2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Yohanita Nirmalasari

This research aims to know 1) students’ interest, 2) discipline character, 3) students’ achievement, 4) correlation between students’ interest to discipline character and their achievement on atomic structure topic. Sample research were 20 students from class A of SMAK St. Petrus Kewapante which is collected randomly. Teaching method used cooperative learning type number head together (NHT). The technique of data collection was essay test, questionnaires and observation, which analyzed by descriptive quantitative and multiple linear regression. The result showed 1) based on teacher observation data indicated students’ interest as best category (90%) and good category (10). 2) students’ disciplinary as best category (80%) and good category (20%), while 100% as best category based on teacher’s observation data. 3) students’ achievements result showed average value in 51,75 and 80,50 as pre-test and post-test result respectively. 4) there is no correlation between students’ interesting to disciplinary character and their achievement’s in learning chemistry.

Siti Hadijah

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of efforts to improve teacher skills in implementing PAKEM through LATBIM at SD Negeri 158 Pekanbaru. Meanwhile, in general, the purpose of this school action research activity is to improve the quality of the process and learning outcomes at SD Negeri 158 Pekanbaru. The results of the study will be seen from the data that occurred after the research was carried out with the results in cycle 1 the pretest average value was 6.18 or about 62% while the average post-test result increased to 9.06 or 91%. Observation data show that student activity in Civics subjects has only reached 6.23 (enough), in the PAI subject it has only reached 6.31 (enough) and the Arts subject has reached an average score of 6.45 (enough, close to good). Thus the action hypothesis in this PTS which states "if the Training and Guidance (LATBIM) implementation of Active, Creative, Effective, and Fun Learning (PAKEM) can be implemented properly, the increase in teacher skills in implementing PAKEM at SD Negeri 158 Pekanbaru will increase" can be accepted.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Dayana Lafadilla Purba ◽  
Ella Andhany

This study aims to determine whether there is a difference in the ability of students' mathematical creative thinking that is taught by cooperative learning Think Pair Share (TPS) and cooperative Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) on math learning at Private MTs Umar Bin Khattab. This research is a quantitative research with experimental research approach. The population is a student of class VII of Private MTs Umar Bin Khattab of the academic year 2017/2018 consisting of 2 classes. Of the 2 classes taken entirely; VII-1 class of 29 students as experiment class A with Think Pair Share (TPS) and VII-2 cooperative learning as many as 30 students as experimental class B with Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) learning, where the two classes are sampled in research. Data collection techniques are observation and description test. Before this test is established as a data collection tool, it is first tested in class VIII Private MTs Umar Bin Khattab to see the validity, reliability, difficulty and differentiation of the problem. Data analysis consists of two parts: descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The average value of post experimental class A test result is 87,414 and the average value of post-test of experiment class B is 80,167 and the difference of post-test result value between experimental class A and B is 7,247. From result of data analysis post-test experiment class A obtained Lcount≤Ltable that is 0,096 ≤ 0,163, and data post-test experiment class B obtained Lcount≤Ltablethat is 0,148≤0,161. So the post-test data of both experimental classes is Normal distributed. From the homogeneity test of post-test data both samples are homogeneous, where C2count< C2table is 0.001 <3.841. After hypothesis testing using t-test found that tcount>ttable is 1.703> 1.676 then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there are differences in the ability of students' mathematical creative thinking that is taught by cooperative learning Think Pair Share (TPS) and Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) on math learning at Private MTs Umar Bin Khattab.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-69
Alvio Arisia Safitri ◽  
Dwi Sloria Suharti ◽  
Asep Suhendar

In learning English, the students often make some problems while building a recount text. One of the problems causing it is that the teacher might use the old teaching method. This research aimed to observe the effect of grammar-focused writing instruction on the tenth-grade students' writing recount text at one of the Senior High School State at Kabupaten Tangerang. The research method used in this research was a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design by using a non-equivalent control group design. The population of this research was 460 tenth grade students. The sample of this research was taken from two classes that were chosen by using Simple Random Sampling. There were X IPS 4 as the controlled class and X IPS 5 as the experimental class. The normality test result showed that the data is normally distributed, and the homogeneity test result showed that the variants belong to a homogeneous population. The analysis results of post-test by using t-test (The Pooled Variance Model T-test) were obtained data that t-count = 4,37 and t-table = 1,99 with significant level ɑ = 5% or 0,05. From the post-test calculation result, H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of students’ writing recount text between students in the experimental class who were taught by using grammar-focused writing instruction and students in the controlled class who were taught by using the conventional method.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-72
Sepriana Leo ◽  
Diane Noviandini ◽  
Alvama Pattiserlihun

Abstract - Physics learning is still considered as learning that is less attractive to some students. Students’ lack of learning interest in physics learning makes their achievement low.  The purpose of this study was to develop a learning media of True or False Physics Fun Game Card, so as to make the students interested in learning physics which could increase students' interest and learning achievement. The kind of the card game "True or False Physics Fun Game Card" was developed from a 41 card game which was modified as needed. In True or False Physics Fun Game Card, there were 50 true and false statements. Moreover, there were also points of 10-25 based on the level of difficulty of the statements. The statements made based on the Hydrostatic Law, the Relating Vessel, and the Archimedes Law. The True or False Physics Fun Game Card was developed by using the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 development steps, such as analyzing, designing, development, implementation, and evaluation. This study was tested on 12 samples of the Physics students of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. The data obtained were processed qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the results of this study, it was found that 93.75% of students responded positively toward the learning media “True or False Physics Fun Game Card” and the average value of the students' post-test results was 72.67. The 10 samples from a total of 12 test samples obtained the post-test result; 65, so as the percentage of the successful comprehension sample was 83.33%. This study contributed to increasing kinds of learning media and improving students' learning achievement, especially in physics learning.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-286
Irma Khoirot Daulay ◽  
Agnes Charismah Iman Putri Zendrato ◽  
Jeffry Jeffry ◽  
Neslita Elisabeth Manik ◽  
Priska Simamora

The research aims to determine the effectiveness of applying the Google Classroom Application on the students' Writing Skills from grade X1 of SMA Swasta Gajah Mada Medan. The research applied the quantitative method with experimental design. The data were analyzed using the mathematics system related to the methods applied in the research. According to the research findings, it is concluded that Applying Google Classroom Application potentially gives more effectiveness in teaching writing skills to the students. After the post-test is done, the mean score of applying Google Classroom Application is 85.65. The standard deviation is 7.353, and the number of students is 26. The mean by applying conventional strategy is  62.00, the standard deviation is 3.943, and the number of students is 24. From the research result, the researchers found that the mean score of the experimental group students was improved by 17.10. In the controlled group, the mean score of the students was improved by 9.75. After the post-test by applying Google Classroom Application to the students is undertaken,  the normality test result is 0.465. After a post-test to the students by applying the conventional teaching method in the controlled group is given, the normality test result is 0.243. The research finding explained that the Google Classroom Application successfully improved the students'  writing skills, especially at SMA Swasta Gajah Mada Medan during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Rani Deliana Panggabean ◽  
Pintor Simamora

The study was aimed to determine the effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model towards student outcomes and learning activity in optica Geometric material. The type of this research was quasy experiment. The population of this research was all of the students class X SMA Negeri 5 Medan A.Y 2014/2015 which was consist of 5 classes. X MIA 5 was choosen as experimental group and X MIA 3 as Control group by using cluster random sampling. The Instrument used was learning outcomes and student’ activity observation sheet. Based on the hypothesis of the average value, pretest shows that both of the class had the same early abilities. After the treatment, found that the average value of post-test in experimental class by using problem-based learning was 76,34 and control class by using conventional learning was 72,56. The result of test showed that data normally distribution and homegeneous. Then, was made a hypothesis experiment that giving t count (1,83)> t table(1,67), so Ha was accepted. Later, from the observation data showed that the students learning activity in experimental group was belong to the active category. Finally, it could be concluded that there was an effect of Problem based learning model towards the learning outcames and learning activity in optical geometric material.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Febry . Sirait ◽  
Pargaulan . Siagian

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperiman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa yang diajar dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think-Pair-Share (TPS) berbantuan Geogebra lebih baik daripada siswa yang diajar dengan kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) berbantuan Geogebra pada materi Transformasi.. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 7 Medan semester genap, yang terdiri dari 9 kelas pararel. Sedangkan yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa sebanyak dua kelas, yaitu kelas XI IPA 4 sebagai kelas eksperimen A sebanyak 39 orang dan kelas XI IPA 6 sebagai kelas eksperimen B sebanyak 39 orang. Kelas eksperimen A menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think-Pair-Share (TPS) dan kelas eksperimen B menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD). Untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini digunakan essay test sebanyak 5 soal dan telah dinyatakan valid oleh tim ahli. Hasil Uji validitas dengan rtabel = 0,316 diperoleh bahwa soal tersebut valid dari 5 soal. Dan hasil uji reliabilitas pada soal yang diberikan diperoleh sebesar 0,81. Sebelum pengujian hipotesis, terlebih dahulu diuji normalitas dan homogenitas data. Dari pengujian ini diperoleh bahwa sampel berasal dari populasi yang berdistribusi normal dan memiliki varians yang homogen. Dari analisis data pada kelas eksperimen A diperoleh nilai rata-rata pre test 43,33 dan simpangan baku pre test 8,66 sedangkan nilai rata-rata post test 83,13 dan simpangan baku post test 10,35. Pada kelas eksperimen B diperoleh nilai rata-rata pre test 40,97 dan simpangan baku pre test 8,84 sedangkan nilai rata-rata post test 75,33 dan simpangan baku post test 11,64. Dari analisis data post test dengan menggunakan uji-t pada taraf = 0,05 diperoleh thitung = 3,13 dan  ttabel = 1,662 yang ternyata thitung > ttabel yaitu, 3,13 > 1,662 maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa yang diajar dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think-Pair-Share (TPS) berbantuan Geogebra lebih baik daripada siswa yang diajar dengan kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) berbantuan Geogebra pada materi Transformasi. Kata Kunci: kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah matematik, pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS dan STAD ABSTRACTThis research is a quasi experimental research. This study aims to determine whether the problem solving ability of mathematical students who are taught by applying cooperative learning model type Think-Pair-Share (TPS) with Geogebra is better than students who are taught cooperatively by Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) with Geogebra on Transformation material. The population in this study is all students of class XI SMA Negeri 7 Medan even semester, which consists of 9 parallel classes. While the sample in this study is the students as much as two classes, namely class XI IPA 4 as a class of experiments A as many as 39 people and class XI IPA 6 as a class experiment B as many as 39 people. The experimental class A uses the Think-Pair-Share (TPS) model of cooperative learning and experimental class B using the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning model. To obtain the necessary data in this study used the essay test of 5 questions and has been declared valid by a team of experts. Result of validity test with rtabel = 0,316 obtained that matter is valid from 5 problem. And reliability test result on given problem is obtained equal to 0,81. Before testing the hypothesis, first tested the normality and homogeneity of the data. From this test it is found that the sample comes from a population that is normally distributed and has a homogeneous variance. From the data analysis in experiment class A obtained the average value of pre test 43,33 and standard deviation of pre test 8,66 while the average value of post test 83,13 and standard deviation post test 10.35. In the experimental class B obtained the average value of pre test 40.97 and standard deviation of pre test 8.84 while the average post test value of 75.33 and standard deviation post test 11.64. From the analysis of post test data by using t-test at the level = 0.05 obtained tcount = 3.13 and ttable = 1.662 which turns thitung> ttable ie, 3.13> 1.662 then H0 rejected and Ha accepted. Then it can be concluded that students' mathematical problem solving skills that are taught by applying cooperative learning model of Think-Pair-Share type (TPS) with Geogebra is better than students who are taught cooperatively by Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) with Geogebra on Transformation materials. Keywords: mathematical problem solving ability, cooperative learning type TPS and STAD

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
Firman A.D. ◽  
Heksa Biopsi Puji Hastuti ◽  
NFN Sukmawati ◽  
NFN Rahmawati

This research problem is how is the relation between vocabulary mastery and short story intrinsical components comprehension ability of VIII grade students in Kendari City. The research is aimed to describe how vocabulary mastery and comprehending short story intrinsical components ability and how the relationship between both of them by the students. This research used statistic method. Data was analyzed descriptive-quantitatively and parametric-quantitatively by using Product Moment Correlation and Linear Regression. After doing descriptive-quantitative analysis, in order to understand the relationship intervariabel, then was conducted correlation test. Result of this research shows that vocabulary mastery have average values 8,84 (48%) which included in medium category. Vocabulary mastery indicator which have most prominent contribution is words comprehending that has pejorative-amelirative meaning, extension-constriction meaning by average value 2,75 (32,7%). Meanwhile, comprehending short story intrinsical components ability has average value 10,42 (45,25), which included generally in medium category. Indicator of comprehending short story intrinsical components ability which have most prominent contribution is figure and characterization by average value 3,23 (44,25%). Vocabulary mastery has positive and significant correlation with comprehending short story intrinsical components ability of SMP students at value rxy= 0,359 >rtable = 0,250 and value of Sig (ρ)<a = 0,05, and txy = 14,246 >ttable = 1,645 dan value of Sig (ρ)<a = 0,05. Contribution value vocabulary mastery (X) toward comprehending short story intrinsical components ability (Y) is 12,9%, and the rest, is influenced by other factors that are not related with this research. ABSTRAKPermasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana hubungan penguasaan kosakata dengan kemampuan memahami unsur intrinsik  VIII SM di Kota Kendari. Dengan demikian, tujuannya adalah mendeskripsikan penguasaan kosakata dan kemampuan memahami unsur intrinsik cerpen dan memperlihatkan ada atau tidak adanya hubungan antara penguasaan kosakata dengan kemampuan memahami unsur intrinsik cerpen siswa. Penelitian menggunakan metode statistik. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif deskriptif dan kuantitatif parametris dengan menggunakan uji Korelasi Product Moment dan Regresi Linear. Setelah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, dilakukan tahap uji korelasi untuk mengetahui hubungan antarvariabel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan kosakata siswa SMP memiliki nilai rata-rata 8,84 (48%) yang masuk dalam kategori sedang. Indikator penguasaan kosakata yang paling menonjol memberikan kontribusi ialah memahami kata yang mengalami ameliorasi-peyorasi, perluasan-penyempitan dengan nilai rata-rata 2,75 (32,7%). Sementara, kemampuan memahami unsur intrinsik cerpen siswa SMP memiliki nilai rata-rata 10,42 (45,25), pada umumnya termasuk kategori sedang. Indikator kemampuan memahami unsur intrinsik cerpen yang paling menonjol memberikan kontribusi ialah indikator memahami tokoh dan penokohan dalam cerpen dengan nilai rata-rata 3,23 (44,25%). Penguasaan kosakata memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dengan kemampuan memahami unsur intrinsik cerpen pada siswa SMP kelas VIII di Kota Kendari, dengan nilai rhitung = 0,359 >rtabel = 0,250 dan nilai Sig (ρ)<a = 0,05, dan thitung = 14,246 >ttabel = 1,645 dan nilai Sig (ρ)<a = 0,05. Besarnya kontribusi penguasaan kosakata (X) terhadap kemampuan memahami unsur intrinsik cerpen (Y) siswa SMP adalah 12,9%, dan selebihnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak terkait dengan penelitian ini.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Khadijah Nasution ◽  
Juniar Hutahaean

This study aims to determine the effect of the application of problem-based learning model to activities and student learning outcomes in a straight motion of matter in class X in SMAN 3 Tanjungbalai TP 2014/2015. This research is quasi experiment. The population in this study were all students of class X semester 3 Tanjungbalai SMA consists of five classes. The study sample was taken two classes, namely class X MIA-1 (as an experimental class) and Class X MIA-3 (as a control class), each of which amounted to 30 students as determined by cluster random sampling. Then given a different treatment, the experimental class with a problem-based learning model and grade control with conventional learning. The data used in this study used an essay test were 10 items that have been divalidkan by the validator. The results were obtained average values pretest experimental class was 18.2 and the average value of the control class is 18.37. After completion of the post-test study with an average yield of 75.83 experimental class and control class 70.3. Activities and student learning outcomes in a straight motion of matter by applying problem-based learning model is better than the conventional learning in class X SMA semester 3 Tanjungbalai TP 2014/2015.Keywords   : Problem Based Learning, Conventional, Learning Activities,                           Learning Outcome

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Ni Made Ayu Putri Maharani . ◽  
Drs. I Ketut Ardana,M.Pd. . ◽  
DB.KT.NGR. Semara Putra,S.Pd., M.For. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode bercerita berbantuan media gambar berseri terhadap keterampilan berbicara anak kelompok A di TK Ikal Widya Kumara Sidakarya Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong Pre-Experimental Design dengan menggunakan desain penelitian One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 15 anak yang terdiri dari 6 anak perempuan dan 9 anak laki-laki. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi. Data keterampilan berbicara anak menunjukkan nilai rata-rata pre-test sebesar 45,80, sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test sebesar 80,67, dan diperoleh nilai thitung sebesar 21,26.Pada ttabel dengan kriteria signifikansi 5% dengan dk = 14 menunjukkan nilai 2,145. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan keterampilan berbicara yang dibelajarkan dengan metode bercerita berbantuan media gambar berseri sebelum dan setelah perlakuan. Data keterampilan berbicara menunjukkan bahwa thitung 21,26 > ttabel 2,145, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode bercerita berbantuan media gambar berseri berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan berbicara anak kelompok A di TK Ikal Widya Kumara Sidakarya Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019.Kata Kunci : keterampilan berbicara, metode bercerita, media gambar berseri. This study aims to determine the effect of the storytelling method assisted by serial image media on speaking skills of group A children in Ikal Widya Kumara Sidakarya Kindergarten Academic Year 2018/2019. This type of research is classified as Pre-Experimental Design using the research design of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The sample in this study were 15 children consisting of 6 girls and 9 boys. The data collection technique used in this study was observation. Data on children's speaking skills showed an average pre-test value of 45.80, while the post-test average value was 80.67, and a tcount of 21.26 was obtained. At ttable with a significance criterion of 5% with dk = 14 shows a value of 2.145. These results indicate that there is a significant difference in the speaking skills taught by the method of telling a picture of serial media before and after treatment. Speech skill data shows that tcount 21.26> t table 2.145, it can be concluded that the method of storytelling assisted by serial image media affects the speaking skills of group A children in Kindergarten Ikal Widya Kumara Sidakarya Academic Year 2018/2019.keyword : speaking skills, storytelling methods, serial image media.

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