2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Candra Puspitasari ◽  
Joko Widiyanto

<p>The purpose of the study was to determine the activity and student achievement on the<br />material using instructional media ecosystem crossword puzzle with Talking Stick models. This <br />research is a classroom action research (CAR) conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Kartoharjo, with the<br />object of research students VIIE class with 15 students. Data collection is done is by testing,<br />observation and documentation in the form of a check list. The research process was conducted<br />in two cycles each includes four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and<br />reflection stages. In the present study showed an increase in activity and student achievement in<br />learning biology. It can be seen from the increase in the number of students who completed the<br />KKM is ≥75. In the student activity before any action there are 3 students (20%), following the<br />cycle I increased to 7 students (46.6%), the second cycle to 13 students (86.6%) completed. On<br />student achievement also increased the number of students who completed the pre cycle, the first<br />cycle to the second cycle. Pre cycle 5 students ((33.3%), after the first cycle of action has increased<br />there are 8 students (53.3%), the second cycle, there were 13 students (86.6%) completed.<br />Improved completeness KKM students make the mean value the average grade also increased<br />from 54.0 to 70.6 before and increased to 84.3. improvement in cognitive aspects seen from the<br />results of the post test showed increased learning achievement siswayang biology. Can be seen<br />from the increase in the percentage of students completeness, ie the cycle I as much as 53.3% to<br />86.6% in the second cycle. Based on these studies it can be concluded that by using a learning<br />model dengann Talking Stick media crossword puzzles can increase the activity of class and<br />student achievement VIIE SMP Negeri 1 Kartoharjo.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Putri Megasari

Hepatitis has become a health problem in the world. The hepatitis virus infected many people. According to the teacher of MTsN 02 Bondowoso more than 20 students have hepatitis A viral infection. The purpose of this research was to know the differences of students' knowledge about hepatitis A before and after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015. This study used pre-experimental (pre-post test design). This study used stratified random sampling technique, 127 students from 270 sample involved this research,and 143 students was excluded. We used questionnaires to collect data. The results showed that the mean value of the students 'knowledge about hepatitis A before counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015 was 83.96 with the lowest value of 37.5 and the highest value was 100. The mean value of the students' knowledge about hepatitis A after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015 was 93.21 with the lowest value waf 62.5 and the highest value was 100. Paired t test showed that t (-9.07) > t table (1.98), the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. There was a difference between students' knowledge about hepatitis A before and after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015. This study showed that routine counseling by healthcare provider was important to prevent hepatitis A infection.; Keywords: counseling, knowledge of students, hepatitis

The purpose of the research was to investigatethe effect of activity-based games on the academic achievement of graduate-level pupils in social sciences.An experimental research design with a pre-and post-test control group was used in this study. As pre-test and post-test, MCQ achievement tests containing 70 items were used as research methods for data collecting. The initial stage in this initiative was to collect data on what inspires children to learn. Both groups took a pre-test, and the results were tallied.The project's second phase was to study the effects of variousactivities on academic achievement. Both groups were given an MCQ performance test. The T-test was used to analyze the data. The findings of this study demonstrated that, compared to the control group, mostpupils'marks improved in the experimental group. The mean value showedthat experimental group participants scored 18.77on the post-test, while control group students scored 16.21. According to a post-lesson poll, most students regarded activity-based games to be more engaging than lecture-based instruction.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 54
Arita Destianingsih ◽  
Ari Satria

The aim of this study was to know the effectiveness of the use of alphabet cards game as interesting tool to explain vocabularies and it make it easier to remember their meanings. This study belongs to the quasi experimental research and presents pre-test, post test and to investigate the effect of using alphabet cards game on vocabulary mastery of commercial business administration students. The participants were the students from commercial business administration students at the third semester (N=54) of State Polytechnic Bengkalis and divided into two groups. Both groups were taught vocabulary, however, the experimental group students who are exposed to alphabet cards game and the controlled group students who received conventional method. Pre-test and post-test were given to both experimental group students and controlled group students. The score of the vocabulary tests were compared through independent sample t-test. The mean value of pre-test of experimental class was 61.35, while the control class was 52.23. After learning using alphabet card games in experimental class the mean value obtained in post-test was 78.85, while in control class was 59.04.  The improved of learning outcomes can be seen from the level of significance was 0.000 and it was lower than t test 0.000<0.05.  It means that the hypothesis null is not accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that the score of the students in learning vocabulary between the experimental group and control group was significantly different. The experimental group students who learned vocabulary using alphabet cards game had increased their vocabulary mastery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Muhammad Aulia U H ◽  
Iswinarno Doso Saputro ◽  
Magda Rosalina Hutagalung

Background: The incidence of burns in Indonesia progressively increases with the increase in its population and industries. From January to September 2000, 158 patients were treated in the burn unit of Dr Soetomo Hospital with a mortality rate reaching 5,8%. Burns have a direct effect in causing both local and systemic changes in the body, not occurring in other injuries. In severe burns, a hypermetabolic state can occur, which increases cardiac workload and causes muscle atrophy and other morbidities. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of propranolol on the hypermetabolic state in severely burned patients by measuring various clinical & laboratory parameters.Methods : This is an experimental study using pre and post test control group design with the objective of assessing the treatment outcome with oral propranolol given in 15 consecutive days for burn patients involving 25%- 60% TBSA. Measurements were taken three times, on day 0, 7 and 14.Results : Obtained 16 samples divided into 2 groups. In the treatment group, there was a significant decrease in CRP levels on days 0, 7 and 14 (p <0.05). The Mid Arm Circumference variable did not obtain a significant decreasing on days 0, 7 and 14. The albumin level studied showed a significant decreasing on day 0 & 7 days with a value of p = 0.045. From the comparison between the two groups, there were significant differences in CRP levels on days 0 & 14, with the mean value of the treatment group -5.12 + 2.88 and the mean value of the control group 2.86 + 7.37, and the value of p = 0.019.Conclusions: This study successfully proved that the administration of propranolol can overcome the effects of hypermetabolism which is characterized by decreasing in CRP levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 426-431
Destri Siti Juleha ◽  
Deviani Utami ◽  
Ade Utia Detty

ABSTRACTBackground: Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) is a test to determine the rate of erythrocytes settling blood containing anticoagulants in a vertical tube within a certain time. ESR is generally used to check and monitor for tissue damage, inflammation and indicate disease. ESR examination can be done by manual and automatic methods. LED levels in pulmonary TB patients generally have increased.Objectives: Knowing the difference in the measurement results of the erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR) between the Westergen manual and automatic methods in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.Methods: Laboratory experiments with a post-test-only approach. The number of samples was 30 people and was taken by purposive sampling. The research data were obtained from the results of the ESR examination using the Westergren manual and automatic methods. Results: Examination of the sedimentation rate of healthy respondents used the Westergren method had an average of 9,40 mm/hour while in the automatic method 10,15 mm/hour. The examination of sedimentation rate of pulmonary tuberculosis respondents with the Westergren method had an average of 66,13mm/hour, while the Automatic method was 67,80 mm/hour. There was no significant difference in the mean value of ESR between the measurement method used manual Westergren and Automatic methods in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis ( p = 0,878).   Conclusion: There is no significant difference in the mean value of ESR between measurements using the manual Westergren method and automatic in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Keywords: Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate, Method, Westergren, Automatic  PERBANDINGAN NILAI LAJU ENDAP DARAH ANTARA PENGUKURAN METODE MANUAL WESTERGREN DAN ALAT AUTOMATIK PADA SAMPEL DARAH SITRAT PENDERITA TB PARU DI RSUD. Dr. DRADJAT PRAWIRANEGARA SERANG TAHUN 2020 Latar Belakang: Laju Endap Darah (LED) adalah pemeriksaan untuk menentukan kecepatan eritrosit mengendap dalam darah yang berisi antikoagulan pada suatu tabung vertikal dalam waktu tertentu. LED pada umumnya digunakan untuk mendeteksi dan memantau adanya kerusakan jaringan, inflamasi dan menunjukan adanya penyakit. Pemeriksaan LED dapat dilakukan dengan metode manual dan automatik. Kadar LED pada penderita TB Paru umumnya mengalami peningkatan.Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan hasil pengukuran Laju Endap Darah (LED) antara metode manual Westergen dan Automatik pada Penderita TB Paru. Metodologi: Eksperimen laboratorik dengan pendekatan post test only. Jumlah sampel 30 orang dan diambil dengan purposive sampling. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan LED menggunakan metode manual Westergren dan Automatik.  Hasil: Pemeriksaan Laju Endap Darah pada responden sehat metode Westergren memiliki rata-rata 9,40 mm/jam sedangkan pada metode Automatik 10,15 mm/jam. Pemeriksaan Laju Endap Darah pada responden TB Paru metode Westergren memiliki rata-rata 66,13 mm/jam sedangkan pada metode Automatik 67,80 mm/jam. Tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata nilai LED yang signifikan antara pengukuran menggunakan metode manual Westergren dan Automatik pada penderita TB Paru (p = 0,878). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata nilai LED yang signifikan antara pengukuran menggunakan metode manual Westergren dan Automatik pada penderita TB Paru.Kata kunci: Laju Endap Darah, Metode, Westergren, Automatik

Noor Asmina Binti Mohd Rashid ◽  
Shaharuddin Bin Md Salleh ◽  
Norah Binti Md Noor

<p class="0abstract"> In the past, Jawi script was the main medium of intermediation in Malaya. However, since the emergence of the Roman script, the use of Jawi script has been marginalized causing less awareness among some of the younger generation on the uniqueness of Jawi script. Therefore, a mobile application has been developed to attract students to explore Jawi script especially the spelling of Jawi words. This Jawi Spelling Skills mobile application used constructivism approach and ADDIE model during the development process. This study used quantitative one group pre-test and post-test research design that conducted among 20 students of a primary school. The result shows that the mean value of the post-test was higher than the pre-test which is 89.00 while the percentage of students who liked the Jawi Spelling Skills mobile learning application was high. In conclusion, the application of Jawi Spelling Skills Mobile Learning Application able to attract students to learn Jawi indirectly raised the dignity of Jawi script in the future besides supporting the 21st- century education.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 293
Aprida Manurung ◽  
Budi Anna Keliat ◽  
Ira Erwina

Permasalahan kenakalan anak usia sekolah yang sering terjadi adalah bolos, melangar peraturan sekolah, merokok, tauran hingga bully. Hal ini disebabkan karena saat perkembangan konsep diri anak mengalami kerancuan identitas, hingga depersonalisasi. Untuk mencegah hal itu maka diperlukan suatu tindakan preventif, salah satunya dengan melakukan therapy supportif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Therapy Supportif terhadap Konsep Diri dan perkembangan anak, dengan metode quasi eksperimental pre-post test with control group dan menggunakan kuesioner konsep diri. Sampel berjumlah 80, 40 Kelompok Intervensi dan 40 kontrol, mengunakan tehnik random sampling. Hasil penilitian  didapatkan ada pengaruh yang bermakna pada Therapy supporti terhadap perkembangan dan konsep diri, denga nilai rerata variabel perkembangan sebelum diberikan Therapy supportif pada kelompok intervensi 72,78 atau 77,45% dan nilai rerata setelah dilakukan therapy supportif  83 atau 88,32% dari nilai tersebut terjadi peningkatan perkembangan sebesar 10,22 (10,87%) yang artinya Therappy Supportif  memiliki pengaruh bermakna terhadap perkembangan anak, Sedangkan untuk nilai variabel konsep diri sebelum dilakukan terapi suportif pada kelompok intervensi 68,28 atau 72,63%, Setelah dilakukan Therapy Supportif  didapatkan nilai rerata 83,87 atau 89,22%, dari nilai tersebut dapat dianalisis bahwa terjadi peningkatan, sebesar 15,59 atau 22,84% yang artinya Therappy Supportif  memiliki pengaruh bermakna terhadap konsep diri anak Kata kunci: terapi supportif, konsep diri, anak sekolah dasar THE EFFECT OF THERAPY SUPPORTIVE SELF-CONCEPT AGAINSTCHILDREN'S CONCEPT OF BASIC SCHOOL ABSTRACTThe problem of delinquency in school-age children that often occurs is truancy, violating school rules, smoking, mixing, and bullying. This is because when the child's self-concept development experiences confusion in identity, to depersonalization. To prevent that, we need a preventive action, one of them is by doing supportive therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Supportive Therapy on Self-Concept and child development, with a quasi-experimental method of pre-post test with control group and using a self-concept questionnaire. Samples amounted to 80, 40 intervention groups and 40 controls, using random sampling techniques. The results of the study, found that there is a significant relationship in supportive therapy to development and supportive therapy in self-concept, with the average value of the development variables before being given supportive therapy in the intervention group 72.78 or 77.45% and the mean value after supportive therapy 83 or 88.32% of the value there was an increase in development of 10.22 (10.87%) which means that Therappy Supportive has a significant influence on children's development, while for the value of self-concept variables before supportive therapy in the intervention group 68.28 or 72, 63%, after supportive therapy, the mean value is 83.87 or 89.22%. From this value, it can be analyzed that there is an increase of 15.59 or 22.84%, which means that therapeutic support has a significant influence on the child's self-concept Keywords: supportive therapy, self-concept, elementary school children

Musa'adatul Fithriyah

The Qur'an learning is very fundamental in Islamic education, especially in elementary education. The Qur'an is one of the subjects that must be taught to children. Early education in the Qur'an is expected to produce young people having a strong mental foundation, education not only makes children as prosperous in the world, but also provides sufficient provisions to both improve their religion and practice their scriptures. To be able to practice the Holy Qur'an correctly, children must be guided and taught how to read the Qur'an properly in accordance with the rules of true recitation. In fact the Qur'an learning at MI AL-Hidayah Mangkujajar Kembangbahu Lamongan initially tended to be monotonous for being dominated by conventional learning methods. As a result,  the Qur'an learning only produced generations that could read the Qur'an with the average ability without any sense of love and closeness to the Qur'an instead of having enthusiasm in learning it well. As time goes by, the Qur'an learning at MI Al-Hidayah has increasingly developed by applying the so-called Wafa method. This method teaches children to be able to read and memorize the Qur'an by maximizing the right brain. This is classified as a new method, but it is quite practical and fun in the learning process. The research was aimed at determining the effect of the Wafa method on the ability of children to read the Qur'an at MI Al-Hidayah Mangkujajar Kembangbahu Lamongan. The research method is quantitative with the experimental type of one group pretest-post test, data analysis techniques use the mean pretest and posttest, in addition, to testing the hypothesis it uses the Paired Sample T-Test with the SPSS 16. The results showed the influence of the Wafa method on the children ability to read the Qur'an at MI Al-Hidayah Mangkujajar Kembangbahu Lamongan. It was proven from the results of the analysis through the mean pretest formula, it was obtained a value of 82.92 and increased in the acquisition of the mean value of posttest amounted to 85.75. In addition, in the Paired Sample T-Test based on significance values with SPSS 16, it is known that the Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0,000 <0,05, because sig. (2-tailed) of 0,000 is smaller than 0.05, then the hypothesis is accepted and it could be concluded that there is an influence of the WAFA Method on the ability to read the Qur'an at MI Al-Hidayah Mangkujajar Kembangbahu Lamongan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Sandi Sanjaya ◽  
Suparmin Suparmin

The objection of this study is to increase the level of interest and learning achievement about calculation of construction machinery subjects in the 11th grade of mechanical class of PIRI Sleman Vocational High School through the Lectora Inspire learning media. The type of this research is classroom action research. This research was conducted in two cycles. The research subject is mechanical class of PIRI Sleman Vocational High School, which includes fifteen male students. The data collection method is using the evaluation data which is collected through the learning achievement test, Beside that, the research is used to know the students interest in learning subjects Construction Engineering Calculations using a questionnaire. Data analysis method used is a comparative technique that compares the results of pre-test and post-test. The result showed that by using the Lectora Inspire learning media, the level of interests and learning achievement about calculation of construction machinery subjects in the 11th grade of mechanical class of PIRI Sleman Vocational High School was increased. In the first cycle, students interest reached about 64.87%, which is included in the high criteria. The initial competency of the subject obtained from the pre-test showing that there are three or 20% students have fulfilled the minimum achievement criteria, while twelve students or 80% students haven’t fulfilled it yet. The enhancement of student achievement in the first cycle, who passed the minimum achievement criteria is ten students with a percentage of 66.67% or the mean value is 75.07. For the second cycle of post test result showed the students who reached 75 point is thirteen students with a percentage of 86.67% or the mean value is 75.07. Overall, the interest level for study calculations of construction machinery in mechanical class of PIRI Sleman Vocational High School increased by 66.67%.

Edy Irawan ◽  
Syarifuddin Dahlan ◽  
Een Y. Haenilah ◽  
Tubagus Ali Rachman Puja Kesuma ◽  
Albet Maydiantoro ◽  

This research is motivated by the problems of students who fail to achieve happiness in their lives; this is caused by the inability of students to make adjustments to all forms of change in maintaining survival. Efforts that can be made to overcome this problem are to provide group guidance services with game techniques. This study aims to test whether the game technique in group guidance services is effective for improving students' self-adjustment. The method used in this research is experimental research using Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The results showed that there was a change in the mean value at the pre-test of 93.43 for the experimental class and 92.57 for the control class and the mean value at the post-test of 151.64 for the experimental class and 98.71 for the control class. So that the mean value at the time of post-test increased by 58.21 for the experimental group and 06.14 for the control group. These changes mean that group guidance with game techniques is empirically proven to be effective in increasing student adaptation

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