Mariana Lewier ◽  
Romilda Arivina Da Costa

Abstrak: Penguatan literasi di sekolah merupakan sebuah upaya yang dilakukan dengan melibatkan guru dan siswa secara menyeluruh dengan tujuan agar sekolah menjadi sebagai organisasi pembelajaran yang warganya literat secara sadar dan bertanggung jawab.  Hal ini bersejalan dengan kemampuan yang diharapkan, yakni agar para siswa mampu mengakses, memahami, dan menggunakan sesuatu secara cerdas melalui berbagai aktivitas membaca, menulis, menyimak, dan berbicara. Berpijak dari realitas minimnya akses literasi yang berdampak pada rendahnya minat baca-tulis di masyarakat Indonesia, kegiatan pengadian kepada masyarakat ini difokuskan pada peningkatan kecapakan guru dan siswa dalam berliterasi yang berbasis pada kearifan lokal serta penekanan pada pentingnya literasi dalam bingkai etnokomunikasi. Kegiatan dalam bentuk ceramah diselingi pentas seni bahasa dan sastra ini diikuti oleh guru, siswa, dan komunitas seni SMA Negeri 50 Maluku Tengah. Hasil yang dicapai menyasar pada pemahaman dan penyeragaman persepsi tentang pentingnya penguatan literasi dengan menjadikan guru sebagai pionir literasi di sekolah. Para peserta mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman baru dalam hal alih wahana serta konsep etnokomunikasi sehingga mampu mengeksplorasi kekayaan budaya lokal sebagai wujud jati diri yang mengandung beragam kearifan lokal. Kata kunci: penguatan literasi, kearifan lokal, etnokomunikasi   Abstract: Strengthening literacy in schools is an effort made by involving teachers and students as a whole with the aim that schools become learning organizations whose citizens are literate consciously and responsibly. This is in line with the expected abilities, namely so that students are able to access, understand, and use things intelligently through various reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities. Based on the reality of the lack of access to literacy which has an impact on the low interest in reading and writing in Indonesian society, this community service activity is focused on increasing the skills of teachers and students in literacy based on local wisdom and emphasizing the importance of literacy in an ethnocommunication frame. The activity in the form of lectures interspersed with language and literary arts performances was attended by teachers, students, and the arts community of SMA Negeri 50 Central Maluku. The results achieved are aimed at understanding and uniform perception of the importance of strengthening literacy by making teachers as literacy pioneers in schools. The participants gained new knowledge and experience in terms of vehicle transfer and the concept of ethnocommunication so that they were able to explore the richness of local culture as a form of identity that contains a variety of local wisdom. Keywords: literacy strengthening, local wisdom, ethnocommunication

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 310-315
Devi Anugrah ◽  
Hilman Faruq ◽  
Susilo Susilo

The 2013 curriculum requires learning materials to improve the competence of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to create valuable work. This decomposed leaf bone handicraft activity is a concrete example of fulfilling 2013 curriculum achievements. Besides helping to understand biology lessons, the activity of making leaf bone crafts can foster an entrepreneurial spirit for students. Therefore, in this community service activity, training to make handicrafts from leaf bones is given to teachers and students in SMA N 1 and SMP 2 Banyuputih, Situbondo. The training was attended by 23 students and one teacher at SMA N 1 and dam 20 students and one teacher at SMP 2 Banyuputih, Situbondo. The training is carried out by the method of delivering material and direct practice. The activity was also carried out with direct discussion with participants. The results of this training activity showed that all participants gained new knowledge and skills, namely how to make crafts made from leaf bones. Craft made of leaf bone is very attractive to students because students can know the bone structure directly. This dedication activity provides insight to both students and teachers to take advantage of local wisdom around it to be more valuable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 545
Roswiyani Roswiyani ◽  
Jennifer Amanda

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused various impacts on the community's economy, especially for Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) owner. Various impacts felt by the UMKM owner have affected their psychological health such as the emergence of stress, anxiety, fear, and symptoms of depression. Therefore, this Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat (PKM) activity aims to help UMKM to be able to maintain psychological health in stressful situations during the pandemic. The implementation of this community service activity is carried out online. The implementation of PKM is held in the form of an interactive webinar through the presentation of material related to stress and its management. The activity was attended by a psychologist, accompanying students, and two owners of UMKM. Based on the implementation of community service activities, it can be concluded that providing education around stress-management could help participants gain new knowledge about stress and also able to experience the benefit of stress-management technique such as relaxation exercises that could manage the stress they experience.Pandemi Covid-19 telah menimbulkan berbagai dampak pada perekonomian masyarakat terutama pada pengusaha Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Beragam dampak yang dirasakan oleh pengusaha UMKM telah mempengaruhi kesehatan psikologis seperti timbulnya stres, cemas, rasa takut, dan gejala depresi. Oleh karena itu kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk membantu pengusaha UMKM tetap dapat menjaga kesehatan psikologis dalam situasi stres di masa pandemi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan secara daring. Pelaksanaan PKM diselenggarakan dalam bentuk webinar secara interaktif melalui pemaparan materi terkait stres dan cara pengelolaannya. Kegiatan dihadiri oleh seorang psikolog, mahasiswa pendamping, dan dua pengusaha UMKM. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemaparan materi terkait stres membantu peserta memperoleh pengetahuan baru mengenai stres. Kemudian latihan relaksasi yang dilakukan pada saat webinar ditemukan bermanfaat untuk mengelola stres yang dialami oleh para peserta.

Ade Evriansyah Lubis ◽  
Mhd Fahmi ◽  
Mawardinur Mawardinur ◽  
Filli Azandi ◽  
Agung Nugroho

Character formation should be done as early as possible. Early age is a time when a person gets the right to play with high intensity. One of the processes of character building can be done in the learning process of formal education. Moreover, the most economical form of a game is the traditional game. Therefore, efforts are needed to actualize traditional game activities for elementary school students. The socialization process was carried out using a demonstration method, both theoretically and practically. Moreover, data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. As for the results of this Community Service activity, it can be concluded that the activity went well where the principal, teachers, and students were very enthusiastic in implementing a series of socialization activities for traditional games.

Arif Hidayatul Khusna ◽  
Mayang Dintarini

The problem faced by students is at the production stage, namely the problem of product labeling. Until now labeling was done simply or without labeling. If students can design their own product labels, of course this will add to the selling value of the product. The existence of labels and brochures also add value to the promotion of student products. The aim of this mentoring activity is to provide training and graphic design assistance to students of SMK. The steps of this community service activities are observations, socialization, graphic design training, assistance in making labels and brochures for student entrepreneurial products, as well as evaluating and reflecting on service activities. The result of this service activity was in the form of training and graphic design assistance for students. All of the activities was well done . This can be seen from the number of students who participated in training and mentoring for three days. In addition, there are positive responses from teachers and students that have an impact on the success of this graphic design training and assistance. This can be seen from the results of student designs that are attractive and can be used as a commercial tool.


Senior Vocational School of Unitomo Surabaya is one of scholl in Surabaya that have cooperated with STIE Perbanas Surabaya. One of majoring in Senior Vocational School of Unitomo Surabaya is accounting. There are two problems faced Senior Vocational School of Unitomo Surabaya. They are the limited learning of banking accounting and the accounting learning process is still done manually. This community service activity is carried out by providing banking accounting training of back office transaction in Conventional Bank for Senior Vocational School of Unitomo Surabaya. This activity provides additional knowledfe for teachers and students of Senior Vocational School of Unitomo Surabaya about back office transaction in Conventional Bank both in theory or practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Mohammad Nafie Jauhari ◽  
Juhari Juhari ◽  
Mohammad Jamhuri

Learning media is a useful tool and intermediary for facilitating the teaching and learning process to streamline communication between teachers and students. This community service activity is divided into three main activities, namely the delivery of concepts or theories of multimedia, types of multimedia, the use of multimedia, and making presentations using practical and interactive PowerPoints tools; second, training on how to use PowerPoint effectively; and third, evaluation on the ability of training participants in making multimedia-based teaching materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-108
Achmad Chafidz ◽  
Ajeng Yulianti Dwi Lestari

Batik Tulis is one of traditional Indonesian culture that must be preserved. UKM Batik Tulis “Kebon Indah” is one of Batik Tulis or Cap industries that uses natural dyes for coloring the Batik. This UKM is located in Desa Kebon, Bayat, Klaten. As a traditional UKM, of course there are many problems that must be solved. This community service activity aims to identify the existing problems and provide solutions or ideas to further develop UKM Batik Tulis “Kebon Indah” especiallly in terms of the production process of Batik Tulis. Additionally, also to introduce natural dye extraction process technology for better coloring results the Batik Tulis. This service community was carried out by interview, direct observation, and presentation/counseling methods. From this community service activity, the members of UKM Batik Tulis “Kebon Indah” have obtained new knowledge about the natural dye extraction process technology. Additionally, several recommendations to solve the current problems have been conveyed to the UKM, such as: pretreatment of raw natural coloring sources and application of natural dye extraction process technology on the production process of the Batik Tulis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 409-413
MR Syahputra ◽  
Mardiningsih ◽  
Isnaini Halimah Rambe

The community service that will be carried out in this research is entitled "The Use of Information Technology-Based Learning Media to Support Active Learning Activities in Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 2 Pantai Labu", with the aim of helping teachers in a more interesting, interactive and learning process. fun. In this service activity, teachers will be equipped with the ability to make teaching materials based on information technology. Not only that, teachers will also be equipped with teaching aids that will support active learning activities in schools that can be used for learning mathematics and science. This activity is expected to increase interest in learning and the achievement of teachers and students at SMP Negeri 2 Pantai Labu.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 218
Asnimar ` ◽  
Supriyadi ' ◽  
Marwan Pulungan

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at producing pre-reading and writing textbooks that use the thematic Iqro method in IPA, IPS, and art subjects. The develop­ment research is used with the steps of: initial studies, development, evaluation/ revision, limited trials, and evaluation/revision. Preliminary studies include curriculum analysis, existing textbooks, and demand analysis based on questionnaires and interviews developed. The development stage includes the design of themes and subthemes, the framework of the book content, and the development of the initial draft of the book as a prototype I. The evaluation stage includes expert validation and limited testing. The results of preliminary studies show that in South Sumatra there is no beginning reading and writing textbook that meets the principles of Iqro and thematic methods. The results of questionnaires and interviews indicate that teachers have difficulty using the Diknas package because many students can not read/write so that books are needed that can accelerate the reading and writing ability of the first grade students demanded by the Curriculum 2013. Based on preliminary studies, and subthemes, the framework of the contents of the book, and the early drafts of textbooks developed based on the principles of Iqro method that have been themically modified by Science, Social Studies, and the arts. Subse­quently validated by two experts. From the results of validation, the textbook was revised based on validator input that is by adding interesting pictures and instructions for clear teachers and students. The result of the textbook revision was tested in limited in two elementary schools. The test results show, text­books with the method of Reading and Writing Iqro Modifikasi significant effect on learning to read and write the beginning in grade 1 primary school. Keywords: Read and write start, Iqro method and Thematic.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan buku ajar membaca dan menulis permulaan yang menggunakan metode Iqro yang tematik dalam topik IPA, IPS, dan kesenian. Penelitian pengem­bangan digunakan dengan langkah-langkah: studi awal, pengembangan, evaluasi/ revisi, uji coba terbatas, dan evaluasi/revisi. Studi awal meliputi analisis kuriku­lum, buku teks yang ada, dan analisis kebutuhan berdasarkan angket dan wawancara yang dikembangkan. Tahap pengembangan meliputi perancangan tema dan subtema, kerangka isi buku, dan pengembangan draf awal buku sebagai prototipe I. Tahap evaluasi meliputi validasi ahli dan uji coba terbatas. Hasil studi awal menunjukkan bahwa di Sumatera Selatan belum ada buku pelajaran membaca dan menulis permulaan yang memenuhi prinsip metode Iqro dan tematik. Hasil angket dan wawancara menunjuk­kan bahwa guru mengalami kesulitan menggunakan buku paket Diknas karena banyak siswa yang belum bisa membaca/menulis sehingga diperlukan buku yang dapat mempercepat kemampuan membaca dan menulis siswa kelas I SD yang dituntut oleh Kurikulum 2013. Berdasarkan studi awal, dirancang tema dan subtema, kerangka isi buku, dan draf awal buku ajar yang dikembangkan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip metode Iqro yang telah dimodifikasi secara tematik IPA, IPS, kesenian. Selanjutnya divalidasi oleh dua orang ahli. Dari hasil vali­dasi, buku ajar direvisi berdasarkan masukan validator yaitu dengan menam­bahkan gambar yang menarik serta perintah bagi guru dan siswa yang jelas. Hasil revisi buku ajar tersebut diujicobakan secara terbatas di dua SD. Hasil ujicoba menunjukkan, buku ajar dengan metode Membaca dan Menulis Iqro Modifikasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pembelajaran membaca dan menulis permulaan di kelas 1 sekolah dasar. Kata Kunci: Membaca dan menulis permulaan, Metode iqro dan Tematik

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Nur Amalia ◽  
Nawawi Nawawi ◽  
Nur Aini Puspitasari

Workshop on Improving Skills Debate of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 and 3 Ciputat. Which of course is very interesting for students. Through this method students do not feel patronized but they are expected to have their own way how to understand the implementation of an interesting debate because students find themselves an interesting debate style and presented in an interesting  way that teachers and students need to develop,  this can add self-confidence to students. At the time of implementation, the practice of the debate focused on students' activeness in speaking / arguing in the debate. Both groups who will argue either as a negation group or affirmation group play an active role and produce brilliant ideas. After the debate practice, the team will provide its assessment and commentary on the practice of the debate that has been done. Assessment is given as objectively as possible based on a prepared table. The aspects assessed include: The accuracy and authenticity of ideas, the ability to argue,  understanding,  accuracy of  words and sentences, and fluency in conveying ideas. The results obtained after the students were taught using inquiry method and interactive video learning media, there was an increase of results and according to what was expected. The results of the training activities were responded and the questions conveyed by the participants to the Community Service Team  (Tim Pengabdian Masyarakat = TPM). Responses and questions  indicate high interest and curiosity towards the improvement of student debate skills of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 and 3 Ciputat. Thus this training activity is considered successful. The expected outcomes from this Community Service Activity are students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat and SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Ciputat can improve their speaking ability through debate activities. In addition the team will create a scientific article that will be published in the journal ISSNKey word: Debate, Inquiry, Skills, Video Interactive

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