scholarly journals The rationale for relevance development of substrate-attribute model of information culture in the framework of the philosophy of culture

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 10
S. V. Afanasiev

Introduction. The information society changes many familiar phenomena of traditional society. These include, first of all, culture, which acts as an indicator that civilization is moving to a new stage of development. In the information age, significant changes are taking place in the culture. In the works of scientists, a categorical apparatus is developed that allows describing and studying new phenomena. The category "information culture" is one of such innovations in the scientific literature. However, research shows that a unified approach to understanding the essence of this phenomenon has not yet developed.In the study of information culture, the issues of its relationship with society and the individual are well developed, and the possible social consequences of its development and implementation in all spheres of human life and activity are presented. However, the weak point or "white spot" remains the study of its nature, essential, attribute, and substrate properties.The purpose of this article is to substantiate the relevance of developing a substratum-attribute model of information culture within the framework of the philosophy of culture.Materials and Methods. The main research methods used were analytical review, analysis, grouping, generalization, comparison, and substrate approach.Results: the analysis of works devoted to the philosophical and cultural research of information culture has shown that researchers of the nature and essence of information culture as a category of cultural philosophy pay insufficient attention to the development of its substratum-attribute model. There are practically no complete system studies that result in the construction of a substratum-attribute model of information culture.Discussion and Conclusions. The studied models of information culture do not fully reflect its nature, essential features and qualities that allow us to understand the causes and mechanisms of its influence on the course of civilizational, social and anthropological changes. Therefore, the development of a substratum-attribute model of information culture is due to the need to identify the causes of possible changes in the generic qualities of a person that occur under its influence as a socio-cultural phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-40
I. E. Emelyanova ◽  
O. V. Kotlovanova ◽  
I. A. Sychenko

The purpose of the research described in the article is to consider the values and imperatives that underlie the formation of the information culture of preschool children. The research methods were the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and philosophical literature, forecasting and reflection. Based on the results of the study, the concept of antifragile education was proposed, its methodological basis, principles and rules were determined. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in determining the components of the formation of the value basis of the preschool information culture preconditions: cognitive (the process of cognition of adequate actions in the digital space in the process of self-realization; the ability to select criteria for ranking information; awareness in the field of digital space threats that contradict imperatives and impede self-realization), behavioral with sufficient emotional and volitional reinforcement (to plan and perform a conscious system of actions), motivational and value (a conscious system of actions for self-realization in accordance with imperatives). The study revealed that the issue of personal self-identification in the redundant digital space has not been sufficiently studied. It is necessary to introduce the principles of antifragile education and continue the awareness and development of the components of the formation of the value basis of the preconditions of the information culture of preschoolers. The concept of antifragile education can form the basis of the work of teachers, starting from the level of preschool education, and the spiritual and moral values that form the basis of the concept can be very important for parents of preschoolers. For the first time, a concept is proposed that is designed to form and maintain imperatives in children, allowing for self-identification and spiritual and moral self-realization in the context of the formation of information culture of preschoolers. As the conclusions, the use of digital technologies in education was noted, and at the same time the issue of introducing the principles of antifragile education for the spiritual and creative self-realization of the individual in the new global international digital space of human life is being actualized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (388) ◽  
pp. 322-331
Aidarov Bakytzhan, ◽  
Tangkish Nazira, ◽  
Utegenov Bakyt, ◽  

Researching the content of the issue of professional and pedagogical mobility, we note the following. At the present stage of development of modern society, the problem of professional and pedagogical mobility is especially relevant. It is characterized by the growth of intensive and progressive changes in society, covering all spheres of human life, including the professional sphere. For a modern specialist to be successful and necessary, he must be mobile, ready for changes, able to quickly adapt to changing conditions, that is, he must be professionally mobile. Great importance is attached to the consideration of professional and pedagogical mobility as a pedagogical category. Concepts such as "mobility", "professional mobility", "pedagogical" are analyzed. On the basis of research and supplementation of these concepts there is a problem of independent understanding of professional and pedagogical mobility as a characteristic of the individual, which is reflected in the process of professional activity, readiness to develop, self-structuring and adapt to changes in the changing professional environment. The article clarifies the need to create a personal professional image, to organize and implement practical activities to get closer to this person, to detail the main steps for reorganization in connection with the changing conditions of the professional and pedagogical environment.

Yuliia Trach

The purpose of the article is to characterize computer games as a component of culture and a subject of cultural research. The methodology involves distraction from the technological aspects of the genesis and implementation of computer games and is determined mainly by the humanitarian guidelines for the phenomenon under study. Thus, the methodological principles are based on the cultural research concept of computer games as a value of modern culture. The scientific novelty is that for the first time in Ukrainian cultural research the need to study computer games as a component of culture is actualized. Conclusions. The article highlights the need for cultural research of computer games as a full and equal component of culture. Attention is paid to the scale of the computer games spread, their importance for culture and the individual, as well as the impact on various spheres of human life. Conclusions. It is emphasized that the issue of the creation and functioning of computer games in modern society is an inexhaustible source for further research, including in cultural research. Computer games are a wide “field” for the application of the latest IT developments, philosophical ideas, and artistic innovations. Therefore, this issue will remain in the focus of research not only for cultural scientists but also for philosophers, educators and psychologists, sociologists, economists, and jurists, given the pace and scale of the information spread and communication technologies, and most importantly their complexity.

Andri Setyorini ◽  
Niken Setyaningrum

Background: Elderly is the final stage of the human life cycle, that is part of the inevitable life process and will be experienced by every individual. At this stage the individual undergoes many changes both physically and mentally, especially setbacks in various functions and abilities he once had. Preliminary study in Social House Tresna Wreda Yogyakarta Budhi Luhur Units there are 16 elderly who experience physical immobilization. In the social house has done various activities for the elderly are still active, but the elderly who experienced muscle weakness is not able to follow the exercise, so it needs to do ROM (Range Of Motion) exercise.   Objective: The general purpose of this research is to know the effect of Range Of Motion (ROM) Active Assitif training to increase the range of motion of joints in elderly who experience physical immobility at Social House of Tresna Werdha Yogyakarta unit Budhi Luhur.   Methode: This study was included in the type of pre-experiment, using the One Group Pretest Posttest design in which the range of motion of the joints before (pretest) and posttest (ROM) was performed  ROM. Subjects in this study were all elderly with impaired physical mobility in Social House Tresna Wreda Yogyakarta Unit Budhi Luhur a number of 14 elderly people. Data analysis in this research use paired sample t-test statistic  Result: The result of this research shows that there is influence of ROM (Range of Motion) Active training to increase of range of motion of joints in elderly who experience physical immobility at Social House Tresna Wredha Yogyakarta Unit Budhi Luhur.  Conclusion: There is influence of ROM (Range of Motion) Active training to increase of range of motion of joints in elderly who experience physical immobility at Social House Tresna Wredha Yogyakarta Unit Budhi Luhur.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 184-193
Ольга Віговська

У статті теоретично обґрунтовано феномен конструктивного самозбереження особистості як ознаки самоактуалізації, розкриття власного потенціалу і побудови перспективи розвитку особистості та емпірично виявлено ознаки психологічної детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок з різним соціальним статусом. Зазначено, що проблема самозбереження асоціюється з особливостями прояву інстинкту самозбереження людини, але потреби вищого порядку зумовлюють соціальну природу її поведінки, яка локалізована у найвищій точці самореалізації. Теоретично обгрунтовано, що самореалізація визначає тенденцію раціональної організації життя людини та проявляється у її почутті задоволеністю життям. З’ясовано, що психологічну основу конструктивного самозбереження становлять індивідуально-типологічні характеристики людини, які відображають психофізіологічні та психосоціальні резерви самореалізації особистості. Розроблена програма емпіричного дослідження, а також комплекс використаних методів математичної обробки результатів дослідження дає змогу конкретизувати психологічний зміст детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок вікового діапазону 35-45 років та з різним соціальним статусом. У жінок, які виховують проблемну (хвору) дитину, домінує інстинкт "егофільного типу", що виражається у їх надмірному егоцентризмі і супроводжується низькими показниками самоактуалізації, на відміну від досліджуваних жінок, які виховують здорових дітей і у яких на фоні вираженої тенденції до самоактуалізації домінує базовий інстинкт "дослідницького типу" та "лібертофільного типу". This article theoretically proves constructive phenomenon of self identity as signs of self-disclosure own potential and prospects of development of individual construction. In addition, it empirically showes signs of psychological determination of the dominant instinct in a constructive self-determination of women with different social statuses. It was noted that the issue of self-preservation is associated with the peculiarities of manifestation of self-preservation instinct of man, but it needs higher-order cause social nature of the behavior that is localized at the highest point of self-realization. It theorized that self-realization determines the trend of rational organization of human life and manifests itself in its sense of life satisfaction. It was found that the psychological basis of constructive self-preservation of the individual make individually-typological characteristics of a person that reflect physiological and psychosocial reserves of self-realization. The developed program of empirical research, as well as the methods used complex mathematical processing of results of research allows to specify the content of the psychological determination of the dominant instinct of constructive self-realization а women age range of 35-45 years and with different social status. Women who bring up the problem child dominates the instinct of self-preservation, which is reflected in their excessive self-centeredness, and is accompanied by low levels of self-actualization, as opposed to the study of women who are raising healthy children and that against the backdrop of a pronounced tendency to self-actualization, dominated by basic instinct "research type" and "independent type."

Isabel Aguilar-Palacio ◽  
Lina Maldonado ◽  
Sara Malo ◽  
Raquel Sánchez-Recio ◽  
Iván Marcos-Campos ◽  

It is essential to understand the impact of social inequalities on the risk of COVID-19 infection in order to mitigate the social consequences of the pandemic. With this aim, the objective of our study was to analyze the effect of socioeconomic inequalities, both at the individual and area of residence levels, on the probability of COVID-19 confirmed infection, and its variations across three pandemic waves. We conducted a retrospective cohort study and included data from all individuals tested for COVID-19 during the three waves of the pandemic, from March to December 2020 (357,989 individuals) in Aragón (Spain). We studied the effect of inequalities on the risk of having a COVID-19 confirmed diagnosis after being tested using multilevel analyses with two levels of aggregation: individuals and basic healthcare area of residence (deprivation level and type of zone). Inequalities in the risk of COVID-19 confirmed infection were observed at both the individual and area level. There was a predominance of low-paid employees living in deprived areas. Workers with low salaries, unemployed and people on minimum integration income or who no longer receive the unemployment allowance, had a higher probability of COVID-19 infection than workers with salaries ≥ €18,000 per year. Inequalities were greater in women and in the second wave. The deprivation level of areas of residence influenced the risk of COVID-19 infection, especially in the second wave. It is necessary to develop individual and area coordinated measures by areas in the control, diagnosis and treatment of the epidemic, in order to avoid an increase in the already existing inequalities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-14
Светлана Тарасовна Быкова ◽  
Тамара Григорьевна Калинина ◽  
Ирина Макаровна Московская

Полноценное, сбалансированное питание - основной фактор в формировании здоровья детей, когда в организме наиболее интенсивно протекают процессы роста и развития, формируются и созревают многие органы и системы, совершенствуются их функции. В статье приведены основные направления исследований зарубежных и отечественных ученых по лечению генетических заболеваний, таких как фенилкетонурия. Одним из приоритетных направлений в области здорового питания населения России в соответствии со Стратегией научно-технологического развития РФ до 2030 г. является развитие производства пищевых продуктов, обогащенных незаменимыми ингредиентами, специализированных продуктов детского питания, продуктов функционального назначения, диетических пищевых продуктов и биологически активных добавок. По данным ВОЗ от структуры питания на 70 % зависят здоровье и физическое развитие детей и подростков. Фенилкетонурия (ФКУ) - наследственное заболевание, вызывающее нарушение метаболизма аминокислоты фенилаланина у ребенка, одно из первых, рекомендованных ВОЗ для ранней диагностики у новорожденных. Отсутствие лечения вызывают серьезное поражение центральной нервной системы, отставание в умственном и физическом развитии. Особенностью современного этапа развития диетотерапии для детей, страдающих различными заболеваниями, в том числе наследственными, является разработка качественных функциональных продуктов питания, способствующих сохранению и улучшению здоровья ребенка за счет регулирующего и нормализующего воздействия на организм с учетом его физиологического состояния и возраста. Данные продукты можно широко использовать в практике лечебного питания не только в составе гипофенилаланиновой диеты, но и при любых заболеваниях, требующих ее соблюдения. В настоящее время единственным методом лечения ФКУ является диетотерапия, организованная с первых дней жизни с использованием специализированных смесей без фенилаланина. Из питания исключаются высокобелковые продукты растительного и животного происхождения. Целью лечебного воздействия диеты на ребенка является поддержка концентрации фенилаланина (ФА) в крови в пределах 2-12 мг на 100 мл в зависимости от возраста ребенка. Full-fledged balanced nutrition is the main factor in the formation of children's health, when the processes of growth and development are most intense in the body, many organs and systems are formed and mature, and their functions are improved. The article presents the main research areas of foreign and domestic scientists on the treatment of genetic diseases, such as phenylketonuria. One of the priority areas in the field of healthy nutrition of the Russian population in accordance with the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2030 is the development of the production of food products enriched with essential ingredients, specialized children's food products, functional products, dietary food products and biologically active additives. According to WHO, the health and physical development of children and adolescents depends on the nutritional structure by 70%. Phenylketonuria (PKN) - an inherited disease that causes impaired metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine in a child - is one of the first recommended by WHO for early diagnosis in newborns. Lack of treatment causes serious damage to the central nervous system, a lag in mental and physical development. A feature of the modern stage of development of dietary therapy for children suffering from various diseases, including hereditary ones, is the development of quality functional food products that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the health of the child, due to the regulatory and normalizing effect on the body, taking into account its physiological state and age. These products can be widely used in the practice of therapeutic nutrition not only in the sastava of the hypophenylalanine diet, but also for any diseases requiring its observance. Currently, the only method of treating PKN is diet therapy, organized from the first days of life using specialized mixtures without phenylalanine. High-protein products of vegetable and animal origin are excluded from nutrition. The goal of the therapeutic effect of the diet on the child is to maintain the concentration of phenylalanine (FA) in the blood in the range of 2-12 mg per 100 ml, depending on the age of the child.

Rakhimova I.I. ◽  
Mukhiddinova U.A. ◽  
Bеrdiqulоvа G.N. ◽  
Suleymanova D.I. ◽  

In today's age of the Internet, computers and mobile phones for people of all ages are available in almost every home. In addition, in today’s world-wide pandemic, the use of the Internet for education and all aspects of cultural, socio-economic life as well as games such as games is growing rapidly. This, in turn, has a psychological effect on the individual, both positively and negatively on our society and national values. In this article, I have tried to highlight the positive and negative aspects of the internet world that affect the individual. In the article we will focus on the role of the virtual world in human life, the need not to depend on it, to use it for useful purposes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 364 ◽  
Helena Merschdorf ◽  
Thomas Blaschke

Although place-based investigations into human phenomena have been widely conducted in the social sciences over the last decades, this notion has only recently transgressed into Geographic Information Science (GIScience). Such a place-based GIS comprises research from computational place modeling on one end of the spectrum, to purely theoretical discussions on the other end. Central to all research that is concerned with place-based GIS is the notion of placing the individual at the center of the investigation, in order to assess human-environment relationships. This requires the formalization of place, which poses a number of challenges. The first challenge is unambiguously defining place, to subsequently be able to translate it into binary code, which computers and geographic information systems can handle. This formalization poses the next challenge, due to the inherent vagueness and subjectivity of human data. The last challenge is ensuring the transferability of results, requiring large samples of subjective data. In this paper, we re-examine the meaning of place in GIScience from a 2018 perspective, determine what is special about place, and how place is handled both in GIScience and in neighboring disciplines. We, therefore, adopt the view that space is a purely geographic notion, reflecting the dimensions of height, depth, and width in which all things occur and move, while place reflects the subjective human perception of segments of space based on context and experience. Our main research questions are whether place is or should be a significant (sub)topic in GIScience, whether it can be adequately addressed and handled with established GIScience methods, and, if not, which other disciplines must be considered to sufficiently account for place-based analyses. Our aim is to conflate findings from a vast and dynamic field in an attempt to position place-based GIS within the broader framework of GIScience.

Detritus ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 150-164 ◽  
Tharaka Gunaratne ◽  
Joakim Krook ◽  
Mats Eklund ◽  
Hans Andersson

Millions of tonnes of shredder fines are generated and disposed of globally, despite compelling reasons for its recovery. The absence of a review of previous literature, however, makes it difficult to understand the underlying reasons for this. Thus, this study attempts to investigate and assess what, to what extent, and in what ways shredder fines have been addressed in previous research. In doing so, guidelines are drawn for future research to facilitate the valorisation (upgrading and recovery) of shredder fines. Previous research concerning shredder fines was identified with respect to three main research topics. The material characterisation studies are predominantly confined to the occurrence of metals due to their recovery and contamination potential. The process development studies have often undertaken narrowly conceived objectives of addressing one resource opportunity or contamination problem at a time. Consequently, the full recovery (the retrieval of valuable resources and the bulk-utilisation as substitute material) potential of shredder fines has been largely overlooked. The main limitation of policy and regulation studies is the absence of in-depth knowledge on the implications of governmental waste- and resource-policies (macro-level) on actors’ incentives and capacities (micro-level) for fines valorisation, which is necessary to understand the marketability of fines-derived resources. Undertaking a systems perspective is the key to recognising not only the different aspects within the individual research topics but also the inter-relations between them. It also facilitates the internalisation of the inter-relations into topical research.

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