scholarly journals Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR) Di Puskesmas Padang Laweh

Yuniliza Yuniliza

AbstrackPKPR telah dilakukan di Puskesmas The Paladang Laweh sejak 2009. Program ini dilaksanakan baik di gedung maupun kunjungan ke sekolah, tetapi kunjungan remaja ke PKPR dengan masalah kesehatan remaja di tahun 2016 hanya 15 orang dan masalah remaja yang ditemukan berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan perawatan remaja. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik untuk remaja usia 10-19 tahun, dengan teknik sampel secara acak adalah 39 orang di Puskesmas Padang Laweh pada bulan Juli-September 2017. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar angket dengan mengolah data yang dilakukan dengan teknik komputerisasi dan analisis secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil analisis univariat adalah pengetahuan tinggi 71,8%, sikap negatif 51,3%, motivasi baik 69,2%, peran 61,5% baik dan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan remaja 71,8% (PKPR). Dari uji statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan (nilai p 0,044 dan OR 5,520), sikap (nilai p 0,042 dan OR 6,955), motivasi (nilai p 0,041 dan OR 4,400) dan peran petugas (nilai p 0,010 dan OR 8,000 ) dengan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan perawatan kaum muda. Dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik pada pengetahuan, sikap, motivasi dan peran petugas dengan pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan perawatan remaja. Saran bagi PHK Padang Laweh agar lebih meningkatkan layanan promosi menggunakan berbagai media.Kata kunci: Motivasi, pengetahuan, remaja, sikapAbstrack PKPR have been performed in The Paladang Laweh PHC since 2009. The program is implemented both in the building and visits to schools, but the visits adolescents to PKPR with adolescent health problems in 2016 only 15 people and adolescent  problems  that  were  found  growing.  The  purpose  this  study  to determine  the  related  factors  with  utilization  of    youth  care  health  services .Design research this is a descriptive analytic to teenagers age 10-19 years, with technique the sample by random sampling are 39 people in Padang Laweh PHC at   Juli- September 2017. An instrument used is questionnaire sheets by processing data was undertaken to technique computerized and analysis of in univariat and bivariat use test chi square. The results of the analysis result univariat is 71,8 % high knowledge, 51,3% negative attitude, 69,2 % good motivation, 61,5 % with the role of the good and 71,8 % utilization of  youth care health services (PKPR). From the statistical tests show there is meaningful relationship between knowledge ( p value 0,044 and OR 5,520 ) , attitude    ( p value 0,042 and OR 6,955) , motivation ( p value 0,041 and OR 4,400 ) and role of officers ( p value 0,010 and OR 8,000) with utilization of youth  care  health  service. Can be concluded there are relations meaningful statistically on knowledge, attitude, motivation and the role of officers with utilization of  youth care health services. Advice for Padang Laweh PHC to be more improve promotion services use various media.Keywords       : Motivation, knowledge, teenagers, attitude

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Dewi Puspa Cipta Utami

Introduction: The role of the family is the specific behavior expected by someone in the family member. Anxiety is a fear that is not clear and is not supported by the situation. Objective:  To Know the Relationship of Family Role to the Level of Anxiety in the Elderly in Hamlet 01 Kukusan Beji-Depok Method: The research method uses analytics with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was 288 people with a sample of 81 respondents using the Slovin formula. In the sampling technique using cluster sampling. Results: The results showed that the respondents with a bad family role as many as 41 (50.6%) anxiety levels of the middle aged were 59 (72.8%). The results of statistical tests using the chi-square test indicate that there is a significant or significant relationship between the role of the family and the level of anxiety of the elderly with a value of p-value 0.01. Conclusion: It was concluded that there was a relationship between the role of the family and the level of anxiety of the elderly in the Hamlet 01 Kukusan Beji District Depok City.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-100
Sherly Vermita Warlenda ◽  

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) defines snacks as food which are presented or sold in side of road, in a public area, that has been prepared and cooked before at home or at production place. In this case, from 2001 until 2009, the data showed that Elementary students were poisoning as much 1.101 KLBfood poisoning. In 2011, there were 128 cases of KLB. In 2013, in Riau province, PJAS was out of standard for 52 samples, with 2samples, 1 formalin sample, 1 rhodamin B sample, 21 physics and chemistry samples dan27 microbiology samples. It was really a bad situation. The objective of this research is to find out some related factors to the snacks choices at Sekolah DasarNegeri29 Pekanbaru Tangkerang Selatan Bukit Raya in 2017.This is a quantitative research with analysis survey by using cross sectional design. This research was done on May 2017 with respondents are class I, II, III, IV and V of SDN 29 Pekanbaru Tangkerang Selatan Bukit Raya. The data was collected by giving questionnaire and it was analyzed by using univariate and bivariate chi-square tests, and also it was processed by computer program. The result shows that there is relationship among knowledge (P value 0,002, nilai POR= 2,561), students’ attitude (P value 0,000, nilai POR = 3,291) and teachers’ role (P value 0,003, nilai POR= 3,007) to the food choice practice.Finally, the writer suggests to teachers of SDN 29Pekanbaru and health agency to do counseling program about healthy food. In other words, students’ negative attitude about food can be decreased. Then, teachers’ role in supervising healthy food like healthy canteen should be increased that it can be applied well in SDN 29 Pekanbaru in term of food choice practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-85
Evi Kurniawati ◽  
Nurwijayanti Nurwijayanti ◽  
Agusta Dian Ellina

A person's interest in services is related to the ability of these service providers to provide care. Interest in adolescents to take advantage of adolescent health care services is influenced by several factors, including perceptions, peers and the role of health workers in the service at puskesmas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the interest of teenage return visits at the PKPR (Youth Caring Health Services) Gondang Legi Health Center in Malang Regency. The design of this study was an observational quantitative study with a cross sectional approach with the focus of the research directed to be analyzing perceptions, the role of peers and the role of health workers on the interest of teenage return visits at the PKPR (Youth Care Health Services) Gondang Legi Public Health Center Malang Regency with a population of 167 respondents and a sample of 113 respondents taken by accidental sampling technique. The findings found that the majority of respondents had less categories of perception as many as 57 respondents (50.4%). In addition, the majority of respondents had the role of less peer categories of 45 respondents (51.3%). In addition, most respondents had the role of health workers in the good category of 59 respondents (52.2%). While the majority of respondents had a high interest category of 62 respondents (54.9%). The results of the study using the Logistic Regression Test showed that a p-value of 0,000 <0.05 then H1 was accepted so it was concluded that there was simultaneously the influence of perception, the role of peers and the role of health workers on the interest of teenage returnees in the PKPR (Youth Care Health Services) ) Gondang Legi Health Center in Malang Regency. The perspective of the patient regarding the available health services raises their perceptions. All friends will make an impact on individuals. And the provision of special services to adolescents through special treatment tailored to the desires, tastes and needs of adolescents has not been implemented

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Ni Nyoman Novita ◽  
Gusman Arsyad

Implementation of IMD in hospitals has decreased from the previous year and has not reached the target set by the government. Some IMD implementation processes have not been carried out according to applicable standards. So that babies do not get an IMD in accordance with existing SOPs. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinant factors associated with the implementation of the IMD by midwives in the Midwifery and Maternity Room Emergency Room (IGD) at the Anutapura General Hospital in Palu. This research method is analytical with cross sectional approach. The population of this study was that all midwives in the obstetrics emergency room and maternity room at Anutapura Palu Hospital were 37 respondents. The sample in this study is total sampling. The analysis used was univariate, and bivariate analysis using the chi square test with a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05). The results of statistical tests on variable knowledge of midwives with the implementation of IMD p value: 0.018 (p value <0.05). APN training with the implementation of IMD p value: 0.697 (p value> 0.05). length of work with the implementation of IMD p value: 0.029 (p value <0.05). and peer support with the implementation of IMD p value: 0.007 (p value <0.05). Conclusions there is a relationship between knowledge, length of work, peer support with the implementation of the IMD, and training factors that have nothing to do with IMD implementation. The strongest factor in the relationship is peer support. It is recommended that the Anutarapura Palu Hospital be able to motivate midwives so that they can further enhance their role in the implementation and provide support to their colleagues so that the implementation of the IMD can be carried out in accordance with applicable standards.Keywords: Knowledge, APN Training, Duration of work, Implementation of IMD

Leny Leny

ABSTRACT Prenatal care is health care by health personnel to care the pregnant according to standards. Worlrd Health Organization (WHO) estimates more than 500.000 women die during pregnancy or childbirth. Maternal mortality in Indonesia is 307 per 100,000 live births. The quantity of pregnant women’s visit in Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2009 of 89.1%. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between education and occupation with prenatal care at Puskesmas Mariana  Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2011. This study uses analytic approach survey by Cross Sectional methods, the population are 1.946 pregnant women and the samples as many as 332 people. The results of univariate analysis study of pregnant women who are higher education as much as 45.2%, and  low maternal education as much as 54.8%. In pregnant women who work of 43.4%, and pregnant women who do not work for 56.6%. From the results of bivariate analysis and Chi-Square statistical tests found a significant association between education of pregnant women with prenatal care with P Value = 0.000, and there was a significant association between occupation of pregnant women with prenatal care with P Value = 0.000. Can be concluded that there is a relationship between education and occupation of pregnant women with prenatal care. Expected to health workers to provide counseling on the importance of prenatal care in pregnant women and expected future studies may explore again the factors associated with prenatal care with the different variables.   ABSTRAK Pemeriksaan kehamilan adalah pelayanan kesehatan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk memeriksakan ibu hamil sesuai standar. World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan lebih dari 500.000 ibu pertahunnya meninggal saat hamil atau bersalin. AKI di Indonesia 307 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Jumlah kunjungan ibu hamil di Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun 2009 sebesar 89,1%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pendidikan dan pekerjaan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan di Puskesmas Mariana Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun  2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, populasi ibu hamil dengan jumlah 1.946 orang dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 332 orang. Hasil penelitian Analisa Univariat adalah ibu hamil yang pendidikan tinggi sebanyak 45,2%, dan pendidikan rendah ibu hamil sebanyak 54,8%. Pada variabel pekerjaan ibu hamil yang bekerja sebesar 43,4%, dan ibu hamil yang tidak bekerja sebesar 56,6%. Dari hasil analisa bivariat dan uji statistik Chi-Square  didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara pendidikan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan  P Value = 0,000, dan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pekerjaan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan P Value = 0,000. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pendidikan dan pekerjaan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan. Diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan agar dapat memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan pada ibu hamil dan diharapkan penelitian yang akan datang dapat menggali lagi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan variabel yang berbeda.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 192
Wiwid Wahyuningsih ◽  
Atik Setiyaningsih

ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Keberadaan kader di posyandu sebagai salah satu sistem penyelenggarakan pelayanan sangat dibutuhkan. Mereka adalah ujung tombak  pelayanan kesehatan yang merupakan kepanjangtanganan puskesmas Jawa Tengah tahun 2011 jumlah gizi kurang 5,35% dan gizi buruk 0,10%. Untuk Kabupaten Semarang dari 23.562 balita yang ditimbang pada tahun 2011 gizi lebih 1,13%, gizi baik 93,51%, gizi kurang 4,86% dan gizi buruk 0,49% (DepKes Prov Jateng, 2011). Tujuan Penelitian : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan peran kader posyandu dengan status gizi balita. Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh balita di Posyandu Mawar di Desa Gedangan sejumlah 40 responden, dengan teknik total sampling dan analisa data chi square. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil perhitungan chi square di peroleh X² hitung 10.644 pada df=4, P.value 0.031 dimana probabilitas lebih kecil dari level of significant 5 % (0,001 < 0,05) berarti Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Kesimpulan : ada hubungan antara peran kader posyandu dengan status gizi pada balita.Kata Kunci : peran kader , status gizi balitaCADERE ROLE RELATIONSHIP WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF CHILDREN POSYANDUABSTRACTBackground : posyandu cadre in Existence as one of the 56th's service system is urgently needed. They are the tip of the Spear is a kepanjangtanganan health services clinics in Central Java in 2011 the amount of nutrition less 5.35% 0.10% and malnutrition. To Semarang from 23.562 toddler who weighed in 2011 more nutritional 1.13%, 93,51%, good nutrition nutrition less 4.86% and 0.49% poor nutrition (Department of Health Central Java Prov., 2011). Objective : the research aims to find out the relationship role of posyandu cadre with the nutritional status of children. Methods : the design of this research is a survey using the analytic approach of cross sectional. The population in this study are all the toddlers at the Rose in the village of Posyandu Gedangan some 38 respondents, with total sample techniques and data analysis a chi square. The results :. The chi square calculation results in getting X ² count 10.644 on df = 4, P. value 0.031 where probability is smaller than the level of significant 5% (0.001 < 0.05) mean Ha Ho accepted and rejected. Conclusion : there is a connection between the role of cadres of posyandu with nutritional status on toddlers.Keywords : the role of cadres, toddler nutrition status

2019 ◽  
Stephen Banda

BACKGROUND Occupational conditions are deadly health hazards especially where dust exposure is inevitable causing chronic disabilities, impaired respiratory function and ultimately leading to death if no intensive measures are put in place. Unhealthy practices and negative attitudes rise in the number of cases of pneumoconiosis due to poor health education and awareness strategies. Pneumoconiosis is not only a health problem but also a social and economic burden on the livelihood of people living in mining areas around the globe. OBJECTIVE to assess knowledge, attitude and practices of miners and post-occupational miners towards pneumoconiosis in Wusakile Township, Kitwe, Zambia. METHODS A cross-sectional study was employed to conduct a research in Wusakile Township and a questionnaire was customized in order to syphon data relevant to the study as well to be brief. The study was conducted among 73 participants who were randomly selected among miners and post-occupational miners and all satisfied the inclusion criteria. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect data. The data was entered and analysed using IBM SPSS software version 23. RESULTS Among 73 participants interviewed, 33.99% of participants had poor knowledge on the complications of pneumoconiosis. However, despite this poor knowledge, all participants had an idea about pneumoconiosis particularly silicosis. 13.70% of the respondents had bad practices towards pneumoconiosis while 86.30% had some good practices towards pneumoconiosis. Of the total participants, 19.18% of the participants had a negative attitude towards pneumoconiosis. Correlation between the level of education and practices of participants using Pearson Chi-Square, a p value of 0.021 (significant) was found ruling out the null hypothesis. CONCLUSIONS Information about pneumoconiosis and awareness programs towards pneumoconiosis are not widely disseminated among miners and post-occupational miners. There is still a significant number of participants who need to be educated more about pneumoconiosis and its complications so that attitude and practices are improved and also promote full community participation by involving competent health professionals to help in implementing preventive measures.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (14) ◽  
pp. 4177
Agnieszka Izabela Baruk ◽  
Grzegorz Wesołowski

The aim of this article was to determine the significance of modern marketing communication channels used in the process of shaping the external image of an enterprise as an employer. An analysis of the world literature on marketing, management, marketing communication and human resource management was used to prepare the theoretical part. The results of the analysis indicate a cognitive and research gap regarding the use of modern communication channels for building the external image of an enterprise in the role of an employer. In order to reduce the gap, empirical studies were conducted among young Polish potential employees, in which the survey method was used to gather primary data. The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis, during which the following methods and statistical tests were applied: the analysis of average values, exploratory factor analysis, Kruskal–Wallis test (KW), Pearson chi-square independence test and V-Cramer coefficient analysis. The results of the analyses conducted indicate, inter alia, that statistically significant diversity was identified in the case of non-professional media in terms of respondents’ opinions on whether the employer’s image created by modern media is better than the employer’s image created on the basis of classical marketing communication channels. In the case of professional and non-professional media, the age of the respondents was not a differentiating feature. Moreover, neither for professional media nor for non-professional media were statistically significant dependencies identified between respondents’ opinions on the impact of actions undertaken by enterprises on shaping their positive external image as an employer and respondents’ opinions on whether the employer’s image created on the basis of modern marketing communication channels is more beneficial than the employer’s image created on the basis of classical marketing communication channels. The results obtained on the basis of the research have a cognitive and applicability value, characterized by originality. Until now, the importance of using modern marketing communication channels in shaping the employer’s external image has not been analysed. This also applies to enterprises operating on the energy market.

QJM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 114 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Pasant Mohamed Abo-Elhoda Darwish Mohamed Abo-Elhoda ◽  
Hesham Mahmoud Ahmed Mansour ◽  
Yosra Abdelzaher Abdullah ◽  
Eman Ahmed Fouad Darwish

Abstract Background Susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) is a 3D gradient-echo MR technique that is based on blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) induced phase effects between the venous blood and the surrounding brain parenchyma. SW-MR imaging allows for noninvasive visualization of small veins at submillimeter resolution and, therefore, is used to depict venous architecture in brain lesions. The extreme sensitivity of SWI for the detection of neovascularity (venous blood), haemorrhage, and calcification has been an indispensable tool for characterization of the internal architecture of brain tumours. Objectives Is to evaluate the role of Susceptibility weighted imaging in assessment of adults Intra axial brain Neoplasms, and its ability to characterize them into high and low grade lesions in comparison to histopathology which will be used as gold standard. Methods A cross sectional study including 31 patients suspecting intracranial brain neoplasm radiologically and clinically, conducted at Private center, the patients were investigated using Siemens machine Magnetom Skyra 3T, the period was between January 2018 till the end of June 2019 . Results Our study included 31 patients. Including 15 female and 16 male patients, with the patient’s age ranging from 20 to 68 years old with median 48 years old ranging from 35.75 (25% percentile) to 58.75 (75% percentile). Among total cases, there were 8 patients with grade 2 glioma, 10 patients with grade 3 glioma and 6 patients with grade 4 glioma, 2 patients with lymphoma and 5 patients with brain metastasis (1 lung cancer and 4 breast cancer). All the patients were evaluated with MRI including SWI sequence with special comment on the number of the intratumoral susceptibility signal (ITSS), the size of the ITSS, its morphology as well as the ratio of the ITSS to the tumor size, which were then correlated with the patient histopathological results obtained later. The study revealed that the best parameter to accurately grade the tumor is the number of ITSS within the lesion with P value 0.001, followed by the size of the ITSS with P value 0.002 and Pearson Chi-Square value equals 20.6, while the lowest one was the ratio of the ITSS to the tumor size with P value 0.002 Pearson Chi-Square value equals 17.3. Our study showed that the morphology alone was not able to accurately grade the tumor with P value 0.007 ( Not significant) Conclusion SWI using 3T MR system provides quite useful information for preoperative tumor grading. There seems to be a strong correlation between pathological grading and that assessed with SWI.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Yeviza Puspitasari

Hyperbilirubinemia is one of the clinical phenomena most often found in neonates occurring in the first week of life, which is also one of the factors causing infant death is influenced by the immature liver function of the baby to process erythrocytes (red blood cells), resulting in the accumulation of bilirubin. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of birth weight of infants with the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in RSUD dr. Ibnu Soetowo Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Regency in 2019. This study uses analytic methods with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was all infants aged 0-7 days in the neonatal room at RSUD dr. Ibnu Soetowo Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Regency in 2019, with a random sampling. Data analysis uses univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using distribution tables and Chi-Square statistical tests, with a 95% confidence level. In the univariate analysis, of 203 respondents found 26.5% had hyperbilirubinemia and those without hyperbilirubinemia 72.5%, 24.6% of infants with LBW and non-LBW infants 75.4%. Bivariate analysis showed that there was an LBW relationship with the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia (p-value 0,000).

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