scholarly journals Pelatihan E-Learning Bagi Guru Untuk Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Generasi Z

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Sri Suhandiah ◽  
Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas ◽  
Ayuningtyas Ayuningtyas

ABSTRAKE-learning yang merupakan perpaduan antara pendidikan dan teknologi informasi, adalah pendekatan pembelajaran yang cocok untuk generasi Z. Implementasi e-learning membutuhkan pengetahuan tentang konsep e-learning dan keterampilan untuk mengoperasikan aplikasi e-learning. Siswa dari SMP dan SMA Ta'miriyah Surabaya termasuk dalam generasi Z yang paham teknologi dan lebih menyukai pembelajaran visual daripada pembelajaran audio. Permasalahannya adalah para guru di dua sekolah ini memiliki pengetahuan yang belum memadai tentang konsep e-learning dan keterampilan dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi untuk kegiatan pembelajaran belum merata. Permasalahan tersebut diselesaikan melalui program kemitraan masyarakat menggunakan pendekatan tiga metode. Pertama, sosialisasi konsep e-learning berdasarkan hasil dari studi literatur. Kedua, melakukan pelatihan aplikasi e-learning, dan terakhir adalah evaluasi pelaksanaan pelatihan. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi e-learning Edmodo yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa, guru, dan sekolah, yaitu multi-platform, multi-perangkat, tanpa biaya, dan tersedianya fitur interaksi antara siswa, guru, dan orang tua siswa. Pada akhir program kemitraan masyarakat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode sosialisasi mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman guru tentang konsep e-learning, sementara metode pelatihan mampu meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menggunakan aplikasi e-learning Edmodo, baik sebagai guru, siswa, maupun orang tua siswa. Kata kunci: e-learning; edmodo; generasi z. ABSTRACTE-learning, the fusion between education and information technology, is the learning approach that suitable for the Z generation. E-learning implementation requires knowledge about e-learning concepts and skills to operate one of the e-learning applications. Students of Ta'miriyah Surabaya Middle and High School are the Z generation who are tech-savvy and prefer visual than auditory learning methods. Teachers in this school have inadequate knowledge of e-learning concepts and lack of skills using information technology for learning activities. The problems resolved through community partnership programs by performing three methods. The first is to socialize e-learning concepts based on the literature study, the second is to conduct e-learning application training, and the last is evaluation. The training use Edmodo's e-learning application that fits with the needs of students, teachers, and schools. Those needs are an application which multi-platforms, multi-devices, no charge, and the availability of interaction features between students, teachers, and parents. At the end of the program, it concluded that socialize could increase teacher knowledge and understanding of e-learning. Besides, the training improves the teachers' skills in using Edmodo's e-learning application. Keywords: e-learning; edmodo; z generation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Suryanto Suryanto ◽  
Sunda Ariana ◽  
Syahril Rizal

Currently the development of information technology has an important influence in the development of learning systems, one of which is technology in the multimedia field. Multimedia technology is an indispensable tool for the learning process. The use of text, images, audio, video, and animation in learning helps students to quickly understand learning material. Multimedia also provides opportunities for educators to develop learning methods so that they get maximum results. AMIK AKMI Baturaja is a computer college that has not fully utilized information technology in its learning, especially in the field of Multimedia. For this reason, researchers conducted this research for the development of learning at the Campus AMIK AKMI Baturaja. This study aims to produce a multimedia-based learning media at AMIK AKMI Baturaja which can be a driving force for student learning achievement. In this study using a research method of literature study, observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The media development method uses MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) which consists of six stages, namely concept (needs analysis), design (design), material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. . The result of this research is a multimedia-based learning system presented in the form of e-learning. This media is expected to have a positive influence in increasing student achievement and learning independence.

Pro-Life ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 598
Fajar Adinugraha

The research objective is to describe the Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) approach in Sistematika Hewan. It also to know the students ' respond of learning with the Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) approach. Beside that, the research objective is to know the students' interest to the Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) approach. The research is a descriptive quantitative study which uses survey and literature study method. The learning activities with the Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) approach in Sistematika hewan are 1) group discussion, 2) field study, 3) practicum, 4) instructional games, 5) lecturing method, 6) project/ task giving, 7) final exam / test, and 8) practical responses. The students' response to learning by the Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) approach is 89% in good category (good and very good). Students' interest with the Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) approach is 96% in interest category (interest and very interest).Keywords: Jelajah Alam Sekiar (JAS), learning approach, students’ response, students’ interest

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 364
Rita Aryani ◽  
Leroy Holman Siahaan

This study aims to describe qualitatively about e-learning management in the current Covid-19 pandemic era. This research is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to define and describe phenomena that appear natural or artificial, focusing more on examining the character, quality, and phenomenon. Besides, the e-learning approach is an approach using technology distance learning. The e-learning utilization that is arranged using an electronic internet system that supports learning activities. The method used in this research is qualitative with descriptive analysis. Research subjects are Informantss who provide research data through interviews, observation, and documents. The Informantss in this study were lecturers at Panca Sakti Bekasi University. The Informantss were determined by purposive sampling technique. At the same time, the data analysis used in this research is descriptive. This research results in the finding that lecturers have carried out web e-learning with Moodle and face-to-face with zoom or google meet in managing learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. as numerous as 80% of speakers expressed that they utilized zoom, this was on the grounds that it was simpler to apply it straightforwardly, like instructing up close and personal classes. At that point, as numerous as 55% of Google Meet clients, the instructor expressed that Google Meet is not difficult to actualize on the grounds that the video is straightforwardly associated on the off chance that you as of now have a Google Mail account straightforwardly. Lastly, as numerous as 85% of teachers use Moodle, on the grounds that Moodle gives more highlights to learning exercises.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Julius Eldorado Antupenka Sulis Omega Putra ◽  
Tanti Listiani

<p>During the Covid-19 pandemic, learning was carried out online. It takes student activeness with the right approach and method to provide maximal learning experiences and learning outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to describe the application of the facilitated e-learning approach combined with the 5E method on student activeness in learning. This paper used the descriptive qualitative research method. Students are imagebearers of God so a teacher should view students as special and valuable. Students have reason and ability so it can be said that they are active individuals. Therefore, a teacher should always encourage their activiteness during the learning process. Implementing the facilitated e-learning approach with the 5E method is the right solution because the students carry out learning activities independently with the teacher in the role of facilitator.  This has the potential to encourage student activeness in online learning so that students can get the maximum learning experience and learning outcomes and teachers can provide God-centered learning. In applying these approaches and methods, a teacher needs careful and measured preparation in order to provide the maximum learning experience even though it is carried out online.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: </strong>Selama pandemi covid-19, pembelajaran dilaksanakan secara daring. Dibutuhkan keaktifan siswa dengan pendekatan dan metode yang tepat untuk tetap memberikan pengalaman belajar dan hasil belajar yang maksimal. Tujuan penulisan dari penelitian ini untuk memaparkan penerapan pendekatan <em>facilitated e-learning</em> dikolaborasikan dengan metode 5E terhadap keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini disusun dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil pembahasan dari penelitian, siswa merupakan gambar dan rupa Allah sehingga seorang guru hendaknya memandang siswa istimewa dan berharga. Siswa memiliki akal dan kemampuan sehingga siswa dapat dikatakan sebagai pribadi yang aktif. Maka dari itu, seorang guru hendaknya dapat selalu mendorong keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Kesimpulannya, menerapkan pendekatan <em>facilitated e-learning </em>dengan metode 5E merupakan solusi yang tepat karena siswa melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran secara mandiri dengan guru memiliki peran sebagai fasilitator yang berpotensi mendorong keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran daring sehingga siswa dapat mendapatkan pengalaman belajar dan hasil belajar yang maksimal serta guru dapat memberikan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada Allah. Disarankan seorang guru dalam menerapkan pendekatan dan metode tersebut perlu memberikan persiapan yang matang dan terukur agar dapat memberikan pengalaman belajar yang maksimal meskipun dilaksanakan secara daring.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Zubaida Hassan ◽  
Aisha Shitu Sa’id ◽  
Hassan Adamu Mohammed

Purpose: In Nigeria, the current COVID-19 Pandemic stands-still virtually all formal learning activities, especially in Government owned institutions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the perception and readiness of Nigerians on adapting Distance e-Learning option during and even after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Methodology: The study applied a quantitative cross-sectional design approach. A closed-ended e-questionnaire was designed using google form and distributed in a snowball fashion-wise via online platforms. Three categories of the audience were targeted: teachers, students and parents. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze responses. ANOVA was used to analyze the collective decision across the three categories. Findings: The findings revealed that there is no difference amongst the three groups in their final decisions on willingness to adapt (F (0.187), p-value 0.83), and kick-start distance learning (F (0.469), p-value 0.63). Poor internet infrastructure and unstable electricity supply were some of the challenges identified. Unique contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: The study highlights the willingness of Nigerians in adapting distance e-learning approach as a viable alternative to traditional face-face learning amidst COVID-19 Pandemic and beyond. Administrative involvements are crucial to actualizing this educational dream of Nigerians.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 925-930
Rakhmat Purnomo ◽  
Wowon Priatna ◽  
Ajif Yunizar Pratama Yusuf

Information Technology have to be an enabler of every activity. With the information technology, the effectiveness and efficiency of work shoultd be increase. The obstacles faced, with the existence of information technology, can be an alternative solution. SDN Hurip Jaya 03 Babelan is a school located on the north coast of Bekasi Regency. This school has a challenge where cable internet access from Provider has not yet entered so that educators and education staff, students use independent resources for internet access. Administrative and learning activities already use computers but have not utilized cloud applications such as google forms, google classroom, and shorter url applications for learning e-learning. The educators and education staff are also still working with computers in typing so that their work is less effective. The solution we provide is to share knowledge, knowledge, experience and resources in providing solutions to existing problems. The activities that have been carried out are providing wifi modem and usb wifi resources for internet access, training in fast typing the 10 finger method, using google forms and google classroom for administration and learning, as well as the application for naming links to make reading easier. We hope that if the material presented can be trained and applied seriously, it will certainly be useful in supporting administrative and learning activities.

2020 ◽  
Harry Dhika ◽  
Fitriana Destiawati

Learning methods begin to be less effective because some students do not actively interact with teaching teachers when the learning process takes place and lack of parental supervision. In a centralized learning method like this students are not too required to be independent in learning activities, such as searching for materials and discussion material because everything has been provided by the teacher. Learning Methods E-learning is applied to overcome students' problems in the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Moodle is an application built to support the process of teaching and learning activities by utilizing internet media through a website using the principles of social constructivist pedagogy which will greatly help teachers from all aspects of the teaching and learning process. The research method that will be used is a qualitative descriptive method by using saturated samples where the population is equal to the number of samples. The technique that will be used in the process of collecting data is search and observation. The results of this study are active interactions between students, and also with teachers and parents in the process of teaching and learning activities, forums for discussion between students, and also with teachers. Because e-learning can also be used as a discussion forum, holding online quizzes, and other learning materials, so the learning process will be more flexible and effective for students and lecturers.

Zulkifli Zulkifli

System of learning that takes place only in the classroom and the absence of an online learning media that uses information technology to support the learning. This network-based E-Learning application is an international standard application, a learning application supported by information technology. Searching information and learning that is only done face-to-face in the classroom is very clear can hamper the learning process with a limited time. In support of teaching and learning activities by utilizing information technology needs to be made a web-based E-Learning application using php and MySQL database Keywords: E-learning, MySQL, PHP, Web

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Ahmad Takyudin ◽  
Husain Faturrahman ◽  
Juwono Juwono ◽  
Muhammad Rizky Julianto ◽  
Yulianti Yulianti

An effective learning system is a learning system that combines collaboration between teachers, students and parents. Many schools are still using traditional methods to manage data and school management, especially in terms of learning materials and managing student grades, so that schools and parents find it difficult to monitor the learning activities of students. For example at SMP Fioretti Tigaraksa, value management and curriculum management are still manual in inputting, the data managed by the school is input in stages without an application or system that regulates and stores it, so that parents, students or teachers find it difficult to monitor the learning activities of participants. such as grades data, curriculum data, learning materials and student attendance, all of these things are still done manually causing the risk of losing data is quite large in each school year. Web-based E-learning Information System can be used as a solution to problems in the field of education, especially to provide materials, student attendance and manage student grades. In this system a prototype is made that will be built in the future, this e-learning system is made to manage value management, attendance and curriculum so that teachers, students and parents of students can access and work together in monitoring student learning activities quickly and easily. efficient. This study provides results to improve student learning activities that can be done wherever they are or do not have to be at school and to connect and establish cooperation between schools, teachers, and parents of students as an important component of education to the student learning process at school.

Harry Dhika ◽  
Fitriana Destiawati ◽  
Michael Sonny ◽  
Surajiyo Surajiyo

Learning methods begin to be less effective because some students do not actively interact with teaching teachers when the learning process takes place and lack of parental supervision. In a centralized learning method like this students are not too required to be independent in learning activities, such as searching for materials and discussion material because everything has been provided by the teacher. Learning Methods E-learning is applied to overcome students' problems in the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Moodle is an application built to support the process of teaching and learning activities by utilizing internet media through a website using the principles of social constructivist pedagogy which will greatly help teachers from all aspects of the teaching and learning process. The research method that will be used is a qualitative descriptive method by using saturated samples where the population is equal to the number of samples. The technique that will be used in the process of collecting data is search and observation. The results of this study are active interactions between students, and also with teachers and parents in the process of teaching and learning activities, forums for discussion between students, and also with teachers. Because e-learning can also be used as a discussion forum, holding online quizzes, and other learning materials, so the learning process will be more flexible and effective for students and lecturers.

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