Assessment of agricultural production placement in the Belgorod region

E. A. Bazovkina

The agro-industrial complex of the Belgorod region is the basis for the development of the region. The location of crop production depends on soil and climatic conditions. The article assesses the location of crop production in the Belgorod region in three natural and climatic zones. Recommendations for prospective placement based on the analysis of production efficiency have been developed.

Б.Т. Базарова ◽  
Б.Қ. Копбулсынова ◽  
Ж.А. Аймешева ◽  
B. Bazarova ◽  
B. Kopbulsynova ◽  

Батыс Қазақстан облысындағы кәсіпорындардың эволюциясы экономикалық дамудың жалпы циклдік сипатына байланысты да, әр түрлі сыртқы және ішкі факторлардың осы салаға әсер етуінен, сондай-ақ даму процесінде сөзсіз ауытқулар салдарынан ауытқуларға ұшырайды. Батыс Қазақстан облысының аймақтық агроөнеркәсіптік кешенін тұрақты дамытудың басымдықтары талдау арқылы анықталуы керек. Зерттеудің мақсаты - Батыс Қазақстан облысының агроөнеркәсіптік кешенінің тиімді және тұрақты дамуын зерттеу болып табылады. Бұл тақырыпты зерттеу кезінде статистикалық-экономикалық әдіс, талдау және синтез қолданылды. Ауылшаруашылық кешенінің жеке аймақ ретінде тұрақты дамуы да, жалпы елдің де дамуы ауылшаруашылық кешенінің тұрақты қалыптасуынсыз мүмкін емес, себебі оның түпкі өнімі қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібі болып табылады, ал оның мақсаты - талаптарына сай халықты сапалы өніммен қамтамасыз ету. Талдау көрсеткендей, ауылшаруашылық өндірісінің қазіргі жағдайы, қолайсыз факторлардың әсерінің күшеюімен сипатталады, ең алдымен табиғи факторлардың өндірісінде, жалпы өсімдік шаруашылығы өнімінің жылдық айырмашылықтарын тудырады, және өз кезегінде мал шаруашылығындағы ауытқуларға әкеледі, сонымен қатар оның әсері өңдеуші салаларда сезіледі, ал бұл өнеркәсіптің шикізаты болып табылады. Зертеу барысында 2015 жылдан бастап Батыс Қазақстан облысының аумағында ауыл шаруашылығы өнімдері өндірісінің күрт төмендегені анықталды, бұл жалпы, сондай-ақ өсімдік шаруашылығы мен мал шаруашылығы салалары бойынша да өндіріс тұрақтылығының төмендеуіне әкелді, және ол бүгінгі күнге дейін жалғасуда. Агроөнеркәсіптік кешеннің шикізат саласындағы өндіріс тұрақтылығының төмендеуі қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібі өнімдерін өндіруде ауытқулардың артуына әкеліп соқтырды, бұның нәтижесінде халыққа азық-түлік өнімдерін ұсынуда тұрақсыздық пайда болды. Батыс Қазақстан облысының АӨК-ін оның салаларының өнімділігі мен кірістілігін арттыруға бағытталған одан әрі дамыту өндірісті жаңғыртуды және қайта жарақтандыруды, оның инфрақұрылымын дамытуды және салалық кластерлерді қалыптастыруды талап етеді. Кілт сөздер: агроөнеркәсіп кешені, тербеліс, аграрлық сектор, өндіріс, халық саны, агротехника, экономика, талдау, өнімдер, өсімдік шаруашылығы. The evolution of enterprise in the West Kazakhstan region is subject to fluctuations due to both the general cyclical nature of economic development and the impact of various external and internal factors on this industry, as also fluctuations unavoidable in the evolution process. The priorities for sustainable evolution of the regional agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region should be identified through analysis. The goal of the research is to study the effective and sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region. Through studies this topic, the statistical-economic method, analysis and synthesis were used. Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of both a particular region and the country as a whole is impossible without the stable functioning of its core - agriculture, the final product of which is used by the processing industry, whose goal is to provide the population with high-quality products in volumes that meet their requirements. Current state of agricultural production, as the analysis shows, is characterized by an increase in the influence of unfavorable factors on production, first of all natural ones, which cause annual differences in the production of gross crop production, which, in turn, convey fluctuations to the livestock industry and, as a result, affects the processing industries. it is the raw material of the industry. In the course of the study, it was found that, since 2015, in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region, there has been a sharp decline in agricultural production, which led to a decrease in the stability of production in general, and in the fields of crop and livestock production, which continues to the present. A decrease in the sustainability of production in the raw materials sector of the agro-industrial complex entailed an increase in fluctuations in the production of products of the processing industry, which ultimately resulted in the emergence of an instability in the supply of food to the population. Further development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region, aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of its industries, requires the modernization and re-equipment of production, the development of its infrastructure and the formation of industry clusters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (3) ◽  
pp. 032061
N Osadchaya ◽  
A Murzin ◽  
R Revunov ◽  
G Plokhotnikova

Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify the main trends in the agro-industrial complex development of the Russian Federation, substantiate the organizational and economic recommendations aimed at stimulating Russian agricultural production and enhancing of this economy sector competitiveness. An extensive corpus of empirical data reflecting the agro-industrial complex development in the Russian Federation in 2016-2020, as well as its place in foreign trade operations of the Russian Federation has been thoroughly studied in frames of this research. Using the tools of statistical data processing (sampling, observation, summary and grouping), the methods of econometric analysis, the dynamics of agro-industrial complex products manufacturing, the rate of the main indicators’ change, the place of agro-industrial complex in export-import operations of the Russian Federation have been revealed, the main indicators have been compared. The geographic conditions diversity of the Russian Federation, combined with a wide range of climatic features, the availability of land and water resources creates favorable conditions for productive agricultural activities. It has been established that large-scale agricultural producers dominate in agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The directions of agro-industrial complex, in particular, crop production and cattle rising, are unevenly developing in the Russian Federation. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which administratively represent the Southern Federal and North Caucasian Federal Districts specialize mainly in the cultivation of grain and oilseeds due to the natural and climatic factors’ action. State authorities of the Russian Federation successfully implement the tools to stimulate agricultural production, in particular: preferential taxation regime, subsidies for lending to the agro-industrial complex economic entities from the state budget, leasing development, etc. The state support mechanism effectiveness can be intensified by using the organizational and economic tools substantiated by the authors.

Yaroslava Demyan ◽  
Greta Molnar ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the functioning of personal peasant farms, the main trends of their development in modern conditions are determined. The development of PPF play an important role for the economy of the state, the socio-cultural development of rural areas, and the life of rural residents. It is these farms that create the foundation for the state's food security, producing more than 40% of agricultural products, supplying a significant share of food products to the population on the domestic market. At the same time, it was investigated that in the Transcarpathian region the role of PPF is increasing due to the peculiarities of the geographical location and relief, natural and climatic conditions, traditions of life and activities of the population, and the like. It has been established that 224.4 thousand PPF operate in the region, which produce more than 90% of agricultural products, and they use land areas in comparison with the worst quality, production activities in them are more labor-intensive and require larger costs. However, the presence of three natural and climatic zones, a favorable climate and other factors create advantages for this particular form of farming in the region. And even despite the fact that now there is a tendency towards a gradual reduction in the number of PPF and their share in agricultural production, in the future they will continue to play an important role both in the region and in Ukraine as a whole, the issue of improving their material and technical support is actualizing, increase in investment volumes and development of their investment potential. Particular attention is paid to considering the prospects for further research, taking into account the processes of decentralization of authority.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 1257-1265
S.M. Kantarbaeva ◽  

The problems of agricultural production management, the prospects for its development in a crisis (the resource one and pandemic), creation of necessary conditions for the effective activity of commodity producers are considered. The results of the main trade relations for the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015-2019 and the priorities of the state internal agricultural policy are analyzed within the framework of the geostrategic goals of developing the market for agricultural products, raw materials and food, as well as creating favorable conditions for the activity of an agricultural producer. Basing on the analysis, the main reasons for the existing production problems in the agro-industrial complex of the republic were revealed: production technical and technological ones, underdeveloped production infrastructure, segmental approach to financing agricultural producers and their associations in the absence of comprehensive measures for the development of the agro-industrial sector, low prestige of labor in agriculture, insufficient investment attractiveness and the significant influence of external factors on the production efficiency. The article provides statistical data showing trends in foreign trade in the context of the main types of agricultural products and partner countries. The role of the Chinese agri-food market on the development of Kazakh agricultural production and the consumer market is shown. The role of the One Belt and One Road initiative in the formation of commodity flows, including transit of goods and the economic effect of developing other fields. The features of agricultural production in the crisis are highlighted, which allow the use of digital tools and other economic measures to activate processes in the agricultural sector. The need for active application of republican sustainable development goals that contribute to solving the problems of hunger, poverty and caring for future generations is indicated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 226-233

Introduction. The agro-industrial complex itself is one of the most promising directions of the structural adjustment of the national economy in the conditions of integration processes and globalization of the economy. An effective strategy formation for the agrarian sector development in Ukraine and business entities in this field requires identification of the existing problems and the search for effective ways of their solution. The purpose of the study is to summarize theoretical and methodical principles, develop methodological and practical recommendations for the strategy formation in the domestic agricultural enterprises’ development in the conditions of economy globalization on the basis of the strengths and weaknesses of agriculture in Ukraine. Results. It is determined that by its industrial potential, the Kherson region may be included in the top ten most industrialized regions of Ukraine. The industry of the region continues to develop in the traditional region centers, namely in the cities of regional importance, while the share of districts in the total regional sales volumes remains insignificant. Agriculture is one of the leading sectors of the regional economy, which has a significant impact on the level and quality of the population life, on the stable operation of industries consuming agricultural products, on the formation of export potential. Emphasizing the key development opportunities and strengths of agricultural production in Ukraine gave the possibility to form a promising strategy for the business entities development, which, in the first place, provides for minimizing the threats of the external environment and overcoming the weaknesses of the internal environment. Kherson region with its favorable climatic conditions and investment potential can increase agricultural production. Conclusions. The results of the SWOT-analysis of agricultural development are a kind of roadmap that conceptually reflects the strategic direction of agrarian enterprises’ development in the medium and long term, both from the development standpoint of the domestic food market and the export-oriented position. Keywords: strategy, concept, development, agricultural production, agrarian enterprises, strengths, economic growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 08013
Guzaliya Klychova ◽  
Alsou Zakirova ◽  
Ilnur Safiullin ◽  
Zufar Zakirov ◽  
Shaukat Khusainov ◽  

The most important prerequisite for achieving the main goal of the country’s agro-industrial complex ensuring its food security and efficient agricultural production is the optimal location of its individual industries and production facilities by territorial units. The urgency of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production in general, and grain production in particular, has increased with Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization. The purpose of the study is to develop scientifically grounded proposals and practical recommendations to improve the efficiency of grain production location in the Republic of Tatarstan. The study’s objectives: to reveal the economic essence of agricultural production location taking into account the main principles and influence of the main factors; to assess the current state of grain crop production location in the region; to develop the directions of grain production development at macroand micro-economic levels. Abstractological, statistical-economic, calculation and balance methods of research were used in the work. In the article the criteria and indexes of level and efficiency of production placement are offered; the condition and tendencies of development of grain crops placement are analyzed; methodical approaches and project decisions on perfection of grain crops placement on the regional level are grounded. The practical significance of the obtained research results lies in the fact that the developed measures contribute to the substantiation of optimal parameters of grain crop production location in the Republic of Tatarstan in the context of its natural and economic zones and municipal administrative districts.

2020 ◽  
Binny Sharma ◽  
Asha Kumari

The increasing world population over few decades has led to increase in demand of food grains or agricultural commodities, thus possessing great impact on food security. Conventional farming approaches has been traditionally practiced but a lot of effort is required to make to enhance agricultural production. With changing climatic conditions plants are vulnerable to several stress factors. In order to combat such conditions, the agricultural systems are needed to be contemporary with advance and recent technologies. Crops after harvest are liable to a lot of changes which ultimately affect quality and quantity of produce, thus reducing economic value. Postharvest losses are decisive factors in reducing loss of produce and agricultural commodities. Thus in order to achieve maximum production, it is therefore essential to reduce postharvest losses and ensures proper management of postharvest products. Postharvest physiology is the science which deals with quantitative and qualitative study of physiology of agricultural products after harvesting. Biotechnological and transgenic approaches are the recent and emerging technologies that possess great impact on agricultural production. Transgenic technology like genome editing, CRISPR/Cas9, TILLING are successfully used in various species to enhance production, possess resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses, enhance shelf life and improve nutritional quality. Transgenic crops or Genetically modified crops (GMO) like tomato, brinjal, soybean, cassava etc are cultivated globally. These techniques therefore are promising means in establishing food security, increasing crop production, reducing postharvest losses, production of secondary metabolites, hormones and plantibodies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-125
Фарит Мухаметгалиев ◽  
Farit Mukhametgaliev ◽  
Фидания Садриева ◽  
Fidaniya Sadrieva

Technical supply of enterprises of agro-industrial complex is one of the important factors of their industrial and economic development. This factor takes place when processing soils, harvesting and selling agricultural products. So, the crop production directly depends on the technical provision of the village with tractors, combines and other agricultural machines, which make it possible to apply and timely fulfill all agronomic requirements. The main reason of deterioration of the material and technical base is the lack of financial means for farms to purchase machinery and equipment, as well as weakened government support, and reduced investment in the development of agriculture. The volume of agricultural production and results of agricultural organizations depend from the timely and full provision of agriculture with material and technical resources, as well as the effectiveness of their use. Optimal formation and rational use of the material and technical base of agriculture has a direct impact on the performance of the entire agro-industrial complex. Effective use of agricultural resources is possible with increasing intensity of agricultural production on the basis of a highly developed material and technical base. At present, agricultural enterprises do not have a complex of machines for mechanizing agricultural production, that corresponds to the achievements of science and technology in this field, and it is very difficult to use the existing outdated material and technical base as the basis for increasing the intensity of agricultural production in modern conditions. In this connection, a particular urgency in modern conditions acquires the ways of technical re-equipment and integrated mechanization of agriculture.

I. F. Yurchenko ◽  

Purpose: to study, analyze and generalize the current state and prospects of IoT technologies in agricultural production, which allow making the right decisions, reducing risks and increasing the profitability of agricultural production based on the use of a unified information field, formed according to the data of all participants in the production process. Methods: as a basic methodological approach, the method of comparative analysis which made it possible to characterize the main approaches to the use of innovative technologies in the agricultural sector of the economy and determine the prospects for the development of unified scientifically grounded information systems integrated into the country's digital economy in agricultural production was used. Results. The analysis of the digitalization state of agricultural production and the Internet of Things market in domestic agriculture has been carried out, which revealed the need for their formation and development in accordance with the requirements of the departmental project “Digital Agriculture”. The main innovative solutions that characterize the concept of smart agriculture are presented, and the possibility of their application is established at the present time. The technical and technological equipment of agricultural production in the development, implementation and use of information technologies is characterized. The examples of innovative solutions, services and digitalization projects of agricultural production processes successfully implemented in the industry are given. The prospects and directions of using the Internet of Things technologies in the crop production system of the domestic agro-industrial complex are shown. The factors restraining the evolution of innovations of digitalization in agricultural production are determined. Conclusions. The planned introduction of IoT technologies will allow to reduce costs and production risks, as well as to increase labor productivity in agriculture in the Russian Federation by 2 times by 2024.

Igor Sachovsky

Agriculture, for many reasons, can be considered one of the most important sectors of the economic complex of Ukraine. Its significance is determined, in our opinion, in particular by the dynamics of growth of agricultural production, which, in turn, depends on many, to some extent, important factors. In particular, how perfect is the state policy on the agro-industrial complex, especially in terms of regulating the pricing of basic agricultural products, to what extent the state policy on agricultural development takes into account the specifics of a region (area), including climatic conditions, the nature of historical production, the age structure of the population, its worldview, etc., that is, ultimately, to what extent the state policy to support agriculture meets the interests of the individual producer. All this is directly reflected in the growth (decrease?) rate of agricultural production, which determines the relevance of the study. The main, most important provisions of the article are: firstly, the statistical information provided in the proposed article on the specifics of agricultural production in Ukraine, its detail in terms of areas in a more generalized form can give a holistic, complete picture of its features in each of the regions of the country, which in some cases took place; secondly, in the direct context of the above, we consider it appropriate to highlight separately that despite all its ambiguity, the advantage of the above statistical material on the peculiarities of agricultural production in Ukraine in 2020 (2019) in absolute terms is that if needed it can significantly expand the range of necessary calculated information, on what, actually, the offered article was based also; thirdly, taking into account the above, however, different, one of the most important features of the proposed article is that the structure of agricultural production was analyzed in terms of production ratios of the main groups of producers of this type, which, as practice shows, were agricultural enterprises and farms of the population, and, emphasizing, in each of the regions of Ukraine; fourthly, perhaps not least, the significance of the analysis of the ratio of production volumes of the main groups of agricultural producers in Ukraine is enhanced by its detailing given their main subspecies, such as crop and livestock, which, in a sense, can be the basis for not only few more global and cognitive conclusions. Regarding the purely conclusions, one of the most important components of the article, we even consider it necessary to consider two of them separately: firstly, agriculture is an integral part of the national economic complex of Ukraine and the efficiency of its functioning can be one of the most important indicators of the level of economic development of the country as a whole; secondly, we believe that the efficiency of agricultural production both in Ukraine as a whole and, in particular, in its individual regions is determined not so much by optimizing the ratio of major groups of producers, which, as practice shows, were agricultural enterprises and households, how perfect the economic mechanism of functioning of each of them in particular.

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