scholarly journals An Analysis on Policy Direction of Community Based Management of Mangorove Ecosystem in Sungai Pisang Bungus Teluk Kabung District in Padang City

Guni Refinda

This research was motivated by lack of understanding and public awareness in the management of mangrove ecosystem. This was due to the community lack of knowledge on how to take advantage of mangroves in coastal and tidal areas. The purpose of this study was to know the community Participation, Strategy of Mangrove Management and to formulate appropriate policies of CBM based mangrove management. This research was a mixed method research or a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. Research findings indicated that the participation of Sungai Pisang Community in managing the mangrove ecosystem had not gone well and the students were nor aware of mangrove management. By using the aspect of Mangrove management such as the aspect of strength, threat. Weaknesses, and opportunities, 9 strategies were formulated, namely: (1) Local rules about Mangrove ecosystem management need to be written, (2) CMB-based Mangrove nurseries program, (3) Performing preventive action by approaching and developing local people awareness of appropriate technology for Mangrove area, which is also called Silvofishery. (4) Giving strict punishment to the people who were destroying mangroves for private purposes, (5) Optimization and rehabilitation of vacant land into a mangrove forest, (6) Returning the local wisdom in managing coastal areas, (7) Following counseling and training on mangrove management, (8) Improving supervision and monitoring, (9) Dividing the duties, functions and responsibilities of stakeholders according to their expertise. Based on those strategies, policy priorities were formulated. They are: are(1) Following the counseling and training on mangrove management, (2) Optimizing and rehabilitatingthe vacant land into a mangrove forest, (3) Increasing supervision and monitoring, (4) returning local wisdom in coastal area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 748 (1) ◽  
pp. 012017
E Wahyuni ◽  
Zulhafandi ◽  
Hendris ◽  

Abstract Mangrove forests are natural resources in coastal areas that have an important role in terms of social, economic and ecological aspects. However, the utilization of the mangrove ecosystem makes it vulnerable to damage. This study aims to determine the level of public knowledge of the economic, ecological benefits and damage that happened to mangrove areas in Tarakan City. The scoring method was used to determine the total score or the total score of the respondents’ answers, which amount to 50 people. that the community’s knowledge of the economic benefits of mangrove forests was categorized as know for the benefits of mangroves as firewood, mangrove areas as a place for settlement, mangroves as a place to get fish and mangrove benefits as aquaculture areas with total scores of 226, 200, 232,230 respectively. However, the level of community knowledge about the benefits of mangroves as a medicinal ingredient obtained a total score of 164, which means the level of community knowledge was in the doubtful category. While the level of community knowledge of the ecological benefits of mangrove forests as coastline guards, sea wave barriers, sea wind protectors, and animal breeding sites were included in the category of “Know” with a total score of 228, 224, 234, 240 respectively, but the level of knowledge The community regarding the benefits of mangroves that can manage household waste was in the “doubtful” category with a total score of 128. The community was aware of the damage to mangrove forest ecosystems caused by garbage, logging / mangroves, expanding aquaculture, settlements and increasing population. with a total score of 234,232, 210,228 and 200 levels of knowledge, respectively, which are included in the “Know” category.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Nurul Azmi

This study aims to determine: 1) The level of society support in the rehabilitation of mangrove forests. 2) Model ofsociety participation in the rehabilitation of mangrove forests. The population in this study was 721 people, a sample was72 people. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling. Data collection using observation techniques, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis using descriptive interpretative. The results showed that the level of knowledge and society support about mangrove forest rehabilitation is good enough. The model of society  participation is that they are directly involved in the rehabilitation of mangrove forest starting from the planning stage, which is to provide aspirations in the form of concepts, ideas. Designing the concept to be implemented. Planting, they participates in the provision of seeds and planting. Establish working groups led by community leaders or chairmen of working groups. Maintenance, participate in mangrove csssare from the re-planting of mangroves that diaman dead and eradicate the pests that attack the mangrove seeds, and finally the Supervision, in this stage  they forbid anyone to remove, cut the mangrove that has been planted. The government also participates in the supervision and make the rule of giving sanctions to those who deliberately destroy the mangrove ecosystem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Endre Szabó ◽  
Katinka Bajkai-Tóth ◽  
Ildikó Rudnák ◽  
Róbert Magda

In the course of the research, we examined the impact of the selection and training system of a Hungarian automotive company on organizational performance, which together ensure the future development of the company. It contributes to the optimization of sales, purchasing and logistics processes, ensures customer satisfaction and the success of the company. In this fast-paced and globalized world, it is essential for companies to be aware that one of the most important factors of production is human resources themselves, whose proper selection and training are a key element in maintaining and developing economic competitiveness. Human resources play the biggest role in the operation of an economic organization. Process quality and process orientation reduce costs, increase profitability, and improve processes to always meet growing requirements. This is the basis of the quality strategy. Therefore, it consistently applies preventive quality assurance methods, learns from failures, eliminates the causes of mistakes without delays and transfers its experience to all areas of the company for preventive action. It is customer-oriented and strives for excellence in all areas, and thus makes it an obligation for everyone to aim for the highest level of customer service. Due to the special peculiarities and characteristics of the labor force, it cannot be compared to any of the production resources. Taking this as a basis, the human resource management used to be more of a functional purpose, while in recent decades human factors have become an essential source of competitiveness. The market operation and performance of an organization depends significantly on how we can select the most suitable workforce. We need to see what the strategic points that determine the role of HR are, and we are also looking for the answer in which direction the needs, expectations and professionalism given by the generational difference move the activities of human resources. The aim of the research is to get an answer to how the employees of one of the leading Hungarian players in the automotive industry perceive the importance of the selection and training of the workforce in maintaining and improving competitiveness. To this end, we used a semi-structured interview, with the help of which we evaluated the current selection and training processes in the light of competitiveness and made suggestions for the improvement and refinement of these processes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-225
Danang Adi Saputro ◽  
Frida Purwanti ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti

ABSTRAK Mangrove merupakan tumbuhan yang hidup di daerah pasang surut sebagai ekosistem interface antara daratan dengan lautan. Ekosistem mangrove di desa Pasar Banggi Kabupaten Rembang merupakan perpaduan antara mangrove alami dan hasil rehabilitasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kondisi mangrove di Desa Pasar Banggi, Rembang dilihat dari  komposisi jenis, kerapatan dan ketebalan mangrove serta menganalisis tingkat kesesuaian wisata mangrove di Desa Pasar Banggi, Rembang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey lapangan yang bersifat eksploratif, dimana  teknis pengumpulan data menggunakan sistematik sampling. Data yang diambil meliputi 5 variabel yaitu: jenis, kerapatan mangrove dan asosiasi biota (hasil pengamatan lapangan dan perbandingan dari penelitian terdahulu), ketebalan (citra Google Earth Oktober 2016), pasang surut (data BMKG Oktober 2016). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 3 stasiun, dimana setiap stasiun terdapat 3 titik sampling. Komposisi jenis mangrove di desa Pasar Banggi terdapat 3 jenis mangrove yaitu Rhizopora stylosa, R. mucronata, dan R. Apiculata, dengan kerapatan mangrove tertinggi yaitu 62 ind/100m2 dan ketebalan mangrove tertinggi sepanjang 139 m. Kondisi hutan mangrove desa Pasar Banggi termasuk dalam kategori sesuai (S2) untuk kegiatan wisata berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Rembang. ABSTRACT Mangroves are plants that grow in a tidal areas an interface ecosystems between terrestrial and marine. Mangrove ecosystem in the Pasar Banggi Village,  Rembang Regency is a combination results of natural mangrove and rehabilitation. The purpose of this study were to determine condition of mangroves in the Pasar Banggi Village, Rembang, seen from the species composition, density and thickness of mangroves and to analyze the suitability level of mangrove tourism in the Pasar Banggi Village, Rembang. The method used in this study was an exploratory survey method, data collected using systematic sampling techniques. Mangrove tourism data collection was carried out of 5 variables, i.e.: type of mangrove, density of mangroves and associations of biota (from observations and comparisons of previous studies), thickness (Google Earth image October 2016), tides (data BMKG October 2016). Sampling was conducted at 3 stations, each station has 3 sampling points. The composition of mangrove species in Pasar Banggi village consists of 3 types of mangroves, namely Rhizopora stylosa, R. mucronata, and R. Apiculata, with the highest density of mangrove 62 ind / 100m2 and the highest thickness of mangrove along 139 m. The condition of mangrove forest in the Pasar Banggi village was included in the appropriate category (S2) for sustainable tourism activities in the Rembang Regency.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Widodo Widodo ◽  
Sumardino Sumardino

Abstract: Awareness, Early Detection Capabilities, And Community Empowerment. This study aims to improve the ability of elderly people in the early detection of degenerative diseases in Posyandu Melati III Tegalrejo, Ceper, Klaten. While the specific purpose of this study was to describe the initial knowledge of early detection of degenerative diseases, describing the changes of knowledge and capacity for early detection of degenerative diseases post-counseling and training. This study used a quasi-experimental research design (queasy-experiment). The data source of this research is a group of elderly Posyandu Bed III Tegalrejo, Ceper, Klaten with the method of selecting a sample is total population. The tools used in this study was a questionnaire to evaluate the cognitive, psychomotor aspects SOP to evaluate and extension materials. Results showed that changes in knowledge and capacity for early detection of the elderly against degenerative diseases in Posyandu Melati III Tegalrejo, Ceper, Klaten. This is evident from the test results of paired t-test with a significance value of 0.000> 0.05. The provision of health education and training early detection of degenerative diseases can increase knowledge of the initial capital to raise public awareness about the importance of early detection capabilities against degenerative diseases so that the quality and degree of health of the elderly can be optimized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-155
Yudhi Chandra Dwiaji ◽  
Niken Sulistyowati

The purpose of this service is to provide training and knowledge to partners in using appropriate technology so that the productivity and efficiency of the Cisoka’s roasted bean craftsmen's activities increases. The method used in this activity is participatory and collaborative methods where partners participate in activities such as socialization and training, operation and maintenance of roasting machines and packaging sealer machines. Abstrak: Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pengetahuan kepada mitra dalam penggunaan TTG agar produktivitas dan efisiensi kegiatan pengrajin kacang sangrai Cisoka meningkat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode parsipatori dan kolaboratif dimana mitra ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan seperti sosialisasi dan pelatihan, pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan mesin sangrai dan mesin sealer kemasan.

Julieta Kartikasari ◽  
Kirana Anugerah Putri ◽  
Radicha Arnanda Putri Indrawati ◽  
Veren Audia Nurmansya ◽  
Wulandari Prima Devi ◽  

IPE  63  Community  Service  Activities  (KKN)  Group  179  Airlangga  University in  Kare Coffee Tourism, Kare Village, Kare District, Madiun City, with the theme of ecotourism which was held on19 January 2021 to 13 February 2021 aimed at developing curry coffee tourism areas, increasing public  awareness of health  and  providing  health  facilities in  accordance with  health  protocols, attracting tourists through promotions on various social media, adding insight into how to utilize coffee processing waste so that it can be of economic value. as well as coffee cultivation techniques and ways to increase coffee production for coffee entrepreneurs and producers in Kare village. As for the design of activities carried out in the form of procurement of complete tourist facilities and procurement of complete protocol facilities that are not yet available in Kare Coffee tours and their availability is needed,  by purchasing  goods online and sending items that have been purchased directly to Kare Village. Promotion of curry coffee tourism, by utilizing existing social media such as Instagram and YouTube by uploading a coffee tour profile video so that it can be known to the wider community and can attract both local and international tourists. The use of coffee waste, by providing education and training to the community in Kare Village, is carried out online as well as uploading  the video  of the seminar results to  YouTube regarding the utilization of coffee waste carried  out  online  and  uploading  the  seminar  results  video  to  YouTube.  And  webinars  on ecotourism,  CHSE protocols, coffee cultivation techniques, and increased coffee production were conducted online on the same day then uploaded the webinar results to Youtube. AbstrakKegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) IPE 63 Kelompok 179 Universitas Airlangga di Wisata Kopi Kare, Desa Kare, Kecamatan Kare, Kota Madiun, dengan tema ekowisata yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19 Januari 2021 hingga 13 Februari 2021 bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kawasan wisata kopi kare, meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan kesehatan dan memberikan fasilitas kesehatan yang  sesuai dengan  protokol kesehatan,  menarik  minat  wisatawan  melalui promosi di berbagai media sosial, menambah wawasan tentang cara memanfaatkan limbah pengolahan kopi agar dapat bernilai  ekonomis.  serta  teknik  budidaya  kopi  dan  cara  meningkatkan  produksi   kopi kepada pengusaha dan produsen kopi di desa Kare. Adapun rancangan kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa pengadaan  kelengkapan  fasilitas  wisata  dan  pengadaan  kelengkapan  fasilitas  protokol  yang sekiranya belum tersedia di wisata Kopi Kare dan dibutuhkan ketersediaannya, dengan cara melakukan  pembelian  barang- barang  secara online dan  mengirimkan  barang  yang  sudah dibeli langsung ke Desa Kare.   Promosi wisata kopi kare, dengan memanfaatkan media sosial yang ada seperti Instagram dan  youtube dengan  mengunggah  video  profil wisata Kopi Kare agar dapat dikenal   masyarakat   luas  serta  dapat   menarik   wisatawan   baik   lokal  maupun   internasional. Pemanfaatan limbah kopi, dengan memberikan edukasi serta pelatihan kepada masyarakat di Desa Kare dilakukan secara daring serta mengupload video hasil seminar ke youtube terkait pemanfaatan limbah  kopi    dilakukan  secara  daring  serta mengupload  video  hasil seminar ke youtube.  Dan webinar mengenai ekowisata, protokol CHSE, teknik budidaya kopi, dan peningkatan produksi kopi yang  dilakukan  secara  daring  pada  hari  yang  sama  kemudian  mengunggah  hasil  webinar  ke Youtube.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Ach. Muhib Zainuri ◽  
Tundung Subali Patma ◽  
Elly Purwanti

The objective of this community services is to design strategy of health tourism which combines economic, social, and ecological values in tourism development at Giliyang Island - subdistrict Dungkek, Sumenep regency. The problem that faced to achieve the objective are the weakness of institutions and human resources. The methodology used in this activity are focus group discussion (FGD) and stakeholder need analysis (SNA) and system approach that develop from questioners and deep interviews with all stakeholders. The result of community services are (1) empowerment tourism  awarness  group of Sora Laksana, (2) practice and training of a appropriate technology, and (3) conservation of mangrove and coast forest. Impact of the activities show that such as preservation, conservation, and tourist satisfaction indicate positive value. Meanwhile impact on local economy and community empowerment have not been shown positive value. These phenomenous happen because the tourism zone still under development. Therefore there is need a strategic strategy to achieve sustainable development of health tourism. ABSTRAKTujuan yang hendak dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk merancang strategi pengembangan wisata kesehatan yang mengombinasikan aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan ekologi dalam pengembangan kepariwisataan di Pulau Giliyang, Kecamatan Dungkek, Kabupaten Sumenep. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, masalah yang nampak adalah lemahnya institusi pariwisata dan sumberdaya manusia. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah melalui diskusi kelompok fokus, analisis kebutuhan seluruh pemangku kepentingan, dan mengembangkan pendekatan sistem melalui wawancara mendalam dengan semua pemangku kepentingan. Hasil  kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah (1) pemberdayaan kelompok sadar wisata - Pokdarwis Sora Laksana, (2) penerapan dan pelatihan teknologi tepat guna, dan (3) konservasi hutan mangrove dan hutan pantai. Dampak kegiatan seperti konservasi, pemeliharaan, dan kenyamanan pengunjung menunjukkan nilai positif. Sedangkan pengaruh terhadap perekonomian lokal dan pemberdayaan masyarakat belum menunjukkan nilai positif. Hal ini terjadi karena zonasi wisata masih baru. Sehingga masih dibutuhkan cara yang strategis untuk mencapai pengembangan pariwisata kesehatan yang berkelanjutan.Kata kunci : wisata kesehatan, daya dukung, tata ruang, wisata berkelanjutan,  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Rini Kartika Dewi ◽  
Srililiani Surbakti ◽  
Faidliyah Nilna Minah ◽  
M. Istnaeny Hudha ◽  
Siswi Astuti

The creative industry is a business activity that focuses on creation and innovation which must always be improved and developed in all regions in Indonesia, because it is rich in culture and natural resources. One example is RT 03 RW 14 Sawojajar Sekarpuro Village, Pakis Subdistrict, which has creative activities, where each resident is required to plant figs and process them. So far, residents still do not know the products that can be produced from tin fruit and the processing stages, all that has been done is making tea bags, but the results obtained are not as expected. The aim of this service is to provide assistance and training for residents of Sawojajar RT 03 RW 14 in processing various foods from fruit and drinks from Tin leaves and transfer of appropriate technology in the process to produce superior products from commercial Tin fruit. The implementation method that will be used is assistance in making products for PKK groups of women who are divided into 5 (five) small groups, mentoring and training for processing into products, assistance in the use of drying equipment, packaging and marketing. From the mentoring and training that has been carried out by the ITN Malang Community Service Team, it has had a significant impact, namely that residents gain knowledge and practice directly the processing of Tin fruit into various processed products and operating equipment in making Tin leaf tea and increasing economic value because residents have produce products and sell them to the public.

Frances Clark ◽  
Louise Ashton ◽  
Noel Kenely ◽  
Sarah Hogan

Purpose The aim of this clinical focus article is to discuss Auditory Verbal UK's (AVUK) training program for prospective listening and spoken language specialist certified auditory verbal (AV) therapists delivered globally via telepractice. Since 2015, AVUK has delivered training via telepractice to 18 countries. Consideration is given to the barriers and challenges of training across geographical and cultural boundaries, including access to technology, cultural and linguistic difference of families and trainees, and the differing global states of audiological practice for early intervention. Some possible solutions are offered. Although there have been calls for international consensus on early intervention, the reality of provision across Europe differs especially in the wake of COVID-19. From a global perspective, audiology and early intervention services differ considerably. Some countries are not up-to-date with the latest hearing technology and do not have access to tuning for cochlear implants or the technology required for families to attend therapy via telepractice. Conclusions With appropriate technology, telepractice is a viable means of providing training in AV therapy. It builds communities across geographical areas, breaking down boundaries and facilitating global collaboration. Although considerable differences remain in both service provision and access to services across different countries, the passion of trainees worldwide and the good will of the AV community in supporting our colleagues give reason for optimism going forward.

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