scholarly journals Vestimentary eponyms in contemporary Spanish language

Y. V. Slivchikova

In a consequence of the perpetual changes in the world of fashion, which can be explained by the introduction of new tendencies, materials and designers, the vocabulary that describes clothing enlarges by the internal means of the language and with the help of lexical borrowing. The article considers the characteristic usage of terms-eponyms for clothing description in Spanish language. Eponyms complicate the learning of languages and translation being a result of the worldview reflection of a determinate group of people in a determined period of time. As the study sets out to find out and explain the connotative meanings of vestimentary eponyms and suggest an approach for synonyms choice from their family for the discourse purposes, the toponyms are not taken into consideration, and the study concentrates on the anthroponyms, proper nouns which identify people, because they can adjust special connotative meanings to the terms within cultural linguistics context. The author shows the examples of etymology of originally Spanish and borrowed terms. Their comparison allows to make out the principles for the classification, authenticity and internationality amongst them. This classification divides all the vestimentary terms-eponyms into two main groups (neutral and with connotative meaning). Then it is possible to systematize and explain the meaning of the second group. According to the study international borrowed terms-eponyms look to neutrality, but among other synonyms acquire the meaning of elitism. Not international vestimentary terms-eponyms have a special connotative meaning, which is known amongst native speakers, that is why while teaching or translating more attention should be paid to them.

Сергей Гарагуля ◽  
Sergey Garagulya

The dictionary is built on the principles of cultural linguistics, is a collection of culturally significant place names of great Britain and the USA included in the background knowledge of native speakers of British and American linguistic cultures, and are part of their linguistic picture of the world. It aims to reveal the contents of this toponymic vocabulary. It is addressed to students and postgraduates of philological specialties, teachers of universities and colleges, as well as a wide range of readers interested in English and onomastics

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-31
Iu. P. Murzin

This work is devoted to the study of one of the means of actualization of the precedent situation in the Spanish language on the materials of journalism. It examines the verbs formed from the names with the productive causative suffix values -izar, and also their derivatives – a gerund, indicating the action, and nouns with the suffix -ción, expressing the action and result of action – value motivational framework.These means are derived from the names of countries and regions, where in certain periods of their history there have occurred certain events, which served as the basis for the emergence of new words denoting phenomena and processes, characteristic not only of these countries, but also in other regions of the world.In contrast to the dictionary definitions of the nuclear meaning of these derivatives, their meaning when used as actualizers of the precedent situation is derived from the background, encyclopedic knowledge of the recipient or explicated in the context.Similar processes taking place in different countries may determine the synonymous nature of the respective derivatives. For example, the verbs panamizar and gibraltarizar bear the differential features of the precedent situation «colonization» in the economic and cultural spheres; derivatives vietnamizar, somalización, balcanizar, libanizar in their key value actualize a situation of «hostilities»; balcanizar and polonizar carry the meaning of «fragmentation of the state» and «termination of the existence of the subject».The results of this study can be used in courses on intercultural communication and cultural linguistics.

علاء حسنى المزين (Alaa Hosni)

كان من أهم الآثار الإيجابية للصحوة الإسلامية التى عمت العالم الإسلامى بشكل ملحوظ منذ أوائل السبعينيات فى القرن العشرين زيادة إقبال الشعوب الإسلامية على تعلم اللغة العربية، وبدأ الاهتمام الحقيقى لجامعات العالم الإسلامى بتوفير مساقات متخصصة لهذا الغرض منذ أوائل الثمانينات، وكانت الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا التى أسست سنة 1983 من أنشط الجامعات فى هذا الصدد، وهو نشاط استلفت نظر الباحث إذ وجده يستحق الرصد والتوثيق العلمى، والمراجعة إذا اقتضت الضرورة لا بهدف الإشادة بالتجربة بل رغبة فى الإفادة والاستفادة من قبل المختصين من المهتمين بهذا الميدان الحيوى من ميادين خدمة اللغة العربية بل خدمة الإسلام، وحضارته نظرا للارتباط الوثيق بين اللغة العربية وهذا الدين الحنيف باعتبارها لغة كتابه الخالد، والمعلم الرئيس من معالم الهوية الإسلامية المميزة والصمود الحضارى.*****************************************************One of the most positive effects of the Islamic awakening since the early seventies, in the twentieth century, which spread across the Islamic world in a significant manner, has been the increased Muslims’ interest in learning the Arabic language all over the world. There began a real interest in the universities of the Muslim world for the Arabic language by providing specialized courses for this purpose since the early eighties and  the International Islamic University Malaysia established in 1983 has been the most active university in this regard. And this activity of the university drew the interest of the researcher who found it worthy of investigation and scientific documentation as well as of revision, if necessary, not in order to pay tribute to the experience, but for taking advantage and learning from specialists interested in this vital field of the fields of Arabic language service which is actually service of Islam and its civilization considering the strong connection between Islam and the Arabic language, the language of the Qur’Én , the most distinctive feature of Islamic identity and resilience of Islamic civilization.

Elena Tsvetkova

The article is devoted to the names connected with one of people’s ancient occupations such as cattle breeding. Being an important source of all kinds of data, they are of interest from both linguistic and historicalethnographic points of view. The research is conducted on the material of the appealative and micro-toponymic lexis available in the patois of Kostroma Oblast. The article studies the names of pastures «podskotina» and «poskotina» as well as micro-toponyms formed on their basis. The attention is paid to distribution and features peculiar to the semantics of these words in Russian folk patois. The paper singles out basic meanings of the pasture names under study in Kostroma patois. The author provides examples of their use in live folk speech as well as explanations of their meanings by the dialect native speakers. The study of the pasture names functioning features in folki speech makes it possible to refer their considerable part to micro-toponyms science, within small space, they, being names of single objects, are intermediate between common nouns and proper nouns. The micro-toponyms reflect main features of geographic terms being a ground of their origin. The research of the microtoponyms shows that in the toponymic system of Kostroma Oblast there are names formed due to transition of an appealative to a micro-toponym without any transformations according to the scheme «an appealative + an attribute characterising the called object» and on the basis of case-prepositional construction. The compound names more often are connected with the names of settlements and anthroponyms (usually, with possesive meaning). A pasture name frequently becomes a name of its location and adjacent objects; the name is reserved for the latter ones in case of the pasture disappearance.There are words «podskotina» and «poskotina» as both appealatives and micro-toponyms in the patois of many districts of Kostroma Oblast. The study of these local geographic terms, along with micro-toponyms formed from them, makes it possible to find out their semantics, features of functioning in the patois more precisely and completely and to present the data in different studies.

Nina Maksimchuk

The attention of modern linguistics to the study of verbal representatives of the mental essence (both individual and collective one) of the native speakers involves an appeal to all subsystems of the national language where territorial dialects take a significant part. The analysis of dialect linguistic units possessing linguistic and cultural value is considered as a necessary way for the study of people’s worldview and perception of the world, national mentality as a whole. The ability of stable phrases (phraseological units) to preserve and express a native speaker’s attitude to the world around them is the basis for the use of the analysis of folk phraseology as a way of penetration into a speaker’s spiritual world. Volumetric representation of the external and internal peculiarities of stable phrases allows the author to get their systematization in the form of phraseosemantic field consisting of different kinds singled out in phraseosemantic groups. The article deals with stable phrases of synonymic value recorded in the Dictionary of Smolensk dialects and stable phrases forming a phraseosemantic group. These phrases are analyzed taking into account the semantic structure of the key word, the characteristics of the dependent word, and the method of forming phraseological semantics. On the example of the analysis of phrases with the key word «bit’» and a synonymic series with the semantic dominant «bezdel’nichat’», the article discusses the peculiarities of phraseological nomination in Smolensk dialects and confirms a high level of connotativity and evaluation in the folk phraseology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (11) ◽  
pp. 103-107
Mehriban Zeynal Hajizade ◽  

In modern times, the processes in the world have affected the field of linguistics as well as all other fields.These processes require a diffferent approach to issues related to the use of specific word groups. Over time, language develops and changes occur at all levels. Taking into consideration that the main function of language is a means of communication between people, all changes should be taken into account to make the function more convenient and more suitable. Some of the processes that take place in the language are directly related to the speech process, and ends with getting the gradual normative status of variants in the speech of native speakers. Native speakers use some expressions that gained and didn’t gain status of norms in their speech. They use specific word groups to make their speech more specific and expressive. These word groups are used by some groups of people for special goals. Slangs are new meaningful words used in different social groups. Slangs are presented as non-literary concept. Slangs are various and colorful according to their tones. Key words: slang, morphem, term, communication, society

Muhittin Gümüş

ÖZET. Milletlerin çok eski zamanlardan bugüne kadar yaşayarak edinmiş oldukları tecrübeler, bilgiler, kazanımlar ve değerler o milletin kültürünü oluşturur. Edinilen değerlerin dil aracılığıyla hayat bulması kültürdilbilim alanı çerçevesinde kültür-dil-insan arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeye değer bulmuştur. Herhangi bir varlığın şekline, işlevine, görevine, görüntüsüne her toplumda farklı anlam veya dilsel dünya görüşünü yansıtan adlar verilir. Kültür-dil-insan çerçevesinde dil ve kültür ilişkilerinin belli bir disiplin altında incelenmesi ancak kültürdilbilim yoluyla mümkündür. Dilbilim alanına ait kültürdilbilim çalışmalarında ele alınan dilsel dünya görüşü kavramı her bir dilin dolayısıyla toplumun ya da ortak değerlere sahip toplumlarının oluşturduğu milletlerin dünyayı nasıl algılayıp yansıttığını, çevresindeki varlıkların ve kavramların hangi niteliklerini ayırt ettiğini, insanın duygu ve düşüncelerini, değer yargılarını nasıl betimledikleri incelenmektedir. Bu makalede kültürdilbilim çerçevesinde Türkçede “gibi”, Kırgızcada -DAy eki ve “sıyaktuu”, “öndüü” bağlacıyla yapılan benzetmeler ve deyimler Türkçe ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmekte, böylelikle iki toplum arasındaki dış dünya algısı arasındaki farklılıklar veya benzerlikler tespit edilecektir. Адам баласы алмустактан бери топтогон маалыматы, турмуштан топтогон тажрыйбасы жана баалуулуктары менен улуттук маданиятын түзгөн. Тилдик каражаттар аркылуу чагылдырылган турмуштук тажрыйбалар улуттук маданият чөлкөмүндө маданият-тил-адам баласы деген чөйрөдө изилдөөгө алынат. Сөз, форма, иш аракет, көрүнүштөр ар бир коомдо ар кандай маанини туюндурган лексикалар менен берилген. Маданият-тил-адам баласы аттуу чөйрөдө тилдик жана маданий байланыштар белгилүү бир тартипте изилдениши бир гана маданияттаануу жолу менен ишке ашат. Тил илимине тиешелүү маданияттаануу илиминде каралган тилдик дүйнө тааным түшүнүгү ар бир тилдин, ошол эле учурда орток баалуулуктарга ээ болгон коомдун дүйнөнү кабыл алышы жана аны чагылдырышы, анын чөйрөнү жана түшүнүктөрдү айырмалаган сапаттарын, адамдын ички уйгу-туйгусун жана түшүнүктөрүн кандай сүрөттөгөнүн изилденет. Бул макалада маданияттаанууда Түрк тилиндеги “gibi” Кыргыз тилиндеги –ДАй мүчөсү, сыяктуу жана өндүү жандоочтор менен бе-рилиши, фразеологиялык каражаттар Түрк тили менен салыштырылып, эки тилдин ортосундагы сырткы дүйнө тааным менен болгон айырмасы жана окшоштуктары аныкталат. The experiences, knowledge, achievements and values that have been gained by nations starting from ancient times and up today constitute the culture of that nation. It has become worthy of examining the relationship between culture-language-human within the frameworks of cultural linguistics. Names are attached to any entity in accordance with its shape, function, tasks, and appearance that reflect different meanings in each society or their linguistic worldview. Analyzing language and culture relations within the scope of a certain discipline in the frameworks of culture-language-human is only possible by means of Cultural Linguistics. The concept of linguistic worldview, which is discussed in cultural-linguistics studies in the field of linguistics, deals with studying how each language and therefore the societies or societies with common values perceive the world and reflect it through the language they use, what qualities of entities and concepts surrounding them they distinguish, how they describe feelings and thoughts of a human being and their value judgments. This paper studies analogies and idioms that are formed by means of preposition “gibi” in the Turkish language and “sıyaktuu” with the suffix –Day in the Kyrgyz language, which are examined in the context of comparative cultural linguistics. Thus, the differences and/or similarities between the perception of external world between the two societies are revealed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 315-350
Julia Schirnhofer

Abstract As a phenomenon at the syntax-pragmatics interface, focus marking can cause particular difficulties in adult L2 acquisition and may never be fully acquired, whereas native-like competence can be achieved with formal syntactic properties. The present study examines this so-called Interface Hypothesis by analysing the strategies that monolingual German-speaking learners use to mark information focus in Spanish. Analyses of the test results show that around 97 % of the test subjects prefer to maintain the unmarked constituent order and mark focus in situ, irrespective of their proficiency level. In comparison with Spanish natives (Gabriel 2010, Heidinger 2014), the results show a divergence from the behaviour of native speakers, as the latter use various strategies. This indicates that the German-speaking learners do not make use of the variation of focus marking strategies the Spanish language provides, but rather adhere to in situ focalization, which is also the dominant focus-marking strategy in German. Furthermore, the results of the present study highlight that strategies for marking focus are scarcely taken into account in language teaching classes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 343-355
Oksana Yurisovna Dinislamova

The article deals with phraseological units of the Mansi and Russian languages as lexical means of description of a person’s appearance within the framework of the aesthetic category of “ugliness” in the context of the linguocultural content of national pictures of the world; reflection of people’s ideas about “ugliness” is revealed; the universal and specific parameters of figurativeness of metaphorical expressions in description of “ugliness” are determined; the components of semantics and internal figurative forms that create the national-cultural specificity of the considered phraseological units are described. The purpose of the article is to study phraseological units representing the appearance of a person and being lexical means of representation of aesthetic feelings and aesthetic taste of the Mansi and Russian peoples by describing the aesthetic category of the “ugliness” existing in the minds of native speakers.

Stephen Shiaondo Ajim ◽  
Iorember Margaret N

Nominalization is a linguistic process of deriving nouns from other word classes or linguistic units. Nominalization is evident in many languages of the world. The Tiv language also exhibits nominalization. This paper critically analyses nominalization in Tiv. The objectives of the paper are: to determine the processes through which nominalization takes place in the Tiv language, the extent to which the processes of nominalization are productive in the Tiv language, and the classes of words and linguistic units that are nominalized in Tiv. Data were sourced from the native speakers of Tiv using the researcher – participant technique. The researchers documented the lexical items used during the interaction, determine the basic components of the lexical items and the word classes such lexical items belonged to. The intuitive knowledge of the researchers as the native speakers of the language was harnessed. The secondary data were sourced from the already existing literatures such as textbooks, journals and the internet. The theory adopted in the paper is Hokett’s (1954) structural theory whose models are the Item-and-Process (I.P) and Item-and-Arrangement (I.P). It has been found out that the processes through which nominalization takes in the Tiv language are prefixation, prefixation plus some modifications, tonality and desententialization (sentence deconstruction). These processes are discovered to be very productive in nominalization in Tiv. It has also been found out that verbs roots and adjectives are the classes of words that are nominalized (lexical nominalization) in the Tiv language together with sentences (syntactic nominalization).

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