Protection of orphans and children left without parental care from violence and abuse: legal grounds and psychological assistance

2022 ◽  
Ol'ga Ul'yanina ◽  
Olga Gavrilova ◽  
Olga Timur

The paper deals with the problem of abuse and violence against minors, among which the authors distinguish a special category: orphans and children left without parental care. Approaches to the definition and forms of violence and ill-treatment of minors are described. The psychological causes and consequences of violence and ill-treatment are analyzed. Technologies for providing psychological assistance to child victims of violence and abuse are offered. A significant part of the work is devoted to the consideration of the features of interdepartmental interaction on prevention and timely detection of signs and consequences of abuse and violence against children. The result of such an analysis was the development of a model regulation describing the procedural and legal issues of coordinating such interaction between specialists from different departments in order to protect the interests of minors. The work is addressed to psychologists, teachers, specialists of organizations for children.

2021 ◽  
pp. 787
Imelda Martinelli

Children are one of the legal subjects who have the potential to become victims of violence. Violence faced by children can be in the form of physical, psychological, sexual and neglect. Against these various types of violence, the Domestic Violence Law and the Child Protection Law can serve as the basis for criminalizing the perpetrators. In the Child Protection Law, even criminal sanctions against perpetrators of sexual violence against children are weighted for punishment. Furthermore, the law is equipped with additional penalties in the form of announcing the identity of the perpetrator, and action sanctions in the form of chemical castration and installation of electronic detection devices. However, efforts to overcome violence against children are not enough to rely on criminal sanctions. This is evidenced by the rise in the number of violence against children. Therefore, prevention efforts are needed through increasing understanding of the importance of making helping others a basic need of human life. So that each individual will always help and provide assistance to children who need help. The method of implementing this community service activity is carried out using the lecture, discussion and question and answer method at Loyola High School Semarang. The activity begins with material exposure regarding forms of violence, sanctions and prevention. After the presentation, there was a discussion session and a question and answer session regarding the material that had been presented. The results of the service implementation activities were obtained by understanding various information about child violence and its prevention.Anak menjadi selah satu subjek hukum yang berpotensi menjadi korban kekerasan. Kekerasan yang dihadapi oleh anak dapat berupa kekerasan fisik, psikis, seksual dan penelantaran. Terhadap berbagai kekerasan tersebut, UU KDRT dan UU Perlindungan Anak dapat menjadi dasar pemidanaan terhadap pelaku. Dalam UU PerlindunganAnak bahkan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak terdapat pemberatan pemidanaan. Lebih lanjut dalam undang-undang tersebut dilengkapi pidana tambahan berupa pengumuman identitas pelaku, dan sanksi tindakan berupa kebiri kimia dan pemasangan alat pendeketksi elektronik. Namun upaya penanggulangan kekerasan terhadap anak tidak cukup hanya mengandalkan sanksi pidana. Hal ini terbukti dengan maraknya angkakekerasan terhadap anak. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan upaya pencegahan melalui peningkatan pemahaman tentang pentingnya menjadikan menolong orang lain sebagai kebutuhan dasar hidup manusia. Sehingga setiap individu akan senantiasa menolong dan memberikan bantuan kepada anak yang membutuhkan bantuan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan tanyajawab di SMA Kolese Loyola Semarang. Kegiatan diawali dengan paparan materi berkenaan dengan bentuk kekerasan, sanksi dan pencegahannya. Setelah paparan dilakukan sesi diskusi dan tanya jawab berkenaan dengan materi yang telah disampaikan. Hasil kegiatan pelaksanaan pengabdian diperolehnya pemahaman mengenai berbagai informasi seputar kekerasan anak dan pencegahannya.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-72 ◽  
Laura Lowenkron

Based on an ethnographic fieldwork carried out within the Brazilian Senate's inquiry committee on Pedophilia and in the Federal Police Department, the aim of this paper is to analyze the strategies and the effects of the conceptualization and the combat of the phenomenon of sexual violence against children as "pedophilia" and with focus on child pornography on the internet. The text consists of a historical approach to the emergence of the problem, an analysis of the political strategies of the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Pedophilia and an ethnographic description of the police investigations into child pornography on the internet. The hypothesis is that this "anti-pedophilia crusade" pivoting on the threats of a sexual perversion, is not as effective in the protection of the real child victims of violence as it is in the defense of an ideally innocent childhood.

Masyhurah ◽  
Tri Yuningsih ◽  
Ida Hayu Dwimawanti

Children are vulnerable to becoming victims of violence in both developing and developed countries. Various regulations were made to end violence against children. Semarang City Government seeks to protect children from violence through Regional Regulation Number 05 of 2016 and forming a child protection organization through Semarang Mayor Regulation Number 05 of 2018. Implementation of social reintegration for child victims of violence in Semarang City involves many stakeholders. This study aims to analyze the role of stakeholders and determine the inhibiting factors for the role of stakeholders. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the research show that The Women Empowerment and Child Protection Regional Office play a role as a policy creator, implementor, coordinator, facilitator, and accelerator. PPT SERUNI, PPT Kecamatan, and Pos JPPA play a role as implementers, coordinators, facilitators, and accelerators. Regional Offices, Rumah Duta Revolusi Mental, hospitals, academic, and Bhabinkamtibmas play a role as facilitators and accelerators of child protection and social reintegration. The inhibiting factors for social reintegration in cases of violence against children include the community culture that discriminates against victims, limited reintegration budgets, trauma in victims that causes victims to be reluctant to return to school or return to social institutions, and regulations governing social reintegration are still weak. The recommendation conveyed is that the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection conducts outreach on child protection services and educates schools and social institutions about preventing violence, the importance of recovery and reintegration for victims of violence. Increase the budget for child protection and collaborate with other stakeholders to finance the social reintegration of child victims of violence. Conduct regular counseling with the psychologist PPT SERUNI or RDRM. As well as passing new regulations that explain in detail social reintegration according to the needs of victims.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-116
Ashar Fahri ◽  
Ruslan Renggong ◽  
Baso Madiong

Kekerasan pada anak dilaporkan terjadi hampir di seluruh dunia dengan prevalens yang cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Indonesia berada pada kondisi gawat darurat anak disebabkan kasus kekerasan terhadap anak-anak Indonesia meningkat dengan sangat tajam. Jumlah kekerasan pada anak di Kota Makassar cukup tinggi pada tahun 2017 hingga pada tahun 2020.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kekerasan pada anak di Kota Makassar ditinjau dari sosio yuridis. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Nopember tahun 2020 hingga bulan Januari tahun 2021. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data penelitian yaitu dari literature dan data lapangan. Teknik pengambilan data yaitu dengan wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu secara normative. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penangangan terhadap anak korban kekerasan di Kota Makassar melibatkan beberapa insitusi yang terkait yaitu P2TP2A (Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak), Dinas Sosial, Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Pendidikan, Kepolisian, Pengadilan. Akibat hukum terhadap kekerasan anak di Kota Makassar yaitu penanganan secara langsung oleh P2TP2A yaitu dengan cara pembinaan di rumah aman sehingga kegiatan preventif lebih diutamakan. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kekerasan pada anak yaitu factor keluarga, faktor lingkungan dan factor anak itu sendiri.. Violence in children is reported in almost all over the world with a prevalence that tends to increase from year to year. Indonesia is in a state of emergency for children because cases of violence against Indonesian children have increased very sharply. The number of violence against children in Makassar City is quite high from 2017 to 2020. This study aimed to analyze violence against children in Makassar City in terms of socio-juridical terms. The research was conducted in November 2020 to January 2021. The data was collected through interviews and documentation with purposive sampling. The types of data used were primary data and secondary data. Sources of research data were literature and field data. The data collection techniques were interview and documentation study. The data analysis used was normative. The data analysis used was normative. The results showed that the handling of child victims of violence in Makassar City involved several related institutions, namely P2TP2A (Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children), Social Service, Health Service, Education Service, Police, Court. The legal consequence of child abuse in Makassar City is direct handling by P2TP2A, namely by means of guidance at a safe home so that preventive activities are prioritized. Factors that cause violence in children, namely family factors, environmental factors and factors of the child himself

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Mulyana Nandang ◽  
Risna Resnawaty ◽  
Agus Wahyudi

ABSTRAKAnak merupakan anugerah yang diberikan Tuhan kepada manusia. Akan tetapi dalam perkembangannya anak seringkali menjadi korban kekerasan. Kekerasan terhadap anak mempunyai dampak yang sangat luas dan panjang. Anak korban kekerasan akan membawa trauma selama hidupnya. Di sisi lain korban kekerasan semasa kecil mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi pelaku pada masa yang akan datang sewaktu korban tersebut telah dewasa. Trauma yang luas dan panjang ini harus mendapatkan pelayanan secara komprehensif. Faktor penyebab terjadinya kekerasan terhadap anak adalah faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal adalah faktor yang berasal dari dalam keluarga. Sementara faktor eksternal adalah faktor yang terjadi diluar lingkungan keluarga. Penanganan terhadap anak korban kekerasan yang komprehensif adalah pengananan yang menyeluruh dan melibatkan berbagai pihak yang kompeten. Dengan demikian perlu adanya keterlibatan semua institusi baik itu institusi pemerintah maupun masyarakat dalam penanganan bagi anak korban kekerasan. Penanganan anak korban kekerasan juga harus memunyai payung kebijakan. Payung kebijakan ini tidak hanya bersifat nasional tetapi juga lebih spesifik dari daerah masing-masing. Pihak yang terlibat dalam penangannan anak korban kekerasan meliputi Dinas Sosial, Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Pendidikan, Kepolisian, dan P2TP2A. Sementara dari pihak masyarakat adalah LSM yang concern terhadap anak korban kekerasan. Koordinasi natarinstitusi ini yang menjadi permasalahan.Peningkatan koordinasi menjadi hal yang harus segera dilakukan. Koordinasi antarinstitusi ini diperlukan agar dapat saling mendukung dalam penanganan anak korban kekerasan. Hal ini diperlukan karena ada keterbatasan dari masing-masing institusi jika melakukan penanganan sendiri-sendiri. ABSTRACT The child is a precious gift God has given man, but in reality children often become victims of violence. Children as weak creatures are often victims of violence. Violence against children has a very large and long impact, the experiences will bring trauma during his life. On the other hand, victims of violence during childhood have the potential to become perpetrators in the future that will come when the victim has grown up. This extensive and lengthy trauma should be comprehensively also must be able to eliminate the trauma he suffered. Caused Factors violence against children are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are factors that come from within the family. Meanwhile external factors are factors that occur outside the family environment. Completion of children who are victims of comprehensive violence is a comprehensive and full involvement of various competent parties. Thus, the involvement of all institutions, both government institutions and the public in handling for children of victims of violence. Handling of child victims of violence must also have a policy. This policy is not only national but also more specific from each region. Parties involved in the completion of children victims of violence include the Department of Social Affairs, Health Office, Education Office, Police, and P2TP2A. Meanwhile the community is an NGO that concerns the child victims of violence. This inter-institutional coordination is needed to support each other in handling child victims of violence. This is necessary because there are limitations of each institution when it comes to its own handling. 

This study aims to analyze issues related to the settlement of child abuse according to Bekasi City of Regional Regulation No. 12 of 2012 as well as understand the existence of the law is in the order of national legislation. This is a descriptive analytical study with normative juridical approach. The results showed that there upaya completion violence against children set in Bekasi City Regional Regulation No. 12 of 2012 on Chapter XII of the Protection of Women and Children From Violence, Trafficking and Exploitation through prevention of violence against women and children, including trafficking in persons, elimination of all forms of violence and exploitation of women and children; protect from discrimination against women and children, protection from neglect and other abuses; providing services to women and children victims of violence, the complainant and witnesses; facilitate and mediate on disputes households to achieve domestic unity harmonious and prosperous.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Lorena Uchoa Portela Veloso ◽  
Laila Caroline Leme da Silva ◽  
Clayra Rodrigues de Sousa ◽  
Paula Lima Rodrigues

Objective: To trace the epidemiological profile of notified cases involving child victims of violence in a public hospital of Teresina from 2009 to 2011. Methods: Retrospective study from the data of violence against children registered in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases ( SINAN). Enrolled 366 individual chips notification involving children 0-9 years old. Results: It was found that most cases occur in children aged 1-3 years (56.3%) and males (58.5%). Regarding the type of violence was observed more frequently neglect / abandonment (76.5%), with 65.6% of cases occurring in the victim's residence and taking her mother as the main aggressor (45.1%). Children died in 2.2% of reported cases. Conclusion: that child abuse is prevalent in the family environment and thus becomes a much more complex problem because the family that should take care and enabling conditions for survival and quality of life is precisely the one that participates or co-participate in acts of violence against children. Keywords: Violence. Child. Epidemiology. Nursing.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-30
Nining Sholikhah

Child is a person who is not yet 18 (eight) years old. Sexual violence is a crime of humanity. Violence and sexual exploitation of children must be stopped, because it is a crime against humanity and harms the dignity of children. Sexual violence against children in Indonesia has been classified as an extraordinary crime. The fact of the high sexual violence against children occurred in almost all of Indonesia and also occurred in the city of Surakarta. KAKAK Foundation carries out prevention and trauma healing (recovery) programs for child victims, as a form of contribution in creating the best life order for children. Through the Program, KAKAK Foundation conducted outreach and assistance to 152 victims of sexual exploitation of children in 1999-2004, 110 children, in 2005-2008, and 76 children in 2008-2011. The choice of children participation methods was very important in the prevention and trauma healing program (recovery) of children victims of sexual violence. For this reason, the program "Theater, As a Form of Child Participation in the Prevention and Trauma Healing of Children Victims of Violence and Sexual Exploitation" is carried out. Through theater children victims are actively involved (participative) in expressing their feelings and can voice children's aspirations to others.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 283
Ernest Sengi ◽  
Alfonsisus Budiman

Children are the nation’s next generation who need to be protected from various forms of violence. The enactment of the law on the elimination of violence in household and the child protection law does not always directly proportional to the loss of violent behavior towards children. In this paper, the legal issue that will be examined is how the perspective of criminology in overcoming  violence against children in Tobelo Subdistrict North Halmahera Regency.  Then, to answer the legal issues used nondoctrinal legal research methods with a socio legal research approach that is supported by the statute approach. This approach is considered appropriate because the data on cases of violence against children in Tobelo sub-district will be described and then analyzed from this data to obtain a legal prescription on how the criminology views various forms of violence against children. The results showed that in 2015 to 2018 in Tobelo Subdistrict, North Halmahera Regency, there were 57 cases of violence against children. Besides, violence against children is a form of criminal activity in which the offender can be held liable either through general or special crimes.

Stela Maria Tavolieri de Oliveira ◽  
Ewerton Alexandre Galdeano ◽  
Evelynne Maria Gomes Galvão da Trindade ◽  
Rafael Saad Fernandez ◽  
Rogerio Leone Buchaim ◽  

The aim of this study was to identify the epidemiological profiles of violence against children, victims, and their aggressors, and their correlations between socioeconomic and demographic factors analyzed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a cross-sectional, retrospective observational study based on a review of Individual Notification Forms from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases, including child victims of violence, under 18 years, assisted by a pediatric emergency service in Brazil, from 2016–2020. Data were stratified, then statistical analysis was performed using the two-proportion equality test and the Chi-square test, with p < 0.05 and a 95% confidence interval. A total of 609 notifications were analyzed and a prevalence of sexual violence (63.2%) was reported. The prevalent profile of victim was female (76.7%), aged between 2–9 years (38.1%) and 14–18 years (35.6%). The violence occurs in the victim’s home (58.9%). The prevalent profile of perpetrator was male (82.4%), young adolescent (59.2%), living as family (64%), mainly the parents (18.4%). No correlation was found between the classified socioeconomic and demographic variables and violence. There was an increase in notifications during the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to the same period in the previous year; self-harm was reported in 59.7% of physical violence in 2020. Prevalence of sexual violence was higher for females, aged between 2–9 and 14–18 years, victimized in their homes, by male offenders, living as family, mainly by their parents. No association was found between child violence and the socioeconomic and demographic.

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