scholarly journals Building Electronic Ecosystem of Religious Islamic Education

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 903-920
R. M. Mukhametshin ◽  
I. T. Nazipov

The article describes the most important stages of creating an ecosystem of electronic religious education. It also presents one of the possible models for the formation of an electronic informational and educational environment. At the present stage with all the technical prerequisites having been created there is already a widespread basis for the formation of electronic educational ecosystem at almost all levels of religious education. Moreover, there is a lag in the use of new technologies in teaching. Forming electronic educational environment will create additional tools and conditions for analyzing the indicators referred to the educational process, it also will provide a holistic view on the state of the educational system, will reveal qualitative and quantitative changes in it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-127
Is Nurhayati ◽  
Ahmad Firdaus

Efforts to increase interest in reading Islamic religious education materials through school literacy programs are very important for an educational process of students in the current era of globalization. With the interest in reading students can broaden broad knowledge, such as general knowledge, religion and others and with reading interest activities can also be carried out together with the school literacy program.This process can also foster students' character with reading activities because of the tendency of students towards these activities. The method used is descriptive qualitative method, research This uses purposive sampling, research steps with data collection techniques with interviews. The conclusion obtained in this study is based on the results of the author's research on "Efforts to Increase Interest in Reading Islamic Education Materials" that, Based on this it can be seen the level of interest in reading Islamic religious education materials through the school literacy program at Uswatun Hasanah SMPU greatly increased by performing stages as well as the steps and efforts of teachers in fostering a fondness for reading students at school so that the formation of attitudes that can instill confidence to read critically and be ready to face future challenges.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Husnur Rofiq ◽  
Riza Ahmad Ridwan

One education that can provide values in counteracting radicalism is Islamic education based on Nahdlatul Ulama. Because Nahdlatul Ulama 'based Islamic education gives more value to education. Nahdlatul Ulama-based Islamic education is flexible in dealing with a situation and condition that exists in society. This research method uses library research which analyzes problems from several books, journals, and relevant scientific publications. The results of this study indicate that the educational process to counteract radicalism is with the approach of Islamic religious education based on Nahdatul Ulama. community values are internalized so that they are tolerant (tasamuh) towards others or others.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (387) ◽  
pp. 270-274
N. L. Seitakhmetova ◽  
D. U. Kussainov ◽  
Z. K. Ayupova ◽  
G. Kuttybekkyzy ◽  

Islamic education is the component of the educational process in post secular society, because the post secularity today acquires another sense than in the last century. Post secularity as the continuation of the secular process in the modern historical, sociocultural and political processes was found as an epoch, involving the secular educational projects in the modern time. If in the past century theology education was distanced from pragmatism of the secular educational practices, finding them too utilitarian and maintenance of man in the world; today theologies, designing the religious education, enter the modern scientific secular dialogues in the standardized programs of education. Criticism of the secular education was related to the problem of crisis of the western thinking. The wellknown thinkers of the West declared about this crisis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Valentyna Poul ◽  
Iryna Volzhentseva

The article considers the issue of psychological and pedagogical support applying practical, competent, complex, integrated approaches. The essence of meaningful conceptual definition of «psychological and pedagogical child support» has been outlined based on analysis: reforming education focusing on the practical approach to the organization of the educational process; the devotion to the educational result – the acquisition of life competence – through the prism of the competent approach; the quality maintenance to the educational activities in modern «New Ukrainian School», the introduction of inclusive education, the continuation of military conflict and others, which influence educational institutions by means of integrated approach; updating the content of education according the integration of educational sectors and personal experience within the integrated approach. The submitted problems on the child personality development in the modern educational environment and the psychological and pedagogical support require a single, holistic view of their solving for the development of the integral competence, which means forming such a qualification level that expresses the main competence characteristics, contributes to a harmonious full life in society and successful self-realization. Theoretical substantiation of the integral approach to psychological and pedagogical support of the child's personality in the educational environment has been carried out under the conditions of educational reformation. The peculiarities of the psychological and pedagogical supervision have been represented considering the integral approach, which includes both the unity and the integrity in relation with interaction, approaches and performing technologies.

Digital education is education that primarily functions based on digital technologies, that is, electronic transactions that are implemented using the Internet. Digital education aims to professionalize and increase the mobility of those who study and at the present stage of ICT development, it can be considered as a technological basis for the fundamentalization of higher education. The purpose of the article is to analyze the technological capabilities of digital education on the example of the use of innovative classroom in the educational process. The article analyzes the advantages of the educational environment equipped with digital tools. Based on an expert survey, the main characteristics of the innovative classroom, as well as technological requirements for the innovative classroom, are determined and various models for the organization of the innovative classroom are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Abdul Halim ◽  
Maskuri Maskuri

 Indonesia sebagai negara majemuk dengan keberagaman budayanya memerlukan sosok guru yang mempunyai kompetensi multikultural dalam proses pendidikannya. Hal ini didasarkan pada pentingnya guru yang menyadari realitas kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Terlebih lagi bagi guru Pendidikan Agama Islam yang menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai agama kepada peserta didik. Ia dituntut untuk dapat melaksanakan proses pembelajaran sesuai dengan realitas bangsa yang multikultur, oleh karena terkadang agama dijadikan alasan untuk abai terhadap keragaman budaya serta bersikap eksklusif kepada peserta didik. Kajian ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kompetensi multikultural guru PAI dan implementasinya dalam pembelajaran. Lokus kajian ini berada pada forum Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam kabupaten Mojokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi dengan arti bahwa bagaimana guru menyadari keberagaman yang ada dalam kehidupan terhadap relevansi kebutuhan kompetensi multikultural guru PAI. Hasil penelitian menyatakan pertama bahwa dalam konteks kehidupan multikultural dan keragaman peserta didik, guru PAI dituntut untuk mempunyai kompetensi keilmuan, multikultural, profesional, sosial dan leadership. Kedua, ruang lingkup kompetensi multikultural dapat diklasifikasikan pada aspek sikap positif, basis pemahaman multikultural, skill pedagogi dan kompetensi leadership guru PAIKata Kunci: Kompetensi Multikultural, Guru PAI As a pluralistic country, Indonesia with its cultural diversity requires a teacher having multicultural competence in the educational process. Based on the importance of teachers who are aware of the realities of Indonesian life. Especially for Islamic Religious Education teachers who internalize religious values to students. The Required teacher can carry out the learning process appropriate towards the reality of a multicultural nation because occasionally belief in religion was taken as an excuse to ignore cultural diversity and having exclusive on facing students. This study aims to describe and analyze the multicultural competence of Islam Education teachers and its scope. The study focused on the Forum on Islam Education Subject Teacher for junior high school in Mojokerto regency. The research uses the phenomenological method, it means teacher awareness of diversity, needs multicultural competence. The research states, first, in the context of multicultural life and diversity of students, craved Islam education teachers who have a knowledge base, multicultural, professional, social, and leadership competencies. Second, the scope of multicultural competence can be classified into aspects; positive attitudes, the basis of multicultural understanding, pedagogical skills, and leadership competencyKeywords: Multicultural Competence, Islamic Education Teacher

2021 ◽  
Vol 229 ◽  
pp. 83-90
G.K. Pikalova ◽  

Today, there is a wide variety of models of psychological and pedagogical support, each of which is focused on providing assistance and support to all subjects of the educational process, taking into account the specifics of the identified problems. Purpose of the study: to substantiate the experience of psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of psychological readiness for final certification, using a theoretical analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, testing, ascertaining and forming an experiment, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results. I have studied the experience of preparing and implementing a program for organizing psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of psychological readiness for final certification, presented in an interactive form of group interaction. This made it possible to identify the possibilities of psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of psychological readiness of students for the final certification and to determine the form and methods of support in the form of trainings. It was revealed that for effective support of the formation of psychological readiness, conditions such as the readiness of the student to change and a favorable educational environment are necessary. The prospect of research on the formation of psychological readiness is seen in the expansion of the forms and methods of accompanying students in preparation for the final certification; creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions in the educational organization, necessary and sufficient for the effective formation of all components of psychological readiness, accompanying students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 32-42
Nashmi Alrashedi

One of the difficult problems at the present stage of development of education is the creation of conditions for the full realization of the student's personality. As one of the ways to solve it, the creation of an adaptive educational process is considered, which is built taking into account the capabilities of students, focuses on meeting their diverse needs and interests, provides conditions for their life self-determination and self-realization, creates a favorable psychological climate for the pedagogical interaction of all subjects of the educational environment. Thus, the paper is based upon adaptive education technologies used to reflect the cooperation of subjects, dialogue, the solution of personally significant tasks, free testing of experience. 

Tatyana A. Lipina ◽  
Yuliya V. Shapoval ◽  

The article explores the impact of distant learning and digital technologies on the educational process in theological education institutions, as well as on religious and educational practices at religious organizations in the context of the quarantine restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kazakhstan. The research methodology consisted of semi-structed interviews with organizers and participants of distant learning, clergy, focus group method, and the analysis of digital resources. The study included religious educational institutions representing Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, as well as their religious education for believers. The authors conclude that the pandemic has accelerated the process of digitalization of religion in Kazakhstan, as well as the sphere of religious education. Based on Heidi Campbell’s religious-social shaping approach to technology, the authors claim that the reflection of the experience gained in distance learning by its participants expresses the process of coordinating the application of media technologies to religious education in order to legitimize their use in the Kazakhstani context. The research data reveals an ambiguous and mainly negative attitude toward distance learning among respondents which lead to the spreading of the discourse about the difficulties and limits of using new technologies for religious education with its traditional pedagogy, teaching methods and type of religious authority. The experience of education practices in a distance format illustrated by the case study of the course on reading the Qur’ an also revealed the limits of its application, since believers are looking not only for religious knowledge, but also psychological support and spiritual guidance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-80
Mastur Mastur

Discourse on Islamic education will never be separated from the political and cultural dynamics of a society. In the Indonesian context, the dynamics of Islamic education cannot be separated even shackled by the country's political policies and community pluralism which is a reality in Indonesia, both before independence until post-independence Indonesia. Since the first half of the 19th century, the history of Islamic education in Indonesia has begun a new phase marked by shifts and changes in almost all aspects including institutions, methods, curriculum and Islamic education orientation. At that time Islamic education was dominated by traditional educational institutions, namely boarding schools. Islamic education is an integral part of the National Education System. As part of the national education system, Islamic education gets legitimacy for sexuality and has a place to live and develop in Indonesia to meet the educational needs of the Islamic community as a majority citizen. State accommodation for the Islamic education system makes Islamic education systems and institutions have a strong foundation to be developed by supporting funds and attention from the state. Therefore, the state is obliged to develop an Islamic education system as one of the types of religious education in the national education system. 

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