scholarly journals Pola Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah Dasar Insan Teratai Tangerang

2019 ◽  

This study Aimed to describe the pattern of implementation of character educationin Insan Teratai elementery school Tangerang. The method which used in this research isdescriptive qualitative. In this study, the data collection techniques are observation,interviews, and documentation. The data is Analyzed using an interactive models of Milesand Huberman. The test of the data validity are using credibility, transferability,dependability, and confirmability. The conclusion of this research are: (1) The pattern ofimplementation of character education in Insan Teratai primary school is packedPenanaman Nilai Kemanusiaan (PNK) which has five core values, namely : truth, peace,love, right conduct, and non-violence; (2) The implementation of character education inInsan Teratai elementary schools divided into two activities: (a) in the classroom that isintegrated into all subjects and (b) outside the class the which includes all activities, bothroutine and periodically, such as: silent sitting, praying together, story telling, eat together,commemoration national day, religious commemoration day, flag ceremony,Extracurricular (Marawis and Read Write Koran to Muslim students, Scouts, Futsal,English Club, Science Club, Math Club, Chinese Club, Art Club, Sepak Takraw, Angklung,Traditional Dance, and Drum Band), field trips, integration class, gardens, and spiritualguidance; (3) The role of parents in the implementation of character education in InsanTeratai elementary school are: actively participating in parenting, striker cleanliness,cleaning duties, recycling, and some help in the school kitchen; (4) Obstacles faced by theschool until today, are: teachers' understanding of PNK has not been the same, every yearthere are teachers who enter so that should give you an understanding of PNK from thebegining., not all teachers practiced PNK, understanding parents of PNK still lacking,parents support to PNK program at home is not maximized, some teachers still havedifficulty connecting with PNK learning materials, students background are different, thepattern of education in different families, and guide the implementation PNK unclear; and(5) The challenges that faced by the schoolare: the public's understanding of the charactereducation is still lacking, PNK is a program that always evolving and dynamic,optimization of the role of parents in supporting program PNK, student activities in schoollong enough for the elementary students, socialization PNK program to the community,especially parents, and the process takes a long time so that the results are not Immediatelyappears.

Muhammad Rezki Andhika

This paper examines the role of parents as a source of character education for early childhood. This study was conducted using the library research method. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents is a determining factor for children's development, both physically and mentally, is the role of both parents as the first and main educators for children who are born until they are adults. In the process of forming knowledge, various parenting styles conveyed by parents are very important. Education in the family plays a very important role in developing the character, personality, cultural values, religious and moral values ​​, and simple skills of children. The role of parents in influencing the character of children is no longer borne by the mother only. The role of the father in shaping the character of the child is very large. Fathers are still obliged to participate in maintaining interactions with their children, such as inviting them to talk, joke, and play.

Fitria Nuraini ◽  
Toni Anwar Mahmud

The title of the research is The Role of Parents in Shaping the Character of Children in the Globalization Era in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. In the current era of globalization, there are many influences, both positive and negative. This negative influence must be avoided because it can affect a person's habits, attitudes, and behavior. Character education is one of the important things that must be applied in the family environment. Parents must reflect good attitudes and habits in interacting in the family environment and in the community environment. This is important for fostering good attitudes and habits in children. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the role of parents in improving children's character in the era of globalization, Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. What factors can influence the formation of children's character in the era of globalization, Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. What efforts are made by parents in shaping children's character in the era of globalization in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. This study aims to determine the role of parents in shaping children's character in the era of globalization in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. The subjects of this study were 6 parents and 6 children in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data analysis in qualitative research is by doing data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City has been good in shaping children's character in the era of globalization.

Heru Mahmudin ◽  
Abdul Muhid

This study discusses the role of parents in character education for young women according to Islam. This research library research. The main and first character education for children is the family environment. Education in the family is very important and is the main pillar of character building for a child. The family as the smallest social unit is the most important educational environment and is responsible for educating their children. The education provided by parents should provide a basis for children's education regarding the socialization process and their life in society. Good parenting styles will have a good impact on children's development as well as should. The success of character building in children is influenced by the role of parents in educating children. Parents play an important role in forming an intimate and long-lasting interaction system characterized by personal loyalty, love, and affectionate relationships

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Yunan Suhardiyansyah ◽  
Budiono Budiono ◽  
Rohmad Widodo

Research conducted at SMAN 9 Malang about, (1) Implementation of CharacterEducation by Study of Citizenship, (2) Describe the constraints faced, (3) Describe solution made in the implementation of Character Education by Study Of Citizenship. This research uses the nearing of qualitative research. Where researchers directly to collecting information related to the title of the study. The collection of data obtained from observation, interview, and documentation. As for the target of information are principal, waka kurikulum, waka student, teacher Citizenship Education, and the student of SMAN 9 Malang. Indicate thatthe results of research in Citizenship Education in SMAN 9 Malang loading about Character Education and devolep values’s character that exist in the state ideology that is Pancasila, strategic Citizenship Education teachers of SMAN 9 Malang are with model. Habituation or reinforcement. Evaluation is conducted by the Citizenship Education teacher at SMAN 9 are cognitive, affective and psychomotor student. Values in Citizenship Education also developed in school extracurriculier activities such as extracurricular activities paskibra in SMAN 9 Malang which also inserts character education such as discipline, responbility,independence, and nationalist. It’s just that in practice there are still constraints such as there are still a few of student who make mischief in school, many teacher and students who come school late. From the times or the impact that the school conducted globalisasi. The solution of the schools that model, an awareness of the self, the role of parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Arifin Muslim ◽  
Novica Dimar Azizah ◽  
Supriatna Supriatna

This research was conducted based on the indicators of character education on environmental care which aimed to find out and analyze the school curriculum, the applying process of character education during learning in the class, the implementation, supporting factors, and hampering factors in implementing character education on environmental care. This was a descriptive qualitative research which focused on the indicators that must be achieved by the school and students. The main sources of this research were the school principal, the teachers and students of second and fifth grades. The data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation with the researcher himself as the instrument. The data were then analyzed using data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The data validity in this research used triangulation technique which was  source  triangulation.  The  results  showed  that  the  implementation  of character education on environmental care was done based on the school curriculum in regular activities, spontaneous activity, exemplary, and conditioning; the applying process of character education during learning in the class and at school;  the  implementation  of character education  could  be  seen  from  eight indicators which had been achieved by the school, six indicators which had been done by low and high-class students. The supporting factors were also found at school in the form of infrastructure and the role of school environment. However, there were also hampering factors such as time issue which caused less maximal implementation and the lack of giving reward to the students who had cared with environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Sri Hendrawati ◽  
Ikeu Nurhidayah ◽  
Ai Mardhiyah

The incidence of cancer in children is increasing and has entered into the top ten most prevalent diseases in children. Cancer in children have an impact both physical and psychosocial changes that can occur as a result of the disease and the side effects of treatment. The treatment for children with cancer should be done continuously and lasts a long time, so the role of parents in supporting the treatment is very important. Parents are the important factors to implementation of family centered care in the treatment and care for children with cancer. The implementation of family centered care is influenced by the self efficacy belief of parents. This study aimed to identify parental self efficacy in the treatment of children with cancer at the Rumah Kanker Anak Cinta Bandung. This study used a descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study was chosen by consecutive sampling, and found 40 samples within a month. Data collection using questionnaires developed based on Bandura theory (1997). Data was analyzed using descriptive analyzes by frequency and persentation. The results showed that the majority of parents who have children with cancer have a high self efficacy as many as 23 people (57.5%). Parents who have children with cancer in this study had a high ability or confidence (self efficacy) in treating children with cancer. So that it can be very supportive for the process of care, treatment, and cure of children, which expected to improve the quality of life for children with cancer.

Dwi Purwanti

Educational development in Indonesia needs the participation of parents and the community and the school itself. These three elements must work together in an effort to realize the goals of education in schools. Parents of students were originally only concentrated in supporting the education of children in the family, now it is developing in the involvement of parents in the administration of education in schools, including those that occur in SD Negeri 3 Jatiluhur. This study focuses on: (1) what is the role of parents in education ?; (2) what is the form of parental participation in SD Negeri 3 Jatiluhur? The results of this study include: (1) the participation of parents in education, namely the involvement of parents in organizing their children's education in schools; (2) the form of parental participation in SD Negeri 3 Jatiluhur is to attend meetings held by the school, attend the parent / guardian class, become a member of the school committee, as a companion to extracurricular activities, play an active role in the activities carried out by the school committee, play an active role in the activities of Strengthening Children's Character Education in schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-202
Eri Subaeri Ahmad

This research aims to explore the role of the family in shaping the character of early childhood. The method used is qualitative analysis with a literature study approach. The results are as follows: character education is a way to make Indonesian children and their people have commendable and civilized moral behavior. In reality, there are still school children who do not have noble character. One of the contributing factors is the lack of a moral basis that parents instill in the child's self and soul. Building character in early childhood is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. It needs a very careful approach. The role of parents is very necessary because they are the first to interact with children. The things that parents teach at an early age will form the basis of the child's character and will continue to carry over until he grows up. Parents need to introduce good things to children as the basis for forming their character and morality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-142
Taat Wulandari ◽  
Agustina Tri Wijayanti ◽  
Saliman Saliman

This study was aimed at revealing the role and the capital of parenting towards children in an effort to shape the character of tolerance and caring for the environment. The study used qualitative naturalistic research methods. The techniques of collecting data used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data then analyzed using interactive analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results show that the role of parents in shaping the character of tolerance and caring for the environment through parents as motivators, as supervisors, as physical and spiritual protectors, as mentors, educating and as role models or role models to choose and shape children. The formation of the character of tolerance and caring for the children is given through debriefing skills to respect friends, stimulation activities, and positive habituation application. The pattern of positive habituation of parents is in the form of familiarizing children to do good activities. Parents provide firmness to the child's character of tolerance and caring for the environment. The model of parenting is applied as authoritarian parenting, democratic and situational.PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM KELUARGA MELALUI POLA ASUH ORANG TUAPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan peran dan modal pola asuh orang tua terhadap anak dalam upaya membentuk karakter toleransi dan peduli lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif naturalistik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran orang tua dalam membentuk karakter toleransi dan peduli lingkungan dapat melalui orang tua sebagai motivator, sebagai pengawas, sebagai pelindung jasmani dan rohani, sebagai pembimbing, mendidik dan sebagai panutan atau role model untuk memilihara dan membentuk anak. Pembentukan karakter toleransi dan peduli lingkungan pada anak diberikan melalui pemberin bekal keterampilan untuk saling menghargai dengan sesama teman, orang tua membentuk kegiatan yang merangsang karakter toleransi dan peduli lingkungan, orang tua menerapkan pembiasaan yang positif. Pola pembiasaan positif orang tua dilakukan dengan membiasakan anak melakukan kegiatan yang baik. Orang tua memberikan ketegasan terhadap anak karakter toleransi dan peduli lingkungan. Model pola asuh orang tua yang diterapkan seperti pola asuh otoriter; demokratis dan situasional.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-148
Jaenal Abidin ◽  
Akil ◽  
Acep Nurlaeli

Parents and teachers are very influential in shaping the religious character of children both at home, at school, and in the community. Therefore, it is necessary to have the cooperation of parents and teachers in shaping the religious character of the child. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the parents' and teachers' roles in the management of Islamic Religious Education and Children's Character Education at SMP IT Al Istiqamah Global School Karawang. This study employs a qualitative methodology, collecting data through field observations, documentation studies, and interviews, and analyzing it using descriptive analysis. The study results indicate that parents are the basic foundation for the formation of children's behavior and morals to know the boundaries of good and evil. At the same time, the school/teacher acts as a relay or further stick in educating children so that Islamic characters are formed with good morals and morals. SMP IT Al Istiqamah Global School Karawang provides Islamic religious education and a good feeling by giving educational teaching; Improvement and consolidation of guidance and counseling programs in schools, and the development of school libraries as a center for student learning resources.

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