara subkutan efektif mengurangi persentase luas trombus pada anastomosis arteri femoralis tikus. Tidak terdapat perbedaan efektivitas yang bermakna dalam mengurangi persentase luas trombus pada anastomosis arteri femoralis tikus setelah diberikan dosis enoxaparin 0,75 mg/kg dan 1 mg/kg secara subkutan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-44
Kalvin Dersing

AbstractBackground : Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic syndrome in the whole world with an incidence of 1-8%. This disease arises when insufficient insulin is produced or insulin cannot function properly.The ability of coriander juice water extract is expected to reduce blood glucose levels because the action is similar to insulin and can stimulate insulin release. Purpose : Knowing effectiveness coriander extract (Coriandrum sativum L.)to decline blood sugar levels in male white rats (Rattus norvegicus L.) wistar strain induced by alloxan. Method : This is a pure experimental study (true-experiment) using a pre and post test design with control group design using subjects namely white rats (Rattus norvegicus L.) male Wistar strain aged 10-12 weeks with a weight of 150-200 grams. By looking at changes in blood sugar levels during administration of alloxan and administration of coriander extract. Results : There were significant changes in some groups induced alloxan (p <0.05), but the effect of coriander extract was not very significant (p> 0.05). Conclusion : Coriander extract can control blood sugar levels to be stable or normal, but it takes longer and more research.  Keywords : coriander extract, blood sugar levels, alloxan

Biomedika ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Retno Sintowati ◽  
Anindita Putri Handayani ◽  
Riandini Aisyah

Tanaman alpukat (Persea americana Mill) merupakan tanaman tradisional yang memiliki kandungan flavonoid dan tannin yang dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak metanol 70% daun alpukat (Persea americana Mill) terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah.Metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimental laboratorik dengan rancangan penelitian pretest – posttest with control group design. Hewan uji yang digunakan 25 ekor tikus jantan galur Wistar, umur 2-3 bulan, dan berat badan 150-200 gram yang dibagi dalam 5 kelompok. Kelompok I: kontrol negatif (aquades), kelompok II: kontrol positif (glibenklamid), kelompok III, IV, V : ekstrak metanol 70% daun alpukat dengan dosis berturut-turut adalah sebagbai berikut: 100 mg/ 200 grBB, 150 mg/ 200 grBB, 200 mg/ 200 grBB. Gula darah diukur dengan alat spektrofotometer. Berdasarkan hasil uji ANOVA, data penurunan kadar gula darah hari ke-7 pemberian ekstrak nilai probabilitas signifikan p = 0, 000 dengan demikian p < 0, 05 maka terdapat perbedaan penurunan kadar gula darah yang bermakna. Berdasarkan uji LSD dari semua kelompok didapatkan nilai p < 0,05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan penurunan kadar gula darah yang signifikan antara2 kelompok. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak metanol 70% daun alpukat (Persea americana Mill) dosis 200 mg/200; 100 mg/200 and 150 mg/ 200 gram/berat badan dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah pada mencit jantan galur wistarKata Kunci : Ekstrak metanol 70%, Alpukat (Persea americana Mill), gula darah, diabetes mellitus.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Siti M. N. Huda ◽  
A A G P Wiraguna ◽  
Wimpie Pangkahila

Abstract: Ultraviolet B (UVB) ray may cause hyperpigmentation of the skin due to increased melanin level. Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) is a plant traditionally used to brighten the skin and can give satisfactory result due to its natural tyrosinase and antioxidant activities. This study was aimed to prove that cream of passion fruit extract could prevent the increase of skin melanin in UVB-exposed guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). This was an experimental study using a completely randomized posttest only control group design. Subjects were 30 brown guinea pigs, male, adult (6-8 months old), body weight of 250-300 g, divided into 3 groups as follow: 1) P0, the negative control group, exposed to ultraviolet B and applied with cream based substance; P1, the positive control group, exposed to ultraviolet B and applied with 4% hydroquinone cream; and P2, the treatment group, exposed to ultraviolet B and applied 75% passion fruit extract cream. The results showed that the average amount of melanin in the P0 group was 17.52±4.72%, whereas in the P1 group was 1.25±0.45%, and in the P2 group was 1.79±0.78% (P <0.001). The LSD test showed that the P0 group had the highest amount of melanin (P <0.01) meanwhile the P1 group had the similar result with the P2 group (P >0.05). Conclusion: Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) extract crream could prevent increased skin melanin in UVB-exposed guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) and its effectiveness was similar to those of 4% hydroquinone cream.Keywords: passion fruit, melanin, UVB, guinea pigsAbstrak: Paparan sinar ultraviolet B (UVB) mengakibatkan terjadinya kelainan hiperpigmentasi yang ditandai dengan peningkatan jumlah melanin. Markisa (Passiflora edulis) secara tradisional digunakan untuk mencerahkan kulit dan dapat memberikan hasil yang memuaskan karena memiliki aktivitas tirosinase dan antioksidan alamiah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa krim ekstrak markisa dapat mencegah peningkatan jumlah melanin kulit marmut (Cavia porcellus) yang dipapar sinar UVB. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental menggunakan completely randomized posttest only control group design. Subyek ialah 30 ekor marmut jantan, berwarna coklat, dewasa (usia 6-8 bulan), berat badan 250-300 gr, yang dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) kelompok masing-masing berjumlah 10 ekor marmut. Kelompok P0 (kelompok kontrol negatif) diberikan penyinaran ultraviolet B dan bahan dasar krim. Kelompok P1 (kelompok kontrol positif) diberikan penyinaran ultraviolet B dan krim hidrokuinon 4%. Kelompok P2 (kelompok perlakuan) diberikan penyinaran ultraviolet B dan krim ekstrak markisa 75%. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan rerata jumlah melanin pada kelompok P0 ialah 17,52±4,72%; pada kelompok P1 1,25±0,45%, sedangkan pada kelompok P2 1,79±0,78%. Uji LSD menunjukkan bahwa kelompok P0 memiliki jumlah melanin yang paling tinggi (P <0,01), sedangkan kelompok P1 memiliki jumlah melanin yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok P2 (P >0,05). Simpulan: Krim ekstrak markisa (Passiflora edulis) dapat mencegah peningkatan jumlah melanin kulit marmut (Cavia porcellus) yang dipapar sinar UVB dengan efektifitas yang tidak berbeda dengan krim hidrokuinon 4%.Kata kunci: markisa, melanin, UVB, marmut

Molekul ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Fitranto Arjadi ◽  
Nur Signa Aini Gumilas ◽  
Ika Murti Harini ◽  
Vitasari Indriani ◽  
Lantip Rujito

Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk) is an original Indonesian herb which is known to have an aphrodisiac effect. The active compounds in Purwoceng potentially have hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects.This study was aimed to analyze the effect of subchronic administration of Purwoceng roots ethanol extract to Wistar Strain of Rattus norvegicus rats. The method of this subchronic toxicity study was an experimental post test only with control group design. Forty male Rattus norvegicus were randomly divided into four groups and get 28-days treatment. Group A as control received aquadest and 1% CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose), group B, C, and D were given Purwoceng roots ethanol extract of 42, 84, and 168 mg/KgBW/day and 1% CMC. Parameters tested were the levels of urea, creatinine, SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase), SGOT(serum oxaloacetic pyruvic transaminase), kidney and hepar histopatology.The results showed a statistically significant for the liver histopathological in group B, creatinine, urea, and kidney histopathology  in group C. Our study concluded that subchronic administration of Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan Molk) roots ethanol extract could induce hepatotoxicity at the 42 mg/KgBW/day dose level and nephrotoxicity at the 84 mg/KgBW/day dose level.

Dafrosia Darmi Manggasa

Atherogenic diet can lead to dyslipidemia condition that trigger increase Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and oxidative stress. The increasing of ROS can activate transcription factor Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta (NF-kβ). Activated NF-kβ induce proinflammatory cytokines that will increase the atherosclerosis progressivity. Watermelon rind had proven to have antioxidant compounds that can inhibit ROS. This study was aimed to prove the effect of watermelon rind extract and simvastatin to decrease the NF-kβ aktivation of Rattus norvegicus with atherogenic diet. This research was using Post Test Only Control Group Design. The samples were divided into five groups: (i) standard diet (K(-)), (ii) atherogenic diet (K(+)), (iii) atherogenic diet + watermelon rind extract 250 mg/kgBW/day, (iv) atherogenic diet + watermelon rind 500 mg/kgBW/day, and (v) the atherogenic diet + simvastatin 0.9 mg/kgBW/day. Atherogenic diet was given for 8 weeks. NF-kβ were measured by immunohistochemistry. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and post hoc test. The results showed a significant decrease mean NF-kβ activation after treatment of watermelon rind extract of 250 mg/kg/day (p =0,000), dose of 500 mg/kg/day (p = 0.000), and simvastatin dose of 0.9 mg/kg/day could reduced NF-kβ significantly (p = 0,000) compared with atherogenic diet group. It concluded that the watermelon rind extract dose 500 mg/kgBW/day was equivalent to simvastatin 0,9 mg/kgBW/day in lowering the NF-kβ activation rats with atherogenic diet.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Devi Yulita

Many alternative contraceptives can be used as needed. The most effective type of contraception is injection contraception because it is relatively safe, effective, simple and inexpensive. Contraceptive users must be selective in choosing contraception because there is no method of contraception that is safe and effective for all acceptors. The side effects of Medroxy Progesterone Acetat injection include bleeding disorders such as amenorrhoea, weight gain, high blood pressure, acne, spotting. Medroxy Progesterone Acetat is a progestin contraceptive regimen that is often used and works long-term. The mechanism of action of Medroxy Progesterone Acetate injection is to inhibit gonadotropin secretion so that it will prevent the maturation of primary follicles in the ovary and also prevent ovulation and cause endometrial depletion.The research design is the post test only control group design. The population in this research  are the white rats species Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain. The samples are taken randomly from all populations that met the following sample criteria: Female rats, Aged 12-14 weeks, having a body weight of 150 - 200 grams.The results showed that Medroxy Progesterone Acetate hormone affects the thickness of the endometrium, and there is a difference in the histological picture of endometrial thickness due to the administration of the Medroxy Progesterone Acetate hormone and without the administration of the Medroxy Progesterone Acetate hormone

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 257-263
Herawaty Ginting ◽  
Aminah Dalimunthe ◽  
Edo Kusda Pratama

Latar belakang: Buah markisah ungu (Passiflora edulis Sims.) banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat sebagai minuman yang segar. Kulit buah markisah berkhasiat sebagai antihipertensi, antimikroba dan antiinflamasi Tujuan penelitian: untuk mengetahui dosis toksik (LD50), sehingga aman untuk digunakan sebagai obat. Metode penelitian: menggunakan mencit sebanyak 25 ekor yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (Na-CMC 0,5%), kelompok perlakuan diberi ekstrak etanol kulit buah markisa ungu (EEKBMU) dengan variasi dosis 500, 1000, 2000 dan 5000 mg/kg bb). Pada akhir pengujian dilakukan pengamatan terhadap gejala toksik, berat badan, kematian hewan, serta pemeriksaan makropatologi dan gambaran histopatologi hati mencit. Hasil penelitian: pemberian EEKBMU (Passiflora edulis Sims.) untuk semua kelompok tidak ada hewan yang mati. Kelompok kontrol, dosis 500 mg/kg bb, 1000 mg/kg bb tidak menunjukkan gejala toksik tetapi pada dosis 2000 mg/kg bb dan 5000 mg/kg bb menunjukkan gejala toksik. Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi organ hati mencit menunjukkan bahwa pemberian EEKBMU dosis 2000 mg/kg bb terjadi nekrosis hemorrhagia pada vena sentral, sedang dosis 5000 mg/kg bb terjadi nekrosis dan hemorrhagia yang meluas. Kesimpulan: EEKBMU dosis 2000 mg/kg bb dan 5000 mg/kg bb sangat toksik dan LD50 tidak dapat ditentukan Background: Purple passion fruit (Passifloraedulis Sims.) is consumed a lot as fresh drinks. The rinds of purple passion fruit can be used as anti-hypertension, anti-microbes, and anti-inflammatory. Research objectives: To determine the toxic dose (LD50) so it could be safe to use as medicine. Research method: The animals used were 25 mice which were divided into 5 groups, the control group (Na-CMC 0.5%), the treatment group given the purple passion fruit rinds ethanol extract with dose of of 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 mg/kb bb. the observations of the signs of toxicity, weights, deaths, and macrophatology and histophatologyexaminations of mice liver were conducted. Findings: The purple passion fruit rinds ethanol extract given to all groups didn’t induce mortality. The control group with the dose of 500 mg/kb bb, 1000 mg/kb bb showed no sign of toxicity obeserved. However, at the dose of 2000 mg/kb bb, and 5000 mg/kb bb were found sign of toxicity. The histophatologyexamination of mice livers indicated that the dose of2000 mg/kb bb caused hemorrhagia necrosis to central vena and the dose of5000 mg/kb bb caused expanded necrosis and hemorrhagia. Conclusion: Thepurple passion fruit rinds ethanol extractat the doses of2000 mg/kb bb and 5000 mg/kb bb were very toxic and the LD50 could not be determined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Sapto Raharjo ◽  
Gustavita Maria Bandong ◽  
Tien Tien ◽  
Andi Noor Kholidha Syarif ◽  
Agus Chahyadi ◽  

Background: Garlic (Allium sativum) has long been used both as a food and traditional medicine. Several studies have shown  potential of garlic (Allium sativum) as an antihypertensive. In previous in vitro study found that dipeptide on garlic extract after hydrolyzed by the enzyme papain have ACE inhibitory activity. Induction of hypertension with 2 Kidney One Clip (2K1C) methodcauses the kidneys lose their physiological functions. A.sativum is expected to ameliorate kidney function. This study aimed to analyze creatinine levels in rat induced by 2K1C. Method: These study was an in vivo study with Pre-Post Test Only Control group Design. Before treatment, 30 subjects induced hypertension by 2K1C method. Treatment was conducted for four weeks. The recent study was conducted on 36 Rattus norvegicus, Wistar strain were divided into 6 groups. Measurement of creatinine was conducted by spectrophotometry method. Result: The results showed that there were significant differences in creatinine levels between groups (p < 0.05) both in the pre-test and post-test. The normal group and hypertension group did not have significant differences in creatinine pre- and post-test levels (p > 0.05). A.sativum 75m/kgBB gave the best decrease in creatinine levels up to 1.75 mg/dL compared to the A.sativum 25mg/kgBB and A.sativum group 50 mg/kgBB. There were significant differences in creatinine levels A.sativum 75 mg/kgBB and captopril (p <0.05). Conclusion: There was significant differences in creatinine levels of hypertensive rats between groups and the most effective dose was 75 mg / kg. Keywords: A.sativum, hypertension, creatinine, 2K1C Latar Belakang: Bawang putih (Allium sativum) telah lama digunakan, baik sebagai bahan masakan maupun sebagai obat tradisional. Beberapa studi menunjukkan potensi bawang putih (A. sativum) sebagai antihipertensi. Pada penelitian sebelumnya secara in vitro ditemukan bahwa dipeptida pada ekstrak bawang putih setelah dihidrolisis dengan enzim papain memiliki aktivitas inhibisi terhadap ACE. Induksi hipertensi 2 Kidney One Clip (2K1C) menyebabkan ginjal kehilangan fungsi fisiologisnya. Pemberian A.sativum  diketahui mampu memperbaiki fungsi ginjal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kadar kreatinin pada tikus yang diinduksi 2K1C. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian in vivo dengan menggunakan rancangan Control Group Time Series Experimental. Parameter dalam penelitian ini adalah tekanan darah. Sebelum perlakuan, subjek diinduksi hipertensi dengan metode 2K1C. Perlakuan dimulai pada minggu ke-enam setelah induksi. Perlakuan berlangsung selama empat minggu. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus, strain Wistar), sebanyak 36 ekor dibagi dalam 6 kelompok: normal/sehat (tidak diinduksi), hipertensi yang diberi kaptopril, hipertensi yang diberi ekstrak A.sativum 25mg/kgBB, hipertensi yang diberi ekstrak A. sativum 50mg/kgBB, hipertensi yang diberi ekstrak A. sativum 75mg/kgBB, dan hipertensi tanpa perlakuan. Pengukuran kreatinin dilakukan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Hasil: Analisis statistik menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kadar kreatinin signifkan pada setiap kelompok (p < 0.05) baik pre-test maupun post-test. Kelompok normal dan hipertensi tidak memiliki perbedaan signifikan pada kadar kreatinin pre dan post-test (p > 0.05). Kelompok A. sativum 75m/kgBB menunjukkan penurunan kadar kreatinin yang sangat signifikan hingga 1.75 mg/dL dibanding kelompok  A. sativum 25mg/kgBB and A. sativum group 50 mg/kgBB. Terdapat perbedaan kadar kreatinin yang signifikan antara kelompok A. sativum 75 mg/kgBB dan captopril (p <0.05). Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan kadar kreatinin yang signifikan antar kelompok dan penurunan kadar kreatinin terbaik yaitu pada dosis  75 mg / kg. Kata Kunci: A.sativum, hipertensi, kreatinin, 2K1C

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-424
Ariyanti Ariyanti ◽  
Eni Masruriati ◽  
Ade Novitasari ◽  
Suzana Wulandari

Weight loss Rattus norvegicus wistar strain can be done by a variety of chemical and traditional medicine. One of the traditional medicines used for weight loss is to use Placuna Placenta chitosan. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal concentration of Placuna Placuna Placenta granules as a weight loss agent for Rattus norvegicus. This study was an experimental study with 5 concentrations of 5%, 7.5% and 10% Placuna Placuna Placenta chitosan observed for 30 days. The positive control used weight loss drugs in the market, while the negative control used granule formulation without the addition of Placuna Placuna Placenta chitosan. The experimental research design posttest only control group design, treatment or intervention in the experimental group by comparing groups. Comparisons or differences were analyzed statistical tests using the ANOVA test. The optimal concentration of chitosan granule formulation of Placuna Placuna Placenta as a weight loss for Rattus norvegicus wistar strain was 10%.

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