2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Akhyar Rinaldi ◽  
Azharsyah Ibrahim

The objective of this article is to analyze the implementation of after sales service on used photocopy machine in Banda Aceh from an Islamic economic perspective. The analysis is conducted through the exploration of the mechanism of sale and purchase transactions and after-sales service system of the used photocopy machine. Data for this study was gathered through interviews and observations. Due to wide coverage area, the sample for this study was limited to eight units, which consist of four sellers and four buyers. The selection was determined by cluster sampling technique. The gathered data was then analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The findings showed that the implementation of the after sales service on the used photocopy machine in Banda Aceh was indicating to contain fraud such as gharar (uncertainty) element, price manipulation element, and the 'coercion' element causing the unhappiness so that it can harm customers which impact on the loss of the maslahah values in muamalah. In other words, the practice of after-sales service of used copier machines in Banda Aceh not fully comply with Islamic economic principles. =========================================== Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk menganalisis praktik after sales service (layanan purna jual) mesin fotocopy bekas pakai di Kota Banda Aceh dari perspektif ekonomi Islam. Analisis tersebut dilakukan melalui eksplorasi terhadap mekanisme transaksi jual beli dan sistem jasa layanan purna jual mesin fotocopy bekas pakai tersebut. Data untuk penelitian dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Karena wilayah populasi penelitian yang terlalu besar, maka penulis memilih delapan sampel penelitian, yakni empat sampel toko yang menjual mesin fotocopy bekas pakai, dan empat sampel toko yang menjadi konsumen mesin fotocopy bekas pakai. Pemilihan tersebut dilakukan dengan teknik cluster sampling. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa layanan purna jual mesin fotocopy bekas pakai yang dipraktikkan selama ini terindikasi mengandung kecurangan seperti unsur gharar, unsur permainan harga dan unsur ‘pemaksaan’ yang menimbulkan ketidakrelaan sehingga dapat merugikan konsumen yang berdampak pada hilangnya nilai-nilai kemaslahatan dalam bermuamalah. Dengan kata lain, praktik after sales service mesin fotocopy bekas di Banda Aceh tidak begitu sejalan prinsip ekonomi Islam.

Suhaimy Syahrul ◽  
Muhammad Yusran Hadi ◽  
Gamal Achyar

This research was conducted based on the form of fraud and the obscurity of business actors, which, if allowed to continue, will further harm consumers. In fact, consumers have not received maximum service, so consumers are always ignored by the behavior of business actors who commit fraud, just because they want to get a profit. The research objective in this thesis is to find out how to review Islamic economic law on the practice of buying and selling internet data package pulses for traders in Gampong Kopelma, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh. This research uses qualitative research with descriptive analysis method. And data obtained from interviews. The results of this study indicate that in the practice of buying and selling the active period of internet data packages at the Kopelma Village Counter, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh, buyers come directly to the place. In that place the buyer can choose the data package to be used and purchased. Prices and products also vary, depending on the data package and the amount of quota, as well as the active period for how many months. The products sold include Simpati, XL, Axis, Tri, Indosat, Smartfren and other products. After finding the internet data package that you want to use, the buyer begins the transaction. The law of buying and selling internet data pulses by traders in the Kopelma Darussalam area is legal and is in accordance with the terms and conditions of buying and selling. However, there are some sellers who do not convey the correct information, resulting in losses for the buyer such as the active period or the validity period of the package which is shorter than the time that has been delivered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 378-386
Muhammad Razuli ◽  
Sugiarto Sugiarto ◽  
Taufiq Saidi

The housing complex in Banda Aceh City has been built up and spread to the suburbs. The condition of one housing with another housing is different. Each consumer has its own consideration in determining the housing location, type of house built, facilities provided, and the price and manner of ownership of the house. This study aims to identify consumer decision factors in choosing housing locations, and identify dominant consumer decision factors in choosing housing locations in Banda Aceh City. Respondents in this study were residents entering the city of Banda Aceh. The number of samples in this study was set at 150 people. The sampling technique used was proportionate stratified random sampling, which is the determination of samples in proportionally non-homogeneous and stratified populations. The factors evaluated are accessibility factors, completeness of infrastructure and facilities, facilities, environmental conditions, prices and services, and buildings. Data processing used validity test, and reliability test, while data analysis used descriptive analysis and factor analysis of Principle Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed that factors that became consumer decisions in choosing housing locations were accessibility and service factors, infrastructure and facilities, facilities and home ownership, environmental conditions, price and design, road conditions, and price conformity factors. The dominant consumer decision factor in choosing housing locations is accessibility and service factors with a variance of 24.798%. Indicators of accessibility and service factors are proximity to the workplace, proximity to the main road, proximity to the city center, proximity to trade facilities, proximity to educational facilities, proximity to banking service facilities, proximity to government offices, proximity to recreational/entertainment places, proximity to sports venues, proximity to terminals, ease of reaching locations without significant obstacles, prices according to facilities and infrastructure offered, speed of developers receiving complaints, DP fees and ease of DP payments, discounts, and gift bonuses.

Arinal Rahmati ◽  
Deni Mulyadi ◽  
Januddin Januddin

This study aims to determine the causes of low realization of mudharabah financing at Muamalat Indonesia Bank, Banda Aceh Branch. This research is expected to be a framework or model for other Islamic banks that have the same problem. Data for this study are collected through in-depth interviews and documentation studies. This research uses descriptive analysis method and the results of the data obtained are analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show that the minimum factor of realization of mudharabah financing is caused by the bank's difficulty in obtaining the income statement accurately, transparently and routinely. In addition, mudharabah products are very vulnerable to the occurrence of moral hazard from business actors (mudharib) who tend to maximize profits resulting in reduced returns to the bank as shahibul mall. Then other factors are also influenced by the ineffectiveness of the profit-sharing financing model relating to entrepreneurs and the lack of interest in the scheme of profit sharing in business activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Syahril Effendi ◽  
Neni Marlina Br Purba

This study aims to find answers to the performance level of billboard tax collection in Batam City, and its contribution to local tax revenues in Batam City. This research applies descriptive analysis method, where this method is used to provide systematic explanations, actual and accurate statements of facts, and only describe situations or events not to find or explain relationships and test hypotheses. The object of this research is the Batam City Dispenda. The sampling technique used is non probability sampling, namely the technique of determining the sample using certain considerations or in (purposive sampling) using financial statements from 2011 to 2015. The results of the hypothesis test show that simultaneous performance of collection and levy on advertisement tax collection in the Dispenda Batam City has a significant effect on local revenue. While partially the collection performance at the Batam City Dispenda has a significant relationship to local original income, however, advertisement tax collection levies have a significant influence on local revenue in Batam City Dispenda

Elly Rahayu ◽  
Rohminatin Rohminatin ◽  
Wan Mariatul Kifti ◽  
Donni Nasution

This study aims to provide an overview of the importance of increasing creativity and innovation in facing the era of digitalization. STMIK Royal Kisararan as the research location where the population of the research is 120 students in 5th semester whose take IT entrepreneurship courses. Used cluster sampling as the sampling technique and the sample are 60 students. This research is designed as descriptive analysis research. The Techniques Data collection is done by structured interview method where the researcher composes several questions as interview guides. The observation method used is structured and non-participant observation. Structured observations and observed aspects are: Student's abilities to create something new and different (ability to create new and different), Creativity and innovation to solve problems, Student's understanding about business in IT field. While non-participant observation is done by observing through blogs, Instagram and other social media used by students in completing assignments. Interview results supported by observations show that respondents understand the current digital economic era where there have been changes from conventional ways towards modernization with the use of technology. Respondents were also able to identify opportunities and challenges faced in the future and be able to evaluate the competencies that must be possessed to be able to compete in the digital economy era.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 416
Soraya Devy ◽  
Dwi Mekar Suci

The article discusses the procedures of filing a plea to execute verdicts on providing māḍiyah maintenance and the effort to implement the verdicts in Syar’iyyah Court Banda Aceh.  The study was conducted with a qualitative approach and the collected data were analyzed with a descriptive-analysis method based on Islamic law perspective. The result shows that the procedure and the legal effort to file an execution toward the verdict related to māḍiyah maintenance in Syar’iyyah Court are distinguished into two types of divorce, i.e. talak divorce and filed divorce. In talak divorce, the execution of the verdict related to maintenance is conducted during the reading of the talak pledge. In the filed divorce, the ex-wife’s lawsuit related to maintenance which is neglected by the ex-husband is entitled to be legally sued through filing a plea on execution. The phases as follows: (1) the ex-wife files a plea of execution to the court, (2) pay the execution cost, (3) aanmaning (a warning to the defendant), (4) the ex-husband and ex-wife comply with the summons by the court, (5) the court establishes executorial beslag (executing confiscation), (6) the court establishes an execution order, (7) an auction. According to the Islamic perspective, the execution of māḍiyah maintenance can be conducted following the ex-wife’s lawsuit to the court. The execution of māḍiyah maintenance can be performed by the court based on the valid provisions of executing māḍiyah maintenance in Syar’iyah Court upon consideration of benefit and expediency principles.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 260
Adhyatman Prabowo

Gratitude dan psychological well-being merupakan aspek emosi positif yang ada dalam individu. Individu yang memiliki rasa bersyukur karena mampu menyadari bahwa dirinya banyak menerima kebaikan, penghargaan baik dari Tuhan, orang lain dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Sedangkan individu yang memiliki psychological well-being ketika Ia mampu menerima dirinya, membentuk hubungan yang hangat, memiliki kemandirian, mengontrol lingkungan eksternal, memiliki arti dalam hidup serta merealisasikan potensi dirinya secara kontinyu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Gratitude terhadap Psychological well being pada remaja. Penelitian menggunakan desain kuantitatif non eksperimen korelasional dua variabel. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala Ryff’s psychological well-being scale dan  The Gratitude Questionnaires Six Item Form (GQ-6). Analisa data menggunakan metode analisa korelasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara gratitude dan psychological well-being pada remaja (r=0,012, p=0,865). Kata kunci: Gratitude, psychological well-being, remaja. Gratitude and psychological well being is a positive emotional aspect in every individual. People have gratitude on their self because they aware to get something good in every situation, a good appreciation from God and another people. Meanwhile, people who have psychological well being when they have self acceptance, positive relation to other people, have autonomy and mastering environment, have purpose in life and realizing their potential. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of gratitude towards psychological well being in adolescents. The research design used quantitative non-experimental study, correlating 2 variables. The sampling technique using cluster sampling. The data collected by using Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale formed by Caroll D. Ryff (1989) and The Gratitude Questionnaires Six Item Form (GQ-6) be in the form of Likert Scale by McCullough (2002). The data analyzed by correlational analysis method. The result of this study show that there is no correlation between gratitude and psychological well-being in adolescent (r = 0,012; p=0,865). Keywords: Gratitude, psychological well-being, adolescents

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Nur Arifiya Arifiya ◽  
Aliffia Teja Prasasty Teja Prasasty ◽  
Rina Nurhidayati Nurhidayati

Brand image is one of the essential things that must be considered for maintaining the existence of a product. A positive brand image is expected to provide trust and satisfaction’s consumer for the product. It will undoubtedly have an impact on increasing the number of product uses by the customer. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of brand image on product sales volume. The sampling technique in this study was random cluster sampling. Meanwhile, the analysis method used is Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results of the research that have been done show that there is an effect of brand image on sales volume. It can be a material consideration for the company to continue building a brand image to optimize product sales volume.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-42
Aulia Fauziah ◽  
Ahmad Riyadi ◽  
Nurul Hamidah

Service quality based on education to evaluate student satisfaction at MIS Mathlail Khoir. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the quality of educational services on student satisfaction as well as to explain the quality of educational services and student satisfaction. The method used is a quantitative method with descriptive analysis with a population of 405 students and the sampling technique is cluster sampling of 100 students assigned to students in class V and class VI. These instruments are observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The data analysis method was carried out using correlation techniques and simple linear regression with the help of SPSS 26 software. The results showed that the quality of education services and student satisfaction in the school was said to be high with a mean value of X 75.83 while Y was 48.34. And shows that there is a significant influence between the quality of education services on student satisfaction from the regression equation obtained by Y'= 33.889+0.191X showing that there is a positive or unidirectional relationship, based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination of 10.5% while 89.5% is influenced by other variables not examined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-229
Reza Naufal Azzami Teguh Wibowo ◽  
Buyung Kusumawardhana ◽  
Galih Dwipradipta

This research was motivated by the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia and changing the education system from face to face to online. This is coupled with the number of campus activities and online assignments, especially for students of the 2017 PJKR study program at PGRI Semarang University. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical activity of students of the PJKR study program at PGRI Semarang University during the pandemic. This research uses survey research with descriptive analysis method with percentage technique. The sampling technique used is the Simple Random Sampling technique. The results of this study, according to the description of the data and the discussion studied by the researcher, are that the 2017 PJKR PGRI Semarang University students are aware and consider it important to carry out physical sports activities during this pandemic. This is evidenced because on average they do various types of sports, jogging is the most popular choice. Suggestions that can be given are in the form of collaboration between lecturers and students to work together in socializing related to breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19 through the role of student education in their families and the environment around their respective homes or villages.

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